The Perfect Hidden Marriage

307, Appreciation: Arrogant but elegant, sensible but not sharp, this girl has an extraordinary char

Su Jin thought for a while. Ever since he learned about Jin Hengyuan's life experience, several people seemed to have commented on their relationship in this way.

She turned her head, and the lady in front of her was an out-and-out wealthy lady, and she was a member of the social elite. She was capable, she was beautiful, and she had an extraordinary family background that countless ordinary girls had - and at the same time, she also fell in love with her. man.

At this moment, standing under the white light, she was evaluating her fu with a critical look.

Su Jin let her examine him generously, and finally smiled lightly:

"Ms. Ming, I heard that you are a lawyer. Forgive me for being presumptuous and clumsy. I have a question that I would like to ask you for advice."

"Don't dare ask for advice. If you have any questions, please just ask. For Jin Hengyuan's sake, I won't charge you for consultation this time."

Extremely sharp words.

Su Jin curled his lips and looked calm:

"I would like to ask Miss Ming, aside from your family background, if you grew up in the ordinary working class, what kind of person would you be now?

"Can you still establish yourself in the legal profession and become an outstanding lawyer at a young age like today? If you don't have the network of contacts you have now, you can still have a rich source of cases and run your business successfully. Is it interesting?

"To put it bluntly, the truth is: half of what you get now comes from the affluent environment you grew up in, the unique social resources it brought you, the shadow of your father and the shadow of your ancestors, which gave you a world that others will always appreciate. The starting line is difficult to surpass; the other half comes from your efforts.

"After putting these aside, we are all the same, just ordinary people struggling for life. We need to love, and we need to be loved even more.

"I admit that I am very ordinary, but whether I am worthy of him or not, other people's evaluations are meaningless.

"Between men and women, in the final analysis, there is only one sentence: you recognize me and I recognize you, and that is enough."

After the words fell, Ming Ruoxi, who was standing with her arms crossed, suddenly smiled, with admiration in her eyes: neither humble nor arrogant, arrogant but elegant, sensible but not sharp. This girl has an extraordinary character.

"It seems that Jin Hengyuan did not pick the wrong person."

She sighed softly.

Su Jin was startled, but saw that she had already extended her hand:

"Su Jin, there are many men in this world. They are excellent and dedicated. They are really rare. Congratulations, you have subdued a unicorn monster."

One moment, he seems to be making things difficult, and the next moment, he is giving blessings.

What is this situation?

Su Jin was a little confused.

Ming Ruoxi smiled, and her smile was very hearty:

"Don't be frightened by my attitude. I'm just unwilling to let the man I like become someone else's pet. Just at the dinner table, I saw him taking care of you so carefully. It really made me jealous... …

"I don't have any other meaning. I just wanted to see what kind of woman I lost to with those few words before.

"Anyway, I'm glad to meet you today.

“If you want to be friends with me, just shake my hand!

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of scheming bitch. I'm not interested in interfering in other people's marriages as a third party."

Very straightforward temper.

Su Jin unconsciously smiled and reached out to hold her hand:

"I'm glad to meet you too. Miss Ming, there is a destined person in everyone's life. You will eventually meet him, it's just a matter of time."


Ming Ruoxi smiled lightly and sighed in her heart:

If she misses Jin Hengyuan, who else can catch her eye and become her true love.


Later, Ming Ruoxi got a little drunk.

Only when you look at the world with drunken eyes will you feel more charming and lovely.

I don’t know who said this.

Ming Ruoxi felt something was wrong.

After the dinner party, she went back to the villa with her father. She couldn't sleep, drank, and got high as soon as she drank - she was not easy to get drunk, but now she was a little dazed after drinking, but the world she saw was not beautiful, but... It is bitter.

Probably because my heart is too bitter.

She finally met a man she liked, but he got married without saying a word, and she was so happy that she still had a chance.

That day, she watched him push away her and walk towards another woman, which made her heartache; today, she watched them sitting together as husband and wife, watching him from time to time.

Tang also gave her some food. He was so considerate, which hurt her at the same time.

But that Su Jin was so special that she felt that if she tried to embarrass her intentionally, she would lose her own identity and style - that girl was something she couldn't despise.

"Dad, what are you doing, returning the wine to me?"

The wine was suddenly snatched away. She glanced at her empty hands and found that her father had followed her at some point.

She muttered something and jumped over to grab it back.

Bang, the red wine bottle was smashed to the ground, and suddenly the aroma of wine overflowed.

"As my Mingdan daughter, you are not allowed to drown your sorrows in alcohol like this."

The voice was so majestic.

"How can I drink to drown my sorrows?"

Looking at the hop flower that was smashed out on the ground, she helplessly sat on the stone chair, looked at the stars in the sky, and sighed.

"Then what are you doing now?"

Ming Dan asked seriously.

"I...I'm heartbroken...I just wanted to express my condolences..."

"What are you mourning for?"

Ming Dan disagrees:

"If you like it, go grab it."

These words made Ming Ruoxi stunned and turned around to look:

"Dad, what did you say?"

"I said, if you like it, go grab it."

This sentence seemed extremely clear and loud in the night.

Ming Ruoxi burped and felt that she must have heard wrong:

"Dad, married..."

"You're married, can't you get a divorce?"

Mingdan asked calmly:

"Things in this world will change every day as long as you are alive. One moment, we vow to each other, and the next moment, we are separated. There are so many, what's so surprising?"

Yes, in this world, the phenomenon of divorce is indeed increasing day by day. However, Ming Ruoxi has always been ashamed of being a third party:

"Dad, he wants to fall in love with me. He has already fallen in love with me. Do you think he will have another marriage change after marriage and fall in love with me again? Just think about it and you know that this is impossible... Besides, I can't Being a third party, it is impossible to be a third party..."

Holding her aching head, she wanted to find her own bed and have a good intimacy.

Ming Dan watched intently, his sharp eyes shining brightly in the night, so bright that it was dazzling...

How could his daughter be compared?


After the meal, Jin Yuan went to her villa in Shanghai - she didn't want to face her daughter. That child would break her heart every time she met her. Sometimes, she really doesn't know how to deal with this mother-daughter relationship. It is said that it is difficult for an upright official to deal with household affairs. This is an eternal saying!

Jin Hengyuan and Su Jin returned to the apartment.

After arriving home, he immediately ran to check his sister's room: The little girl was very good today. After shopping, she had dinner out, and went home to sleep well...

Su Jin came out of the shower and saw no man. She went to the study room and heard him talking on the phone. It was so late and he seemed to be still studying business.

"You go to bed first, I have some things to deal with. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep until one o'clock!"

Jin Hengyuan hung up the phone and started typing.

Su Jin saw that he was so busy. Although he had a lot to say, he didn't want to bother him any more, so he went to make him a cup of tea and brought it to him. When he was about to leave, he held him back again, followed by the words on his lips. After being sucked: "Thank you, wife."

She smiled unconsciously: "You are busy. I will watch TV for a while."

"Stop watching Hu Ge's drama, I will be jealous..."

That's very serious.

Jin Hengyuan, who was seriously jealous, was very cute. She laughed heartily and pinched his face:

"Be good, husband, don't make trouble."

"Kiss me and you won't get into trouble."

She suppressed her laughter, kissed him, walked out, and then closed the door.


Jin Hengyuan handled some official business. When he finished, it was already past twelve o'clock.

He twisted his sore neck and his cell phone rang.

It was Ji Beixun's call.

"You called me?"



"I didn't bring my cell phone with me." Ji Beixun said, "Any new discoveries?"

"I think there is something very wrong with Chi Wanzhu's so-called recuperation during illness."

He recounted the conversation at dinner.

Ji Beixun thought about it for a while: "I'm going to find connections to look up old cases. In addition, I'm going to look up the man named Pei Yuanqin... who went abroad for four years and died in the UK to see who handled this case back then."

"Okay. When will the results of the DNA test be available?"

"As soon as tomorrow night!"

"As soon as there are results, give me a call as soon as possible."

"No problem... Also, have you told Su Jin about what we are investigating now?"

"Nothing... I'm just confused. Let's wait until we get a better idea."

"This is best. Knowing too much will make her think wildly."

"Well, are you making any progress there?"

"Yes. But you have to be mentally prepared?"

"What's wrong?"

Jin Hengyuan's heart skipped a beat.

"I found out that Qin Jianguo, the father of Zhou Wen and Qin Xue, was in cahoots with some people in your family."

Jin Hengyuan was startled, then narrowed his eyes: "Who?"

Ji Beixun said.

Jin Hengyuan's face suddenly became as cold as a cold winter moon.

"Should we continue to investigate? The more we investigate, the more involved it will be."

"Why not check?"

Jin Hengyuan smiled coldly:

"I want to see how many dirty and dirty things are hidden underneath." - digression - see you tomorrow.

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