The Perfect Hidden Marriage

438. True love has nothing to do with beauty or ugliness (final)

Han Jiangnan's family of three stayed in the villa for four days.

In the past four days, both Han Jiangnan and Peng Shufang were trying hard to get close to Su Jin to make up for their unfulfilled responsibilities as parents in the past twenty-nine years.

In the morning, Peng Shufang and Su Jin would go shopping together, and then they would prepare lunch together, talk about everyday things, learn about each other's preferences, and learn about each other's life experiences over the past twenty years.

Usually it is Peng Shufang who asks, and Su Jin answers.

From the moment I can remember it, I talk about my childhood, being trafficked, the good times living in the Su family, and how I met Jin Hengyuan...

She would talk about the happy ones in detail; she would briefly mention the unhappy ones, not wanting to make anyone sad...

Even so, Peng Shufang still had great emotional ups and downs when listening to it. She would cry secretly from time to time, but because her daughter's life was too tortuous.

After lunch, she would take a nap. This time belonged to Jin Hengyuan.

He would rest with her, playing some soft music or talking quietly for a while before falling asleep. Finally, sleep happily.

After her nap, her father Han Jiangnan would wait for her in the studio and study Chinese painting together.

He carefully guided his daughter, who was extremely talented in painting, to learn more about the mysteries of traditional Chinese painting.

In the evening, Jin Hengyuan would accompany their family of four for a walk around, enjoying the various charms of Shanghai's night scene...

Late at night, she would nestle in the man's arm and fall asleep. No more nightmares. Every day with him, dreams are sweet.

The days passed peacefully, but the warm feeling of home penetrated her heart.

In the past few days, they never mentioned Su Jin's physical condition, only talking about happy things.

But in private, Han Jiangnan asked carefully, and Jin Hengyuan told the truth.

Han Jiangnan felt very heavy when he heard that. He turned around and said to his wife: "Both daughters are married in Shanghai. How about we buy a house here! In this way, it will be more convenient for them to return to their parents' home... Besides, Xiaojin will have to live there sooner or later." We can't stay at our son-in-law's house forever if we are hospitalized..."

Peng Shufang agreed.

Jin Hengyuan took care of this matter. He chose a well-decorated house and moved in as soon as the formalities were completed.

The parents originally wanted to bring Su Jin, their long-lost daughter, home for a while, but later they considered that it would not be easy for them to reunite as husband and wife, so they didn't mention it again.

Time flies by unconsciously.

Happy days always feel like they pass by in such a hurry.

During these days, Su Jin had a smile on his face again.

This smile infected Jin Hengyuan again. After encountering the spring breeze, the iceberg-like face melted, revealing the softest smile.

This is how a new life begins.

Su Jin's heart became extremely peaceful. She kept herself in peaceful happiness every moment. Every day and every hour in the past was happy... Even her dreams were sweet...

What makes Jin Hengyuan happy is that her appetite has become very good. Although she still eats very little cat food, she gets hungry easily, which is a good sign.

At the law firm, he has completely given up.

Now, there was only her in his world, he only cared about her health, and only paid attention to her joys and sorrows.

She is happy, and so is he.

He is angry and he is angry.

It's that simple.

Time, unknowingly, entered April and entered the third anniversary of their blind date.

In the past, they agreed that they would go to the coffee shop to sit there on this day every year.

If one day the owner of this store closes, Jin Hengyuan still leaves his business card. At that time, he is willing to buy it and let it continue to open for a long time...

Because that was the beginning of their marriage and the testimony of their love.

A cup of coffee, a look, and everything is left unsaid.

They sat there all morning, just chatting.

Later, Jin Hengyuan went to the bathroom.

Su Jin wore a mask and took Jin Hengyuan's card to pay the bill.

Just after paying the bill, a very beautiful girl stopped her.

Su Jin was sure that she didn't recognize this girl at all, but the look of disdain on her face told her that this person was here for her.

She didn't want to deal with it.

But the girl kept blocking her way.

"What do you mean?"

Su Jin finally asked, with a calm tone:

"Looking for trouble? Do we recognize him?"

"You don't have to recognize me, I recognize you."

The girl sneered: "This is what the ancients said. When a man loves a woman, he must be a good match. Only when the man and woman are equal can the marriage be successful. Ugly, you are so ugly. You don't know how to hide at home, but you dare to come out. a shame……"

As soon as the man came up, he pulled off the wig on her head and the mask on her face, and then let out a mocking laugh:

"Ha, even the hair is fake. A woman like you is really out of print. Come and see everyone, come and is an out-of-print ugly monster..."

For a moment, Su Jin was confused.

During these days, whenever she goes out, she never leaves behind a mask or a wig, and she must have them all with her. They were able to protect her, but now they were all ripped away, and all her ugliness was exposed to the eyes of the world.

Everyone loves beauty, so she couldn't face her unbeautiful self completely calmly. She was afraid of seeing strange looks in other people's eyes.

There are quite a lot of customers in the coffee shop right now.

She should have been angry and panicked, but strangely, after the initial panic, she became calm and her eyes calmed.

She looked over quietly, wondering what kind of grudge she had with this person. She wanted to ruin her image like this:

"Little girl, how old are you this year?"

Her face was as calm as water, neither surprised nor annoyed, but the girl was stunned for a moment. Finally, she blurted out a curse:

"What does it matter to you, you ugly creature, how old I am?"

Su Jin was not angry, he just said calmly:

""Disciple Rules", an enlightenment book for preschool children, have you read it?

"Don't expose people's shortcomings, and don't talk about people's selfishness. If a person is good, it is good. When people know it, they will think more about it. Promoting people's evil is evil, and it is evil. The more serious the illness, the more harm will be done. .

"Do you know what these sentences mean?

“If you don’t know, I can teach you now.

"Don't expose other people's shortcomings, and don't talk about other people's secrets. Praising others' good deeds means you are doing good deeds. If the other party knows about it, they will be more encouraged to do good deeds. Publicizing other people's faults means you are doing evil. Excessive hatred will bring disaster.

"Little girl, I see you are not too young!

"They are either college students or fresh graduates who have just entered society. How come they don't even have this bit of morality?

"Unfortunate disfigurement is a tragic thing that happens to anyone. As a conscientious person, how dare you use this to ridicule people in public?

"Excuse me, where does your pleasure come from?

"Yes, I am ugly, so what?

"Can you stay young forever?

"Let me ask you, when you are so old that you have goosebumps all over your face, how can you see better than me?

"Little girl, the difference between ugliness and beauty is sometimes not in a person's appearance, but in their heart. Kind people are the most beautiful.

"When you are laughing at me, how much more beautiful do you think you are than me?

"Let me tell you, although you are prettier than me, all I see is ugliness that has been distorted by you...

"Don't you think you are like a clown now?

"It couldn't be any more ugly."

Word after word, neither hastily nor slowly, but steadily, the little girl was so damaged that she had no power to fight back. At the same time, her face turned red involuntarily.

"well said……"

The cashier who was collecting money gave a full praise and stepped down from his position:

“People with beautiful hearts and bad hearts are disliked by everyone wherever they go.

"Come on, come on, people like you who only judge people by their appearance and add insult to injury, you are not welcome in our coffee shop..."

"Please go out, what the hell, you idiot who exposes others' shortcomings in public, what's so great about you..."

The cashier girl has a very hot temper and a very upright person.

"Yes, yes, my face has been disfigured, and you are still like this. You are immoral..."

"Yes, yes, all the books in the past ten years have been read on pigs..."

Everyone who came to drink coffee sided with Su Jin.

The little girl who wanted to make her look embarrassed saw that something was wrong, turned pale with anger, and ran away in despair.

That was a child who was spoiled.

Su Jin thought that it might be a friend or sister of one of Jin Hengyuan's admirers. She was not convinced that Jin Hengyuan was guarding such an ugly creature like her, so she came here to make such a fuss to vent her frustration!

"Mrs. Jin, ignore that scumbag."

The little cashier girl already recognized who she was and comforted her very kindly.

Su Jin just smiled faintly: "Thank you, I won't trust her words. In fact, I am indeed a bit ugly. But as long as I live a beautiful life!"

Being able to live bravely is a kind of beauty in itself.

And this scene all fell into the eyes of Jin Hengyuan who had left and returned.

On the one hand, he was angry that someone would come to trouble Su Jin.

On the other hand, he felt inexplicably relieved.

It was a blessing in disguise that his wife finally had the courage to face her disability calmly.

For this, he had to applaud her heavily.

"Pa bang bang..."

The applause was extremely loud.

Su Jin saw her man's happy smile in the passage where everyone gave way, and her eyes were full of appreciation:

“Wife, you are so right, kindness is the most beautiful thing.

"In addition, I would like to add: People who can constantly surpass themselves, even in the face of the worst adversity, still bravely come forward and let themselves smile at life, are the most beautiful.

"Honey, in my eyes, no one can compare to you."

In the afternoon of this day, this scene happened in front of the cashier:

One is a handsome and dashing man, with a windbreaker and trousers, a steady smile, and a gentle smile; the other is a woman with a brushed hair, whose face is covered with scars, and her eyes are as clear as water, wearing a sweater, jeans, and loose outerwear. A long coat, a clear smile.

Naturally, such a woman is definitely not destined to be beautiful, but when they stood facing each other and stared at each other, they were filled with infinite warmth...

At the right time, someone secretly took such a picture and uploaded it to the Internet, along with a sentence:

"This is the most beautiful marriage and the most beautiful love I have ever seen. Mr. Jin, Mrs. Jin, you must be so happy forever. Because of you, I believe that there is true love in this world."

That day, everyone in the coffee shop saw:

This charming man walked over and gave his wife a complimentary kiss on her forehead. Then he smiled and took her hand, waved to everyone, and walked out slowly.

Under the golden sunshine, they did not take a car, but just walked leisurely. The two beautiful elongated reflections made many people sigh with emotion.

I don’t know who said it: True love has nothing to do with beauty or ugliness. What they want to stay with is always the purest person in their hearts.

That day, someone finally witnessed these words.

It's true.

(End of this article) - Digression - First update: The story about Jin Hengyuan and Su Jin started in a coffee shop, ended in a coffee shop, and officially came to an end.

The next chapter begins with their side story, mainly about Su Jin's treatment and marriage. There are about 20,000 to 30,000 words... What follows is Jing Huan's story. If you like it, please support it as always. Thanks.

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Of course, the following episodes will also be very exciting. If you like Chen's writing style, don't leave. How about continuing to walk with me for a while?

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