The Perfect Hidden Marriage

432, Heart-to-heart: As much as you miss me, I miss you (very heartwarming, watch it)

Su Jin stretched out her hand and gently touched his face: the wheat-colored skin was smooth and flawless, but there were faint crow's feet at the corners of the eyes when she smiled. After all, he is getting older, and time is not forgiving, but it doesn't matter, it only adds to his mature and charming masculine charm.

Some people say: A man has forty-one flowers, and his blooming flower season - the most brilliant season of a man, is unfolding in front of her.

A man, at a young age, can go to great lengths for the woman he loves. This is related to a certain age level. The tendency to become a beauty in anger mostly happens when you are young. As men age and mature, their actions will be more or less constrained by social laws. However, men at this time understand the importance of the word "responsibility" and will be very attentive once they are tempted.

And she was so virtuous and capable that he could treat her with such sincerity: after two years of "losing" his wife, he never had any feelings for her again. Although the conditions are so good, he restrains himself so tightly. What if she is really gone, how long does he want to spend mourning this broken marriage?

She bowed devoutly for a while, then continued:

"I can promise you that no matter how far I go in the future, I will work very hard to keep myself alive, and I will work very hard with you to live a good life until I can't do anything and have to leave. Before, I Never run away again.

"But you also have to promise me that if one day, I will leave first. You have to find another woman who loves you and continue to carry this life to the end."

His face became darker and darker, and his lines became tighter and tighter because of these words. The muscles on his face were pulled as if he wanted to speak.

But she covered his lips, not giving him a chance:

"These words are not pleasant to listen to. But I swear, I will not say such words again in the future. Today, we have said all the unpleasant words. From now on, we will talk about this kind of life-and-death topic. Never touch us again, all the words we have said, we just need to remember each other in our hearts..."

To put it bluntly, she was only thinking about his future.

Jin Hengyuan watched intently, how could he not know what she was thinking, feeling distressed and helpless: Why would she think so far ahead if she was in such poor health? You should think about something closer, something pleasant!

After pulling her hand away, he couldn't help but sigh:

"Okay! I've written it down. But, I don't want to hear it again in the future."

The reaction is just to agree now.

As for the future, who knows.

One day, if she is really gone, it is not her who has the final say whether he marries or not.

"Don't worry, I won't say it. I feel bad if I say that I want you to marry someone else. Just seeing you on a blind date makes me feel sour."

This is definitely my heartfelt opinion.

She said this on purpose, but to make him happy.

Sure enough, it made him smile happily:

"It turns out you know how to feel sore. It's okay, okay, I guess you still have some conscience."

Those beautiful lips immediately formed a beautiful smile, which was very charming. He opened his arms, hugged her deeply and tightly, and kissed the top of her head with one kiss. .

However, the furry feeling makes people feel a little itchy, which is completely different from the silky hair before.

"Well, the hair is too short and it's very prickly."

He touched her short hair, one by one like a brush. He missed her hair so much. When he put his hand in it, it was as smooth as silk. It was so beautiful:

"From now on, let's grow our hair..."


Su Jin agreed warmly, stared with shining eyes, and touched his man's head:

"The nun's head is really ugly."

She sighed.

A woman in this world, no matter who she is, no matter how beautiful she is, if she shaves her head, there is only one word: ugly.

Jin Hengyuan glanced at her and knew that she was just expressing emotion and had no other meaning.

"It's okay, it's quite special."

He took her and sat in front of the bay window, letting her lean into his arms and looking out the window together.

In the sky and on earth, the stars and lights are connected together.

The night is beautiful and quiet.

The mood of the two people has returned to calm.

After the dispute, there is more sweetness in my heart.

Even if you don't speak, you will feel that silence is better than sound at this time.

I sat in silence for an unknown amount of time, only the sound of my heartbeat echoing there one after another.

One lowered his head and the other raised his eyes. When their eyes met, warmth flowed freely, and smiles rippled in each other's eyes.

He held her waist firmly with his arms, because she was a treasure that he had lost and found again.

"Do you know? In the past two years, I have been dreaming, dreaming that one day, I can hold you like this again and see through all the prosperity of the world. But after I woke up from the dream, I was holding your pillow. From now on, I finally No need to sleep with a pillow."

"Okay, from now on, I'll let you hold me to sleep."

She agreed softly, pressing against his chest to feel the stability of this world.

This is also the beautiful thing she has always thought about.

"Okay! I'll sleep with you tonight."

He became smiling again, gently rubbed her arm with his hand, and suddenly sighed:

"However, the feel is so different. It used to be fleshy to the touch. They said you have a good figure. Even though you have a good body, you still have some flesh... Have you noticed that you are actually quite good at hiding your flesh. However, the flesh is just right. , you are too skinny now. Well, from now on, I have to make you fat... so that you can be soft when I pinch you..."

"Okay! For you, I will make myself fat."

She agreed gently. I am indeed too thin.

At this moment, the two people looked at each other and smiled, their eyes full of tenderness and sweetness.

Full of happiness, filled in the other person's eye sockets.

"The problem of obesity will be solved later. What needs to be solved now is another thing..."

Jin Hengyuan suddenly helped her sit up straight, then held her face and changed the topic with a twinkling look.

"What's up?"

"I want to kiss you!"

His face lit up because of this request and became earnest.

She was stunned for a moment, and red clouds flew over her face.

"Why don't you say anything? Don't you want to kiss me?"

He smiled and moved his lips closer.

A pair of thin arms hooked around his neck and answered simply:


Not coy at all.

His smile widened.

"Really? How much do you think?"

Alas, he deliberately teased her again.

Her answer was perfect:

"I miss you as much as you miss me. I miss you as much as you miss me. My thoughts, my thoughts, are only a lot more than yours..."

Who says that only women like sweet talk, men also like it, okay?

Especially, knowing that this is not sweet talk, but the most sincere confession, I can't help but feel happy when I hear it.

He smiled and lifted her slender chin with his hand. When he came closer, he blinked and whispered:

"This time, I won't faint after a kiss! I was scared by you before..."

"Who brought you here to be so rude?"

Her cheeks were red and she took the opportunity to accuse, her black eyes widened:

"Normal people will be stunned by your kiss. I have never seen you so barbaric..."

All right!

At that time, he was a little angry and a little out of control.

"I promise not to be rude this time."

He leaned over, stared at her, and took her lips bit by bit.

A very tender kiss.

It begins with smiles and mutual expectations, and ends with tenderness.

He liked it so much that he kissed her forehead again:

"Xiao Su, I never dream of kissing you like this again."

As for her, why isn't she?

"Then do I have to congratulate you, your dream has come true?"

She replied playfully.

"Congratulations on your dream coming true!"

"Why congratulate me so much?"

"You said, how much I think, how much you think... That's what I think, so you must also think that..."

She chuckled. A bit shameless of him.

Well, actually, she also had such a dream.



"One more kiss..."


"Not enough..."

He smiled crookedly and respectfully respected his wife’s order:

"You can have this, and your husband will definitely satisfy you!"

Thus, the collision of lips and teeth began again on a beautiful night...

That night, they were kissing and clinging to each other, and they talked for who knows how long...

Later, she fell asleep in his arms, and her heart felt calmer than ever before.

The constant warmth from the man's body was passing through her, making her feel warm and secure.

Jin Hengyuan carried her to bed, slept together, and fell into their dreams together.

In the future, they can stay together for a long time again.

The road might be a little bumpy, but he believed they could go far.

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