The Perfect Hidden Marriage

602, unrequited love 142, she apologized, she fell in love, and met a great man

When going downstairs, Xiao Jinghuan thought about this question:

What is love?

It can always make people crazy, stupid, persistent and unrepentant, and pursue it with heart and soul!

When you don't get it, you will be in a trance, frustrated and discouraged, and you will feel that the whole world has become eclipsed...

Xiao Jinghuan has also experienced this feeling, and it is really uncomfortable.

Therefore, when she saw Han Runxiu walking on the avenue, completely lost in thought, she couldn't bear it.

How could she still be the energetic and confident woman she had seen before?

However, she really didn't want to hurt others.

At the beginning, she actually wanted to fulfill her wish, and she was very sincere.

But who could have imagined that things would develop so incredibly.

Within a month, my views on this man were completely changed.

Not only refreshed, but also possessed.

Now, she doesn't want to give someone up no matter what.

What's more, emotional matters are always about mutual affection, not courtesy.

In this world, everything can be tolerated, but feelings cannot be tolerated.

If you like it, you like it; if you don't like it, you don't like it.

If Chang Ning doesn't like her, that means she has unrequited love, and it can't be solved by giving in or not.

If you analyze it carefully, Xiao Jinghuan did nothing wrong.

Could it be that Han Runxiu is only allowed to like Jin Changning, but Xiao Jinghuan is not allowed to like him?


She called out.

Han Runxiu turned his head, and when he saw her, he was stunned for a moment, and then his face darkened, all his displeasure showing.

Xiao Jinghuan was a little embarrassed, but no matter how embarrassed it was, if a problem arose, it would naturally have to be solved properly, right?

"How about we find a place to talk for a while?"

she begged gently.

"What can we say?"

Han Runxiu asked indifferently, getting angry and angry when she thought about what Miss Xiao Si said at the wedding that day.

"I know you are angry..."

She looked at it steadily and said.

"Why should I be angry?"

Han Runxiu's tone was harsh.

"Because Changning and I are married."

"That's a great event, why should I be angry?"

He said he was not angry, but his words were clearly filled with anger.

Xiao Jinghuan sighed secretly in her heart, was silent for a moment, and walked over step by step:

“I know that whatever I say now may be useless, but I still want to say it.

"One month ago, I had the right thoughts, and a month later, I had the other thoughts, and they were right. People's hearts are fickle, and one person's impression of another person will also change due to events.

"You are right about one thing, that is, I never knew Changning well enough.

"Once, I thought I understood it, but it turned out I didn't understand it at all. Once, I thought I couldn't like it, but it turned out that he was the only suitable person who I couldn't hate and liked with all my heart...

“In one month, I saw some things clearly, decided on some things, and made a very important choice, and then I got the result like this.

"I'm sorry if this hurt you, it was truly unintentional.

"I can only say that sometimes I may not be very clear about whether I like it or not. Only when something happens and after more experiences can I compare and compare whether I really like it or not, and whether I really care about it before. If I missed it, I should make up for it in the future...

"All saints and sages will make mistakes, let alone ordinary people like us. If we make a mistake, we should correct it. This is the most normal thing.

“And my fault is that I never discovered my own thoughts.

"Runxiu, you are very good. I think that in the future, you will meet the one who truly belongs to you. You like him and he also likes you. That is the best marriage.

“Just like your sister and my brother have the same relationship.

"We don't talk about their situation, only their feelings. I think feelings like theirs are extremely touching.

Tang is envious. What do you think……"

These words were so sincere that Han Runxiu couldn't help but feel angry, and had no right to be angry.

She was depressed, turned around and left, leaving Xiao Jinghuan where she was, and walked quickly.

Xiao Jinghuan scratched her scalp, do you want to chase?

After thinking about it, I decided to forget it.

She has already said everything that needs to be said.

I just heard this news, so I have to give her some time to digest it slowly. She is the person involved, and the more she talks about it, the more it will aggravate her.


Jin Changning went to Jin Hengyuan's home alone. After ringing the doorbell, Su Jinlai opened the door, wearing a very lively skirt and a dazzling smile on her face, which clearly showed the happiness of a married woman.

"Sister-in-law, where is Brother Jin?"

"In the study room... Hey, where is my sister, and Xiao Huan... haven't they come over?"

Su Jin looked outside the door again and again.

"We broke it off with Runxiu!"

Jin Changning told the truth.

Su Jin was not surprised at all, and looked very calm:

"Oh, what then?"

"Runxiu ran away, and Huanhuan went after her. Sister-in-law, you'd better call Runxiu. I think it's better for you to talk to Runxiu about this... I'm thinking that Huanhuan can't handle this. "

"I'm sorry, I just didn't have time to catch Runxiu, and she ran towards you. Then, Huanhuan came over, and we thought it was best to take this opportunity to talk about it, so Hengyuan gave us the key to the villa. He plotted against Huanhuan and ran back home..."

What else could Jin Changning say?

All I can say is: Brother Jin’s miraculous calculation is so amazing.

"I'm going to talk to Brother Jin about something."

"Go on, go on...I'll call Runxiu."

Su Jin smiled quietly, with an elegant beauty that had been baptized by time.

Jin Changning took a deep look, and thought about the years that Brother Jin and she had gone through in recent years. They were very bumpy, but in the end everything got through. Now they live so peacefully and happily, it's great.

He thought that he and Huanhuan could also get it.

One day, all those fogs will clear away, and life will be as peaceful and peaceful as ever.

Jin Changning was full of expectations and slowly walked up the steps of the building.

As for Su Jin, she went back to the living room and took out the mobile phone on the coffee table. She felt a little worried, fearing that the girl who had a special crush on Changning would be heartbroken because of this incident.

Alas, she should have told Runxiu about this a long time ago, but they have been playing so much these days that they forgot about it. All in all, I blame her.

She hit.

Fortunately, the call was still answered.

"Hey, sister..."

He said in a very depressed voice.


Su Jin asked softly.

"I want to go outside for a walk. I won't be back for lunch!"

How to advise?

Su Jin thought for a while and softened his voice:

"Xiuxiu, it's my fault for not telling you about this... I'm embarrassing you..."

Han Runxiu was not angry with her sister for not explaining it in advance, and just complained in a depressed tone:

"I just can't figure it out, why did they get married? Didn't Xiao Jinghuan despise Brother Jin before? And, didn't Brother Jin have a crush on him? Why...wait a minute, wait a minute, sister, Brother Jin's sweetheart , could it be Xiao Jinghuan..."

As she spoke, she exclaimed right there.

"Well, yes, I only found out recently."

She lied, but Su Jin felt that she could only shirk responsibility like this. In this case, Runxiu might feel better, otherwise, even her sister would be blamed.

"I see."

Han Runxiu sighed there.

"Okay, okay, there is no grass anywhere in the world...our family Xiuxiu is so outstanding, she will definitely meet a better man in the future."

"Sister, please stop comforting me."

Exhaling, Runxiu is there.

Nai's ruthless hand destroys flowers.

"How can this be comforting? Let's do this. After a while, let your brother-in-law introduce some young talents to you..."

"Farewell. I'm just out of love...I don't want to find a boyfriend so soon...Sister, just let me think about it quietly..."

That tone was full of sighs.

Who doesn’t feel sad when they are broken up in love?

It is normal to want to hide away and heal when you are sad.

"Okay, okay... then I won't disturb you. After you're done shopping, just go home and call me to tell me you're safe. Do you understand?"

"Oh, I see……"

Over there, Han Runxiu hung up the phone and glanced at the flower bed that she had destroyed all over. She rolled her eyes and felt that she was so immoral that she took her anger out on the flowers.

Before the security guard came to trouble her, she turned around and ran out of the gate of the community, hailed a taxi, and headed for the Bund.

Just wandering aimlessly like that, blowing in the wind, I felt quite sad, and it seemed that nothing I saw was pleasing to my eyes.

Alas, it was not easy to fall in love with a man, and he was so good. He expressed his interest in her and was rejected. Now the male god has a famous girl.

I'm so depressed. I'm so depressed.

She has lived for more than twenty years, and this is the first time she has been deeply moved by love, and she has failed miserably.

However, if you think about it carefully, Jin Changning and Xiao Jinghuan are still a good match. Childhood sweethearts, the relationship is inherently deep. How could Xiao Jinghuan's family background be comparable to that of ordinary people? It makes sense that Jin Changning would feel that he was not worthy and had always just had a crush on her.

Now, the two of them understand each other and have finally achieved enlightenment, which is a good thing.

Brother Jin finally married the beloved girl he wanted to marry, and the girl discovered that she also liked her, and it was a great result.

But why is she still so depressed?

Alas, it is really difficult to let go of someone who has entered your heart.

And what is the most depressing thing? It’s a nice day, but it rains when it says it’s going to rain. What the hell is this weather like?

She cursed in her mind and looked for shelter from the rain. As a result, a car flew past and hit her.

If you can't avoid it, something big is going to happen.

Could it be that today, her bad luck showed up, and she was left dead in the street like this?

But at this critical moment, a force pulled her back. Her forehead hit a certain hard wall, she let out a exclamation, and the wall also let out a groan.

No, walls don’t groan, so it’s not the wall, but the people.

Yes, it was a person, a man pulled her back.

And they're still acquaintances.

"Hey, you are..."

The other party covered his aching chin and smiled in the rain. His smile was like a budding pear blossom, clear and handsome:

"Hello, Miss Han, I am Su Mubai."

"Oh, it's you, I remember you, you... you are the eldest brother from my adoptive father's family, right..."

I've met him a few times, and he's so handsome that it's hard to ignore him: he has to have good looks, he has to have a good figure...

It should be said that this man who almost became a brother-in-law is definitely an elite type. If his mother hadn't been a hindrance, there would be nothing wrong with this brother-in-law.

In the end, this pair of childhood sweethearts separated due to a strange combination of circumstances. Thinking about it, God is really good at playing tricks on people.

It is said that she is still single!

Already over thirty...

With such infatuation, is it possible that he is going to be a backup for his sister for the rest of his life?

She looked at him curiously, and the more she looked at him, the more she felt that he was really a top-notch man.

"Yes, I am."

Su Mubai smiled and pointed at the sky where it was raining continuously:

"It's raining heavily outside. It's almost noon. Miss Han, how about we go to the restaurant in front to have dinner together... I'll treat you..."

"Okay, I happen to be hungry. Let's go, let's go..."

Han Runxiu held up her skirt and rushed forward again.

Su Mubai looked at it, the corners of his lips slightly raised, as if he saw Su Jin in his youth, enthusiastic and cheerful, like the summer sun, so dazzling and shining - digression -\u003c/p

\u003eOne more update.

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