The Perfect Hidden Marriage

588, unrequited love 128, verification, the Jin family really has three sheepskin lands

After leaving this courtyard and returning to the hotel, Jin Changning remained silent.

Li Luo too.

When they returned to the hotel study room, when the brother and sister looked at Yan Buhui silently, the man coughed and said:

"What does your look mean? Tang"

"Brother Yan, what do you think of these things Lu Xingnu said?"

Li Luo felt a little dizzy after hearing this and couldn't make a correct judgment:

"Why have I never heard you mention this before?"

Yan Buhui explained:

“My dad said, don’t tell anyone about this unless necessary.

“This is a family motto from ancient times.

"One of the family mottos is not to tell people who are not direct descendants about the sheepskin map and the love story of the major general.

"The second family motto is that one day, a person holding black jade will come and take away the sheepskin map in our hands. When the time comes, we must give it to us unconditionally. That person will be the master or master of our ancestors. He was sent by the master. The master I am talking about here is the young general. It is said that he can really live forever. We, the descendants, must treat him with respect and courtesy..."

After hearing the second article, Jin Changning almost laughed: In what age are we now, there is still such a thing? The ancestral master, who became a slave after 2000, still has to treat others as his master?

"Don't laugh. It is said that this ancestral precept was passed down a long, long time ago. Just imagine the environment at that time. It is normal to have such treacherous thoughts. Human servility only changed after entering modern civilization. Click on the ones that were culled.”

That said, it makes sense.

The funny thing that I wanted to spit out was stopped immediately:

"According to your tone, do you believe it?"

Yan Buhui thought about it:

"How should I put it? There should be such a story 2000 years ago. But I don't think it's particularly reliable that there are immortal people.

"However, it is certain that the Jin family approached the three Lu Yanlan families because of the sheepskin maps in their hands.

“The Yan family was almost deceived by Jin Ming, that’s indeed true.

"So, you said, how kind-hearted the Jin family member is, I don't think so.

"Of course, it's possible that he's getting better now, but at the beginning, who can guarantee it?

“There are two sides to the human heart, one is sunshine and the other is darkness.

"No matter how upright a person is, there are times when his head is dizzy. It is not difficult to understand that he will make mistakes when he is young."

He expressed his opinion.

Although his father had told him that there really was such a thing as immortal beings, neither his father nor he had seen it with his own eyes. However, based on the words passed down from his ancestors, he believed that there really were three immortal beings in the world. Man, that's a little ridiculous.

Jin Changning didn't answer.

"How many sanctimonious hypocrites are there in the world? Brother, don't be fooled by other people's kind looks..."

Li Luo added lightly.

Jin Changning was speechless.

"There is another witness, do you want to see him?"

Yan Buhui poured a glass of wine for Jin Changning and asked gently.


Jin Changning took it without drinking it, but went to get a glass of ice water instead.

Some people like to drink when they are nervous, but he likes to drink ice water. The cold taste seems to calm his mind more.

"The flight is at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. I want to see that person in the afternoon."

He took a sip of the ice water and leaned against the window.

Yan Buhui could tell that he was in a bad mood.

Li Luo seemed to want to say something more, so he shook his head at her: "Go to sleep! I'll talk to your brother..."

Although she recognized her brother, Li Luo felt that her brother did not agree with her on the matter of parents' hatred because of this sibling relationship, and this layer of differences still existed.

However, she also understood in her heart that pulling people into her camp could not be achieved in a day or two. After all, the Jin family has raised him for so many years, and there must be a process of acceptance.

It's not good to push too hard, so she had no choice but to nod, say good night to Jin Changning, and go back to rest.

Yan Buhui went to close the study door, came over and patted him on the shoulder:


Tang Changning, I know you are unhappy... I warned you before, I don't know what's best... Now you are upset..."

Jin Changning drank half a glass of ice water in one gulp, letting the cold water slide down his esophagus, smacked his lips, and said:

"Lao Yan, I'm afraid I can't know this because I don't want to know it... I don't think you can stop it. You can make me never know... It doesn't matter if I know it... I will take care of this matter. Clearly..."

At the end of the sentence, he narrowed his eyes and looked very solemn.

"Then, do you want to go to the boxing room to vent?"

The Jin family who raised him became the culprits of their parents' death. This truth would be uncomfortable for anyone.

Jin Changning grabbed the cup hard with one hand, and with such force, the cup broke with a bang...

"Need not."

He lowered his head and glanced at the broken goblet, not intending to clean it up, but said in a low voice: "I'm going to bed, I want to think about it again..."

Turn around and leave.

Yan Buhui stared, showing a hint of worry.


Jin Changning returned to the room, sat on the bed, and without saying a word, grabbed the landline and made a call.

Who are you calling, Jin Hengyuan?

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Brother Jin, I am Changning."

Jin Hengyuan was startled and surprised:

"Why are you? I was just wondering if this was a sales call..."

"Brother Jin, I have something to ask you."

He didn't want to say a word of nonsense and went straight to the topic.

It stands to reason that since we haven't contacted him for a month, we should ask him something, but he didn't.

This anomaly naturally made Jin Hengyuan quite puzzled.


"I heard you say that the old man seemed to have given you an antique map. Is it from the Han Dynasty?"

"Huh? Why did you mention this?"

Jin Hengyuan was a little surprised.

"You tell me first, don't you?"

he asked quietly.

"Yes, it is from the Western Han Dynasty. It is said to be a family heirloom. He also said that when I give birth to a son, one of the boys must be named Jin, and then this sheepskin map must be passed on to the Jin family's heirs."

Sure enough, there is.

"Is this map made up of several fragments?"


"How many are there in total?"

"Three. They are incomplete and incomplete."

When Jin Changning heard this, his heart tightened and he was speechless for a while: There were really three of them.

Over there, Jin Changning felt something strange and asked:

"Aning, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, nothing!"

Jin Changning was calm.

"I was just about to ask you, what happened to you yesterday? Huanhuan couldn't find you, and even called me specifically to ask for Beixun's phone number. Are you two okay? Did you quarrel?"

A concerned tone reached his ears.

At this moment, when Huanhuan was mentioned, Jin Changning suddenly had an illusory feeling, as if what he was experiencing now was unreal, and the life Huanhuan brought to him was the real life. He wanted to return to reality. However, it seems that it is not possible yet.

He must face this illusory life situation and resolve it well.

"We have encountered a little trouble. Brother Jin, this is not particularly important now."

"Really? I thought Huanhuan would always be the most important to you. You said that before."

"Yes. She's always been the most important."

He said in a low voice: "It's just for the time being. I have another thing to deal with. I can only let her go first..."

"What's the matter? Can you tell me?"

"when are you going back to China?"

He changed the subject.


"Can you let me see that sheepskin map?"\u003c/


"Grandpa told me not to let others see it."

Sure enough, that's what he said.

"However, you are not idle. I will go back to Shanghai to get it for you later..."

Jin Hengyuan agreed with a smile, and then added:

"But you are curious, why are you interested in that thing now?"

Jin Changning rolled his eyes: "Brother Jin, do you believe there are immortal people in this world?"

Over there, Jin Hengyuan was stunned: "Changning, what's wrong with you today? Are you talking strangely?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I heard a story today, and I heard that there are immortal people in this world."

"It's nonsense. Who is making this up?"

"Storyteller. When I listened to the book, I suddenly felt emotional. Do you think that if there were really immortal people in this world, would the whole world be in chaos..."

He smiled lightly and changed the topic...

After talking for a while, Su Jin was calling Jin Hengyuan over there, and the call was hung up in a hurry.

Jin Changning was looking at the landline, lost in thought, wondering whether to call Jing Huan. He thought about it for a few minutes, and finally gave up:

His heart is a little confused and he needs to think calmly. It is better to put aside the matter between him and Huanhuan to cool down for now! ——Digression——See you tomorrow.

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