The Perfect Hidden Marriage

453, she said: Because of love, I will be obedient; she said: He is a piece of rotten wood

"Got it, Mom!"

She smiled, gave her mother a sweet kiss, and left a faint lip print on her face.

Peng Shufen was naturally happy to see her daughter getting so close to her so happily.

While she was happy, she responsibly checked whether her daughter's makeup had changed due to this.

"Come on, come on, touch up your makeup. Today, you are the protagonist. You must blind everyone's eyes."

She called the makeup artist over and her tone was extremely brisk.

Han Runxiu, who had just finished applying makeup and put on the bridesmaid dress, ran in quickly and unladylikely.

"Second sister, second sister, second brother-in-law is here, second brother-in-law is here, he's so handsome, it's really confusing..."

The girl screamed excitedly and kept pushing her mother:

"Mom, Dad is downstairs and asked you to go down and greet people... I have to close the door here. I must take the opportunity to blackmail my second brother-in-law. Get out quickly, get out quickly... I have to close the door. Already..."

"It's okay to go out, but don't make too much trouble with your second brother-in-law. You have to have a standard when playing..."

Peng Shufang reminded seriously.

"Oh, I get it, I get it, am I the kind of person who doesn't know how to measure things? Let's go, let's go..."

After Han Runxiu sent her mother out, she closed the door and ran back to Su Jin. Her eyes were shining, and she held her hand steadily with both hands. Her expression was extremely pious, even with a hint of worship:

"Finally, I got Mom away. Sister, please teach me some tricks!"

"What should I teach you?"

Su Jin was a little confused.

"How do you conquer men and defeat them?"

Han Runxiu said it seriously:

"Now, people outside say that my sister is good at taming husbands. I have never seen someone like my brother-in-law who can be so devoted to you... It should be said that many people have never seen it. They all say that my sister is This is incredible. Sister, you can’t hide your secrets, please teach me..."

In terms of family relationships, she knew that the second sister was unlucky; but in terms of love, the second sister was definitely a lucky person.

"What's wrong with you? I didn't do it."

Su Jin smiled, her face full of tenderness:

"Don't believe it. It's not true.

“Only when a man has you in his heart can you control him.

"If he doesn't have you, no matter how hard you try, it will be in vain.

“There is no such thing as a henpecked man in this world.

“Because of love, I give in to women and I am obedient.

"To put it simply: if you care, you are the treasure; if you don't care, you are the root.

"This sentence is the same no matter who it is applied to. It is true for love, friendship, and family affection."

makes sense.

After hearing this, Han Runxiu couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and put her hands on her cheeks to stick to her sister:

"Then what should I do?"

The implication is that he is at a loss.

Su Jin straightened her face and looked at her:

"Why, haven't you given up yet?"

Han Runxiu chuckled: "Don't tease me!"


Su Jin looked very serious.

Han Runxiu jumped away quickly, jumped towards the window, and said:

"Why should I give up? I am only fascinated by him and have no intention of giving up. Anyway, I must chase him..."

Looking down from this angle, she focused her gaze directly on Jin Changning.

If the brother-in-law is the most handsome, then he is the second handsome.

So handsome that people can't take their eyes away, so handsome that it makes her have starry eyes, so handsome that her heart flutters, so handsome...

Anyway, he is handsome...

At this time, the door opened and someone ran in, just in time to hear these words:

"Miss Han San, who are you chasing after? You swear so much."

The person who came in was Xiao Jinghuan, who had now become a great beauty, and she responded with a smile.

Wearing a snow-white bridesmaid dress, her beautiful body was extremely sexy - and there was a smile on her face that was more dazzling than the sun.

tang "Huanhuan, you're here too!"

Su Jin screamed with joy, and her sister-in-law rushed towards her with a smile and stretched out her hand.

"Yes, yes, of course I have to attend my brother's wedding... As I said, I will be my sister-in-law's bridesmaid... Sister-in-law, you are so beautiful..."

In the past two years, Jing Huan has been busy and rarely returns to China. The naughty and mischievous little girl in the past has become more and more charming now: her long wavy hair makes her full of femininity.

Two years ago, Shao Feng died in the prime of his life due to ineffective treatment.

But this did not defeat her. On the contrary, she lived strong and lived her own wonderful life.

Of course, in the process of coming out, Su Jin believed that she must have spent a lot of effort to achieve the calm mood she has now.

Regardless, she's brave.

"I'm really glad you could come."

The aunts and sisters hugged each other.

Xiao Jing laughed happily and winked playfully:

"Of course you have to come. You and my brother have worked so hard to get where you are today. Today you are so happy. No matter where I am, as long as I hear the news, I will fly straight over and run non-stop to give my dearest love My sister-in-law sends her blessings.”

"Well, you have a conscience."

Su Jin was so happy that she tapped her nose and smiled like her eyes turned into two crescent moons.

"By the way, what were you just talking about?"

After Xiao Jinghuan sat down next to Su Jin, she asked curiously:

"Runxiu is in love with someone? Who is it...can I ask in a casual way? My sister-in-law's family has just married a daughter. Is it possible that she will marry another one?"

She wasn't a gossip person, but because Han Runxiu was her sister-in-law's sister, she just talked about it out of politeness.

Actually, since Shao Feng passed away, her temperament has become more and more similar to Jin Hengyuan's.

In person, he is aloof and doesn't like to talk, making it hard for people to get close to him.

As a queen, only in front of her relatives will she be the Xiao Jinghuan she was before, who could always smile and carefree.

How should I put it, Shao Feng's death had a huge impact on her.

"There's nothing bad to say. I like your parent, Brother Ning... Huanhuan, you have a lot of ideas. Please help me with some ideas. How should I pursue him? I heard that he has a sweetheart. Who is it? Do you know who it is? Brother-in-law's side , I can’t form’s so mysterious..."

Han Runxiu's love for Jin Changning has always been her secret.

Su Jin was a little surprised. Today, she openly admitted her true love in front of Xiao Jinghuan.

Maybe it's because they are the same age, or maybe she has made up her mind to formally pursue Jin Changning.

If you want to pursue this man, you have to start with the people around him to understand everything about him. If you know yourself and the enemy, you will have a greater chance of winning.

That's why she talked to Jing Huan like this.

She spoke so fast that it was too late to stop her.

At this moment, Su Jin's scalp felt a little tight: if Runxiu knew that the person she was asking for advice was the sweetheart of her sweetheart, how embarrassed would she be.

Besides, what was Xiao Jinghuan’s reaction?

"What? Do you like that piece of rotten wood in Changning?"

She was startled and her tone was quite surprised.

"Rotten wood?"

Hearing this title, Han Runxiu's eyes immediately widened and she couldn't believe it. This was coming from the mouth of Jin Changning's "sister":

"You call Jin Changning rotten wood?"

Originally, she was quite happy, but because of these words, she suddenly became unhappy.

Xiao Jinghuan blinked. This girl was also a sensitive person and noticed it immediately. However, she did not feel that she had said anything wrong. In her eyes, he was just that kind of person.

"I'm right...he has been a piece of wood since he was a child...a good old man. Because he is so good, as good as wood, when others bully him, he doesn't know how to fight back. What is it if it's not wood?

"Besides, I didn't come up with the word "wood". It was my brother.

"Let me tell you this... When he was a child, Jin Changning looked ugly. He had a round face, was dull, introverted, and silent.

"Once, he was arrested by the school

My classmates bullied me, and I didn’t know how to fight back even after my face was beaten black and blue. When I got home, I still wanted to calm down the incident, claiming that I had fallen. Fortunately, my brother had a good idea and deliberately skipped class to find him. When he saw that he was being bullied again, he beat him away. When my brother gets angry, he calls him a piece of wood.

"Think about it, a big living person is allowed to be beaten by others, only one made of wood doesn't know how to resist...

"Later, my brother taught him boxing, and this man responded very slowly. My brother said that he had never taught such a stupid person before, and privately, he couldn't help but call him a wooden man.

"Anyway, he is just a piece of wood.

"Fortunately, my brother is protecting him...otherwise he wouldn't be alive until now..."

This is actually Xiao Jinghuan's impression of Jin Changning - digression - first update.

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