The Perfect Hidden Marriage

416, Pu Xiang is very mysterious; Su Jin’s life experience is also strange.

He knew Jin Hengyuan's intentions well and was clueless, so it was impossible for him to use him to investigate the matter. For Jin Hengyuan, Bo Feihong is enough for him.


Jin Hengyuan spread the information on his lap, stared at it intently, folded his hands and gave it two edges.

How could Ji Beixun be so easily prevaricated:

"You're just out of curiosity, so you won't let me check. Those simple household registration tasks can be done if you ask Bo Feihong to do it."

Jin Hengyuan raised his eyes, his eyes flashed, and finally explained:

"That's right, this girl is now Xiao Xiao's art teacher."

"Xiao Xiao changed teachers again?"

Hearing this, Tie Jing picked up the conversation in surprise:

"Which number will this change this year?"

"The fourth one. The first three were either angry or scared away by her... This time she invited this person on her own initiative. I have to find out who they are, right?" Jin Hengyuan answered.

Tie Jing chuckled and went to make tea while saying:

"Boss and I have discussed this matter before... We think that Xiao Xiao is not trying to learn painting. She is clearly using it to find a stepmother for herself. If we have been together for a while, she feels that If people don't taste like her, Su Jin's mother, they will find fault in every possible way. If you really want to learn painting, are there any people who find fault with the teacher like this?"

Jin Hengyuan lowered his head and flipped through the information again. Ignoring the ridicule in Tie Jing's words, he said to Ji Beixun:

"I think Pu Xiang is weird."

"What kind of weird method?"

Ji Beixun listened very carefully.

Jin Hengyuan thought for a while and described:

“Wearing a hat and a mask all day long, except for a pair of eyeballs, the whole face is hidden from view.

"He was very kind to Xiao Xiao, but he stayed away from me.

“For example, last night, Xiaoxiao asked her to have dinner with me, but she didn’t agree, and she ran away as fast as I laid eyes on her.

“The other thing is particularly strange.

“Since this girl is from another city, how would she know that there is a housekeeping company near my community?

"This person actually applied for a job as a part-time worker... but later because he refused to take off his mask for the interview, the matter fell through."

This was something Chang Ning was surprised to see Pu Xiang teaching Xiao Xiao at his home yesterday, so she told him about it. He finally realized that Chang Ning wanted to hire someone to work at his house as a part-time worker! However, she later called and declined.

“Although, she mentioned to me that she was short of money and didn’t want to ask for it from her family, so she wanted to rely on her own ability to earn some money to make ends meet.

"But Shanghai is such a big place. You think she and I are so destined to meet each other again and again?"

“And it’s still near my house?

"When all these things came together, I felt something was not right... How could I feel relieved if I didn't check it out?"

On the surface, this girl doesn't have any big problems, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that it is just like Aunt Zhinan said, people's hearts are bottomless, and they really need to be on guard.

Now, in addition, the information obtained by Ji Bei's investigation also revealed some strange information, which made him even more confused.

After hearing this, Tie Jing chuckled:

"You mean, this person came to you? Because he likes you? So he deliberately approached you? What made you think this way? Could it be... In the past two days, this Pu Xiang has been treating you in private? Are you ogling me? No, you just said that this person is avoiding you, right?"

Jin Hengyuan couldn't explain.

Ji Beixun listened quietly and finally asked: "What are you suspecting? What truth do you want me to help you find out?"

"have no idea!"

Jin Hengyuan threw the information on the table:

"Maybe I'm nervous! Plus..."

He rubbed the mustache growing on his chin:

"In addition, Xiao Xiao said this to me during dinner last night..."

"What words?"

Tie Jing was so curious that he even poked his head over.

"Xiao Xiao said, Pu Xiang seemed to be crying when she saw the paintings I drew, and her eyes were very red.

"Xiao Xiao believed that Pu Xiang could understand the emotions in my paintings, so she was moved to tears. However, she did not admit to crying, and only said that dust blew into her eyes.

“The problem is, I often clean that studio, how could there be dust?

"You're obviously lying, aren't you?

"Now you tell me that this person is a dancer, not a painter. How to explain the contradiction here?"

Jin Hengyuan squinted his eyes and couldn't figure it out.

"If you want to know the truth, the simplest way is to take this information and ask her directly... and see what she says? Oops..."

Tie Jing's head was knocked.

"What kind of solution?"

Jin Hengyuan squinted at him.

If he were to do this, he would have to scare people away.

The current situation is that he doesn't want to scare people away, he wants to figure it out quietly in private.

There was an intuition reminding him: this girl named Pu Xiang might disappear anytime and anywhere.

And he must figure out what's going on here before she disappears.

Therefore, he has to hide


Uh, okay, maybe it's because his life has been a little too boring recently, so he has become so nervous. When he encounters something interesting, he has the urge to get to the bottom of it. impulse.

"Okay, then I will go deeper to find out who the person who picked up Pu Yujing is. However, this may take some time. I feel that the other person seems to be quite mysterious, and I really don't want people to know who he is. There should be someone He came prepared. Therefore, Pu Yujing’s whereabouts will be sealed airtight from now on.”

Ji Beixun's curiosity was also aroused.

It was impossible for ordinary people to do this, so he thought that person should have a good background.


Jin Hengyuan smiled happily, glanced at it, and saw the landform map on his computer, which was very complicated.

"Hey, what is this? Is this the place you are looking for?"

He leaned over to take a look.


Ji Beixun recalled a drawing:

"Look, this is a map from the Han Dynasty that I found before.

“The place marked above is an ancient tomb from the Han Dynasty.

“After the middle of next month, I will take my people there.

“In my memory, I’ve been there.

"I don't know why, but I was in a coma for several months. After I woke up, I forgot about it.

"To this day, I still don't know what happened to me, so I gave up researching it.

‘Now that I know its existence, I will make it clear. "

Ji Beixun was an extremely aloof man and would face everything with the most calm attitude, but he had an inexplicable fanaticism about ancient tombs.

Over the years, he has funded archaeological research institutes in various provinces from time to time. I don’t know what kind of treasure this guy wants to dig out from the ground...

This man, all the money taken from him was invested in this kind of thing.

"I don't understand the field of archeology. I only know how to do business and how to litigate. If you have any problems with funds, I can help you, but there is nothing else I can do for you... However, archeology has always been a national If you act privately like this, will you get into trouble?"

Jin Hengyuan asked with concern.

"Don't worry, I've teamed up with relevant departments to dig together. Everything will be fine."

Ji Beixun replied calmly.

Jin Hengyuan was relieved and turned to ask other questions:

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing, that is, the situation of Shen Qingzhou's aunt's family. How did you check it out?"

This is the purpose of his coming today.

"I was just about to tell you about this!"

Ji Beixun sat upright and straightened his expression:

"Jin, now, I need you to do two things for me?"

This man rarely asks for help. For example, in the past two years, Ji Beixun was mostly helping him, but rarely was he helping Ji Beixun.

Hearing this, he immediately perked up and said, "Say it."

Ji Beixun used the computer to call up a piece of information, which was a character relationship table:

"First of all, there is one thing you must understand."

He pointed to the person in the photo, a very elegant middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a warm smile.

"What's wrong with this guy?"

Jin Hengyuan examined it and felt that it looked familiar, as if he had seen it before.

"His name is Han Jiangnan, an internationally famous painter. His paintings are now hard to find in the market. Moreover, he immigrated to Australia many years ago.

"He is Chi Wanzhu's senior brother. He has superb painting skills and is even better at Chinese ink painting than Chi Wanzhu.

"Twenty-nine years ago, when Chi Wanzhu gave birth in the hospital, his wife happened to be in the same hospital. Moreover, they entered the delivery room on the same day, and all the babies were daughters. Look at these two people again..."

Ji Beixun changed another photo:

"This person's name is Han Runyu. She is Han Jiangnan's eldest daughter and Shen Qingzhou's eldest cousin. This person's name is Han Runxiu and she is Han Jiangnan's second daughter.

"At first glance, do the sisters look nothing alike?

"The fact is: this Han Runyu looks neither like his father nor his mother.

"If you take a closer look, you will feel that Han Runyu is more like another person!"

Having said this, he paused and stared straight at:

"Who does your first impression look like?"

"Chi Wanzhu!"

Jin Hengyuan whispered the name.

Ji Beixun nodded and arranged the photos of Han Runyu and Chi Wanzhu on the computer desktop. The two faces were 67% similar:

"We discussed it through the group here, and we all believe that these two people are most likely mother and daughter...

"I suspect that Han Runyu and Su Jin may have been carried by the wrong nurse when they were newborns. The reason is: there is no grudge between the two families. This should be an accident.

"Now, I need this person's hair, Su Jin's hair, and Han Jiangnan for DNA testing. If my inference is correct, the truth will be revealed once the test is done...

"On Han Jiangnan's side, I have sent people to collect it, but on Han Runyu's side, because this person

In confinement. It's not easy to see her.

"However, we can go through another person to get this person's hair."

After Jin Hengyuan heard this quietly, he asked: "Who is that person?"

"The man's surname is Xiang, and his name is Xiang Mochuan."

In response, he pulled up the man's photo.

"Xiang Mochuan? Why does it sound familiar to you?"

Jin Hengyuan stared and muttered.

Ji Beixun nodded:

"Yes, as I mentioned to you before, he is a famous researcher of ancient culture, and his family has studied ancient tombs for generations.

“At the very beginning, their ancestors were born as tomb robbers, and then they gradually transformed and became archaeologists of the national unit.

"By this generation, Xiang Mochuan has become an internationally renowned archaeological expert.

"This man has researched various ancient tombs. I wanted to ask him to work for me. However, he refused my invitation because his wife was about to give birth.

“He is the kind of free and easy person who is born unmoved by money and does things as he pleases.

"However, it is not easy to get close to him. Especially after his wife became pregnant, he became more and more reclusive."

Jin Hengyuan is a smart man and understood immediately: "You want me to recognize Xiang Mochuan through Shen Qingzhou, and then do two things through this person: first, get Han Runyu's hair, and second, help you win over this person!"

Ji Beixun smiled, and it was so pleasant to talk to people with high IQs:

"Yes! First, this man loves his wife very much. The relationship between husband and wife is very good, and the relationship between husband and wife is also very harmonious. Not long ago, Han Runyu just gave birth to a son for him. During these days, he did nothing. , just at home with his wife and children. If you want to check Han Runyu, this person is the best place to start.

"Second, this man knows the tombs of the Han Dynasty very well. It is said that his ancestors still have some maps of the Han Dynasty, which are extremely precious. I would like to take them to have a look, but unfortunately I have never had the chance... If you can win over and make friends with me, With him, not only can your matter be solved, but I can also achieve what I want."

Jin Hengyuan thought about it for a while and nodded: "No problem. I will take care of this matter - digression - see you tomorrow! Dear friends, remember to give Chen a monthly pass after reading this!

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