The Perfect Hidden Marriage

448, if the operation is successful. That's my luck; if it fails...

The operation is scheduled for 9 am.

Relatives are here.

But starting from eight o'clock, Jin Hengyuan blocked everyone from the door.

Including Su Mubai and Su Musheng.

Because in this last moment, he wanted to keep her to himself.

Give her a bath, put her into brand new surgical clothes, and say to her over and over again:

"Don't be afraid, I will always be by your side and hold your hand until the operation is over..."

After listening quietly, she said, chuckled, and joked: "Will the doctor panic because you are here to supervise?"

"how come?"

"Otherwise, you should wait outside the operating room! Just remember how good I look."

She didn't want him around.

The operation would take a long time, and he would stand by and watch. It would be a great torture.

She couldn't bear it.

How could Jin Hengyuan back down so easily? He pinched her nose:

"No, I will keep all your ugly looks in my mind.

"If you want to refresh the impression you left in my heart, please get off the operating table, grow your hair out properly, and reshape your image in my heart.

"Otherwise, I will remember your ugliness until death."

Did this bad guy deliberately provoke her?

She wasn't angry, she just smiled, a light smile:

"Okay, just wait, I will definitely settle the score with you later."

Jin Hengyuan looked at her, gave her a gentle kiss, and kissed her one last time:

"I'll remember it! I'm just waiting for you to wake up early and settle the accounts with me. Then we'll settle the accounts carefully."

She nodded cheerfully:



At 8:50, Su Jin was pushed out of the ward.

All relatives gathered around.

Her mother, Peng Shufang, hugged her tightly, her eyes red: "Xiao Jin, you must go in well and come out well. Mom still wants to go shopping and travel with you..."

She smiled back: "Of course! We are going to buy a lot of beautiful clothes and take a lot of beautiful photos."

Her father, Han Jiangnan, kissed her on the forehead with great affection: "My child, Dad is waiting to hold your hand and send you to the red carpet."

She smiled back: "That's for sure. I always dream that one day I can be led by my father and marry the man I like..."

Han Runxiu shook hands with her: "Sister, as I promised before, when you get married, I will be the bridesmaid! Then, I will rip off my brother-in-law severely."

She smiled back: "Okay, let's go and cheat him together."

Mr. Jin and Mrs. Jin held her hand and warned her over and over again: "Good boy, take a nap and you will wake up. Your grandma and I will go and tell your fortune. You are a lucky person and you are blessed by God. This surgery , I can’t help you..."

She smiled back: "Yeah, I will definitely sleep soundly this time."

Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao stroked her head: "For Xiaoyuan, you must work harder and never let him down..."

She smiled back: "Grandpa and grandma, don't worry, I will try my best!"

Jin Yuan touched her face and smiled encouragingly: "Mom is still waiting to drink your wife's tea."

She smiled back: "Well, I also want to ask for a red envelope from you!"

Xiao Zhidong stood there and said only one sentence: "Jingheng still needs your care."

She smiled back: "Don't worry, I will pester him for the rest of my life."

Su Mubai shook hands with her: "Ajin, you must keep the expectations of so many people in mind..."

She smiled back: "Definitely not."

Su Musheng rushed over and hugged her like he did when he was a child: "Sister, I brought a medal. Tomorrow, when you open your eyes, I will show it to you. What I want to say is: your little brother, he It’s become a climate now…”

She smiled back: "Yes, I will wear it again. I also want to take a photo with you and the medal."

Yang Jiahui hugged her: "I'm waiting for you to start a company with us and become the leader. This time, you can't miss the promise again..."



She smiled back: "Don't worry, I will remember it and will not forget it. I will never let go of my dream."

Bo Feihong gave an encouraging smile: "Su Jin, don't leave Hengyuan behind again in this life."

She smiled back: "How could I bear to leave him behind!"

Finally, Jin Hengyuan came over, kissed her lips, and asked gently: "Xiao Su, are you ready? We are going in!"

She still smiled and agreed softly: "Yeah, I'm ready."

So, he personally pushed her into the operating room.


In the operating room, all medical staff are in place.

The anesthesiologist was preparing to anesthetize Su Jin.

"Wait a moment!"

Su Jin suddenly shouted.

The work that everyone was doing stopped.

Jin Hengyuan came up and asked gently: "What's wrong?"

Su Jin smiled slightly:

"Hengyuan, finally, I have something to say. While the doctor is here."

The word "explain" made Jin Hengyuan feel uncomfortable hearing it, but he could only endure it: "You tell me."

"Doctor Andrew..."

She called again.

"I am also here!"

This doctor's Chinese is really good.

"Please be a witness."

"Please say."

Su Jin lay quietly like that, looking at the operating light without any focus, and said softly:

"If the operation is successful, that will be my luck. Everything I want to say now will be invalidated...

“If the operation fails, if I don’t wake up, if Dr. Andrew thinks I will become a vegetative state based on various data, then please end my life as soon as possible.

“I don’t want to suffer, and I don’t want the people I love to suffer.

“After my death, I voluntarily donated my internal organs.

“This is my last wish.

"Hengyuan, please do it.

"Doctor Andrew, please grant me your permission."

In the operating room, no one spoke. Everyone looked at Jin Hengyuan, the patient's family member, who turned pale, waiting for him to speak.

Jin Hengyuan wanted to scream angrily: "No, no, absolutely not."

But when he faced her smiling face, his anger finally turned into pain, and he just responded dumbly: "Okay."

Andrew came over and shook hands with Su Jin: "Mrs. Jin, don't worry, as long as there are no accidents, the probability of success is very high! The 60% probability I mentioned before is out of the perspective of being responsible for the patient. , given quite conservatively.”

Regardless of whether it is true or not, these words are always full of good intentions.


She smiled very peacefully:

"Then let's get started!"

The operating room is busy:

As the anesthetic began to take effect, she closed her eyes automatically.

In that darkness, all the sounds faded away, became still, and became empty... His warmth gradually became blurred on his fingers.

Who could know what would greet her when she closed her eyes?

But she faced it calmly.

Because he is by my side, and because my parents have been found, life is considered complete...

When consciousness is gone, the world has gone away.

She doesn't know where she went?

At that moment, she seemed not to exist.


It was an extremely long eight hours.

Every minute and every second is a kind of torture for Jin Hengyuan.

The situation was dangerous for a time.

Because her blood pressure was abnormal for a time, it was difficult to carry out the operation. Fortunately, everything went smoothly.

When Andrew took off his mask and shook his hand with a smile on his face, his back was already soaked with sweat:

"Congratulations, Mr. Jin, Mrs. Jin

The surgery was very successful. After you wake up from the anesthesia, you can talk to her tomorrow. As long as you take a good rest, you will slowly recover as before. "

At that moment, he had the urge to cry.

After waiting for 28,800 seconds, he finally got this "congratulations" instead of "sorry".

He breathed a heavy sigh of relief, choked with sobs, hugged the doctor with great gratitude, and said deeply:

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Although the operation was successful, Su Jin had to undergo twelve hours of data monitoring in the intensive care unit on the first day after the operation, and no one was allowed to enter.

Jin Hengyuan did not leave. He stood outside the door, watching the nurses doing general monitoring and care through a glass door.

As for him, he didn't even blink, he just stayed there.

He wanted to accompany her through this most difficult time - digression - first update.

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