The Perfect Hidden Marriage

521.521, unrequited love 61, hero saving beauty, misunderstanding comes from a promise forced by the

In the beginning, the person Jin Changning recognized was Li Luo, and then he became friends with Yan Buhui.

During the summer vacation when he was eighteen years old, he worked odd jobs for a month. Then, he said to Aunt Jin, "I want to go on a trip. Walk alone."

Aunt Jin originally wanted Brother Jin to accompany him, but he refused and said, "Aunt Jin, I have grown up, and I have to explore the future by myself. I can no longer let anyone support me. Even because of this , if you get a bruise and a swollen face, you have to walk away on your own. If you don’t suffer a loss, how can you become a spirit? "

Aunt Jin felt that what he said made sense, so she let him pay.

That was the first time he went out alone, and it wasn't a special plane or car.

He takes the subway, squeezes into the bus, takes the economy class, saves money, and takes the road that he thinks is the most economical.

Although Aunt Jin has always been very kind to him, even since he was a child, Aunt Jin has been willing to give him everything a child in the family should have. She has never treated him as an outsider, but has given him everything he needs in life without hesitation.

But he understood that he was not the child of this family after all, and he never changed his name to Jin Yuan as "mom".

It must be pointed out that this "Mom" has completely different meanings from the "Mom" he calls her now. Now Jin Yuan is not only the benefactor who raised him, but also his mother-in-law, the mother who gave birth to his lover.

Jin Changning was not clumsy originally. He only became clumsy after being in a car accident, being stimulated, and having his brain severely damaged. At that time, he was slow to learn anything, and his reactions were always a few beats slower than others.

Those days were really painful for him, and he didn't know why he became so stupid and slow to react.

Aunt Jin sought medical treatment for him in many ways, and for this reason, he also took medicine for several years.

Oh, by the way, he was still very thin at that time.

Because he was under great pressure, because he missed his parents too much, because he looked down on himself for being so stupid, and because his life was too confusing, his life was very unsatisfactory.

It was Huanhuan who inspired his fighting spirit - if he wanted to be a good brother, he had to serve as a role model.

But no matter how well he integrates into this family, to put it bluntly, he is an outsider.

He didn't want to owe them too much, so since he was a child, he worked hard not to spend money recklessly. He saved all the money given by his family and deposited it in the bank. He would hardly use the money except for necessary school supplies. As for clothes, the Jin family bought them separately, so he never had to worry about wearing poor clothes and embarrassing the Jin family. In terms of daily meals, there are even chefs who specially prepare them.

Home is warm, but no matter how warm it is, it is still someone else's home.

Even Brother Jin, his biological son, feels that home is a bit like someone else's home, let alone his adopted son.

In early August, Jin Changning relied on his memory and previous knowledge of this place to return to the place where he lived as a child and obtained the right to use the house through legal means.

After that, he spent five days calling people to take care of the house in detail and make repairs.

On August 11th, he went out to buy groceries and encountered something like this on the road: three rich kids, driving three modified racing cars, were circling a panicked little girl. There were countless onlookers. But no one dared to save the little girl.

He inquired carefully and found out that one of the three rich young men was interested in the little girl and wanted to date her, but the little girl was not happy.

He couldn't stand it anymore, so he drove a broken motorcycle, rushed in, took the person out from the gap between several cars, and sent him home.

Hearing this, Xiao Jinghuan's eyes widened.

"A hero saves a beauty? Who are you saving? Also, I only know that you ride a bicycle well. It turns out that you can ride a motorcycle by then..."

"I just borrowed a classmate's bike in school and rode it for a while. It's very easy to ride that kind of bike. However, when I usually take you to and from get out of class, I still like to use a bicycle. It's safe. Because I like to ride a motorcycle very much. You are so Delicate, I dare not take you crazy with me. If I fall and touch you, how will I explain it to my family? "

Jin Changning expressed his worries at that time.

At that time, in his eyes, Huanhuan was just a delicate flower that could not withstand the wind and rain. He wanted to protect her instead of causing harm to her.

Xiao Jinghuan was speechless: for this reason, he had been hiding the fact that he could ride a motorcycle from her.

well! She was really drunk too.

"Then, who is this girl? Is she Huo Sisi?"

"It's not Huo Sisi, it's Li Luo."

Xiao Jinghuan was a little surprised:

"It was Li Luo you saved?"


"Wait a minute, Li Luo hates me, it seems like it's not because she has feelings for you... She definitely doesn't like you, otherwise how could she marry Yan Buhui?"

Yan Buhui seems to be a very powerful person.

A capable man is unlikely to allow a woman to marry him, but miss someone else in his heart, and also allow his wife to hug and hug the person she likes.

This can only mean one thing: Yan Buhui is very confident in the relationship between him and his wife, and is convinced that his wife cannot fall in love with Jin Changning, so he is so relieved.

Jin Changning nodded:

"Li Luo likes Yan Buhui. They are two children who grew up together. They have a great relationship."

Sure enough.

"That day, I sent her to the Yan family, and that's how I got to know Yan Buhui. Now, let me tell you about Yan Buhui and the Yan family."

The Yan family in this city started from the underworld, and later gradually became a serious business.

Here, betting on racing is popular. The Yan family and several other companies often run car racing in the dark, and the relevant government departments turn a blind eye.

Because they know that these people are all contributing to the city’s tax revenue.

They know better that these people bet a lot, which has attracted many racers and wealthy people who are interested in racing to come and watch the race.

Everyone in the Yan family is a racing expert, and Yan Buhui is no exception.

The Yan family is a very complicated family. Yan Buhui's grandfather, Yan Zhong, was a land gangster. Later, he found a backer and became prosperous. He established a group company and rectified his evil name. However, their influence in the underworld is still very big.

Yan Zhong had a son and a daughter. His daughter Yan Rujiao married into a political family and gave birth to a grandson named Huo Qi and a granddaughter named Huo Sisi. His son Yan Guicheng married a well-known wife and gave birth to two sons and one daughter.

Yan Buhui is an illegitimate child. His mother died young and he is the youngest son in the family. Because of his dishonorable background, he is extremely ignored in the Yan family.

Li Luo is a child adopted by the Yan family, and Yan Guicheng regards her as his biological daughter. When Li Luo was sixteen years old, this man even sent out a message that whoever married Li Luo would get Yan City - that Yan City was a Yan's commercial city under the name of Yan Gui City. What he meant was that Yan City would be regarded as Li Luo's. Luo's dowry.

Because of this, both the descendants of the Yan family and people from outside wanted to marry her. This also caused a situation where several noble young men would not let go of her - usually, there would be people following her. That day, she was alone.

In the Yan family, Yan Buhui is a withdrawn child who is usually taciturn. It is said that because the birth horoscope is not good, the biological mother is killed. The father is always picky about him because he has blood evil in his life.

Yan Buhui was not popular in the Yan family, but Li Luo fell in love with him.

Why would Li Luo like such a man who doesn't like to talk?

Because when he first came to the Yan family, it was Yan Buhui who really got close to Li Luo.

At that time, Li Luo lost his family and did not want to get close to anyone. The other children of the Yan family don't like to talk to her.

Especially because she was a bit ugly at that time.

Yan Buhui never disliked her. She would run and exercise in the morning and read and write at night. They got along day and night, and their relationship grew deeper and deeper.

For a long time, they warmed each other and attached to each other.

Later, Yan Buhui had a conflict with his eldest brother Yan Yao.

Yan Yao is not a human being. He played with a girl at school and made a classmate of Yan Buhui pregnant.

Later, Yan Yao paid the girl to have the child aborted, but the girl was unwilling and wanted to jump off the building out of despair.

After Yan Buhui learned about this, he wanted to save the girl, but the girl still jumped and ran into despair.

Because during the persuasion process, Yan Buhui said this: "I will be responsible for solving the child's affairs..."

In fact, what he meant was that he would explain it to his family and let Yan Yao take responsibility. However, when others listened, they did not understand the full meaning and thought that Yan Buhui had made him pregnant.

This matter became such a big deal that the school asked the parents of the Yan family to solve the problem.

Yan Buhui wanted to confess Yan Yao, but Mrs. Yan came to him and said to him: Let him bear the crime. If he doesn't, the Yan family will expel Li Luo.

For Li Luo, he had to bear the humiliating charge of being in trouble and giving up in high school.

After that, the Yan family lost money, Yan Buhui forgot about it, and that was the end of it.

After returning home, Yan Buhai and Yan Yao had a big fight, which even broke Yan Yao's feet.

Yan Guicheng, who didn't know the whole situation, saw this situation and was furious, so he sent Yan Buhui to study abroad.

At that time, Yan Buhui was sixteen and Li Luo was fourteen.

Later, Yan Guicheng suddenly decided on a whim that his Yan City would be Li Luo's dowry.

Mrs. Yan is naturally opposed to this matter. But she couldn't influence the man's decision. In order to win Yancheng, she made her two sons happy with Liluo.

But Li Luo never liked to talk to them.

Later, Mrs. Yan learned that Li Luo and Yan Buhui had been maintaining the habit of writing one letter a day, and she was worried that the money would be lost to outsiders, so she cut off the contact between them.

Yan Buhui has not returned to Yan's house for two years. It's not that he doesn't want to go back, but Mrs. Yan is secretly preventing him from coming back.

On the day that Jin Changning rescued Li Luo, Yan Buhui happened to go home to visit relatives, and the two boys of the same age recognized each other.

A few days later, the place where Jin Changning lived was notified of demolition. Some people even deliberately came to trouble Jin Changning.

Yan Buhui happened to be there that day, and he recognized those people.

Several young people started fighting when they couldn't get along. In the end, they decided to use the old rules here to decide the fate of the house: If Jin Changning wins the car race, his land will never be demolished. The interference of the problem; if the other party wants to win, it must be demolished unconditionally.

If Yan Buhui competed with them, it would not be difficult to win, but the problem was that their rule was that the owner of the house had to compete with them.

Jin Changning had just gotten his driver's license not long ago, and he didn't drive much at all. If he was asked to drive a car to compete with others, it would be a sure-loser situation.

Yan Buhui said: "Promise, I will teach you that racing is not difficult. None of them are accomplished. It is not difficult to beat them. In a week, you will definitely be able to beat them."

For the house, Jin Changning started various training...

"Probably because I have the blood of a racing driver flowing in my bones. Under Lao Yan's unabashed teaching, I won without surprise after a week. And I became obsessed with racing.

"Later, I would come here to live for a while every winter and summer vacation. During this time, I would be with racing.

"In the same year, Li Luo and I became adopted brothers and sisters.

“This matter was brought up by Yan Guicheng.

"As for me, I felt that I got along well with Li Luo, so I agreed.

"By the way, the Yan family also gave me a racing car, saying it was a meeting gift. However, I didn't accept it, and the car was always parked at the Yan family. At the Yan family, they unanimously believed that the car was mine. Sometimes I come At this time, when I went to their house, I would drive it for a few laps. I even participated in a competition on behalf of the Yan family.

"For a long time afterwards, because of the issue of Li Luo's ownership, the Yan brothers were at loggerheads.

"Uncle Yan intends to marry Li Luo to his second son Yan Qin.

"The reason is: Li Luo and Yan Buhui's horoscopes are not compatible. Marrying two people will bring bad luck to the Yan family. Marrying the second son Yan Qin will bring great fortune to the Yan family.

"But Li Luo refused. Yan Qin wanted to strike first, but I found out. I helped Lao Yan. In the end, it was Lao Yan and Li Luo who were caught in the house. Later, Li Luo expressed his ambition. , Feiyan will not regret not marrying.

"This marriage was finalized after a lot of hard work. After the marriage, the young couple has been very affectionate and loving."

While Jin Changning was talking, Xiao Jinghuan didn't interrupt. She didn't ask until she heard this:

"But what does this have to do with what happened between you and Huo Sisi?"

"That's exactly what I'm going to say next."

Jin Changning answered:

"I'm two years older than Li Luo. Li Luo married 26-year-old Yan Buhui when he was twenty-four.

"In order to give this god-sister a gift, I once participated in a racing competition. After winning the prize, I divided the money into two parts. One of them was used to buy a gift and gave it to them as a wedding gift.

"After that game, there was a little girl who was about to jump from the high stands because she was heartbroken, planning to bury her love in a grand way. She wanted the boy to regret it. It was me who saved her.

"That girl is Huo Sisi. A spoiled girl. She will go to extremes if she doesn't get what she wants.

"I persuaded her for a long time, and finally she said naively: Unless you agree to marry me when I grow up, I will definitely jump.

"Basically on the principle that saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, I agreed."

When he said this, he deliberately glanced at Xiao Jinghuan and saw that she looked embarrassed, so he immediately explained:

"Actually, this is just a joke. I didn't take it seriously.

"Later, Li Luo got married, Sisi became the bridesmaid, and I was Lao Yan's best man. Some people deliberately brought us together to tease us.

"I didn't care. A girl who is twelve years younger than me, in my eyes, is just a child. It's really a bit dirty when it comes to sexual matters.

"In the following years, I often came here, sometimes for vacation, sometimes for business negotiations. I would get together with them from time to time, and I would also meet Sisi from time to time.

"Sisi is very clingy. Just like you when you were a child.

"As for me, I have always regarded her as my sister. When I see her being clingy, I often think of you.

“I didn’t care at first, but later I realized that Sisi seemed to be serious about me.

"As soon as I noticed those clues, I told Lao Yan: I didn't have that idea, and I wanted him to mention it in front of Sisi.

"Lao Yan agreed, but he never did it, so that everyone thought that I was not getting married because I was waiting for Sisi to grow up. This gave me a headache.

"This time, the reason why I took you to the racing car is that you like to watch it, and I also want to tell Buhui about my marriage. I hope he can talk to Sisi in a tactful way... and talk to Uncle Yan. Understand... I don't want them to misunderstand me anymore.

"Yesterday, when Sisi and I went out, we made it clear.

"She ran away after hearing this. I wanted to go home and let Li Luo chase her and take a good look at her, but I was afraid that she would get into trouble like she did when she was a child. Who knew something happened at home as well."

The whole story is like this. It was just a moment of kindness that he saved a little girl who loved to talk about others, and he was admired by the little girl, and he still loves her to this day. Then, the little girl couldn't accept that her "lover" married her. If you don't care about others, you will commit suicide again.


Too stupid!

Because of unrequited love, I wanted to die. I was so stupid.

However, love seems to be more important than anything else to young girls. Those crazy men and resentful women can go to extreme lengths just for a moment of dissatisfaction.

Such people are really stupid.

In fact, she has been stupid before, right?

He almost found his way to death.

It can only be said that this is the most immature period of time in a person's life.

If you have experienced it, you will know that seeking death is a ridiculous behavior. It is so important for a person to live strong.

"Huanhuan, do you think this is my fault?"

He sighed slightly.

"You were right to save her, but you should have made it clear earlier. It took too long. She has a deep love for you, so you have become a thin lover."

Xiao Jinghuan came to a conclusion.

Jin Changning thought for a moment, maybe so!

At first, when she was only thirteen or fourteen years old, she started to like her. He thought it was a sister-like affection. Later, when he discovered that her love seemed to have other meanings, she was already a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. When she saw him, she always smiled at him shyly and showed no other expression. How could he explain it to her?

Anyway, in the end, a good thing turns out to be a bad thing.

After they finished talking, they also arrived at the hospital, and Jin Changning felt very heavy.

Xiao Jinghuan knew that he was feeling guilty and felt a little reluctant to let go, so she patted his arm gently:

"Only when a person has experienced something can he mature. Fortunately, he is fine now. Don't worry too much. She can get over this problem..."

Those warm and considerate words made Jin Changning look slightly relieved.


The two of them went in, but met a young man at the door of the ward. The man punched Jin Changning in the head:

"Wandering around, Jin Changning, I didn't expect you to be such a person."

---Digression---See you tomorrow!

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