The Perfect Hidden Marriage

383. Treat guests and catch thieves. He wants to dig up old things from twenty-six years ago.

"The name of the book is "Family History". The cover is very torn. If you don't look carefully, you can't even see the author's name... I still have photos of this book in my QQ space. They were taken before. I'll flip them through for you..."

Xiao Jinghuan took out the photo from the QQ photo album:

"Here, this is it!"

She handed it over for him to see.

As soon as he touched the cover of this book, Jin Hengyuan's heart suddenly shook.

Without him, he had seen this book not in his own home, but in someone else's home.

At that time, he took it and turned it over in his hand, but the owner snatched it back and said: "This book is not for lending. The antique book I borrowed is about to be returned. Don't damage it..."

Later, when he went to his house again, he never saw the book again and thought he had returned it, but now it seems that it was obviously not the case. It must have been hidden.

"I've seen it!"

He let out a low cry, his ears buzzing, as if he suddenly realized something.

"Where have you seen it? When? I lost it many years ago."

Xiao Jinghuan asked urgently.

Jin Hengyuan did not answer, but made a phone call to Ji Beixun:


He asked in a solemn voice, with a rare urgency in his voice.

Soon Ji Beixun's voice came over:

"Meeting with someone you've always wanted to meet. Isn't there a family dinner tonight? How come you have time to call me?"

"Chi Wanzhu has arrived in Beijing?"

"Yes, Ms. Chi can't wait to see your wife, so she arrived a day early. If there are no accidents, there will be a mother-daughter recognition tomorrow."

This should be a good thing. But……

His brows were full of solemnity:

"I'm afraid I can't!"

"What's wrong?"

"Su Jin and Xiao Xiao were kidnapped..."

"Kidnapped? Kidnapped at home?"

Ji Beixun's tone was extremely surprised.

"I was negligent."

"How long?"

"It's been four hours now."

"Have the kidnappers made any further moves?"

"No!" Jin Hengyuan exhaled, with one hand on his hips and a mobile phone in the other, looking out the window at the dark night: "I suspect that the other party does not want money, but wants life..."

These words made Xiao Jinghuan, who was listening next to him, turn pale.

On the other end, Ji Beixun answered in a calm voice: "You called me. Do you need me to do anything?"

"Yes. I need you to help me invite a few people to come to my house. I must see them is very important."

He walked toward the balcony and lowered his voice.

"you say!"

Jin Hengyuan spit out the names of three people.

"Before twelve o'clock, please gather them all and invite them to Jin's house. They are all in Beijing now."

"no problem!"

After hanging up the phone, Jin Hengyuan took a long breath, turned around and saw Xiao Jinghuan staring at him with a pale face, her lips trembled, and then asked: "Brother, why did the other party want my sister-in-law's life?"

"have no idea."

Jin Hengyuan uttered three words with difficulty, unable to comfort her, because at this moment, he was also very upset in his heart.

At this time, there was another sound of footsteps outside the door. It was Jin Yuan who walked in. She was about to speak with a serious look on her face, but Jin Hengyuan stepped forward and grabbed the right to speak:

"Mom, I want to ask you for a favor! You must help me immediately!"

Seeing that her son spoke so solemnly, Jin Yuan swallowed the question in her throat and asked instead:

"What's the business? Tell me!"

"Please go and invite a few people to your home, right away."

"Who do you want to invite?"

Jin Hengyuan said the names of those people.

Jin Yuan was startled and asked, "Why do you want to invite them over?"

"Wait a minute, you'll find out!"

"Okay, I'll go right away!"

Jin Yuan nodded and set off immediately.


One thing, Jin Hengyuan was sure of, was that the people sent by the other party took Xiao Xiao away quietly through the secret passage. As for the secret passage, someone must open it inside Jin's house.

In other words, there must be a thief in the house.

So, who is the thief?

While waiting for others to arrive, Jin Hengyuan checked all the surveillance cameras in Jin's house and could not find any sign of intrusion by outsiders.

Immediately afterwards, he asked everyone in Jin's house.

Housekeeper Li Mei said: "I was waiting in the living room the whole afternoon, and my wife was also there at the time."

Cleaning aunt Jiang Fangfang said: "After twelve o'clock, I have been cleaning and decorating the dinner hall, and Xu He is also there. The two of us never left."

The cleaning aunt Xu He said: "Fangfang is right. We have been in the banquet area."

Nanny Wu Ying said: "I am here in the flower room. The old lady is pruning flowers and branches in the afternoon. I have been with her all the time."

Zhu Ya, a garden worker, said: "I had a high fever and fell asleep in the room. My wife was taking care of me."

Wang Zhiyun, a garden cleaner, said: "My husband has a high fever and I am staying with him in the room. He has not gone anywhere."

Driver Zhao Wu said: "I have been in the garage in the afternoon. When the incident happened, I just walked from the garage to the scene of the incident, and happened to meet the young lady and Miss Huanhuan."

The driver, Lao Wang, said: "I was repairing the car, and Xiao Zhao helped me until four o'clock before leaving. After a while, the young lady came, asked for the key, drove the car and left..."

Security guard He Jiao said: "I'm at the guard's office with Pang Neng. I've been staying in the house in the afternoon."

Another security guard, Pang Neng, said: "I was with He Jiao at the guard office."

The chef said: "I was in the kitchen, making dinner, and I was so busy... I didn't even have time to go to the toilet."

The chef's assistant said: "I'm killing the fish and I'm not even half a step away from the kitchen."

All these workers are busy...

Jin Hengyuan recalled that when Xiao Jinghuan came to report the news, the situation of his family was as follows:

Jin Yuan was reading in the living room, with Li Mei beside her.

Mr. Jin, Jin Changning and him were playing chess in the study.

Yi Fan and Yi Ye are upstairs.

The old lady was in the flower room, followed by Wu Ying.

As for Zhongtian, he had been video chatting with his classmates upstairs. He didn't go downstairs until there was a quarrel downstairs...

Jin Hengyuan remembered clearly that when he went to the wine cellar to get wine at noon, there was nothing unusual in the cellar there. However, when they went to check just now, the secret door was half open.

In other words, the door was opened this afternoon.

In other words, some of these people must be lying!

So, who could it be?

After filtering it carefully, his eyes fell on the person named Wu Ying, his eyes as sharp as a knife:

"Wu Ying, is it really okay for you to help outsiders like this? My wife is pregnant now, and if she falls into the hands of those people, she might lose two lives. The Jin family is not kind to you, right? You actually want to repay a kindness like this? ?”

That drink made Wu Ying's face turn as pale as lime.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Hengyuan pointed to the pair of dirty shoes that were found from the greenhouse and threw out a mountain of ironclad evidence:

"There are no such Metasequoia leaves near the greenhouse. The mud on them is also fresh. You must have been to the back garden today. May I ask, what did you do to the rockery in the back garden? Also, your daughter hasn't been home for a few days. She really went to a classmate's house. Is it true? I think it’s true that someone took me away..."

After such a cry, Wu Ying burst into tears: "Yes, it was me who opened the door. Mr. Jin, there is nothing I can do about it..."

Then, she explained everything:

Three days ago, Wu Ying's daughter, Xiaoju, who was only fifteen years old, suddenly sent a text message saying that she was going to a classmate's house to play, so she would not be back on New Year's Day.

She didn't care and just told her to take care of herself.

Today she received a text message from her daughter: "Your daughter is in our hands. If you want her to go back to reunite with you intact, you'd better obey us and do things. If it's done, we'll release her directly. If it's not done, Just let your daughter go back with a big belly."

She was frightened and texted her back: "What do you want?"

The man sent a text message back: "At two o'clock in the afternoon, you go to the back garden and help open the secret door."

It also includes text instructions on how to open the door and how to avoid certain surveillance cameras.

It was just before two o'clock in the afternoon. In the flower room, the old lady was closing her eyes and concentrating because she was a little tired from just pruning the flower branches. She covered her with a thin blanket and found that the old lady was fast asleep, so she took this opportunity to go. When I came back, the old lady was still sleeping.

Because if you want to completely avoid surveillance, you have to enter through the relatively narrow entrance on the other side of the rockery. The terrain there is lower. It rained a while ago, and the rainwater mixed with mud and metasequoia leaves all over the ground. Because she was nervous, she slipped and stepped on a lot of mud, half of which was still wet. Returning to the flower room, she changed into a pair of cotton shoes. She wanted to wash the dirty shoes. It happened that the old lady woke up, so she had to hide the shoes. The incriminating evidence was thus retained.

"I really don't know who that person is. I only heard my daughter screaming on the other end of the phone... I don't know what that person meant by letting the door open. I could only follow it, and later I found out that they They actually knocked down all the young ladies and young ladies... Mr. Jin, I really can't help it, my daughter is still in their hands, please ask Mr. Jin to help me save Xiao Ju..."

The thief was caught, but it was of no use. He was also a victim, so there was no way he could ask anything.

Jin Hengyuan pinched his brows as he listened.

At this time, Jin Changning led Ji Beixun and his party in from outside:

"Brother Jin, Ms. Chi, Mr. Ming, Mr. Xie are here..."

He stood up and went forward, met the eyes of Chi Wanzhu, who had an extremely unnatural expression, and shouted respectfully:

"Hello Aunt Chi!"

What happened twenty-six years ago, today, he wants to dig out all of it.

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