The Perfect Hidden Marriage

379, Ming Yuexi is not dead, it was this person who stole the child and turned him into a phoenix...

Even Jin Yuan started to pay attention because this matter was too mysterious. As a mother, she has lived in this garden for so many years and she doesn’t even know about this. Her daughter, who rarely comes to stay for a few days a year, actually said that there is a secret passage in the house. This is really unbelievable. .

"That's right, Dad, is Huanhuan just talking nonsense, or is there something real?"

She glanced at her old mother, who also had a confused look on her face.

As for the husband, he was even less informed.

As for Yi Ye, he had a deep look on his face. This man's heart is the hardest to see through, as deep as the deepest trench in the ocean. Who knows what he is thinking now.

When he reached Zhongtian, his eyes widened, as if he had heard an interesting and mysterious story.

As for Jin Changning, he also looked surprised...

Mr. Jin was stunned for a moment, then looked around them, and then nodded without concealment:

"Yes, there is a secret passage in the house. It was built more than a hundred years ago when the house was built. It was for emergencies. If something happened to the house one day, it would be easy for the family to escape. However, It has almost never been used in the past hundred years. Only I know about the opening of the secret passage. Huanhuan, how do you know?"

The white-haired old man looked at Xiao Jinghuan with a puzzled expression.

"I found a very old book in the old attic. There was a map in the middle of the book. Then, I found the place according to the map. Following the method above, I opened the secret passage. ."

However, at that time, she treated this matter as an adventure.

Afterwards, she quietly asked Jin Hengyuan: "Brother, many old houses have secret passages and so on. Our garden is also old, is there any in it?"

Her brother smiled and patted her head: "I've read too many adventure stories."

Yes, she likes to read all kinds of adventure and treasure hunting stories the most. When I was young, I would often find some children to come over, follow the map she drew, hide a treasure in the garden, and then everyone would look for it together - the fun was crazy at that time.

Later, she came to Jinyuan less often and gradually forgot about this matter.

As she grew older, she felt that it was no longer important whether there was a secret passage in the Jin family's ancestral home. She didn't like to come to this place anyway, but as a result, something like this happened today.

"Oh, I see!"

Mr. Jin suddenly understood.

"Take me there to see..."

Jin Hengyuan demanded.


So Xiao Jinghuan took these people to the back garden.

At that time, it was completely dark outside, and lights were lit everywhere in the huge garden.

The cold wind howled in waves, causing pain like cutting flesh.

Passing through a bamboo garden and bypassing a small building where staff live, a quiet small garden appears in front of you. There is also a rockery stacked in the garden, and there is an exquisite cave under the rockery. There is a door under the cave, and when it opens, it is a cellar, divided into a wine cellar and an ice cellar...

Jin Hengyuan has been to this place before. Because he loves drinking, there is a lot of good wine hidden here.

But what he didn't know was that there was another cave just across the wall from the wine cellar.

A secret passage leading underground begins here.

Just as Xiao Jinghuan said, this secret passage can only be exited but not entered. The mechanism is very delicately designed.

In other words, if there is no one here to help open the door first, people from outside will not be able to come in.

Probably because it has not been opened for many years, this secret passage has long been covered with dust. Therefore, if you shine it with a flashlight, you can clearly see the footprints on the ground. Judging from the size and number of the footprints, more than one person must have walked here. Pass.

What does this mean?

The Jin family's security work is completely useless.

Jin Hengyuan walked down using his mobile phone and searched forward, all the way to the end. The exit was under the opening of a stone bridge with a long history.

Not far from this bridge, it is the only way for the Jin family to go out.

At this point, Jin Hengyuan could guess that the person who took Xiao Xiao away probably stopped Su Jin's car here and took the mother and daughter away without anyone noticing - because there was no one here. Camera.


At seven o'clock in the evening, everyone gathered in the living room of Jin's house, all eyes focused on Yi Ye.

Because this man hasn’t given an explanation yet.

"Mr. Yi Da, please tell me now, what were you doing in the back garden?"

This time, it was not Xiao Jinghuan who was making trouble, but Jin Hengyuan.

He looked at two probes in the back garden and indeed saw Yi Ye wandering near the rockery.

Hearing this, a cold smile appeared on Yi Ye's face. He lit a cigarette, held it between his fingers, and lazily puffed on it. His voice was careless and aggressive, and he asked them:

“What is the garden used for?

“Isn’t it just for walking?

"I like the tranquility of Jinyuan Garden. I came here today to celebrate your mother's birthday. I just got angry at the hands of a little girl. What happened to me when I went out for a walk?

"Your probe could only see me walking around. Did you see me entering the fake cave and going to the wine cellar? No!"

Indeed not, because the probe next to the wine cellar has been broken for a long time and has not been repaired.

Jin Hengyuan couldn't connect.

Seeing this, Yi Ye tapped the cigarette on the table with the hand holding the cigarette. His voice was neither soft nor strong, but it attracted everyone's attention:

"The most important point is that it is the tunnel of your Jin family. Even Jin Yuan doesn't know it. How can I know that there is a secret tunnel there? Excuse me, your Jin family, I have been here several times in the past few years. I can’t even count the numbers on my hands... Is it possible that I know some of your family’s secrets?”

There was silence in the living room for a moment.

Jin Hengyuan nodded: "It makes sense, let's listen to Huanhuan's other reasons... Huanhuan, you just said one, then there should be others two and three... If so, Just tell me and listen, if not..."

"Of course, the second reason is..."

Xiao Jinghuan came to her brother's side and stared unruly at the man who looked relaxed in the smoke and had no idea what his guilt was:

"He knows that his sister-in-law is Ming Yuexi."

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of everyone present immediately changed.

Jin Hengyuan glanced at his sister, who kept talking indifferently, and really didn't expect that she would say such a thing.

Yi Ye took a long drag on the cigarette and narrowed his eyes again and again.

Yi Fan looked at Yi Ye with a strange expression.

Jin Yuan stood up in shock. She was shocked by the name. She wanted to say something, but she didn't say it.

Mr. Jin and Mrs. Jin, you looked at me and I looked at you.

Yi Zhongtian asked curiously: "Who is this Ming Yuexi?"

"How is this possible? How is this possible? It has been twenty-six years since Ming Yuexi died..."

Over there, Jin Yuan had already screamed.

After being reminded like this, the old lady seemed to have remembered: "Is the child you are talking about the kid from the Ming family who had an accident?"

"Yes! Ming Yuexi is not dead. It was this person who stole the child and turned him into a phoenix..." Xiao Jinghuan pointed at Yi Ye and said with certainty: "Everyone in the circle knows that this Yi Ye and Ming Dan are still... Chi Wanzhu has a mortal grudge... He must avenge himself, and this is his motive..."

"Wait a minute... Huanhuan, how do you know that Su Jin belongs to Ming Yuexi? Isn't Su Jin an orphan?"

Mr. Jin frowned and asked.

Jin Hengyuan examined it and then agreed: "This is exactly what I want to ask."

He knew very well that he had never told his sister about this matter.

"Because I knew that my brother was at the Ming family, and I wanted to know what he was doing? So, I also followed the Ming family."

When it came to this matter, Xiao Jinghuan felt a little guilty, but she still bravely said it:

"Before, I heard my grandma say that my brother once asked her about the Ming family, and even gave her a bracelet to identify. I think there must be a reason why my brother is so keen. Because, if Ming Yuexi is alive, , should be twenty-six years old now, and my sister-in-law also happens to be twenty-six years old.

"I think there should be a connection between these two talents.

"Then one day, I went to my brother's house, opened his safe, and sure enough I found the bracelet. It was placed in my sister-in-law's jewelry box.

"Afterwards, I used my sister-in-law's cell phone and found in her QQ space's photo album that only I could see that she had taken a photo of the bracelet, and also made a note: Lost childhood treasure... This shows that the bracelet is exactly My sister-in-law’s, and it also proves why my brother spent so much effort to find out the family…”

After saying this, Xiao Jinghuan clearly felt the care in her brother's eyes and took a deep look.

"Xiao Yuan, is this true? Is this true? Is Xiao Su really the same Ming Yuexi back then?"

Jin Yuan asked her son for confirmation, her eyes shining with excitement.

Jin Hengyuan saw Yi Ye looking at him aggressively, waiting for an answer.

"Yes. Xiao Su is Ming Yuexi..."

Jin Yuan covered her mouth, shock was her only expression.

As for Yi Ye, he took a deep breath, threw it to the ground, and crushed it with his toes.

From this action, Jin Hengyuan understood one thing: some of the things his sister said were facts, and some were just speculations.

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