The Perfect Hidden Marriage

610, unrequited love 150, not entering the underground palace, not frightening the dead, is the best

"Twenty-six years ago, what kind of person would even the Jin family be afraid of?"

Ji Beixun's experience is quite extensive. He never panics when encountering problems, but today he also became curious.

Both of them were silent because they couldn't imagine spinning.

After a while, Jin Hengyuan came to his senses and asked instead of answering, saying with surprise:

"Hey, didn't you terminate the commission contract with Chang Ning? Why are you still so interested in this matter?"

This person is very professional and not a nosy person. Once the client terminates the contract and agrees not to interfere, he will definitely not interfere anymore.

Today's behavior is really a bit abnormal!

Ji Beixun directly ignored his question and jumped to another question:

"There's something I want to ask you..."

"What's up?"

He has so many problems today.

Jin Hengyuan saw Ji Beixun go to get his mobile phone and draw a photo. At first glance, it looked very similar to the sheepskin map in his hand:

"What's this?"

He took it.

The one on the right looked like a reduced picture. The upper part of the picture was a map, the middle part was a structural diagram, and the lower part had some text written on it - he really couldn't tell what fonts these were.

The one on the left is at least twice as big as the one on the right, and is half of the enlarged version of the structural diagram.

The plan clearly outlines the layout of the entire building carrier. The painting is extremely delicate. There is one entrance and at least three exits marked on this half of the plan.

The text marked above is the official script of the Western Han Dynasty.

“This is a sheepskin map.

"What I want to know is: Do you, the Jin family, have anything similar?

“For example, if the plan of the underground palace is connected to this piece, then another piece on the left side is connected to make it a complete picture.

“Or maybe this whole geographical map of the Western Han Dynasty with the location of the underground palace clearly marked on it.

“Based on the scale, there is still one piece missing in the underground palace plan, and above this plan, there are at least eight divided geographical maps.

"In other words, the entire map should be composed of 11 divided fragments."

Ji Beixun first indicated that there should be another one on the left side, and then indicated that there should be eight more pictures on this entire rectangular plan, forming a complete whole.

Jin Hengyuan looked at the reduced map carefully. Isn't it a rough representation of the entire map?

"Where did you get such a thing? And what kind of words are these?"

"Ancient Sanskrit."

What kind of person is Ji Beixun? He immediately got the answer he wanted from his expression:

"It seems that your family has it."

"Indeed. However, we only have one of them in our family. The other two were obtained by my grandfather from elsewhere... What about you, how did you collect these two?"

Jin Hengyuan knew that this man had a hobby of collecting antiques and various antique maps. Then, he pointed at the dizzying tadpole texts and asked again with a confused look on his face:

"Also, how do you know this is ancient Sanskrit? Do you understand?"

"One is from the Ji family, and the other is what I got by accident... As for Sanskrit, I have studied it, but I can't say I am proficient in it, but I can translate it well enough..."

Ji Beixun is such a knowledgeable person from both ancient and modern times.

"Do you also have a map at home?"

Hey, things seem to be getting more and more interesting.


Ji Beixun nodded:

"It is said to have been passed down from ancient times. It comes from a folk legend of the Western Han Dynasty. There is no such story in official history. There is no such magical businesswoman."

This made Jin Hengyuan show a strong interest: "She is also a businesswoman? It seems that she is the same person that our ancestors admired. Tell me, what was the name of that beauty who died young?"

"Chu Chaoyang."

"It's really the same one."

Jin Hengyuan was extremely curious:

"I heard that this map is related to a treasure... What do you think..."

It's not that Jin Hengyuan cares about these external things, but that he cares about this inheritance

I just became curious about the map that has been covered for more than two thousand years...

"There is indeed a huge treasure hidden here. However, if an inexperienced person tries to break in, there will be no return and a dead end."

The extremely affirmative tone made him more and more interested:

"Oh, really? How did you know?"

Ji Beixun pointed at the tadpole articles:

"It's written in detail above...

"As soon as you enter the underground palace, the mechanism automatically activates. There are only one of the six exits where you can survive. If you accidentally enter the other five exits, you will die without a burial place.

“Therefore, the person who wrote the letter advises those who obtain the map that except for the owner of the underground palace, no one else can enter without risking their own lives.

"He reminds the world that a gentleman loves money and acquires it in a wise way. It is the best policy not to enter the underground palace, not to frighten the dead, and to cherish the future..."

It turns out that what was written above meant something like this.

It's a pity that Jin Hengyuan didn't recognize a single word. At this moment, he had to sigh: There is no end to learning in this world.

"Oh, what problem do you want to verify with me now when you take out this thing?"

He brought back the key to the problem.

Ji Beixun breathed a sigh of relief and went to get a bottle of water to drink. After drinking, he said:

"There is one thing I may not have told you."


Jin Hengyuan also went to get a bottle of water to drink.

The two sat down on the lounge chairs.

"Many years ago, I gathered a lot of people to dig an ancient tomb from the Western Han Dynasty."

While speaking, Ji Beixun pointed to the one on the right:

"This is what I dug at that time... I could have dug more things. But that time, there was an accident, someone touched the mechanism, and the whole tomb sank and shattered. I was injured. I lost it. Some memories, I always feel that I have forgotten something very important.”


Jin Hengyuan knew about this. But at that time, their friendship was not very deep.

"Later, when I met Mia, I realized that I had forgotten her.

"That was not an accident. It was man-made.

"The reason why I agreed to investigate Changning is because I found out that what happened to me was because of the map...

"Later, I found out something. The three families of Yan, Lu, and Lan in Taiwan may have maps.

“However, the Lu family and the Lan family are gone now.

"It is said that the Lu family's piece was bought by someone, and the Yan family's piece mysteriously disappeared after Lan Hai took him away from the Lan family..."

This is the first time Ji Beixun has disclosed this information to anyone.

Jin Hengyuan's eyes moved, and he thought of Jin Changning's previous strong request to see the map, and the reason seemed to be found:

"Did my grandfather get the missing piece of the Lan family?"

"It's possible. According to what you just said, maybe the Lu family is also in your family."

This can reasonably explain the origin of the two other maps held by the Jin family.

"Then, think about it again...

"The Lu family regretted their marriage because of Lan Hai, and the in-laws became enemies.

"The mysterious deaths of Lan Hai and his wife Qiao Qiao, there is some evidence to prove that their deaths may be related to the Lu family.

"After the Lanhai couple died, if the priceless map of the Lan family was really in your Jin family, it would be easy to think that the Jin family wanted to steal the map and united with the Lu family to cause the deaths of the Lanhai couple...

"And the old man brought the person home for no other reason than to atone for his sins, or to keep him at home...

"The Yan family and the Jin family have old grudges. The Yan family took in Lan Yunjiao, who was supposed to die in the accident that year, but mysteriously did not die, and secretly befriended Jin Changning. For what reason? You have more or less already You can guess it..."

These words have been said enough.

"I want to find a suitable opportunity to take revenge on the Jin family!"

When he said this sentence, Jin Hengyuan could no longer laugh.

"Although it's a bit shameful to treat it like a villain, it's okay to think about it occasionally. Now, in my opinion, what Jin Changning thinks is the most important..."

Ji Beixun emphasized and added another sentence.



Jin Hengyuan leaned against the wall and fell into deep thought. He was not sure what Chang Ning was thinking, but he had an epiphany: No wonder he has been worried since he came back. This is the reason.

"I know about this. I will study it carefully when I look back... Lao Bei, what I am curious about now is that you were tricked into losing part of your memory a few years ago. Until now, Have you found out who is behind this?"

Ji Beixun looked at the Western sword in his hand and remained silent. After doing a nonchalant move, he asked again without answering:

"Let me ask you another question: Do you believe that anyone in this world can live forever?"

Ji Beixun always speaks truthfully and with evidence, and his reasoning is always rigorous and accurate. He does not make false claims, nor does he speak out of thin air.

Therefore, he can make imaginative reasoning, but he cannot draw imaginative conclusions, and he still has this tone.

Precisely because Jin Hengyuan knew this person so well, he was stunned on the spot.

"You're not kidding!"

Ji Beixun pointed forcefully at the tadpole texts on the map:

"The Lord of the Underground Palace referred to here is said to be an immortal person. Apart from him, the Underground Palace and others are hell on earth."

"Do you believe it?"

Jin Hengyuan also asked a question.

"have no idea!"

Ji Beixun sighed softly:

“The world is so vast that there are many wonders, and I don’t know if this is a scaremongering to scare people, or if it is true.

"I only know one thing that is very strange: there seems to be an invisible enemy in the dark, always trying to kill me, and at the same time, there is a powerful mysterious force protecting me secretly."

He spoke softly, his eyes glowing with a strange brilliance:

"I always feel that my eyes are filled with fog. Maybe the truth is right under my nose, but I am a fan of the authorities and I can't find any clues...

"This time, when I agreed to help Chang Ning investigate the case, I was actually helping myself. I wanted to connect the similarities and differences between the two incidents and get to the bottom of these questions.

"Ayuan, I need your help...

"Let's investigate this matter thoroughly together, do you dare?"

Jin Hengyuan's lips raised slightly, his bright eyes smiled, and he stretched out his hand:

"If you dare to do anything, you will risk your life to accompany the gentleman."

The two smiled at each other and signed a high-five.


In the afternoon, Xiao Jinghuan was wandering alone in the garden. When she saw the old man sitting in the sun and taking a nap, she went to get a blanket and gently covered her grandpa, but she woke her up...

"Grandpa didn't sleep, he was thinking about something..."

The old man said with a smile.

"What is grandpa thinking about?"

"Grandpa is thinking about what kind of wedding gift to prepare for Huanhuan. Huanhuan, tell me, what do you want? As long as grandpa can afford it, grandpa will definitely give it..."

Although she and her grandpa were not very close when she was young, now that she is sensible, looking back, she realizes that her grandpa is also very kind and willing to give things to her. For example, her grandpa likes the jade finger ring very much because she If you want, give up.

"Can I really want anything?"

Xiao Jing asked curiously as she twirled her bone beads happily.

"If I can give it, I will definitely give it."

Grandpa is happy and happy - my mother said that grandpa is becoming more and more open-minded as he gets older.

"Then I'll go find something valuable in grandpa's underground treasure house..."

"Okay, okay!"

The old man happily took her to the underground treasure house - digression - first update.

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