The Perfect Hidden Marriage

407, she is attached to him, but doesn’t want to drag him down...

"I have to think about it."

This was Pu Xiang's answer.

"Okay! Spinning"

Jin Changning left his number and asked her to think clearly about calling him.

On the way home, Pu Xiang stared blankly at the familiar number with a sad expression.

In fact, she wanted to take the job.

However, she was afraid that that environment would make her feel attached, making her unable to make the heart to leave.

But how could she drag him down?

In the past, although her background was not good and she was an orphan, she at least had a beautiful face, a healthy body, painting skills that she could be proud of, and ingenious ideas in her mind.

These can give her confidence and make her live full of energy every day.

But what about her now?

Her face is broken, her body is broken, and she can barely draw. But one day, she will go blind, and she will have nothing.

The point is, she has such a bad background.

Think about it, she is Xiao Zhiyue's daughter, how can cousins ​​get married? How can I have children? Why do you want to live your whole life?

To this end, she also checked a lot of information.

There are some records of consanguineous marriages in the Bible "Genesis".

For example, Abram and Sarah were half-brothers and sisters, Isaac and Rebekah were cousins, Esau and Maharah were cousins, and Jacob, Leah and Rachel were cousins.

She also checked the marital status of some celebrities.

For example, Charles Darwin married his cousin Emma Wedgwood and gave birth to ten children. Although three of them died in infancy, one of his surviving sons was a famous astronomer. , a botanist, a civil engineer, banker, educational extension specialist and a politician-biologist. Both of his daughters are writers.

For example, Einstein's second wife Elsa was his second cousin.

For example: Franklin D. Roosevelt, the only president in the history of the United States who served three full terms, and his wife Eleanor were cousins. They had a total of six children, each of whom was highly successful.

Another example: Zhuang Mingyue, the wife of Hong Kong's richest man Li Ka-shing, is the daughter of Li Ka-shing's mother's brother. The fruit of this marriage is the "Little Superman" Li Zekai. Families like the Li family are not uncommon in Hong Kong. (Note: The above reference materials are all from the Internet.)

These cases in Chinese and foreign history can prove that marriage between first cousins ​​does not necessarily cause mental retardation or other defects in the offspring.

The problem is, this is in contemporary China. China's Marriage Law clearly stipulates that intermarriage within three generations is prohibited.

Moreover, in China, there has been such a marriage tradition since ancient times: cousins ​​can marry, but cousins ​​with the same surname are not allowed to marry.

Jin Hengyuan is a famous person. If someone with bad intentions digs out such a secret, it will cause a huge commotion.

Whether it is the Xiao family or the Jin family, it will definitely cause damage to their reputation.

She thought about it carefully: Xiao Jin's family really didn't need to face such a stigma for someone who had one foot in the coffin.

She didn't want to drag them down, she just wanted to spend the rest of her life quietly, and she just wanted to see him more before closing her eyes.

Because she is a person with no future.

What else is there to be greedy about?

But if she could really let go, she wouldn't come back here, let alone think about visiting his home again, hoping that he would smile at her.

But, as I was thinking about it, I was also afraid.

Afraid of being impulsive, afraid that he would find out, afraid of destroying his peaceful present and bright future...

That kind of contradiction was entangled in her heart, making it impossible for her to make up her mind.

She hated herself for being so melancholy and indecisive, but she just couldn't defeat herself and become decisive.


She could only sigh.


Greater Shanghai is a bustling city, full of entertainment and entertainment, and full of opportunities.

How many young and ambitious young people have devoted themselves here one after another, hoping to find a bright future for themselves.

But its high consumption also makes many people love and hate it.

I love its prosperity, but hate the huge pressure it brings to people.

Pu Xiang calculated the money in his account. The pitiful three figures were not enough to pay next month's rent.

She needs to make money, and even if the design draft in her hand is given out, she won't get the money for a while.

Although that part-time job was good, but...she had so many concerns that it was difficult for her to make a decision.

On Sunday, she came to the park in the middle of the street again, set up a street stall, and sketched people.

Twenty yuan a piece is cheap enough.

Generally speaking, when paintings are sold on the street, each painting costs between thirty and fifty.

She is a first-time business owner and aims to make small profits but quick turnover.

Because it was cheap and because she was good at painting, business was pretty good.

"Auntie, can you draw me a picture?"

A tender voice came in.

Pu Xiang looked up, and there was a beautiful little girl standing in front of her. She had long hair, was gentle and quiet, and had a sweet smile.

Her hand gripping the pen tightened; her throat tightened; her heart tightened even more; she stared straight at it, unable to speak for a moment.

"Auntie, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with me?"

The little girl looked down at herself in confusion.


Pu Xiang nodded quickly:

"Just do a simple pose!"


The little girl sat cross-legged on the blanket in front of her, holding the book and reading quietly.

This gesture is not artificial at all, it is very natural.

Pu Xiang looked at it, smiled slightly, and started drawing.

I drew a girl who is as beautiful as an elf. She is reading a book seriously, and everyone is full of style.

"Okay! You can get up."

Pu Xiang walked over with the painting and let her see it.

The little girl was very satisfied and smiled brightly:

"Can you please auntie draw my name on it? I want to take it back and frame it..."

"Your name is……"

"Xiao Xiaoran!"

Pu Xiang painted the name into a jar of blooming flowers, which is very artistic.

When Xiao Xiaoran got it, she smiled happily and whispered: "It's so beautiful, thank you, auntie."

She gave money, one hundred yuan.

Pu Xiang got her eighty yuan back.

Xiao Xiaoran was stunned: "It's only twenty yuan, Auntie, is your charge too low?"

Pu Xiang smiled, with a touch of affection in his eyes, and rubbed her little head: "Go...go find your family!"

Xiao Xiaoran was stunned again and said: "Auntie, one hundred is too little for the paintings you painted. You can raise the price. I know some painting, and you are really good at painting..."

The little girl felt wronged for her!

It’s so hard to find a close friend!

"Thank you, little Xiao Xiao, for your appreciation."

"Goodbye, aunt!"

Xiao Xiaoran jumped and rushed somewhere.

Not far away, her father Jin Hengyuan was sitting by a clear pond, reading a book in his hand. The little girl went up and hooked her father's neck, offering him a treasure to read. The two people were talking excitedly there.

The relationship between father and daughter is really good.

At this moment, she suddenly envied Xiao Xiaoran. She could snuggle in his arms, be pampered by him, and talk to him...

Oh, what is she thinking?

She scratched her scalp.

"Excuse me, do you still paint?"

a little boy asked there.

"Drawing, drawing..."

Pu Xiang turned around and responded hurriedly.

She continued to paint, one after another... From time to time she would glance over there, and suddenly she felt that her day was very interesting.

Because she was in the same place as him, because she was finally so close to him.

Towards evening, Pu Xiang painted a total of more than a dozen paintings and earned three to four hundred yuan. Some people tipped a little more.

During this time, she almost never stopped. She was very tired from painting and her hands were very sore.

It had been a long time since she had painted like this, and she was a little out of breath, but she was in a very happy mood.

"Auntie, have you finished your work?"

While she was staring at the sky in a daze, Xiao Xiaoran appeared in front of her again with a sweet smile on her face.

That smile made her feel extremely comfortable.


"My dad wants to say a few words to you. Can you come with me?"

Xiao Xiaoran pointed to the man who had been reading in the distance.

Pu Xiang's heart skipped a beat, but she still nodded:


The setting sun was golden, shining brightly on the man's stern face.

Pu Xiang wanted to stop and quietly draw this beautiful scene.

But, no.

There was Xiao Xiaoran watching next to her. It was impossible for her to set up an easel in front of this child and secretly paint others...


What a shame.

However, she was very happy to finally be able to talk to him again.

At this moment, she felt that her face was getting hot for no reason:

Hehe, he's almost a person whose name begins with "三", how can he still have such ridiculous psychological changes like falling in love for the first time? ——Digression——See you tomorrow.

PS: This article has been written for five months. Chen would like to thank all readers for their support. Today is the last day of July. August will start the day after tomorrow. Because of your support, Chen has been in the top ten of the subscription list for the first time in four consecutive months. Can you please use the monthly tickets in your hands to send me the monthly ticket list in the final stage of the article, that is, next month? Chen’s requirements are not high. It’s enough for every reader who subscribes to give me one.

For this reason, today, Chen is here to make a pious request to you:

On August 1st, can I give Chen your monthly ticket?

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