The Perfect Hidden Marriage

459, love you in ordinary years

I remember when I was still on the sick bed, Hengyuan once made me such a promise:

"When you get better, we will travel, go to many, many places, and taste many, many delicious foods..."

The places this guy talked about were all so far out of reach, but after his description, the scenery was extremely clearly presented in my brain, making me look forward to it.

Later, I had a big knife.

This knife can not only save my life, but it can also kill me. It can also turn me into a disabled person or a vegetative state.

No one knows what his fate will be.

At that time, I said: I want to take a gamble.

Because I want to live normally. Also because I want to die happily.

If it is fate that I have to leave the beloved him so early, then it would be better to leave earlier. At least, it should be a relief for him.

Of course, I couldn’t tell Hengyuan what I was thinking.

Will be scolded to death.

Fortunately, fate favors me.

After the operation, everything recovered well.

But no matter how good it is, it has always been a major operation. If you don't take good care of it and the root cause of the disease is left, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

During those days, Jin Hengyuan's job was to accompany me to recuperate.

In the morning, go for a walk and buy groceries together.

In the morning, we stay at home together, either painting or learning English. Time always passes by unconsciously, and we are busy and busy.

At noon, we cook together, chat about today’s online news, and talk about all kinds of gossip.

In the afternoon, we took a nap together. He clung to me and I clung to him.

In the evening, we walked together on the boulevard, holding hands and walking slowly.

In the evening, we watch bubble dramas together, read and do homework together, fall asleep hugging each other, and welcome the new day with each other's breathing.

In order to prevent my life from being too boring, Hengyuan enrolled me in an undergraduate self-study course majoring in English, in order to prevent me from being bored and wasting my time without making any progress.

Everyone who has ever been seriously ill knows that recuperating from an illness is a very painful process.

Doing nothing all day will only increase anxiety, but setting a goal that is not particularly far away will give people the strength to fight.

While recuperating, learning something will give people more yearning and longing for life.

And he is my teacher, who can give me guidance from time to time and make me make rapid progress.

What I like to do most is: have a spoken conversation with him in English which is not very proficient.

My biggest joy is that I can always achieve excellent self-study results with high scores four times a year.

Every time I get my report card and look at the scores on it, I feel that my days of recuperation were not in vain, and I am more worthy of his careful teachings to me.

And in the process of learning, time flew by unknowingly, and my body recovered very well. One year later, I went for plastic surgery, and another year later, I was back to myself—that healthy, healthy person. The beautiful Su Jin came back quietly.

Hengyuan kept his word. After spending two years with me day and night at home, and after the doctor determined that there was nothing wrong with me, he began to take me on a double flight to find the famous mountains and rivers he had walked alone.

Yes, we are very loving, and our relationship will become deeper with each passing day.

Mom is always so kind to us when she sees us, and she also sighs:

"Children like Hengyuan are really rare. Although he was born into a wealthy family, he does not show any dignity at all. He is never domineering in front of his family. He is always so pious, so kind, so polite, and so lovable. ."

Yes, he is lovable, charming, and can easily win the love of women.

I remember that Hengyuan and Jing Huan seemed to have had a quarrel one day before the trip.

For what reason, I don’t know. I only know that as a result of that incident, Jing Huan was so angry that she had someone steal Hengyuan’s Weibo account and publish all the photos of Hengyuan and me as a prank. online.

With this commotion, the blogger fascinated millions of women overnight.

Why is he so sought after?

Later, I thought about it carefully and came to this conclusion:

Because this is an impetuous society, the high divorce rate makes marriage fragile, and betrayal between the two sexes always makes people fearful.

This fear not only comes from women, but also from men.

Have you seen how many couples who shared weal and woe when they were young have reached a dead end in their families and marriages after achieving financial success?

In life, there will be pursuits.

When I was young, I wanted to get good grades; when I was working, I just wanted a good career; when I was poor, I wanted to be able to have enough food and clothing; when I was not worried about food and clothing, I wanted to get more spiritual satisfaction and happiness...

I remember that once upon a time, when young men and women came together, they all agreed to go out into the world together and live a free and unrestrained life.

But after they became successful and famous, the two people at the beginning, although they had their own chicness, only felt anger and sadness towards each other. They went their separate ways and became strangers, rarely talking to each other.

People in this era want to find a harmonious relationship that makes both men and women feel comfortable.

Therefore, once my story with him was spread, the man's positive energy, his perseverance, and his deep love were widely appreciated.

Women long for such a man to be their lifelong companion, because that is a great blessing in life.

Men are also in awe of him: he is talented, virtuous and professional, he loves his wife as much as she lives, and he has a great personality. He must be praised.

And I became the lucky one that everyone envied.

Sometimes, I also get a little jealous.

Especially when others show favor to him regardless of his married status, I always feel a sense of crisis.

Sometimes, I even sigh secretly.

What kind of bad luck did I have to meet him in this miserable life, and fell in love with him, and never let him go. Until now, his heart and eyes are only filled with me.

Sometimes I laugh out loud in my dreams.

Because of him, life is wonderful again.

During the "wandering" journey to the end of the world, feel the joy of living, the joy of life, the joy of cultures of various countries, the joy of history...

I can’t remember the day when I had this conversation with him:

I said: "If it weren't for you, how could I have such fun. Hengyuan, thank you for giving my life so much meaning..."

He said: "You're welcome. This meaning goes both ways. Xiao Su, thanks to you, I feel the value of existence...not for money, not for fame and fortune, just for your smile, the beauty beside me Bloom... Then, in every corner of the world, we breathe together, witness together, and leave our footprints together..."

Later, we ended our trip and returned to Shanghai, Jiashi, and the most ordinary life.


Because, I'm pregnant.

Another crystallization of love was quietly conceived in my body again amid our expectations.

I remember that day, we went to the Vishnu Temple. Regardless of whether there were gods, Buddhas, ghosts or monsters in the world, at that moment, the only hope in my heart was: God has mercy on me and gives me a child...

We didn't use birth control, but I couldn't get pregnant quickly, which made me a little anxious, fearing that my body would lose that function because of too many medications.

Hengyuan always comforts me, take your time, take your time, it doesn’t matter even if it doesn’t happen...

But I know what he is thinking.

That day when I was climbing the steps in the temple, I felt dizzy and fell into Hengyuan's arms...

When I woke up, Hengyuan told me very seriously: "We have to go home. We can no longer play around...and, from today on, you must obey me obediently and no longer jump around..."

I was shocked: "What's wrong with my body? Are you so nervous?"

He hugged me tightly, then kissed me and sighed: "Are you not nervous? There is another one in your belly. I have worked hard for so long and finally planted it. Of course I have to keep an eye on you." ”

At that moment, I was ecstatic, and he was also smiling.

Yes, I was finally pregnant, and it was healthy and growing vigorously in my womb.

Now, both I and Jin Hengyuan are enjoying the process of it getting bigger day by day.

Yes, process is important.

Just like life, it is a process from something to nothing.

From the moment humans are born, they are heading towards death.

If you pessimistically believe that life is death, then living is despair.

If you know how to enjoy the process of life,

Face the joys, sorrows and joys that life bestows optimistically, and encourage yourself to live happily and bravely. Then, life will be a rewarding journey home.

Yes, life is a journey.

Fortunately, I met him halfway, and then he took me and I took him to enjoy a different scenery together.

It is gorgeous and intoxicating.

In the future, he and I will accompany our angel through another part of life.

There may be wind and rain, sunshine, flowers, or thorns on the road, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that the family should stay together until the end, until our story ends like this. ---Digression---See you tomorrow.

PS: Tomorrow there will be the last chapter of Su Jin and Hengyuan’s story.

PS: Please give me a monthly pass, please give me a monthly pass, please give me a monthly pass...

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