The Perfect Hidden Marriage

351, she questioned: Is this really an ordinary traffic accident?

When encountering misfortune, every woman will long for a shoulder by her side that she can rely on.

Bi Nanxing died in a car accident, and Han Tong suffered a miscarriage and fell into coma.

This is a matter of life and death.

Although, in terms of blood, Han Tong and Su Jin are not sisters at all, but they have been friends for more than 20 years and have gotten along like this. The friendship that is not sisters but is better than sisters has taken root deep in my heart. .

When people live in this world, they meet each other due to fate, become family members, become sisters, become husband and wife, and become close friends.

There are so many people in the world. Once you have the same temperament and become a loving friend, you will feel the pain when your friend is in trouble.

In Su Jin's life, she has very few relatives and very few friends that she can really keep with her. Therefore, when encountering such a thing, she naturally longs for Jin Hengyuan to be by her side at this moment to help her break through this fog. It stopped the deep sorrow and calmed her chaotic mind.

But he's not here.

By her side was a man she had known for less than eight hours.

Yes, Ling Fang didn't leave and stayed outside the door.

"What do you want to do?"

Su Jin went to the doctor and asked when Han Tong would wake up. The doctor said: I will definitely wake up tomorrow.

Every time she went there, she saw Ling Fang following him step by step, like a ghost that couldn't be separated. She felt uncomfortable in her heart. She turned around and saw such a disgusting guy. Dangling in front of him, she looked like a firecracker that had gone off fire, exploding, and shouted at him with a cold face.

Ling Fang was stunned. In all these years, no one had dared to yell at him like this. According to his normal temper, he would have yelled back.

"I'm so fucking worried about you that I'm squatting here and guarding you. You think I'm eating and I'm holding on until I'm full..."

He originally had a bad temper, but in the end, in front of her, he lost all his energy and only answered quietly:

"I don't mean anything else. I just want to see where I can help... I was over there in the garage just now, and I didn't know something happened to your sister... It was my fault to stop you..."

Not only did he lose his temper, but he also tried to please them; not only did he try to please others, but he also tried to apologize to others.

This is definitely something evil.

He couldn't understand why such a sentence came out of his mouth.

Even he couldn't stand being like this anymore, so he didn't say anything further and instead said:

"Su Jin, such a big thing happened, why didn't you call your husband."

Su Jinke didn't soften his expression because of his apology, and continued fiercely:

"This is none of your business!"

"Yes, it's none of my business. If I stay here, it's none of your business. I'm happy with it."

He just followed.

Su Jin saw that he was very rogue, so he ignored him.

After returning to the ward, she called, not to Jin Hengyuan, but to Su Mubai. Jin Heng was too far away, and the distant water could not save the near fire. Su Mubai has been recuperating in Shanghai for the past six months. She wanted to call him over so that she would have someone to talk to and discuss.

But no one picked up.

I called three times and no one answered.

She frowned and paced back and forth for a while, thinking about giving Jia Hui a shot. At this point, it would not be appropriate for her to come to Shanghai from Shan County.

No fight in the end.

She thought about it for a while, and finally asked the nurse to help take care of it.

She needed to go out and go to the traffic police brigade to learn about the case.

Originally, the Bi family should have taken care of Han Tong. But because of the tragic death of their son, the two elders of the Bi family were unable to take care of their daughter-in-law, who had just had a miscarriage. She doesn't blame them. If such a big thing happened, you should be considerate if you don't worry about it for a while.

Half an hour later, she appeared at the traffic police brigade.

"The driver who caused the accident was driving while fatigued and mistakenly used the brake as the accelerator, which led to the tragedy. The liability certificate has been issued. The vehicle responsible for the accident is fully responsible. The supermarket's vehicle had brake failure due to negligence and the driver was driving due to fatigue. The supermarket The party has promised that they will take full responsibility. But the specific compensation depends on how the two parties negotiate... If the negotiation fails, legal procedures can be taken at that time..."

The traffic policeman responsible for this case was off duty. This was the answer given by the traffic policeman on duty, saying that the letter of responsibility had also been issued. The supermarket side is very refreshing.

But, is this really just an ordinary traffic accident?

After returning to the hospital from the traffic police brigade, she thought about it again and again, but she felt that something was wrong.

"No, could this be an accident?"

After sitting down in front of Han Tong's hospital bed, she murmured urgently.

"Why do you think that way?"

That Ling Fang never left, even gently answering questions when she was talking to herself.

Su Jin subconsciously replied:

"You don't know, before, someone borrowed Xiaotong's mobile phone to make a call to me. The person said: Su Jin, leave Jin Hengyuan. If you don't leave him within three days, disasters will befall you one after another. On the body... I called Xiaotong to find out who made the call, but something happened to her. Could it be that someone wanted to kill someone and silence her? "

She instinctively made such an association, and the more she thought about it, the more horrified she became.

Ling Fang was stunned, and his expression suddenly became serious: "What did you say? Have you received threatening calls? Why didn't you say anything about this just now?"

Only then did Su Jin realize that he was actually talking to this annoying guy. He frowned, ignored him, stood up and walked out.

"Hey, where do you want to go now? I just went to buy food, do you want some?"

Ling Fang had just returned from buying food. It’s almost ten o’clock since the commotion, and they haven’t had dinner yet!

"If you don't want to eat, I'm going to check the surveillance video at the entrance of the supermarket... This is definitely not a simple accident, it's definitely not..."

Su Jin walked quickly. She was at the traffic police brigade just now, but she didn't see the video because the person on duty wasn't very clear about the case. After all, he wasn't handling it.

"Okay, I'll accompany you."


She refused.

But this man, after looking eagerly at the two boxes of lunch, didn't eat. He put the food aside and followed him like a tail that couldn't be shaken off.

They went to the supermarket door and asked to see the video.

The supermarket owner was not very happy because she was about to get off work, and asked her to provide various certificates, which caused a lot of difficulties. Hope they can come back tomorrow.

Fortunately, Ling Zang was quite capable. After making a few calls, they went in and saw the video.

On the surveillance screen: Bi Nanxing, Han Tong, and Bi's mother walked out together, all of them talking and laughing.

Immediately afterwards, Bi Nanxing went to the bathroom, Han Tong stood there, and Bi's mother walked away.

After a while, she took her mobile phone and walked to a surveillance blind corner...

From beginning to end, the person who borrowed the phone did not appear on the screen.

In the end, Bi Nanxing was knocked away, and Han Tong fell to the ground and returned to the surveillance...

Obviously, that person was very aware of the situation outside the supermarket. Otherwise, how would he know how to avoid surveillance?

Who could that person be?

Why make threatening calls to her?

Why target Han Tong and Bi Nanxing like this?

She couldn't figure it out.

Oh, no, that's not right...

That person is targeting her!

In other words, she was the one who brought them to this point...

Thinking of this, her heart was extremely confused.

If it was really because of her that Han Tong lost his lover and child, then she would have committed a serious crime.

"The person who borrowed the phone didn't see it."

Ling Fang watched this video over and over again:

"On the surface, it looks like it's just an ordinary traffic incident. Su Jin, where did you get that idea?"

Su Jin didn't answer because there was a call coming in. She answered the call and went out, still ignoring him. Even though he was helping her, she really couldn't communicate normally with a new person like a friend.

"Hey, Mu Bai..."

She yelled hoarsely, her nose was sore.

"I forgot to bring my mobile phone. Grandpa pushed me out for a walk...what's wrong, the sound is weird..."

"Can you come? Something happened to Xiaotong. Bi Nanxing was killed and Xiaotong had a miscarriage... They are all in the hospital. I am outside now and will go to the hospital soon. Let's meet there and talk about it, okay? …”

Over there, Su Mubai paused: "Okay...I'll be right over..."

After hanging up the phone, Su Jin hurried out, not paying much attention to Ling Fang. However, she stopped at the supermarket door and turned to look at the man who had been following closely.

The man slowed down his pace.

"Is something wrong?"

There was something in her eyes.

He saw it.

"Ling Fang, thank you for your help about what happened just now. Now, my family is here, can you stop following me like this?"

She thanked them and at the same time, chased them away. She didn't want to owe this person too many favors.

"It's okay not to follow, but you have to promise me one thing!"

"What's up?"

"I want to be friends with you!"

Ling Fang said this absolutely sincerely.

But Su Jin frowned.

"I know you're married. But doesn't this prevent you from making friends...Does your husband control you so strictly? There is a saying that doesn't mean this: rely on your parents at home and rely on your friends when you go out. It's better to have more friends. Walk……"


Ling Fang still had a lot to say, but he was silenced by Su Jin's cheerful words.

Su Jin left quickly, but did not see the corner of this man's lips raised greatly because of her good word, and he made a victory gesture happily.


At the entrance of the hospital, Su Jin saw Su Mubai, being pushed by special nurses and guarding there.

"Twilight Bai."

She went up to him and yelled, a look of pain on her face.

But she could only endure it.

"Bi Nanxing is gone. Tell me, if Xiaotong wakes up and finds that her child is gone, what will she do..."

She covered her mouth and her voice was extremely hoarse. After enduring it for a long time, she finally told everything.

By the time he finished speaking, his face was already wet.

"Tell me, who is that person? I always feel that what happened to Bi Nanxing was not an accident... Now, my mind is in a mess. Mu Bai, please help me analyze him. What is this thing? I am now... …I feel so confused now…”

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious... Let's go upstairs first... Let's go see Xiaotong first... Also, you haven't eaten yet..."

Mu Bai guessed it was.

This girl is just running around. Look, it's almost two o'clock in the morning.

Su Jin was stunned for a moment and bit his lip: "It's not important... I'm not hungry... I don't feel hungry at all..."

"You are too hungry..."

Mu Bai cried out distressedly:

"Xiaoguan, please go and get some food..."

He turned to the special guard and said.

The special guard responded and left.

"Now let's go upstairs. You need to sit down, calm down, and eat something. Only in this way will you have the energy to cope with Xiaotong once he wakes up... At this time, if you collapse, it will be bad..."

That makes sense.

Unexpectedly, after pushing the door open, I found that the bed was empty for some time.

Where are the Han Tong people?

Why is she missing?

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