The Perfect Hidden Marriage

483, unrequited love 23, male college transformation, Jin Changning’s tortuous growth history

Jin Yuan likes this kid Changning.

He is quiet, filial, and resilient, neither arrogant nor arrogant, neither humble nor arrogant, nor arrogant nor impetuous. He is as stable as a bank. Standing there, high and quiet, he can block all floods and provide people with peace of mind. With a calm and powerful impression.

He is a silent existence. He has always been like this in the past twenty years, but he can step forward at the critical moment and turn the tide.

After coming out of Changning's office, Jin Yuan returned to her side. As he passed by, he glanced at his naughty daughter, who was sitting in front of the computer with a lazy expression. Her long wavy hair was tied into a ponytail, and her charming look made the whole office shine.

This girl, in the past, was a clever girl who always loved to tease people, but now she has become a beauty, sitting there, quiet and elegant, creating a scene of her own, and she is actually married to Chang Ning.

I'm really right.

She sighed softly, feeling quite satisfied, and she had an inexplicable feeling of complete merit.

To this day, Jin Yuan still clearly remembers the way her father brought the child Changning home:

He is very thin and wears a pair of glasses at a young age. He is a bit dull, has a sallow face and thin muscles, and is silent. He only likes to read books and does not like to talk. His eyes always have a touch of gloominess that cannot be dispelled...

She remembered how her father introduced the child:

"A child of the Lan family in Zhenshi.

"After the Lan family's scandal became big, the child's parents had an accident and disappeared overnight. I couldn't stand the Lan family sending this child to an orphanage, so I went to find him privately and brought him back.

"This child was originally good. Because he saw his parents and sister die in front of him, he became very autistic. He didn't like to talk to others. He had a mental disorder.

"What I mean is that I want you and Zhidong to adopt him, and then let him follow Hengyuan. Hengyuan has a more outgoing personality, and I hope you can take him out of the shadows as soon as possible. If he continues to be autistic, his life will be ruined... …”

Changning, who first came to Changning, was very pitiful.

Because of the accident, he suffered a serious brain oscillation. He couldn't hear for a while and he almost went blind. People's reactions also become dull, and they sometimes become incontinent when they first arrive.

I heard that he used to be an extremely intelligent child. In that car accident, his family was ruined overnight, he became an orphan, and he seemed to have a brain problem.

At that time, he was very timid and could not laugh.

It was Jin Yuan's careful care that made him rely on her, and finally he was willing to call her in a low voice: Aunt Jin, Aunt Jin.

And after Jin Yuan gave birth to Huanhuan, the child who couldn't laugh actually smiled softly at Huanhuan.

From then on, he became Huanhuan's playmate. As long as he is free, he will stay close to you.

This child, when he was studying, was not just a little stupid, but very stupid.

I don’t know if it’s because of the car accident. He is very slow to react, has difficulty remembering things, and often has trouble remembering things.

This eventually led to his performance failing to improve and always hovering on the passing line.

At that time, there were several children studying in the family, and Chang Ning had the hardest time studying.

For this reason, Jin Yuan once carefully counseled him. It didn't work.

As the old saying goes, a simple mind leads to well-developed limbs. But this child has a simple mind and underdeveloped limbs.

At a school sports meeting and a team relay competition, he dragged down the whole class because he fell twice while running, and his class ended up in last place.

This made other students in the class dislike him and gave him a lesson in private.

Changning didn't know how to fight, and there was nothing he could do if he got a black nose and a swollen face.

He hasn't spoken out about this yet.

In their family, their son Jingheng is a little bully. He is kept quiet at home. When outside, he talks with his fists and still shakes the unruly children into obedience.

As soon as the child saw the wounds, he knew that Chang Ning had been beaten, so he asked him with a stern face: By whom?

He only said that he fell and refused to tell the truth.

Jing Heng didn't believe it, and she couldn't dig out the truth from this boring gourd's mouth. What should she do?

A few days later, he skipped school and went to the school in Changning to wait for him to finish school. He happened to see him being bullied by a group of children again.

Jingheng became angry immediately. She had no idea how shameful it was for someone to bully a small child. She ran over and beat up the little kid, and also scolded Chang Ning:

"Been beaten

Tang doesn't even know how to fight back, you are a dead person..."

"From tomorrow onwards, if you practice with me, you must make your fists stronger..."

"Damn it, no matter whether it's the Jin family or the Xiao family, there is never a coward. Please don't embarrass our family..."

This matter made a big fuss.

Because there were many injured students in the school, parents reacted strongly. The school had to call Xiao Zhidong and Jin Yuanquan to the school and took Jingheng with them.

The school demanded an explanation from the culprit.

As a result, Jingheng took pictures of all the injuries on Chang Ning's body and revealed everything they had done to provoke him.

The final solution to the matter was that the students apologized to Chang Ning, and Jing Heng issued a statement that was half apology and half threat. After the Jin family paid the medical expenses, the matter was settled.

Afterwards, Jingheng was scolded by his father: "Are you a gangster? You only know how to fight all day long. Can't you think of a better way to solve the problem?"

However, Chang Ning still benefited greatly from this incident. No one in school dared to bully him anymore. And hide far away. Everyone knows that he has a savage brother who is very good at fighting and is very jealous.

Later, Chang Ning began to practice boxing with Jing Heng.

The result can be imagined.

This kid is not good at boxing either.

At least unlike Jing Heng, who can learn it instantly.

He learns today and forgets what he learned yesterday. If he learns tomorrow, he forgets what he learned today. He is completely unable to achieve integration and coherence.

For this reason, Jing Heng was very depressed. He once banged his head against the wall and said to his grandfather:

"I have never seen such a stupid child. Grandpa, which planet did you pick this from? You have been practicing for so long, and you still don't know the most basic moves. For such a simple thing as fighting, a man, He's born with it, why can't he? I really want to beat him that okay?"

Jingheng rarely complains about doing something. Once he does something, he will complete it perfectly.

He complained, and it proved that what he did was really sultry.

However, Jingheng was nagging, but her teaching never stopped.

He said that he must transform Changning. If he doesn't get reformed, he won't be Jin Yuan's son.

That was a very long transformation process.

Fortunately, although Chang Ning is stupid, he has a spirit of perseverance and perseverance.

Progress is very small.

However, he is making progress.

The ancients said: If you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach a thousand miles; if you don't accumulate small streams, you can't reach a river or sea.

indeed so.

One small step a day, one big step every ten days. In short, he is constantly growing.

She doesn’t know from which day she discovered that Jingheng’s evaluation of Changning gradually changed:

"That's right, that's right. Children can be taught."

"It's okay...Although the nature is not good enough, the nurture is amazing."

"Well, I'm enlightened. It's not in vain that I've lost so many brain cells due to him."

Later, Changning gradually grew up.

Men's eighteen-year-old transformation.

He is quietly transforming, becoming more capable, smarter, and more temperamental...

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty years have passed, and today's Changning is no longer the clumsy little Changning that he was back then.

After Yi Fan's accident, Chang Ning took the initiative to come back to help her manage the hotel, and showed amazing abilities in management.

Yi Jinyuan wanted Changning to stay and help, but he seemed reluctant.

Now, he has become their son-in-law, helping to manage the hotel. He should be unable to shirk his responsibilities!

For this reason alone, Jin Yuan would not allow them to divorce.

What's more, these two children are more than worthy of each other.


Generally speaking, in a large company, there will be a team under the chairman or president. They will make suggestions for the company with the chairman or president as the center, and help the boss better understand various data and better manage the company.

There are a total of six secretaries in Jin Changning's office, plus a secretary-general. The secretary-general is Sister Zhao, whose surname is Zhao and whose given name is Hong.

Jing Huan applied for the position of assistant to the president. \u003c/p


When she came out of the office, the HR manager led her to see Zhao Hong.

Zhao Hong's age should be in her mid-thirties. Jing Huan saw at a glance that she was wearing a wedding ring on her ring finger. It was obvious that she was a married person.

She looked at people with a harsh look, her face was unsmiling, and she wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses, which made her look extremely mature.

After the man looked her over, there was doubt in his eyes.

Jing Huan is a licensed psychologist herself, and she knows very well what her expression means: she is treating her like a vase...

She resisted the urge to roll her eyes and bowed with an official smile: "Hello, my name is Jin Huan. Please give me some advice from Sister Zhao in the future."

"Hello, Zhao Hong, follow me...this is your place."

Zhao Hong led her to a seat by the window.

Soon, Jing Huan discovered that this location, both in terms of lighting and desks, was different from the others - the other desks were all facing each other, but only her location and Zhao Hong's location were separated.

As soon as she sat down, the six male and female secretaries who were working turned their heads and glanced over one by one, with surprise in their eyes.

"You sit here for a while and get familiar with your colleagues. I'll go to the president's office."

Zhao Hong left first.


A male secretary who happened to be passing by looked at me with a smile and introduced himself: "My name is Wenzhuo, beautiful woman. What do you call me?"

The man held out his hand.

Xiao Jinghuan smiled and shook hands generously: "Jin Huan, it's nice to meet you..."

Other colleagues came up one by one and introduced themselves to her. The youngest one was named Chen Zhenzhen, the one wearing gold-rimmed glasses was named Haizi, the fat little beauty was named Gong Gaolan, and the one with the oval face was named Bei Qingqing, who was closest to her.

The last one was the farthest away and the prettiest. His face was like a peeled egg. He looked very noble. The last one came over and shook Jing Huan's hand:

"Xi Manli."

It felt like this person was not very sociable. He shook hands and returned to his seat without looking at her at all. This feeling was weird.

These six colleagues are all between the ages of twenty-five and forty. Two men and four women.

"Ignore her, she's sulking!"

Bei Qingqing slid the chair over and whispered something in Jing Huan's ear.

"Why are you sulking?"

Jing Huan followed the gossip and lowered her voice.

This person is slightly older than her and is more outspoken. According to her, she came to work here as soon as she graduated and has been working here for more than three years. She is the one with the least qualifications among all the secretaries. I usually do some sending and receiving work.

"She has wanted to take your position for a long time. I saw her negotiating with Sister Zhao before, wanting to take this position permanently... Who would have thought that you would just show up without a trace... How could she possibly Happy……"

A leftover girl who wants to be a personal assistant to a golden bachelor?


She suddenly had a bad association with the ambiguous flavor.

This is a drunkard's intention, not in the bar!

Do you like Jin Changning as your master? ---Digression---One more update.

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