The Perfect Hidden Marriage

451, Xiao Su, let’s get married

The French guy was very knowledgeable and smiled and waved away.

A little red among the greenery.

The green one is the grape trellis, and Su Jin is the charming red centerpiece.

Jin Hengyuan stood there with a painting bag on his back. After seeing the young man leave, his cold face gradually melted away, and the spring light returned to his eyes.

She wanted to walk over.

"do not move……"

Jin Hengyuan called out. He was wearing a white shirt and light beige casual pants. His sleeves were rolled up a few times and his hair was fresh. Under the blue sky and white clouds, he was charmingly handsome.

Su Jin didn't move, looked at him, and put up the painting tools in his bag.

It turns out he was going to paint her.

She smiled lightly, took a deep breath, and stood quietly, letting the passionate autumn wind flutter her skirts.

The endless vineyards exude a light and intoxicating aroma of fruit.

The air is crisp in autumn, and my mood is just like the blue sky, crystal clear and bright.

I do not know how long it has been.

"are you done."

Su Jin calculated that time was almost up.


He called there, his voice as pleasant as ever.

She walked over slowly, holding her hair that was blown by the wind with one hand.

The painting is extremely beautiful.

She saw it, liked it very much, and smiled softly: "Go back and frame it."


He took her hand.

She looked up at him eagerly: This face seemed to be able to perform magic tricks. Now it was no longer cold, it was warm and kind, and it looked like the same person as before.

Why does he not want to see a handsome man appear next to her?

"You, aren't you angry?"

She asked softly, her beautiful eyes flowing.

"Why should I be angry?"

he asked lowly.

"Just don't be angry."

She smiled and leaned forward to steal a kiss on his lips:

"My face just looked so stinky!"

"Why should I look good to someone I don't like...I've warned him several times, but he's still waiting nearby!"

He snorted.

"It was just a chance encounter!"

she corrected.

"He has thoughts about you. I'm a man, I can tell."

"Do you think your wife is a heartthrob?"

"Not a heartthrob, but I can still charm discerning male animals..."


This compliment is really so flattering.

Well, actually, he was so narcissistic that he praised himself.

The two of them walked back, holding hands, so close that they could torture a single person to death.

"Did you go shopping for painting supplies?"

When they first came here, they rented this manor located on the edge of a vineyard. There are no painting supplies on the manor.

Jin Hengyuan promised to go buy it for him, but the weather had been bad the past few days, and the two of them had not left home, so the matter had been delayed for several days.

At this moment, when she saw these things, she naturally thought that he had gone to buy painting supplies.

"No. Go get the wedding dress."

He said.

She was startled and stopped in her tracks, almost thinking she had heard wrongly.

"Wedding dress?"

"Don't you want to wear a wedding dress? Don't you want to marry me?"

Jin Hengyuan looked sideways, there was tenderness in his eyes, and his lip line also curved.

"Xiao Su, shall we get married?"

Gently, he put down his bag on the field, put his hands around her slim waist, pressed his forehead against hers, and asked softly.

"Hengyuan, we are in France now!"

She reminded with a smile.

This man is really capable of whimsical thinking.

"What's wrong with France? I'm serious."

Jin Hengyuan looked serious.


Su Jin was stunned.

"I already called my mother a week ago. I want to hold a wedding with you here. My father and mother agreed with both hands. And they rushed over on the same day. Booked a hotel, hired a master of ceremonies, and found a wedding company. The wedding was in full swing. The preparations started.

"As for the wedding dress, I had it made by someone a long time ago. I finally finished it today. I just went to pick it up. You can try it on immediately when you get back. If it doesn't fit, ask someone to make a slight change. It's auspicious time in the afternoon. We can get married as soon as we arrive... The new house is located in a five-star hotel, and I booked a presidential suite.

"All my relatives and friends have arrived and are all in the hotel. However, I didn't let them come to find you. Because I wanted to give you a surprise..."

Jin Hengyuan told all his plans.

Su Jin's eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn't help but whisper:

"Are you kidding...getting married today?"

"Do you think I'm kidding?"

Okay, look at that look, it's not a joke.

In other words, today, she will be his bride!

Ha, no wonder Jia Hui called her, and no wonder Jia Hui interrupted him strangely when Bo Feihong said the word "gong". It turns out that girl knew it!

"You are so busy these days that you don't pay attention to me. Is it because you are preparing for marriage?"

"Well, all the details of the wedding and all the arrangements were designed by, I've been a little busy..."

Su Jin was embarrassed: To her, she thought she was no longer attractive.

This misunderstanding is really big enough.

"Was it too much of a rush? You should have told me earlier."

She is not in any condition to get married.

"If we don't rush, if we don't get married, I'll be old!"

He muttered and lowered his head to let her see:

"Look, my hair is growing gray just thinking about it..."

Su Jin chuckled and looked at the only white hair among the black hair. She felt funny in her heart: No wonder he didn't let her pull it out for him. It turned out to be because he wanted to use the white hair as evidence!

"Don't move, I'll pull it out for you!"

He smiled and brushed her hand away, but his hair was white:

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble! This is a testimony of love: look, I want to marry you so much that my hair turns white..."

Su Jin couldn't help but cover his mouth with a smile.

This stinking lawyer is really good at speaking.

But his waist was hooked and he was pecked on the lips.

"Marry or not? Tell me quickly!"

"Are you forcing a marriage?"

Su Jin giggled.

"If you dare to say you don't want to get married, I will force you to get married!"

Attorney Jin is so awesome.

"Marry, of course. I've wanted to marry you for many years. Jin Hengyuan, it's time for us to decide on a name."

"Yes, you actually let me obey you for so many years without any name or status. It really makes me feel wronged..."


She laughed so hard that she pinched his face: "How could you steal my lines?"

"Let's go, get married!"

The man smiled, picked up her with a beautiful smile, and walked to their manor...

Yes, married!

Today, they are getting married!


The wedding dress is beautiful, gorgeous, and familiar.

Yes, it looks very familiar.

Su Jin took a look. She had seen its manuscript before.

It was painted by Jin Hengyuan, one painting after another, and finally it was this shape.

"Hengyuan, did you design this?"

Definitely is.

He smiled triumphantly.

"Of course my wife's wedding dress has to be unique."

For this uniqueness, he kept searching for various information, researching, drawing prototypes, improving, and finally finalized it. After finding someone to make it, he participated in everything from material selection to various decorations, just to make it a beautiful dress for her.

"Hengyuan, have I ever said that you stink so much?

beautiful. "

She smiled lightly at him, but she was extremely surprised in her heart.

"I'm so pretty. Be good, put it on and see..."


She held it up and put it on.

Nature is beautiful.

How many women in wedding dresses are ugly?

The clothes are exquisite, the person is graceful, the white gauze makes the complexion pink, the eyes are like a dream, and the lip line is sexy, how can it not be beautiful?

She slowly came to him, turned in a circle gracefully, and smiled lightly, like a white magnolia in bud, fresh and refined, and like a water lotus blooming in the waves, white, flawless, and beautiful.


she asked earnestly.

He smiled slightly and pretended to moan: "If the wedding dress I designed doesn't look good on you, it's definitely not my problem..."

"And pretty. It should be said that I look good no matter what I wear."

Her confidence shone between her brows.

He smiled, liking her like this.

I like it so much that I can't take my eyes away.

"do not need to change."

Su Jin stretched the room around his waist:

“Just the right size.”

"Of course, I measure it with my hands every day, how could there be any mistake?"

He said.

Her face turned red...

Looking at herself in the mirror and thinking about the past two years, she couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.

After the most difficult days, I got through it like this, my body gradually recovered, and my face regained its shame...

Well, she still has a little problem with her body.

For example, don't work too hard. If you overwork, you will have a headache.

The doctor said that this little problem may stay with her for the rest of her life.

It would remind her from time to time that her body was brought back from hell by a doctor. If you want to live a long time, you have to take good care of yourself.

For this reason, Jin Hengyuan has been guarding her every step of the way for more than two years.

Such a good thing is the least in the world.

Such a love is unique.

Of course she had to keep such a man as her own...

Oh, by the way, she should repay the favor.

Commit yourself to each other.

This is what he asked Pu Xiang first.

No problem, then today, she will promise him - digression - first update.

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