The Perfect Hidden Marriage

424, he coaxed her back home

"I don't like to explain... they love to misunderstand, and it's up to them to misunderstand..."

This answer is a bit too casual!

However, it is also in line with his temperament.

She stared speechlessly for a while.

"Sleep well!"

Jin Hengyuan came over and pushed her onto the bed.

It seems like he doesn't care about men and women!

Alas, he is still so strong.

You have to listen to him in everything!

She is just an informal tutor.

"There's something I want to ask..."

After lying down, she asked.

Well, looking at this man from her perspective, why is he so handsome?

Looking at her, my heart started to beat wildly.


He went to get a bottle of water, turned around, and stood in front of her.

She pointed to the cup and asked, "Does Xu Ji Restaurant sell fish fillet porridge so early in the morning?"

It sounded like a very casual question, but the person who heard it, Jin Hengyuan, understood in his heart that his wife was trying to find out about him - she probably got the idea.

"No. I asked the chef to open the door and let him cook. I'm familiar with Lao Xu, and I even learned his craftsmanship from him for two days before... The taste is okay... I thought before that plain porridge has no taste, but Lao Xu's food is good, not With the addition of seasonings, it tastes delicious and has a good texture, so I went to bother them once..."

This was said quite cleverly.

It was so clever that she immediately let her guard down.

Oh, it turns out he was trained there, no wonder the taste is so familiar.

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief:

"It's delicious. But it must be expensive!"

"How come it tastes so delicious?"

He didn't want to compete with her for that little money.

"I... have a small appetite. If I eat too much, it will turn inside out."


She was not young before, but it can be seen that her current physical condition is really ridiculous.

His eyes darkened unconsciously.

Pu Xiang didn't know what he was thinking:

"Hey, can we discuss it?"

"tell me the story."

He has drank most of the bottle of water.

"I want to be discharged from the hospital."

The man's face suddenly darkened:


"Why not? I'm really fine. The hospital smells weird. I really don't like it. Living in the hospital, I can't be happy. I feel like I'm a poor patient. It will remind me from time to time that what happened before It's something. Mr. Jin, please, I don't have much time to play in Shanghai, and I really don't want to waste my time in the hospital in advance."

She begged pitifully.

That look made him unable to refuse.

Jin Hengyuan couldn't help but sigh secretly, this girl really knew how to defeat him.

However, he did not agree immediately. Instead, he thought about it for a while and asked another question:

"How long did you stay in the hospital?"

"More than two years. Can you imagine how boring it was to be stuck in the hospital for more than 700 days every day? So when the doctor said I could go out for a walk, I felt like a prisoner on death row was finally released. I am as happy as I am to be released from the prison. But now, you have imprisoned me in the hospital again. These days are so difficult..."

She looked at him sadly and clasped her hands together.

Jin Hengyuan felt distressed inexplicably. Thinking about the more than 700 days when she was alone in the ward, it was indeed desolate.

And what was he doing at that time?

He didn't even dare to compare.

"Okay! I can handle the discharge procedures for you, but I have a condition..."

Pu Xiang sat up immediately in excitement:

"As long as I can leave this hellish place, I can agree to any conditions..."


Jin Hengyuan suddenly seemed to be smiling but not smiling:

"You agree to any conditions and you trust me so much? Aren't you afraid that I will put forward some conditions that are detrimental to your interests?"

"Do you know?"

Pu Xiang was startled, her tone immediately changed, and she asked cautiously.


Jin Hengyuan looked at the situation and raised the corners of his lips:

"My condition is: During the more than a month you teach Xiao Xiao to draw, you stay at my house. I don't want Xiao Xiao to wait for you to teach painting some weekend in the future. When I found your home, you were already dead in your bird's nest... In order for the money I advanced to you not to be wasted, I have to keep a close eye on your personal safety in the next month... "


The words were a bit poisonous, but she felt the concern.

The question is: why should he care about her?

Pu Xiang doesn't want to go, but they spend time together day and night. What's going on?

But he said:

"I have a villa on XX Road. The house is empty. I will send you to live there.

"The environment there is quiet and suitable for recuperation. There is a housekeeper and a gardener living there.

"You go over there. On Saturdays and weekends, as long as the weather is good, you can sketch in the garden. Next month, all the flowers that should bloom will bloom, and the garden will be very beautiful.

"As for me, I can rest assured that I won't have to worry about the life of Xiao Xiao's teacher while busy working every day.

"If you fall off, Xiao Xiao will cry to death..."

"In order to prevent my family from having an uproar because of you, you have to listen to me for the next month."

Isn't the villa he mentioned exactly the wedding room she designed and decorated with her own hands?

As a result, they never had the chance to stay in that building for a night.

She has a lot of nostalgia for the small home she created with all her care.

She originally wanted to keep a distance from this man, but because of his suggestion, her heart immediately started to move again.

"Wouldn't this be appropriate?"

"Is there anything inappropriate? Wait a moment and I'll ask the doctor. As long as the high fever doesn't recur, we'll go there..."

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the doctor allowed Pu Xiang to be discharged from the hospital, and Jin Hengyuan went through the discharge procedures for Pu Xiang.

After getting in his car, he showed her the invoice issued by the hospital: "This is the money you owe me, do you understand?"

I said that on purpose.

The amount above made Pu Xiang sigh deeply. At the end, he couldn't help but muttered: "Shanghai is really a place where you can't afford to see a doctor, and you can't afford to die even if you want to... Look, originally, just taking a few pills will do the trick." To resolve the matter, you have to make me owe you a huge debt before you are willing to take me out..."

Before she was discharged from the hospital, so much blood was drawn from her... When the blood was tested, it amounted to an astonishing amount, but she couldn't refuse.

"How can you be careless when it comes to health?"

Jin Hengyuan asked calmly.

"I feel a little wronged. In fact, the medicine I asked you to buy is the same medicine as the medicine used for yesterday's infusion. However, one is taken orally and the other is directly injected... You asked me to take the medicine, Just as effective…”

"Didn't the doctor say that? You are in a special situation. Just taking it orally won't work. It will only hurt your stomach. Fasten your seat belt!"

He warned her.


She looked down and couldn't find it.

He had no choice but to reach over and help her.

The distance was so close, and the cool smell that belonged to him invaded strongly.

She was stunned for a moment, her heart was beating wildly for a while, her face was burning, and her eyes were confused.


Oops, no, I stuttered.

She quickly turned her face toward the right window.

Jin Hengyuan twitched the corner of his mouth and said seriously: "I'm not outside the car. I'm here... If you want to thank me, you should say it to me..."

Pu Xiang turned around: "..."

Seeing a smile on his lips, he quickly started the car.

Oops, I saw him smiling again, lightly, and the lip line was beautifully curved.

Oops, what is she thinking?

Slowly, she moved her head away and talked to relieve the tension:

"Send me home first to get some clothes, please..."

"It's not the way. It's in the opposite direction. I'll help you get your clothes at home tomorrow. There are drawing boards and other things over there in the villa. There's a studio over there that's bigger than my apartment. From now on, it'll be enough for you and Xiao Xiao of."

Alas, okay!

The driver refused to turn around, so she had no choice but to grab the steering wheel and drive it herself. You can only listen to him.

At around 3:30, the Land Rover drove into the villa.

The villa is still the same villa, exquisite and beautiful.

The only difference between two years ago and two years later is that the flowers and plants have all grown up, and the altar is green and bright.

The flowers in early spring have also bloomed. The red flowers and green leaves are very beautiful.

The important thing is that the air is fresh.

Sunshine, green trees, red flowers, paths, European-style villas, beautiful street lamps, clear fish ponds, and swings are quietly bathing in the sunshine, calling her to go for a swing!

Oh, this picture is so beautiful.

Taking a deep breath, my whole body suddenly felt relaxed and happy, and I felt so light that I could fly.

"Can I go sit on the swing?"

Her eyes were shining and she asked softly.

"As you wish. I'll go say hello to the butler."


He strode towards the door.

As for her, after looking around the garden, she happily turned around and sat on the swing, and started to swing gently. What she recalled in her mind was the conversation between the two of them when she wanted to set up a swing at home.

She said: "I want to make a beautiful and unique swing here. I will design the shape of the swing myself... From now on, I can play here with Xiao Xiao whenever I have time..."

He smiled and put his arms around her and asked, "Why don't I sit here with you, swinging and counting the stars?"

She smiled and nodded: "Yeah, that's okay. When Xiao Xiao falls asleep, we can come and sit quietly..."

As a result, they never sat here and counted the stars!



Jin Hengyuan walked into the door and was greeted by the housekeeper, Sister Qiao, with a somewhat surprised tone: "Why is Mr. Jin free to come here today?"


While unbuttoning his coat, he ordered: "Get the guest room opposite the master bedroom sorted out for me. I'm bringing someone back and will live here for a while... Also, are there any ingredients in the kitchen refrigerator?"

As he spoke, he went over there.

"Yes, a little, but not much!"

Sister Qiao followed closely behind.

Jin Hengyuan checked and found that there were not many, and they were all materials that he could not use:

"What are you doing, Lao Zhang? Ask him to come over. I'll write a list and ask him to prepare all the things I want right away. This month, Miss Park will live here, and the ingredients for three meals must be fresh... ...I will write down the menu from Monday to Sunday, and if I am not around, a chef will come over to make it..."

The voice suddenly stopped.

Sister Qiao looked out from this position and saw only a woman wearing a red wide sweater and a mask sitting on the swing in the garden, swinging the swing high... The sunset shone in her eyes. , shining, seemingly smiling happily...


The design of the villa rooms is very elegant.

However, she never expected that she would be the first person to stay in this room.

The bed was very soft and big. She jumped up and her consciousness sank. Later, she was woken up by Jin Hengyuan: "It's time for dinner. After eating, take a shower and then go to sleep."

Dinner was cooked by Jin Hengyuan himself.

On the dining table, there were three dishes and one soup, all delicious and delicious, which made her want to eat them.

"Sit down, why are you standing there?"

"I..." She didn't sit down and said softly: "Can I go back to my room to eat?"

At that time, the housekeeper was not around, so it was just the two of them.

Jin Hengyuan curled his lips, poured half a glass of red wine, and said slowly:

"The doctor said that if you burned all night last night, your little life would be wasted. As for me, I can be regarded as the person who saved your little life. I am a benefactor. In ancient times, women repaid their kindness. The way you promise each other is with your body...Pu Xiang, tell me, how do you plan to repay your kindness?"

Well, he admitted that he was thinking of teasing her again!

Humph, who asked her to be so mysterious!


What is the promise of your body?

Is this guy taking advantage of her?

Pu Xiang frowned, and suddenly felt alert in her heart: There is no way this person would casually make such a joke on a strange woman.

Her expression suddenly hardened.

Of course Jin Hengyuan noticed it and immediately changed his tone:

"Why are you so incapable of making jokes? Okay, I only like my wife and am not interested in other women. You don't have to look like you are facing an enemy. I just think you know how to paint, and I also know how to paint. Today we have another chance. We get together and want to have a meal with you, but you won’t even give me the honor?"

It looks like it's really a joke.

"It's not that I don't appreciate it, I'm really afraid of offending your appetite...I...I'd better go back to the room to eat..."

She put some vegetables into an empty bowl, took a bowl of rice in one hand, vegetables and chopsticks in the other, and ran upstairs as if she was running away... leaving Jin Hengyuan alone in the empty restaurant.

Not long after she went upstairs, she washed her hands and was about to start eating. There was a knock on the door. She went to open it, but it was Sister Qiao, the housekeeper here, holding the three dishes and one soup that had just been placed on the dining table:

"What is this for?"

"Sir is out, let me bring the food upstairs for you to eat..."


She didn't answer and ran to the window instead. She only saw two car lights, bright in the dark night, and a Land Rover parked nearby, like a night leopard hunting, jumping out quickly.

She stared blankly, and her heart skipped a beat. Could it be that she refused to take off her mask to eat with him, which made him angry?

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