The Perfect Hidden Marriage

405, early morning encounter: looking at him from a distance, feeling pain and happiness at the same

In the morning, the sky is dim and bright.

Pu Xiang woke up and wanted to go for a run. The weather outside was so nice.

However, her body simply cannot do strenuous exercise anymore.

Then let's go outside...

In the warm sunshine, I walked to buy groceries. After shopping for groceries, I go home to make breakfast and have breakfast. Then, go for a walk and carry your own painting equipment bag.

This is a single apartment.

The area is only thirty square meters.

Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. She arranged it into a warm little home.

It's just one person's home, so lonely.

Cold and miserable.

There is nothing you can do about being alone.

She has no family left.

Now she is like a lonely ghost.

In the bathroom, she looked at her face in the mirror and sighed softly.

This face is no longer the face that I was familiar with at the beginning.

It was so strange that she couldn't adapt to its "ugliness" at the beginning.

I also cried bitterly because of its "ugliness".

I have to sigh: At this point in my life, I can never go back...

Now, it's familiar.

Although I don't like it, it is still my face.

Having this face is better than turning into ashes.

With this face, she could still come and see her beloved.

With this face, she could at least see the longing for him in her eyes.

If it were gone, she wouldn't feel anything at all.

Knowing the pain proves that you are still alive.

Living is the most important thing.

Put on a hooded jacket, long pants, and a big mask...

She looked at herself carefully again. Only her eyes were still the same as before. Everything else had changed...even her voice had changed...

Oh, no, her vision was still affected to a certain extent.

When you see something in poor lighting, you cannot see clearly and you will habitually squint your eyes.

Maybe, before long, she will be completely blind.

If you don't have surgery...

But that surgery...


She didn't want to think about those unpleasant things.

At 6:30 in the morning, she went out fully armed.

Instead of going to the nearest vegetable market to buy groceries, he took the bus for several stops and went to the big supermarket—the big supermarket he liked to go to.

She wanted to buy fish and make fish fillet porridge.

However, no matter how hard she cooked it, she could never get the taste out of it.

Try again and again, fail again and again.

Is there something wrong with the fish in the wet market?


She could only find such a far-fetched reason.

In the supermarket, most of the people come to buy groceries early in the morning. Most of them, young people, like to sleep in. Who would get up so early on Saturday?

She alone is the most idle, spending her life idle.

But she couldn't help it.


Pushing the shopping cart, she walked towards the freshwater area. In the clear glass tank, the catfish were swimming freely, so big and fat.

Standing there, she stared blankly.

She has such a small appetite, how can she eat so much.

It's not like the wet market where you can buy items section by section.

She is not easy to kill for such a big one.

It's not like I haven't killed anyone before.

But, that was before.

Now, she is afraid of getting blood on her hands.

Just as he was worried, a figure appeared beside him. He took the fish bucket, picked a big and fat one, and put it into a bag.

She turned her head to look, her eyes widening and her heart beating faster.

Listen, bang bang bang, bang bang bang, it's jumping so fast.

It's him.

It's Jin Hengyuan.

Why is he in the supermarket so early in the morning?

She thought suspiciously in her heart.

At this moment, she was so close to him. He was standing there, wearing a black windbreaker, with one hand in his pocket and the other hand answering the phone, waiting for the salesperson to weigh the fish.

After a while, he threw it into the shopping cart and walked away.

She chased for a few steps, but there was water on the ground and her feet slipped.


She fell down, and stars were flying in front of her eyes.

It hurts.


"Little girl, are you okay?"

Next to her, an aunt kindly helped her up.


She got up.

"Too slippery."

When I looked up again, he was gone.


She rubbed her knees, sighed to herself, and went back to picking fish.

Looking at those fish swimming so happily, but you want to kill them, isn't it too cruel?

I thought that after a while, my hands would be stained with blood, but for the sake of a full meal, and the food might not be particularly delicious - if you waste ingredients too much, you will be punished. Sent.

She didn't want to be sent to heaven.

Thinking about what happened to her, if she hadn't done something immoral in her previous life, how could she be so unlucky in this life?


She put the fish back again.

After going around in a circle, she only bought two steamed buns and a bottle of yogurt and came out.

I casually came to the checkout area, looked up, and was startled again.

What a coincidence?

I actually met him again!

Jin Hengyuan's shopping cart is almost full, mostly fresh ingredients.

Hehe, is he going to make a Manchu-Han banquet at home?

Hey, you also bought some yogurt?

Does Miss Ming also like to drink yogurt?

"Thank you. The total is five hundred and six yuan. Can you pay by card or cash?"

The salesperson asked warmly.


Jin Hengyuan answered quietly and handed over six red banknotes.

The salesperson got the money back.

He dressed in different categories on the side.

Pu Xiang handed over his food.

"Nine dollars."

The salesperson reported the amount of money.

But when she touched her pocket, she froze.

I fainted and went out. I only took the bus pass and forgot to take my wallet.

"Nine dollars..."

"I'm sorry, I forgot to take the money. I...I won't buy it."

She was so embarrassed.

I've never been so embarrassed.

How embarrassing!

Beside, Jin Hengyuan raised his head and glanced at her, stunned.

She put down the food, folded her hat, and planned to leave the scene in embarrassment so that she would no longer be embarrassed here.


It’s too frustrating to get off the stage.

"Nine yuan, right? I'll pay for you."

A ten-dollar bill was handed over.

Pu Xiang was stunned. Was the low and quiet voice directed at him?

She met his bottomless black eyes.

Well, he was talking to her.


His voice suddenly became hoarse, so he took it, brought back the steamed buns and yogurt, and paid for it.

When he turned around and came out, the man was already gone.

She hurriedly chased him out.

Jin Hengyuan was walking slowly in front, talking to another man.

"Sir, can you leave me your phone number? I'll pay you back later..."

she shouted.

Jin Hengyuan turned his head and took a glance, and said calmly:

"No, Xiao Qian... Chang Ning, I'm leaving first... please help me pay attention to the part-time workers..."

He turned and left.

"I will handle it."

Jin Changning agreed, turning his head and looking at the girl in front of him who was so covered that only her eyeballs were left:

"What happened? Did he lend you money?"

"Yeah!" Pu Xiang nodded and said softly, "I forgot to take the money when I went out."

"It seems that you are just lucky... This guy usually ignores people. Today he is actually willing to pay for you..."

Jin Changning clicked his tongue and sounded surprised.

"Oh, is it so?"

Pu Xiang responded softly and walked down the steps.

Jin Changning followed her and glanced at her again, a very meaningful look.

"You, what are you doing?"

She felt a little guilty when he looked at her.

"I noticed you have very beautiful eyes."

Being pushed by the sun, it sparkled like a glazed stone.

Jin Changning couldn't help but marveled at it.

Pu Xiang thought about how she should answer the call. This gentle man seemed to be very interested in her.

"Uh, thank you."

"It's not cold, why are you dressed like this?"

Jin Changning asked a question he had asked five years ago.

"Particularly afraid of the cold."

This is the truth.

Jin Changning said "Oh" and then said:

"My name is Jin Changning, what's your name?"

Why does this guy like talking to people so much?

I didn’t think so before!

Pu Xiang thought for a while:

"My name is Pu Xiang."

"Your surname is Park? Are you Korean?"

"No, I'm Chinese."

This is an episode in life.

Pu Xiang knew.

On the way back, she leaned against the bus window and sighed softly.

Just a few simple words, she recalled countless times. The unsmiling face was as strange as her own face.

I just wanted to see him a few times when I came back, even if it was just from a distance.

However, the human heart is greedy.

When I meet you once, I want to meet you again.

Now that we have the third side, we are looking forward to the fourth side.

Having the fourth side makes me long for the fifth side, even to the point of watching him from a close distance.

When I have the opportunity to meet him up close, I will be eager to talk to him again. Once I have a conversation with him, I will look forward to other things...

Human passion is extremely large.

It will give rise to a greater desire after the previous desire is satisfied.

It will want more and more.

But she couldn't give more.

Since you can't give it, you can't ask for it.

Although he is still single now, he will marry another soon.

People like him never lack women.

As long as he wants it, women will flock to him.

He will soon forget the past.

In this world, no one can live without someone.

Those who sacrifice themselves for love are cowards.

No matter what a person encounters, he should live bravely and strongly, so that he is worthy of his parents, himself, and those who love him.


She looked at the food in her hand, her stomach growling, but she just couldn't bear to eat it. It was what he bought for her.

Nine o'clock.

Pu Xiang crawled back to her small apartment, put the steamed buns and yogurt into the small refrigerator, then rubbed her aching belly and cooked porridge.

The phone rang.

She took a look and was stunned for a moment. It was her godfather's phone call.

Uncle Gan asked: "When do you plan to go back to the hospital?"

She didn't want to go. The hospital was simply not a place for people.

She hates hospitals.

Very very annoying.

"Uncle, the agreed time hasn't come yet..."

She whispered: "There is still one and a half months."

Uncle Qian sighed there: "Looking at me from a distance like this, apart from hurting yourself, what else can you do?"

"I know."

Pain and happiness.

It was a torture.

"I will go back in a month and a half."

She agreed quietly.

"That's up to you. Oh, by the way, how is the completion of the work you promised to design before?"

"Two days later. I'll send it to you!"

"Yeah! Take care of yourself."


After hanging up the phone, she stared at the porridge pot in a daze:

One and a half months to go.

Can you stay with him for another month and a half?

Well, it looks like he's looking for part-time workers.

So, can she apply for this job?

Inexplicably, she had such an impulse.

Enter his home again.

Spend the last month and a half guarding him.

But one and a half months later, her fate was beyond her control...

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