The Perfect Hidden Marriage

297, there are countless mysteries: The Ming family is most likely Irene's accomplice (dependin

Jin Hengyuan smiled slightly, and Ji Bei had indeed thought of it.

"I think so too.

"Look, Shao Feng was adopted, right?

“According to our previous investigation, he was not adopted through formal channels.

"It is said that he picked it up, and then his adoptive father asked someone to find connections and apply for household registration.

“So, we outsiders don’t know what’s going on here.

"As for Xie Xian, he is Xie Tianyou's biological son, but his mother is unknown...

"To this day, Xie Tianyou has not announced to the public who Xie Xian's biological mother is.

"According to the information you provided, it was because Xie Tianyou was a romantic when he was young.

"But now Xie Tianyou seems to have a very upright personal style, right?

"But he hasn't been married for twenty-one years, why?

"I always feel that there may be some inevitable connection between the two."

His intuition told him so.

And his intuition has always been accurate.

"Well, I've already asked people to conduct in-depth investigations into these two aspects."

Of course, what Jin Hengyuan could think of, Ji Beixun could also think of:

"However, it would be best to get Xie Tianyou's DNA sample. In this case, a paternity test can be done directly... which can save a lot of steps."

indeed so.

Jin Hengyuan turned around in his office chair, came to the window and looked down, smiling slightly.

From the perspective of these two men, they often regard conventional logic as nothing, and always start from unusual angles to conduct various seemingly bizarre reasonings.

"Wait a minute, the name Xie Tianyou seems familiar. Does Tianyou Group belong to their family?"

"That's right. Tianyou Group is a Singaporean consortium, but recently, they are conducting business cooperation with the Ming family..."

"No wonder I feel like I've heard it somewhere."

He had heard this person's name from Ming Ruoxi's mouth half a year ago.

I didn't remember much at that time, but I didn't expect that now, we would have to interact with each other.

"This person is currently in Shanghai, staying at the Shangri-La Hotel. Last night, Xie Tianyou had a meal with Ming Dan."

Ji Beixun mentioned Xie Tianyou's whereabouts these days.

It turned out that Na Mingdan changed the date temporarily because of Na Xie Tianyou.

"Also, about a few years ago, this man came to me and seemed to want to entrust me with something... Later, he cooperated with Bonnie's group - I had lunch with Bonnie, and he accidentally He let something slip - at that time, he was going all out to find out..."

Ji Beixun broke another very valuable news.

"Zhao Zhidan a few years ago, and a few years later he cooperated with this person? What do you think he had in mind?"

Jin Hengyuan's eyes sparkled, and he pondered Xie Tianyou's motives in rhetorical questions.

"I can't find anything secretly, so I'll deal with him openly, and then wait for an opportunity to find out the secrets inside the Ming family that he wants to know."

Ji Beixun's tone of reply was extremely affirmative.

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Jin Hengyuan nodded, thought about it, and came up with an idea:

"Okay, let's go meet them together tomorrow, what do you think?"

"That's okay. It's useful to observe closely."

Ji Beixun agreed, and then said:

"Also, there is one more thing I should tell you..."

"What's up?"

"I just found out something. Su Mubai also found someone to investigate Mingdan secretly, but the specific reason is unknown."

After Jin Hengyuan heard this, he narrowed his eyes sharply.

Su Jin said that she had never told the Su family about her childhood. Therefore, it was impossible for Su Mubai to know about the bracelet, and it was impossible to find out about the Ming family from the bracelet.

Then, he must have gone to the Ming family for some other reason.

What could it be?

He was suddenly extremely curious.

"Well, I understand."

In these few days, he must go and meet Su Mubai.


One night passed in a hurry.

Early the next morning, Su Jin made breakfast, and Han Tong came over to help.

The two people were whispering in the kitchen, and the topic of discussion was Xiao Jinghuan.

They lamented that such a good girl met such a scumbag.

"Sister, do you believe it?"

Han Tong leaned on the side and asked softly:

“A man has been with you for so long, and suddenly he doesn’t want you anymore, and even has someone abort the child in your belly, leaving you to fend for yourself in an empty apartment.

"Is it possible for a college student to do such a thing?

"I think it's unlikely...

"If a person who behaves normally suddenly does something completely abnormal, there must be a reason.

"I think this incident is similar to that of Mu Bai being forced to marry another person..."

When she mentioned Mu Bai, she suddenly felt that she had said something she shouldn't have said, so she quickly shut her mouth and observed carefully, for fear of hurting her sister, and even more worried that it would cause Jin Hengyuan's displeasure.

Fortunately, Su Jin reacted very calmly and only nodded:

"I also feel that the situation may not be what it seems on the surface. I'm afraid there are other ulterior motives inside.

"Hengyuan, what do you think?

"Is it possible that Shao Feng is under house arrest?

"Otherwise, how could it have disappeared?

"I always believe that the boy Huanhuan likes will not have such a bad character.

"Where is a person's vision and taste? Xiao Jinghuan has been raised by your side since she was a child, and her vision has long been spoiled. How could a man with poor character fall in her eyes?

"So, this can only mean one thing: Shao Feng may also be in danger..."

At the right time, Jin Hengyuan went to the kitchen to get a drink of water. Hearing the conversation, his eyes moved, and something in his heart seemed to be touched, and he began to think secretly:

Su Mubai was forced to marry another man because of Zhou Wen and Jiang Xue's father.

The reason why Jiang's father was able to get those photos was because someone must have given them to them on purpose.

What is the ultimate goal of the person behind the scenes?

Just break them up.

Falling in love but not being able to be together is the most painful thing for the two parties involved.

In the case of Huanhuan, pregnancy and miscarriage, on the surface, Huanhuan was injured. In reality, if Shao Feng was also a victim, then both of them would suffer.

Han Tong is right:

These two things are very similar.

It can even be thought that there is a certain connection between the two.

First of all, Su Jin was retraced since he was a child, which should be a well-designed conspiracy.

That person might have a grudge against Su Jin's parents, so he tried every possible means to frame her.

But in the end, something unexpected happened. Xiaoshu was rescued from the human traffickers' group and later adopted by the Su family.

That person was most likely afraid that after Xiao Shu fell into the Xiao family, he would never have the chance to harm her, so he erased all the information about her adoption. Because compared to the Su family, the Xiao family is harder to deal with.

Xiaoshu arrived at Su's house and lived a relatively happy life.

During this period, he had no way of knowing why they didn't harm Xiao Shu.

However, after Xiao Shu came of age, judging from the series of shocking changes that the Su family encountered, 90% of them were the result of secret manipulation by the people behind the scenes.

That person gradually destroyed the harmonious living environment that Xiaoshu had relied on since she was a child, and cruelly forced her into the abyss of pain.

Jin Hengyuan analyzed it carefully:

The incident of Su Jin being retraced since childhood and the grievances caused by Xiao Zhicheng happened at two different stages of life.

Logically speaking, it is unlikely that Aileen would let anyone take photos of Su Jin when she was nine, ten, or eleven years old.

Because at that time, Xiao Zhicheng had not yet had any grudge against Aileen.

As a result, the photos found on the wall of the old apartment in Hong Kong contained photos of Su Jin and Su Mubai from that stage.

What does this mean?

The person behind the reselling of Su Jin should have been aligned with Aileen.

In all likelihood, the person behind the scenes is Aileen's accomplice.

It was this accomplice who allowed her to live freely in China and remain at large for many years.

Of course, this idea now is just speculation.

Although it is still just a guess, the credibility is not particularly small.

Then, it's time to study the fact that Shao Feng abandoned Xiao Jinghuan.

Let’s take Aileen’s words and analyze them from the most superficial level:

Shao Feng was the person she assigned to deliberately get close to Jing Huan.

Therefore, the whole thing was just a plan she implemented purely out of revenge.

In this plan, Shao Feng was just a pawn who came under orders. He has no feelings for Jing Huan.

This is the most superficial idea.

Think about it at a deeper level:

Shao Feng is an orphan who was adopted by Shao's father and has been living a peaceful life.

It stands to reason that such a rational person would not be able to obey the orders of a dangerous person to do such an unethical thing that betrays his conscience.

Moreover, he deliberately aborted Jing Huan's child, and even had the intention of leaving her to fend for herself, completely regardless of her life or death.

Of course, this can also be said to be a kind of revenge from Eileen.

But now, Xie Xian has appeared, and Xie Tianyou has secretly investigated the Ming family many years ago, and now he has directly started business with the Ming family. What does this mean?

It shows that the Xie family and the Ming family have old grudges.

At this moment, Jin Hengyuan suddenly felt that Aileen's words became untrustworthy - in his opinion, that group of people were most likely hurting Jing Huan to retaliate against the Xiao family, and at the same time, they were also retaliating against Shao Feng.

Because if Gu Jinghuan really killed two people, and if Shao Feng was really a victim, he would definitely be heartbroken when he heard such news.

This is probably the real reason why the other party gave Jing Huan the abortion soup and let her bleed profusely without caring!

And what is the final result?

On Aileen's side, the revenge plan was a perfect success because Jing Huan had a miscarriage; as for her accomplice, they used Jing Huan's miscarriage to achieve the purpose of harming Shao Feng.

How well did this plan of killing two birds with one stone go?

If this is the truth, Shao Feng must still be alive now, but his life must be very difficult.

Jin Hengyuan's thoughts surged, and a certain connection gradually became clear in his mind:

On the one hand, a silver bracelet indicates that Xiao Shu's identity may be related to the Ming family; on the other hand, Xie Tianyou secretly found out that Dan, Xie Xian and Xie Tianyou are father and son, and Xie Xian and Shao The front looks strikingly similar.

Assume that Shao Feng is really Xie Tianyou's twin who lives abroad, and Xie Tianyou has a feud with the Ming family. On the other hand, if someone from the Ming family makes things difficult for Shao Feng, wouldn't it make sense?

If this hypothesis is true, then the Ming family is most likely Aileen's accomplice...

Of course, there are many other things that are difficult to justify.

Because everything is just speculation now, no one knows the truth.

However, for him, his chaotic thoughts suddenly became much clearer...

In a word: the Ming family is the key to all mysteries.

As long as the mysterious veil of the Ming family is lifted, the truth will surface and become known to the world.

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