The Perfect Hidden Marriage

371. Baby Diary: Who does the child look like? He said: You are the most important (very, very warm)

On January 1, 2014, in Beijing, the highest temperature was 9 degrees and the lowest was minus 4 degrees.

The weather is fine, and the new year has quietly come into my life and Hengyuan's life, and into everyone's world.

In the early morning, a thin layer of sunshine rose from the east. When dawn broke, I put my hands on my lower abdomen, looked at the sky with extremely pious eyes, and a smile curled at the corners of my lips.

Yes, I know I'm laughing, and I can't help but feel so happy.

The reason is fear in my stomach.

There is a new life gestating there.

It is the crystallization of love, it is me and him, thinking and looking forward to the continuation of our lives.

Life, because of it, becomes full of expectations.

Now, looking back on these six months, I am filled with happiness.

At the beginning of happiness and marriage, there was a voice saying to me:

"Su Jin, you are so impulsive, why did you get married?"

"Can you really tolerate a man you don't love having such deep contact with your body?"

Yes, at that time, it was really hard for me to imagine, and I didn’t even want to imagine what kind of process it would be that disgusted me.

Once I get married, life as a couple will be a nightmare that I can't escape.

Although most of the marriages in China from ancient times to the present have come about like this: blind marriage and mute marriage. After marriage, for the sake of passing on the incense or for various benefits, the husband and wife have fun. The relationship will be cultivated and cultivated. This is how many feudal parents persuade their children. It doesn't matter if you don't have feelings, too many people have come this way.

I have also entered such a marriage. Although it was my choice, in a marriage without emotion, the word "happy" suddenly turned pale.

At that time, I was afraid of his recent arrival, even though he was pretty good-looking.

Now, everything in my heart is filled with him.

Like this kind of thing, once implanted, it will grow and flourish.

"It's a rare holiday, why don't you sleep in?"

He got up, that bad man who always loved to tease me, put a thick nightgown on me, kissed me on the corners of my lips, full of pity, and then, with his strong arms , circled me.

A warm feeling came over me like water overflowing a golden mountain.

I turned around in his arms, touched his chin, and looked at this face so close at hand, a handsome face with a smile, kissing and touching my face right in front of me, And those hands gently touched my lower abdomen.

"Aren't all pregnant women sleepy? Why are you different?"

He muttered again.

Last night, he went to buy many books about pregnancy.

At night, I was pushed into his arms to sleep, while he was there, flipping through various books stupidly, looking like he was determined to learn all the knowledge about pregnancy, which made me smile. Deeply moved.

He is trying to be a good father-to-be.

Yes, his arms are my safe nest.

I smiled, pressed his hand, and his hand was close to my belly: "This baby is very good and didn't let me suffer. Unlike Jia Hui, the situation got better after sleeping for three full months!"

If it were like Jia Hui, it would be tragic.

"Must be like me!"

he said cheekily.

"Why do you say that?"

"I am my mother's caring quilted jacket!"

What he said was so confident that I couldn't help but laugh:

"Why not like me? I never caused trouble... What about you? What did you do during your rebellious period? You know... you go around fighting and causing trouble. Mom didn't say you were a caring person. Mom only said You are a bad boy..."

"It's better to be like me anyway!"

He remains so insistent.

"Why are you so nice?"

I was extremely puzzled.

"Like me, smart... My child must be smart. My son must be smart enough to know how to chase a good woman; my daughter must be even smarter, otherwise, what will happen if she is bullied? Smart When I have to catch a good man back for me, I must not stick to him and be a stupid woman..."

Haha, listen, what are these words?

I couldn't help but hit him on the forehead, he was so angry and funny

Tang asked: "Hey, Jin Hengyuan, are you teaching a bad child..."

His arms hugged me tightly:

"You can't teach it bad, you can't teach it bad. It's still a small embryo, and it hasn't thought about it yet. Prenatal education should start from the fifth month of pregnancy. The first four months are the period when the baby's hearing is slowly forming. Wait until May , he will respond to outside sounds..."

He said it like an expert, I couldn't help but smile, it was very heartwarming.

"Why are you laughing? That's what the medical book says."

He looked serious.

In fact, I just think that this man will be a great father, nothing else.

"Wait a minute, we are studying another problem now. You said that the child must be like you, because he is smart, dear, you mean, in other words, I am stupid, right..."

I asked with a white teeth smile.

Damn it, this bad guy actually turned around and called me stupid.

"No, no, no, how could my wife be stupid... If she is really stupid, how could she catch such a big fat fish like me..."

He immediately flattered him and praised himself at the same time.

"Then why is it better to be like you?"

It seems that the topic has come back again.


His eyes were rolling rapidly, and he must be thinking of bad ideas:

"Because I'm a little bit worse than you. As the ancients said, good people don't live long, and bad people live for thousands of years. My children must live a hundred years, so if you are like me..."

I laughed again and pointed his nose with my finger:

"Lawyer Jin, you are so bullshit. There is an old Chinese saying: good and evil will be rewarded in the end. Good people will be rewarded with good things, and bad people will be rewarded with bad things..."

"There are too many ancient Chinese people and too many ancient sayings. Anyway, it is better to be bad, and you can marry a good wife if you are bad. There is a saying, isn't it like that, if a man is not bad, a woman will not love..."

As for him, he curled his lips, opened his mouth wide, and showed his white teeth, trying to bite my finger. His naughty and naughty look made me laugh.

Well, from now on, my son must be like him. He must be so handsome that even if he does bad things, I won’t be willing to fight him.

Saying this, all those unpleasant things seemed to disappear...

The sun has risen, shining warmly on us, and his warm arms are hugging me.

Such a picture must be beautiful.

I really want to have a pair of God's eyes, and then I can see all our love for each other in my eyes, remember it in my heart, and use the pen in my hand to draw the most beautiful painting and make it an eternal memory.

Unfortunately, I don’t have such a pair of eyes, so I wrote down all my feelings at this moment in this brand new diary, which will be the beginning of my new life as a mother.

From today on, I will record every moment of my life with him and our little baby...

After writing the last word, Su Jin sketched the outline of a man holding a woman on the blank page. There was no reference and he could only be drawn out of thin air. However, he still had a nine-pointed portrait.

She smiled, quite satisfied with her painting skills.

Look, how handsome the man is drawn, and how beautiful he is - just like the characters in the world of anime novels.

Oops, she was infected by Jin Hengyuan and became stinky and beautiful.

"What are you doing? You're smiling mysteriously."

When Jin Hengyuan came back from running, he saw Su Jin smiling innocently, delicately and beautifully in front of a black leather notebook. After seeing him, he hurriedly hid the notebook:

"Nothing! I'm writing a baby's diary...No peeking...I've written it and will keep it for my son to read in the future..."

She stuffed the diary into the drawer of her nightstand, warning it against thieves.

"Why do I feel that my status has dropped a lot even before the child was born..."

Jin Hengyuan wiped his sweat, followed him, and hugged him: "Honey, to be honest, from now on, the child will be more important to me than to me..."

Su Jin stared at the man covered in sweat, half-laughing.

It is said that once pregnant, you will be stupid for three years, usually referring to women. Can men who are not pregnant also be stupid?

My IQ suddenly dropped by more than one and a half stars...

"Jin Hengyuan, if your children are more important than you, what do you want..."

This topic is a bit retarded, but it is very common and very common in daily life. She couldn't help but asked curiously.

Jin Hengyuan thought about it seriously: "If you give birth to a daughter, you will directly take her to someone else's child bride; if you give birth to a son, you will directly send him to someone else's home as a son-in-law..."

Su Jin was stunned: "..."

The next moment, he smiled, his white teeth gleaming and his smile shining.

Of course, he was just teasing her.

“I just can’t bear to part with it!”

He held her in his arms, kissed her, and sent an affectionate word into her ears:

"In your eyes, the child may be the most important, but in my eyes, you are the most important." - digression - first update!

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