The Perfect Hidden Marriage

328, threatening call: I am the one who will replace you as Mrs. Jin. Do you believe it?

That night, Su Musheng stayed in the hospital.

He said that he had too many things that he wanted to say to brother Mubai.

For four years and more than a thousand days and nights, he suffered in pain. Now, when the truth came out, he realized how wrong he was. But the distance of four years cannot be shortened in a day or two, and he is willing to make up for it starting from today.

As for Su Jin, she had dinner in the ward.

Jin Hengyuan called her before and asked her how to settle dinner.

She said she wanted to have a reunion dinner with her grandparents, Mu Sheng, and Mu Bai in the hospital, and asked him if he wanted to come together.

He smiled and refused: "It's rare for you to have a reunion dinner, so I won't come. If you don't go home to eat, then I won't go back either. I'll ask Ji Bei to solve something. I'll wait until the matter is settled before I go. What do you think about picking you up?"

She said: She knows where home is. He doesn't need to take care of it.

He smiled and agreed.

Besides, Grandpa Su and Grandma Su were very happy to see that they had finally settled their differences, but they didn't quite understand what made the three feet of ice between them melt like this. They thought it might be Su Mubai's physical condition that made them feel relieved and finally willing to be together again.

Su Mubai hasn't told his grandparents that he is getting divorced.

Of course, it is not appropriate to talk about this kind of thing during such a happy time together, so I will explain it slowly later...

We had a pleasant dinner, talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was good. It was like falling into the old days. Grandpa and grandma were so happy that they couldn't help but feel that time was flying...


It was past ten o'clock when Su Jin got home, and the house was quiet - Xiao Jinghuan hadn't come back yet, and she didn't know where she had gone.

Facing the empty and quiet room, she called Jin Hengyuan, but no one answered.

Where has this gone?

She was surprised.

After making three calls in a row, I finally answered.

"Hey, Hengyuan...I'm home, when will you come home..."

"Hengyuan forgot to take away his mobile phone. You are his wife, Xiao Shu!"

It was actually a delicate woman talking to her.

"who are you?"

Su Jin couldn't help but be startled.

"Guess it."

The woman giggled and asked, and without waiting for her to answer, she gave her a direct answer:

"If I said that I am the one who will replace you as Mrs. Jin, would you believe it?"

After saying that, he giggled again and smiled extremely charmingly, but every word was provocative...

"Who are you? Where is Jin Hengyuan?"

Su Jin frowned, and his calm heart became confused for no reason.

"Don't worry about Jin Hengyuan for now. You just happened to call. I still want to call you... Get a divorce as soon as possible. It's impossible for you and Jin Hengyuan to grow old together. Let's put it this way, if you don't divorce, the people around you will , will die one by one in the near future...or die in childbirth, be hit by a car, fall to death from a building, or be beaten to will die so that you will be left alone...never again in this life. Half of my relatives and friends..."

She enunciated each word so clearly, and her smiling voice carried an inexplicable sense of darkness.

Su Jin felt his back feel tight and cold, and then he yelled angrily:

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"If you think this is nonsense, then don't believe it. What's important is that you and Jin Hengyuan are destined to be in conflict with each other. As long as you are together, you will kill everyone. Just wait... what I said, in the future, It will be verified one by one..."

With a pleasant chuckle, the other party hung up the phone, and only a beeping busy tone echoed in the phone.

When I called again, the call went through, but no one answered.

What does it mean?

Su Jin suddenly became restless.

Why is Hengyuan’s mobile phone in the hands of a woman?

Why would this woman say such a thing to replace it?

Why curse her marriage? Curse her relatives? Curse them all to die a good death.

Countless suspicions are floating in my mind, and there are all kinds of assumptions——

In the final analysis, she didn't understand this man well enough.

tang, right...

Was it because he had a romantic debt outside, so the woman deliberately cursed her?

No, no, no, he is definitely trustworthy.

There must be a reason why the phone was picked up by another woman.


Definitely is.

These days, the way he treats her is astonishing.

She thought about it for a long time, and finally, suppressing her emotions, she called Changning and asked for Ji Beixun's number. After saying thank you and hanging up, she called Ji Beixun.

"Hello, Ji Beixun? I'm Su Jin. Did Hengyuan come to see you tonight?"

"I looked for him, but he left after not staying long!"

Ji Beixun's cold voice came from the other end.

"Are you alone?"

"Yes. He hasn't returned home yet?"

"Yeah. No one answered the phone."

There was a hint of anxiety in her voice.

"Oh, really? Then just wait, he will definitely come back before twelve o'clock. Maybe there is something delayed on the way... Don't worry, it will be fine..."

"Okay, I know."

After hanging up the phone, she was in a daze and became restless.

At 11:09, the door opened and Jin Hengyuan appeared at the door, holding a briefcase in his hand.

Su Jin turned around to look at him.

"Hey, why aren't you sleeping? Are you waiting for me? Why do you look so bad?"

Jin Hengyuan smiled and threw the car keys into the key bowl and turned around to greet him.

A faint smell of rouge rushed over, and the strange fragrance belonging to another woman stimulated her.

Where has he been before?

Su Jin was startled and took a step back unconsciously.

"What's wrong?"

Faced with her unusual reaction, he was startled and didn't know why.

"You...where's your cell phone!"

She tried to stay calm.

Jin Hengyuan touched his pocket, frowned, turned around and checked his bag again:

"It seems to have fallen!"

"Where were you just now?"

"I went to Ji Bei, but then something happened and I went somewhere else. What happened to you?"

He came closer again.

But she retreated again.

"Xiao Su?"

He frowned - her reaction made him extremely puzzled.

"You should first explain why you have a feminine scent!"

She reminded dully.

It's not that she doesn't trust him, it's just that the smell is too much for her to bear.

He sniffed the smell on his body, and found that it had a faint smell, and he smiled unconsciously:

"I have been to a bar. The owner of that bar and I are classmates. I have filed a lawsuit against him before. Today he came to me because his friend wanted to file a lawsuit with me. The smell on my body may have been picked up there. The mobile phone may have It was also lost at that time... Wait, I'll call him and ask him to help me find my phone..."

There was a landline phone next to the sofa. Jin Hengyuan sat down and made a call. He immediately confirmed that the phone was there. He smiled and asked him to help put it away, and he would go and get it tomorrow.

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm going to take a shower to avoid being disliked."

After hanging up the phone, he smiled at her and went upstairs.

Her face was still gloomy until he took a shower.

"what happened?"

What is this state?

"Are you angry because I went to a bar?"

He sat next to her, tilted his head and asked.

Not really.

"I just called you to find you."

She looked at him.

He blinked:

"Are you angry because you can't find me?"

"No, a woman answered the phone!"

she said softly.

He was stunned: "Woman? What woman?"

"have no idea."

She recounted the conversation between herself and the woman, word for word, including those few extremely disturbing threats.

After Jin Hengyuan heard this, he immediately stopped laughing and his eyes became sharp.

"That person actually knows that your name is Xiao Shu? He also knows that Xiao Shu is Mrs. Jin?"

He thought it was incredible.

"Yeah, I find it strange too. Not many people outside know that you are married now... How do they know that I am your wife?"

Su Jin couldn't understand: "What you wrote in the contact list on your mobile phone was not Xiaoshu, but Jin. But that person called out the name I used before I was eight years old. This is too weird."

Jin Hengyuan nodded: "This can only mean one thing: the woman who is talking to you on the phone should be someone who knows your origins."

"Have you ever told anyone about my original name?"

Seeing how serious he looked, Su Jin asked.


He shook his head.

This is strange...

In this world, besides him, who else knows that Xiao Shu is Su Jin, his wife Jin Hengyuan? ——Digression——See you tomorrow.

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