The Perfect Hidden Marriage

402, boarding the ship: If there is another life, I want to stay with you till we grow old together

Jin Hengyuan called the police quietly.

I am in the light and the enemy is in the dark.

He was afraid that the gang would send spies to keep an eye on them, so he acted with extra caution.

As a senior cadre, Xiao Zhibei directly contacted the relevant troops and launched the SEAL team. The rescue operation will be carried out secretly.

At around seven o'clock in the evening, the Harmony was slowly sailing back to the port of City A.

At seven o'clock, the news came from the Harmony that the other party had not hijacked the cruise ship and had been in a lurking state.

Because he was worried that Zhou Wen and his gang would find out that the ship was returning, which might inflame their emotions and blow up the ship, Jin Hengyuan discussed it with the leaders of the relevant departments, and finally decided to wait until the cruise ship sailed near the coast. , the SEAL team quietly boarded the ship to eliminate hidden dangers.

At the same time, another cruise ship nearby was dispatched to be on standby. If the rescue operation failed and the cruise ship was bombed, they could carry out rescue work as soon as possible.

Of course, this is the worst case scenario.

The commando team sent a total of twenty people, and Jin Hengyuan will accompany them on board the ship.

The official intention was to hand over all rescue operations to the SEALs, and the family members should not participate, but Jin Hengyuan firmly disagreed and must go with them to rescue his wife and daughter.

Jin Yuan did not want her son to take this risk, but her daughter-in-law and granddaughter were all on the boat. If she wanted to persuade her son not to go, she would not say anything at all. Besides, the son looked like he was going no matter what, so how could a mother possibly stop him?

Before leaving, Jin Yuan hugged her son tightly and said a thousand words, but in the end she only uttered four words:

"Be careful."

As for Xiao Zhidong, he patted his son on the shoulder and only said:

"Xiao Su wants to come back safely, and so do you, and Xiao Xiao..."

Xiao Jinghuan obediently gave her brother a bear hug:

"Brother, no one in our family can be missing...that damn villain must be brought to justice."

After waving goodbye, Jin Hengyuan, wearing a body armor and life jacket, boarded the fighter jet with the SEAL team and flew to the offshore sea.

At half past nine, the rescue team boarded the Harmony.

The captain quietly welcomed them into the captain's cabin and explained the current situation and the information they had in hand in detail.

"Based on the information from the headquarters, we conducted a preliminary investigation and found that there was a boarding guest in the first class cabin whose appearance basically matched that of Zhou Wen.

"There are six deluxe rooms there, which were booked at once. A total of eight guests stayed in them. It has been verified that at least three of them used fake ID information.

"Because we are not sure if there are others among them lurking among other guests, for the time being, we dare not order an evacuation notice, for fear of disturbing the situation and the situation will develop in a bad direction. Next, how to operate specifically , the boss asked us to obey your dispatch and absolutely cooperate with your work. We must return the passengers to the shore safely..."

When the captain said these words, his expression was extremely solemn.

In all his years of sailing, this is the first time he has dealt with such a crisis situation. It is impossible not to be nervous - more than 1,500 human lives are more important than the cargo on the ship.

He is the captain and is responsible for so many people on the ship. And that's too much responsibility. It was more than he could bear.

In critical moments, the ship can sink, but human lives must be preserved.

The captain of the rescue team, whose surname is Meng, is very good at handling various emergencies throughout his life. He also participated in the rescue operation when the XX ship sank in 2012.

It's just that this time the rescue is different. The cruise ship has not yet sunk. There are several threats on the ship. They have dangerous weapons that can sink the cruise ship. If they are not careful, they can cause great changes and even destroy this giant ship. Sinking to the bottom of the sea.

Jin Hengyuan and Captain Meng studied the situation and finally decided to separate ten people for evacuation. The other ten people were divided into two groups, one group going to the first class cabin and the other group checking for possible safety hazards.

The group of evacuated passengers, together with the ship's staff, took away the mobile phone of each person who was quarantined and sent off to the rescue ship to prevent that person from being a lurker and tipping off the inside. These people will be sent to another cruise ship.

Jin Hengyuan and other rescuers put on the uniforms of the ship's staff and headed towards the first-class cabin.

Fortunately, they immediately found Xiao Xiaoran and Wu Ting sleeping in the first luxurious room, and captured one of Zhou Wen's people.

When Jin Hengyuan hugged the apple of his eye that had been lost for two nights and one day from the captain's hand, tears almost fell...



He kissed Xiao Xiao hard, then handed it to the staff on the cruise ship and took him to escape.

The person who was captured was named Wu Wei. According to his account, there were twelve of them in total, eight of whom lived in six luxurious rooms in the first class cabin, and four more who were hiding in other cabins. He did not know where they were specifically. Sure, because his job was just to watch the two kids. As for how they got people on board, he didn't know. It seemed that there were some of their people on board.

This news is not surprising at all.

Without an internal response, how could the other party have brought people and explosives onto the ship so smoothly?

The most terrifying thing now is the lurking staff member, which is an invisible time explosive that will explode anytime and anywhere.

After Xiao Xiao and Wu Ting were taken out, Captain Meng was about to ring the door in another room when Jin Hengyuan's cell phone rang.

He took it and took a look, and his heart tightened. It was actually Zhou Wen who had beaten him.

At the same time, a very bad feeling came to my heart.

"What's wrong?"

Captain Meng noticed something strange about him and asked in a deep voice.

"Call from Zhou Wen."

Jin Hengyuan's voice was suppressed.

The captain felt his nervousness:

"Listen quickly, no matter whether the other party notices it or not, we have to hold her steady..."

He nodded and pressed the call button:

"Hey...Zhou Wen..."

Soon, Zhou Wen's extremely cold smile came from over there:

"Should I congratulate you? You found me!"

This statement means that their whereabouts have been discovered.

There was a rush of hair on my back, and the feeling of uneasiness was raging even more.

He is not an inexperienced man, and as a lawyer he can handle the most complex business issues.

He has also offended people with backgrounds because of his defense, and has never been afraid of warnings of force in his daily life.

But at this moment, he was actually afraid.

Alas, they are pretty amazing, they were able to discover it so quickly.

After secretly sighing, he continued:

"Zhou Wen, now that I have found her, you should let her go and let me take her back... Surrender yourself... I will plead with the judge... As long as there are no casualties, you will bear the responsibility. It won’t be very big…”

The gentle advice was met with a sneer, low and long, as if he heard a big joke.

Jin Hengyuan listened to his ears and felt deeply what it was like to be frightened.

"Jin Hengyuan, a man who wants to die, does he still need you to plead with the judge?"

The words that came suddenly and suddenly had an obvious meaning: she didn't plan to live anymore...

"In the end what you want?"

Jin Hengyuan unknowingly raised his voice by more than half.

"I regretted it!"

She chuckled there, dropped four shameless words, and then said:

"I will not return Su Jin to you. The road to hell is too lonely. Since you have saved so many people who should have been buried with us, then let your wife accompany me... I will not go to hell. Who goes to hell...this is what Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said..."

"Zhou Wen, you can't break your promise!"

Jin Hengyuan couldn't help but became furious, and his heart was filled with anxiety.

Zhou Wen laughed happily there. After laughing, she explained in a gentle voice:

"A gentleman is one who keeps his word. I, Zhou Wen, have always been just a poisonous woman. A poisonous woman only does what a poisonous woman should do, and that is in line with her status, don't you think so?"

Did she make up her mind to bury Su Jin with her?

This is how to do ah?

Jin Hengyuan's thoughts changed rapidly:

"Listen, Zhou Wen, it has nothing to do with the fact that you hate Su Jin so much because she is Ming Dan's daughter, right...

"Now, let me tell you the truth. Su Jin is not a child of the Ming family at all. She was the child of Chi Wanzhu and someone else. You take an innocent woman as a burial object for you and Ming Yue. This is very inconsistent with her. It's fair, you know? You can't do this...Zhou Wen..."

On the other end of the phone, Zhou Wen heard this quietly and finally interrupted: \u003c


"Oh, really? Isn't she Mingdan's daughter?"

"Yes. So..."

"Ha, it's really funny... Chi Wanzhu cheated on her during marriage, and he could tolerate it even if she was Ming Dan. As for me, I was born of true Ming family blood. As a result, he teamed up with the old man to drive me away. Ming Dan Dan Dao can really be blind!"

She sneered strangely, and the indignation in her tone actually increased invisibly...

"Zhou Wen, let Su Jin go!"

Jin Hengyuan didn't want to discuss anything else, he just hoped that her conscience would remain intact.

She smiled softly again, but her voice became extremely cold:

"Let go, why let go? She is not Ming Dan's daughter, so she deserves to die even more... I will not let her go. If it weren't for her, my daughter would not die, she would not die..."

After yelling like this, she hurriedly hung up the phone.

Jin Hengyuan called again, but she didn't answer.

Captain Meng had already rushed into the second room. There was no one in the room. There was no one in the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth rooms.

It is worth mentioning that the sixth guest room is exactly the room that appeared in the video before. The bed is covered with festive bedding, and photography lamps are set up around the bed. The wedding dress Su Jin was originally wearing was thrown aside. On the screen, the LCD TV was on, and this picture was displayed on the screen:

Su Jin was tied to an iron pillar, and Zhou Wen was smiling like a flower beside him, greeting them there:

"Hey...I'm still very kind. Let me meet you one last time...Su Jin, come on, say goodbye to your man..."

As she spoke, she changed the picture.

In the camera, Su Jin was smiling quietly, her face was strangely pale, she was wearing a cheongsam, her long hair was pulled into a beautiful bun, and she was tied into a rice dumpling.

"Hengyuan, if there is another life, I want to stay with you until we grow old together and never be separated."

The screen turned, and a lighter appeared in front of everyone, followed by Zhou Wen's quiet smile:

"I really want to say goodbye..."

As soon as the lighter was lifted, a fire broke out in the camera lens.

Yes, it's fire!

The raging fire trapped these two women in the middle...

The blood suddenly drained from Jin Hengyuan's face.

He saw Su Jin raise a smile to him in the flames, and quietly watched the fire swallow her up and spread to her body...

At the same time, the entire giant ship emitted a burst of explosions...

"no no no……"

Jin Hengyuan roared in horror and rushed out of the room.

He is going to save her!

He is going to save her!

She's on the equipment floor!

She's on the equipment level...

But there is no way to go, the hull is dismembered, tilting and sinking, the fire is spreading rapidly, thick smoke is rolling in, the lights are dimming, and death is coming.

She was trapped in the sea of ​​​​fire, and he couldn't save her. He couldn't save her, which made him almost crazy - digression - see you tomorrow...

In addition, I would like to explain, Ah Chen, I do not know how to write tragedies. There are too many helplessness in real life, but in the world of novels, what Ah Chen wants to create is only perfection. The process can be bumpy, but the ending must be happy...

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