The Perfect Hidden Marriage

590, unrequited love 130, the second witness made Jin Changning burst into tears

"You can't agree to it, can you?"

Yan Guicheng's voice became a little colder.

"Since you can't agree to come forward, it's okay if you don't see the second witness."


"Go back and forth wherever you want!"


"Lan Ning, you may not have the intention of revenge, but I will not give up. I will make the Jin family pay a corresponding price during my lifetime. Moreover, this matter is about to be realized... So, you can participate in this action to the best of my ability." Okay, it doesn’t matter if you can’t participate...If you have to be ruthless in the future in the mall, just help them deal with us!"

From this tone, it seems that the Yan family has already been doing something secretly?

Jin Changning's eyes were deep, and a strange current flowed through his heart. After thinking about it again and again, he gritted his teeth and said:

"I have to meet the second witness. Uncle Yan, I can swear: If it is found to be true, the Jin family and I will never be at odds with each other. The Jin family has destroyed my family, and I cannot let the Jin family live in peace."


Yan Guicheng's attitude was still suspicious, not convinced because he hesitated just now.


This time, Jin Changning nodded without hesitation.

"Very good. This is indeed Lan Hai's son."

A hand patted his shoulder heavily.

"We must not let your loved ones die in vain."


Yan Guicheng was satisfied and pressed the bell on the desk.

Soon, a servant pushed open the door and came in, asking respectfully: "Sir, do you have any orders?"

"Get the car ready. We're leaving now."

"Okay, sir."

The servant retreats.

Li Luo hugged Jin Changning: "Brother, your attitude should have been so firm a long time ago. We must not underestimate the enemies who harm our family."

Jin Changning didn't listen and was curious, who was the second witness who could make Yan Guicheng so sure that Jin Ming was the culprit.


On this trip, we drove a total of two cars.

A Bentley was occupied by Yan Guicheng and his bodyguards, and an Audi was occupied by Jin Changning and the three of them, plus a driver.

The car drove for a long time.

When they were about to arrive, the driver received a call and asked Jin Changning and the others to put on eye masks.

"Why do you need a blindfold?"

This is what Li Luo doesn't understand.

Jin Changning understands very well.

To put it bluntly: Yan Guicheng doesn't trust him very much!

He put it on without saying a word, and after driving for half an hour, he arrived.

After getting off the car, I found that this small villa was built on the mountain. It was a quiet and secluded environment. There were bodyguards at the door. The hardware facilities in the garden were very good. The main house was simple and atmospheric, and the room exuded a faint fragrance. It is also mixed with the fishy smell of traditional Chinese medicine.

The furnishings in the living room are very simple and spacious. There is a bouquet of roses on the coffee table, the red is bright and the white is pure...

Jin Changning quickly came to a conclusion: this second witness was still a woman.


A servant came up to serve tea and salute Yan back to the city.

"Where are the people?"

Yan Guicheng looked around and asked.

"Sister went to the audio-visual room to listen to music...I'll invite her over right now..."


That person went.

Here, everyone sits down.

After a while, a woman was helped over. She had short hair, was as pale as snow, her eyes were unfocused, and her face was covered with scars...

However, Jin Changning still recognized him at a glance, and stood up abruptly, with an unbelievable look in his eyes. Li Luo was shocked, and even Yan Buhui opened his mouth in shock.

"Brother Guicheng, are you here?"

The woman's voice was extremely hoarse and soft.

"Yes. I'm here."

Yan Guicheng greeted him

Tang, supported her, with a smile on his face and a warm smile in his voice.

"Why is it so rare for you to come here to sit here today?"

"Well, the weather is very nice today. I thought it would be good to come and take a walk with you. The leaves in the mountains are all yellow. I want to hear you play the guzheng... So, I came..."

"Okay, I'll let people prepare. Originally, I also wanted to go outside and listen to the"

She listened carefully, with some hesitation on her face:

"Did you bring someone else here? There seems to be someone else in the house."


Yan Guicheng responded without moving his eyes an inch:

"Do you remember what I told you before?"

"What words? We have said too many things. I don't know which one you are referring to?"

the woman asked softly.

"I said that one day, when the time comes, I will accompany your children and come to see you..."

The smile disappeared from the woman's face little by little. She turned her head mechanically, as if trying to identify the sounds in the air through her ears, and wanted to know where the two children she had been thinking about so much were. He asked excitedly:

"You, you brought them all today?"

The voice trembled.

"Yes... I brought them all."

Yan Guicheng slowly turned his head and made his voice softer and softer:

"They are right in front of you. Lan Ning, Yun Jiao, come here quickly, come quickly and meet your mother."

Is there anything in this world that is more shocking than this sentence?

A person who had been dead for more than 20 years in their minds suddenly appeared out of nowhere. No matter who this happened to, they would be confused...

Yes, Jin Changning was completely confused!

He never expected that the second witness would be the biological mother who gave birth to and raised him: Qiao Qiao...

At this moment, he almost doubted what his eyes were seeing...

I kept asking myself over and over again: How is this possible? How is this possible?

The next moment, Li Luo shouted out his heartfelt voice:

"Dad, is this mother is still alive in the world, why have you never told me about this?"

Li Luo was so surprised that he stuttered.

When the incident happened, she was too young to remember clearly, but the Yan family had several photos of their family, so she knew what her father looked like, what her mother looked like, and what her brother should look like... Therefore, by comparison, she recognized at a glance that the woman in front of her was none other than her mother.

Yan Guicheng cast a deep glance at the siblings and replied:

"That's because your mother didn't let me tell you."

He returned his gaze and fell on the woman, and his voice became a little softer:

"Your mother's health has been poor, and the doctors are not sure how long she can live. She doesn't want you to know that she is still alive, and you will have to bear the pain of losing her in the end. So, while I am looking for a doctor to treat her, While I was hiding this from you, I was hoping that one day she would recover and recognize you again. Unexpectedly, this delay has lasted twenty years..."

For this reason, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

As for Jin Changning, his eyes were staring intently, his hair had turned white, his face had changed, and his voice was out of tune, but his outline was still the same as before.

When Yan Guicheng explained, her eyes were already red. She immediately touched her face, hair, and body:

"Brother Guicheng, am I... am I ugly now... am I no longer what I used to be? Am I completely unrecognizable? Otherwise, why would those two children be silent? Why? ...Where is the silent one...Where is my Brother Ning, where is my Xiao Yunjiao?"

At that moment, Jin Changning's tears burst out like a fountain, and he knelt down on the ground with a loud pop.

Li Luo saw it, followed him immediately, and knelt down in front of his mother.

Everyone was silent, watching Jin Changning reach out and take the woman's hand, which was definitely a pair of skinny hands... He led her towards his face...

As for the woman, she felt it in a daze and touched the face that was completely unfamiliar to her memory.

Jin Changning heard a hoarse voice coming from his throat


"Mom, I...I am Brother Ning..."

The woman was stunned for a moment, her sickly white lips trembled violently, and then tears quickly overflowed from her unfocused eye sockets:

"Brother Ning? Are you Brother Ning? The one who likes to listen to me talk about the guzheng and the flute, who likes to hear me tell stories, play fencing with dad, and like to ride on dad's neck and pick the moon?"

If you had any doubts about this woman a moment ago, at this moment, all those doubts are gone...

Who else but his mother would know that he loved listening to the guzheng and playing the flute? How could they possibly know that he loved to play fencing and dreamed of picking off the moon from the sky?

Yes, this is his mother.

Yes, their mother is, indeed, still alive - digression - see you tomorrow.

Let me clarify: Jin Changning will not become bad...

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