The Perfect Hidden Marriage

422. Her awakening was a medical miracle; his

Its daybreak!

Pu Xiang opened her dry eyes. In her drowsiness, she saw golden sunlight refracting from the east window and shining right on her eyes.

It was a bit dazzling, so she squinted for a while, moved her head slightly, and retreated from the darkness.

At this moment, she seemed to feel the warmth of the sun.

Her nose was a bit blocked and she couldn't smell anything, but she knew she was in the hospital.

Oh, why did you go back to the hospital again?

It’s so annoying!

I think of her. She has been a very friendly little girl since she was a child. She is kind-hearted and knows how to be grateful. Even if she encounters injustice again, she will not be cynical or blame others. She will only endure it silently and then face it with her perseverance. The hardships of life.

At that time, she would never deliberately dislike someone or something. If she didn't like it, she would avoid it at most, laugh it off, and never trust it.

At that time, she was always calm and calm.

Later, gradually, she discovered that she had a place she hated - the hospital.

Needless to say, the smell of disinfectant is very pungent.

What matters, there is death.

As long as you don't try hard enough, it will catch you.

As long as you close your eyes, you may not see the sun the next day.

That place took away two very important people in her life: her adoptive father and her adoptive mother. One was due to a car accident and the other died due to illness.

Later, it was her turn to have an indissoluble bond with it.

This kind of fate is something no one wants to have.

It's really hard to live in bed every day.

That was a disaster.

A disaster that can drain people's blood.

She closed her eyes for a moment, as if she had gone back in time.

The air smelled of petroleum.

She saw with her own eyes that Zhou Wen, that crazy woman, put a lot of oil into this layer.

Soon, the fire burned her, her clothes were burned, her hair was singed, the smoke choked her nose, her eyes stung, and the surrounding area was getting hotter and hotter.

Something was exploding, so harsh; something fell down, pouring hot on her face.

It's burned to death and hurts like hell!

She screamed in pain.

But she knew clearly in her heart that no one could save her.

She never imagined that one day she would die tragically in such a way.

Burned alive.

Later, the consciousness was gone and the memory was gone too...

If you never wake up again, your life will be over.

Only twenty-six years old.

All joy, anger, sorrow, and joy came to an abrupt end.

Who said life is long?

Sometimes, it is so hurried and disappears before we can appreciate the beauty of life.

But later, consciousness returned.

The only feeling is pain.

Every part of my body hurts.

She heard someone talking in a deep voice, and the sound was so far away that she had to concentrate all her energy to hear clearly what they were saying.

"Can it be saved?"

"It's very difficult. I've used all the medicines available. As long as there's no infection, there's still a glimmer of hope. If there's an infection, it's hard to say. Mr. Ming, as you can see, her burn area is not particularly large, but her head is The blow to the chest and the wound to the abdomen were fatal..."

At that time, she knew that she had been rescued and was receiving treatment.

But she was still in a daze.

Yes, she could hear the sound at that time, but she couldn't wake up.

How long these days lasted, she didn't know.

What she could feel was that someone was injecting fluids into her body every day. The person called "Mr. Ming" would appear next to her with the doctor from time to time to discuss her condition.

As for her condition, it was always recurring.

I had a high fever for a while, and then it went down. One moment he was critically ill again, and another moment he was fine again...

She was always being wheeled in and out of the emergency room.

Once, Mr. Ming and the doctor discussed her condition again beside her.

The doctor said: "The situation is not optimistic. There are complications... If I can't survive tonight, I will be in a vegetative state."

After hearing this, Mr. Ming sighed for a long time, and finally just said:

"No matter what, please do your best. I will give you enough medical expenses. I will also give you enough funds for your research project. In short, I want her to all costs, I must Save her..."

At that time, she thought: Mr. Ming, is he Ming Dan?

But if Ming Dan found someone to rescue her, why didn't he hand her over to the Jin family?

After she became conscious, she never heard a familiar voice.

Could it be that Hengyuan didn't discover the hidden information? Did they all die?

This idea made her very anxious.

She wants to find out the truth.

She didn't want to sleep anymore.

She didn't want to be in a vegetative state and lie there like this, dead or alive. What was the point?

It would be better to die happily.

Driven by this idea, she finally woke up the next day.

Then, she found herself in a sterile room, found that her face and body were bandaged, found that she could not move, found that she could not speak, found that she had become a living dead, and only her eyes could move...

But her attending doctor was so surprised that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear and said in blunt Chinese:

"This is a medical miracle, an absolute miracle."

Whether it was a miracle or not, she didn't know.

She only knew that she missed Hengyuan.

Think too much.

Because I miss you so deeply, I suffer countless pains.

Yes, it was a difficult time.

Unbearable suffering.

When she woke up, she was unrecognizable and her child was gone... The child she and Hengyuan had been waiting for for a long time had no fate with her and was lost in a hurry while she was still in a coma.

That day is March 26, 2014.

It would have been a good day for her if tragedy hadn't happened.

She should wear a beautiful wedding dress, wait for her beloved man to marry her, and with the blessings of her relatives, she should become his married wife from then on. We share weal and woe with him, and we will never be separated from him in life or death.

But because of the tragedy planned by Zhou Wen, her life fell from heaven to hell.

My thoughts were spinning like this...

And it hurts my heart deeply...

She opened her eyes suddenly, not daring to recall any more.

"woke up!"

She happened to meet the man's extremely concerned gaze.

Jin Hengyuan didn't know when he walked in, but he happened to appear in front of her at this time. His face was not too cold, it was warm, and he looked really comfortable.

"Are you hungry? You didn't eat all day yesterday, right! After taking the salt water, you fell asleep all night again... I just ordered a cup of fish fillet porridge from Xu Ji Restaurant outside. It was warm. It's time to eat, do you want me to help you sit up and eat some?"

That gentle and jade-like voice is so sultry!

Those aching feelings were soothed.

But why does he treat her so well?

Could it be...

She hurriedly touched her face and head.

so far so good.

The mask is still there and the hat is on the head.

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief and felt her heart racing.

"Mr. Jin, thank you so much for last night!"

She sat up on her own, feeling a little dizzy.

Oh, no, I am very dizzy.

I've never been so dizzy.

The hoarse voice made Jin Hengyuan frown. This distant and polite tone was really unpleasant.

So, what should he do?

Expose her directly?

What will happen to her?

He considered the consequences: She might escape.

Before, he had been thinking about these two things:

First, since she is not dead, since she can move freely, and since she misses him, why not send someone to send a message to him?

Second, since you came back, why did you not recognize him when you saw him?

What's the reason?

After thinking for a moment, he calmly answered: "You're welcome."

"I'm fine now! I want to go home."

Pu Xiang wanted to get off the bed, but as a result, she felt dizzy and fell to the side, almost kissing the cold ground.

Fortunately, Jin Hengyuan's quick eyesight and hands quickly grabbed the person, hugged him fully, and shouted angrily:

"Is it okay for you to call me like this?"



She hates herself being so weak and powerless, she hates it.

"Thank you for helping me!"

She pushed him away, but he held her waist firmly and helped her sit on the edge of the bed.

"The fever is gone, but the doctor said that we need to observe it for one to two days. You can stay in the hospital with peace of mind today. I will guard you... You are not allowed to go anywhere, just lie down for me On the bed..."


He wants to guard her?

"No, no, no. I can just go home and rest!"

She disagrees.

Alas, now she doesn't have the spare money to pay for these medical expenses.

"You don't need to pay for the medical expenses. I'll help you pay..."

Jin Hengyuan thought that this might be one of the reasons why she wanted to be discharged from the hospital.

"How about that?"

she shouted immediately.

"Okay, then it will be deducted from your salary later."


There is only so much salary in total, and this is the rhythm that will be deducted completely.

She knew that once this man decided something, it would be difficult for her to change him.

But I feel really uncomfortable, so just sleep!

"Would you like porridge?"

Jin Hengyuan's tone softened because of her submission.

That tenderness is really irresistible.

Moreover, she was really hungry.



He went to the bathroom, twisted out a hot towel and handed it to her: "Wipe your face."

Pu Xiang is in a dilemma.

Of course I want to wipe my face, but the problem is that there is an outsider in front of me!

Of course Jin Hengyuan saw it, and turned around to serve a bowl of porridge and put it on the bedside table: "I'll go outside to smoke a cigarette. You can eat it by yourself. After eating, go to bed again. It's early, and there's still a while before the doctor checks the ward. …”


Pu Xiang responded gently and watched the man walk out steadily.

After the door closed, she turned her face into the bed, took off her mask, wiped her face, brought the fish fillet porridge over, and started eating slowly.

As she ate, she froze.

its not right!

She stared at the fish fillet porridge. The words "Xu Ji Restaurant" were printed on the bowl and cup, but the taste was too familiar...

The fish fillets were picked without any thorns, the rice grains were cooked well, and the soup was light and fresh.

So much like his craft.

This couldn't have been cooked by him!

Could it be that he discovered something?

Her heart was in chaos.

Oh, what can I do?

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