The Perfect Hidden Marriage

580, unrequited love 120, Jin Changning asked, what is the relationship between Luoer and me?

\u003c!--The beginning of the chapter--\u003e 580, unrequited love 120, Jin Changning asked, what is the relationship between Luoer and me?

Jin Changning closed his eyes and was resting.

Last night, he didn't sleep all night. It was inevitable that he would be tired.

No matter how powerful you are as a person, there will always be times when your workload and emotional load are saturated.

Once it is saturated, if you put pressure on yourself desperately and force yourself to bear it, your body will not be able to bear it.

In today's society, too many people die suddenly due to various pressures.

Therefore, it is really important to arrange working hours reasonably, vent emotions reasonably, and relieve stress.

From the moment he could remember, Jin Changning felt that he was like a machine. After being programmed, everything would move forward according to the route he planned in advance, and he could only succeed and not fail.

Because he can't afford to fail.

He used to be very stupid, so he raced against time. The stupid bird flew first, but he gained time for his own success.

Later, his health gradually improved, and his studies gradually became no longer difficult, but he still could not slack off.


Because his surname is not Jin.

Because his surname is Lan, he is Lan Ning.

Because he wants to become a great man.

Because he has no father or mother and no capital, he has to fight for everything by himself.

Because the woman he loves has such an extraordinary background.

Because if he wants to get it, he has to spend more energy and effort to win opportunities for what he may get in the future...

Although, at that time, he had already lost before he started, but he would not stop running because of this, because he wanted to become the best - the best lawyer, or the best business manager, or It is the best spare tire.

Because he wants to be a proud version of himself one day, instead of being the adopted son of the Jin family.

Also because he wanted his parents who had been buried underground to be happy and know that he was a promising child.

So, he will be tired.

Fortunately it's worth it.

However, last night, he was extremely tired because of one truth - he was so tired that he wanted to sleep but didn't want to wake up.

However, even if he was so tired that his heart and liver ached unbearably, he still had to open his eyes and watch the rising sun rising brilliantly in front of him.

Because the world will not stop because of your emotions.

Because you have always been an insignificant existence in this world.


Time goes back to last night.

It was already two o'clock when we left Ji Beixun's side.

The night was already very late, and at this point in time, it was time for him to go back to sleep.

If it hadn't been for the scene like that at night, he might not have come out even if he received Ji Beixun's call. However, he still came out because of Jing Huan's uncertain attitude - in fact, he understood that she had never been there. There is no need to be surprised that she would react like that when she comes out completely.

But when she showed it naked like this, why did his heart feel so uncomfortable?

He really wanted to go back, hold her and have a good sleep.

But can it?

At such a moment, run away, sleep without any grudge, or even make out.


not in the mood.

Emotionally chaotic.

The car drove aimlessly on the road, and later, we arrived at the AA Hotel.

Yan Buhui is right here.

He thought again and again, and finally called, and the person answered quickly:

"Aning, is something wrong?"

Listening to that voice, it didn't sound like he was sleeping, he felt refreshed.

"I'm downstairs in your hotel. Let's meet!"

"It's so late, why are you here?"

Yan Buhui's tone was extremely surprised.

"We'll talk about it later."

"I'll talk to the front desk and they'll bring you up."

Jin Changning said "hmm", went to register, and then was led up by the staff.

Yan Buhui and Li Luo were still dressed in their banquet attire, and it seemed they had just returned - the makeup on Li Luo's face had not yet been washed off.

Jin Changning's face was very gloomy, more gloomy than ever before, and his dark eyes swept over them. This look made the couple look at each other.

"Sorry to bother you after so long, but there is something I must ask clearly..."

Even when it was dawn, I felt like I couldn't bear it anymore.

"What's up?"

Yan Buhui asked Li Luo, who was silent, to make tea. After sitting down, he asked.

"What kind of enmity does the Yan family have with the Jin family?"

Jin Changning sat opposite him and spoke at a steady pace:

"It's not just that the Yan family robbed a certain project of the Jin family and had a grudge, it's that simple... At the beginning, the Yan family not only knew that I was the adopted son of the Jin family, but also knew that the relationship between the Yan and Jin families was not very good. Why did Mr. Yan , and Uncle Yan still loves me so much?"

When he asked this question, he stared intently, taking in all the expressions of the couple: Li Luo wanted to speak, his eyes were eager, but Yan Buhui stopped him. The man looked back with a mysterious look, It seems so enigmatic.

"Your movements are really fast."

Yan Buhui's tone was very strange:

"But before, you promised me not to investigate, didn't you? Why did you investigate again? Changning, why are you so disobedient..."

The last three words brought a long sigh and the helplessness of hating iron for not being able to become steel.

"Some things, once started, are like an arrow shot, there is no turning back. Changning, I don't want you to be in pain. Why don't you understand?"

Jin Changning firmly believed that Yan Buhui's mood when he said these words was sincere. Because he cares about his friend, he wants to prevent something from happening.

However, he may have overestimated his own abilities.

There are some things that he can't stop if he wants to.

"Old Yan, I only know one thing..."

He answered calmly.


"If there is a cause, there will be an effect. There is no use in escaping. Only by confronting problems head-on, and only by solving problems when they are encountered, can all problems left over from history be solved. I believe that attitude can change everything."

Because of these words, Yan Buhui raised the corners of his lips and nodded:

"That's right. But, Changning, some things are difficult to do - for you, it will be a painful choice that will plunge your life into dire straits. You will never be able to go back to the past. .That’s why I say that not knowing is the greatest happiness.”

"Not knowing doesn't mean it hasn't happened. Since it has happened, I don't know now, but it will explode one day in the future. That is equivalent to living with a time bomb every day. Do you think this kind of life will be comfortable? "

Jin Changning didn't like this feeling of being in constant panic all day long. He needs to live clearly. Living in a muddleheaded way is not suitable for him.

Yan Buhui nodded and turned to look at Li Luo, who suddenly became excited beside him:

"Okay, as long as you don't regret it, I have no problem with it."

"I've never regretted anything I've done."

The calm answer revealed a deep confidence.

This self-confidence alone could not alleviate Yan Buhui's worries, but he no longer wanted to stop it. Since this was his choice, he took it as his own initiative:

"OK. If you want to know, you don't need to ask your friends to check. I will tell you everything we know here."

"Okay, first question..."

Jin Changning secretly took a breath:

"Why did your Yan family deliberately befriend a powerless boy like me in the first place?"

"Because you are the son of Lan Ning and Qiao Qiao."

This answer is so straightforward and powerful.

Jin Changning narrowed his eyes and asked again:

"What is the relationship between the Yan family and the Lan family?"

Yan Buhui was silent for a while before he continued:

"My father, Yan Guicheng, once pursued your mother, Qiao Qiao. It is said that my father almost married Qiao Qiao."

This made Jin Changning startled. This relationship is really a bit strange.

"The death of my parents was a man-made disaster, right?"

he asked again.

He replied again: "Indeed."

Jin Changning asked: "What role did the Yan family play in this matter?"

Yan Buhui replied: "My father has always wanted to find out the truth and didn't want the real culprit to go unpunished."

Jin Changning asked: "Have you found the real murderer?"

Yan Buhui replied: "There is no complete evidence, but I am 90% sure who is behind the scenes."

Jin Changning asked: "Then who is the person behind the scenes that you suspect?"

Yan Buhui looked at it intently: "Are you sure you want to know?"

Jin Changning turned his head, and his eyes fell heavily on Li Luo: "Last question: What is the relationship between Luo'er and me?"

After giving a coherent answer without continuing, Li Luo slowly stood up under Yan Buhui's gaze, where she bit her lip and stared at him eagerly.

"Why didn't you answer?"

Jin Changning's voice also became hoarse.

Yan Buhui stood up and put his hands in his pockets. His eyes wandered between him and Li Luo. After a while, he said, "Luo'er is your biological sister - Lan Yunjiao."

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