The Perfect Hidden Marriage

529, unrequited love 69, life is short, be kind to yourself

"Are you going to be bullied? You were always the one bullying Aning, okay!"

Jin Yuan shouted plausibly.

Xiao Jinghuan opened her mouth, but couldn't answer the question for a long time.

Anyway, in the eyes of her mother, she is the bad sister and Jin Changning is the good brother Fu.

But this time, it was really her bad sister who was bullied by her good brother, okay...

"How's it going? You have nothing to say!"

The mother actually took advantage of the victory and added another sentence.

That tone really made Xiao Jinghuan unbearable:

"Why can't I be bullied by him? He is a man..."

"You stayed in the office today and obediently helped An Ning to deliver documents. This proves that you are willing to be bullied. Since you are willing, of course I have to ask for the honor of my filial son..."


Xiao Jinghuan was so depressed that she wanted to look up to the sky and scream.

Dear mother, what kind of logic is this...

Jin Yuan chuckled, and hugged her daughter who was grinding her teeth in hatred:

"Okay, okay, don't be aggrieved. Let me put it in another way: When will my Huanhuan be willing to wear a wedding dress and get married... We are all together. It would be better to get married as soon as possible. In case there is a child, the wedding But we have to postpone’s not good.”

Mother is really good at inserting needles into her painful areas!

"It's impossible to have children... we... we have taken measures..."

Xiao Jinghuan, who lied about not drafting, stroked her hair reluctantly and hurriedly changed the topic:

"Okay, Mom, let's not talk about whether this wedding is a wedding or not. He and I, please let us be in the same place again... The pace is too fast, I am very confused... I am still getting used to everything... I don’t know what will happen in the future..."

Jin Yuan listened quietly and smiled. Although she didn't know how her adopted son got her daughter, it seemed that although this girl had made the marriage a reality, she seemed to be still struggling and had not yet stepped into the role of a wife. Go among them.

Yes, only a few days.

It is indeed a bit difficult for people to come out of a relationship that has been established for many years and enter the life of another man.

Thinking back to when she was freed from her first marriage and entered into her second marriage, she felt quite uncomfortable looking at the unfamiliar face on the pillow every morning. It took a long time to get used to it.

"Okay, I won't force you, just let the two of you live together for a few days. When you decide, you can talk to your parents. Then, your parents will help you get married properly."

She finally relaxed.

Xiao Jinghuan also breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay. When I want to hold a wedding, I will definitely tell you and dad early."


Jin Yuan smiled and pinched her daughter's face, and suddenly thought of another thing:

"However, I think it's a bit inappropriate for you and Aning to live in that small place... Later, your dad and I will discuss it and buy you a more decent love nest. If you are crowded in there, others will see it and think that I and I Your father, who favors sons over daughters, only gave his son a house but did not give his daughter a dowry."

Xiao Jinghuan has no objection to this matter. She firmly believes that if she wants to get married, her parents will definitely prepare a rich dowry for her. I had heard people talk about her marriage in private, and they all thought that whoever married her would fall into the clouds and prosper from then on.

This is not the place she is curious about:

"Mom, I heard that you and Dad went out to play for a few days before. Where did you go?"

In her memory, her parents never seemed to go out to play. If they had spent more time with each other when they were young, they wouldn't have had so many disturbances and accidents because of distrust.

"It's not far away, just to Mount Tai."

Jin Yuan smiled kindly.

"Oh, did you and dad have fun?"

Xiao Jinghuan studied her mother's expression carefully.


"That you……"

Xiao Jinghuan's eyes were rolling, but she didn't speak.

"What happened to us?"

"Are you opening two rooms, or one room?"

She smiled playfully and gestured with her fingers. \u003c


Jin Yuan couldn't help but stare at this bad boy, ignored her, turned around to sign the document, and patted it into her arms:

"Go, go, go to work!"

"Mom, I won't do this with you. You are so interested in my personal life, so I can't care about you and dad, right? Oh, how about it, how about it?"

Xiao Jinghuan was extremely curious.

"Not very good. You are an old man and an old woman, what else can you do? Go, go, go back to your man..."

Jin Yuan pushed the person out.

"Mom, you are not old, you are beautiful... You are much more attractive than that bad old man like dad... I think dad must be obsessed with you... Let's talk about it, how is it? Have you two reconciled? ?”

Xiao Jinghuan didn't want to leave. She didn't make things clear. She refused to leave, and she resolutely brought out a woman's gossip mentality to the extreme.

"I won't tell you."


"Okay, don't worry about your dad and me. Go back to work."

Xiao Jinghuan was speechless and thought: "Well, I think dad must be very gentle to you, otherwise you wouldn't be so embarrassed now... Isn't it unprecedented gentleness that makes your heart follow Xiaolu, mom?" The conflict started...hehehe...I'm leaving..."

She took the information and ran away.

Jin Yuan shook her head and stopped the person helplessly:

"Huanhuan, come back to my place to have dinner with Aning...your dad will also go..."


She stopped suddenly, turned around and shrugged:

"I'm afraid not."

"What, you have a date?"

"I owe Chu Yi a meal... He is in the company, so I'm afraid I have to clear this meal..."

"Then Chu Yilai wants to chase you, right?"

Jin Yuan said, how can it be so good? Jin Changning asked Huanhuan to get such an insignificant document for her to sign. That's it.

"Seems to be."

"Ignore him."

"Mom, our hotel seems to be still cooperating with others... It's not good to ignore them... Don't worry, I will take care of it."

She smiled and waved, and walked out, full of confidence.

Jin Yuan couldn't help but smile as she looked at them. Whether it was Hengyuan or Huanhuan, they both had a strong sense of confidence, which was quite gratifying.

But Changning definitely felt unhappy when he saw people staring at Huanhuan like flies.

But then again, there is a suitor who adds fuel to the fire and stimulates their relationship, which has disadvantages but also advantages.

That's whatever.

She sat at her desk and called Xiao Zhidong:

"Hey, Lao Xiao...are you with me?"

"Here... are you done with everything?"

Xiao Zhidong asked over there.

"Well, it's almost time. I'm going back soon. But Huanhuan won't come back. She has something to do."

"Oh, is Changning coming back?"

"I have to ask. What are you doing?"

"I'm working as the chef's apprentice, learning how to make soup. I'll have nothing to do in the future, so I can only do these things."

The voice was cheerful, but the implication was that it made Jin Yuan feel inexplicably sad. Xiao Zhidong, who used to be a leader in the business district, is now just a lonely old man who has returned to his family... No matter how energetic he was in the past, now After he retired, he did the most ordinary household chores.

"When will you come back?"

"In one hour."

"Come back and try the soup I made. It's your first time cooking. Give me some respect. Don't be picky... I will be shocked..."

Xiao Zhidong was teasing there.

Jin Yuan smiled.

After hanging up the phone, she thought of the scene on Mount Tai when he hugged her softly and without any trace while watching the sunrise, so cautious and so afraid of being rejected...

When he was young, he didn't cherish it, but when he got old, he longed to start over again.

"Ayuan, when we can move, I

Let's have a good walk. When I can't walk anymore, I want to sit on the rocking chair with you and wait to leave together. Do you think it’s okay? "

That day, he said this to her.

It was a disguised proposal.

But she was speechless for a long time.

For this man, she had loved him for so many years, but it didn't come to the end. Both of them were responsible. But now, there is not only the dead Yi Fan between them, but also two children... The one she had with Yi Fan, he also had that with someone else.

Regarding those things, can they really not care about each other at all?

She wasn't sure.

However, life is not long. If you don't treat yourself better, it will be over as soon as you close your eyes. If you really want to leave with regrets, wouldn't it be too much to think about?

Therefore, I want to fall in love with her all over again.

Let’s talk about the love we never had when we were young again, accept his pursuit, and have a love affair at dusk. At the end of life, we can fulfill our dreams and draw a satisfying end to our lives. With an open-minded mentality, if you walk a little further, you will have no regrets and your life will not be in vain.

People can only grow up after going through those detours. She only hopes that Huanhuan and Changning can avoid detours and live smoothly in their lives... - digression - first update.

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