The Perfect Hidden Marriage

619, unrequited love 159, Jin Changning VS Shao Feng, his withdrawal made him lucky

Jin Changning's eyes were very gentle and harmless when facing Xiao Jinghuan, full of every bit of love, which made people feel that this brother was extremely considerate.

But once Xiao Jinghuan left him, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

Like a sharp blade that can kill people, it can pierce straight into people's organs. The sharp side of him as a lawyer is fully revealed.

Yes, how can a person who can be a lawyer be a mother?

Although Shao Feng is young, he is still an adult male. At the same time, he is also a genius student of forensic medicine with extremely sharp reactions. Whether from a male instinct or a professional perspective, he is more sensitive than anyone else. , Be better at observation, that is necessary and certain.

However, Jin Changning's attitude towards him was still very kind. After chatting, he brought the focus back to the topic he was concerned about:

“According to expert surveys, less than 10% of those who fall in love in college eventually achieve success and get married.

“That’s the fact.

"So, in today's society, there is a popular saying: Graduation season is the breakup season. Everyone goes their separate ways and pursues their own futures. Everything that happens on campus is just a beautiful dream of youth.

"Of course, maybe you can also say irresponsibly: Who stipulated that you have to get married before you fall in love? What age is this?

"But in my opinion, falling in love without the purpose of getting married is irresponsible to yourself and the other person. When you start falling in love, you should think about the future.

"Don't fall in love casually, that's the principle.

"But, if you really meet that person, you really think they are suitable for each other, and you both feel that you can develop, and you have a vision for each other's future, then it is appropriate to talk under these circumstances.

"Maybe my idea is too conservative. However, our family has always been like this. I think Huanhuan should have entered into this relationship because of this result.

"Huanhuan is a very sincere person, and she treats feelings very sincerely.

"Because she comes from a divorced family. She is more cautious than anyone else about the relationship between men and women.

"how about you?

"Here, as her brother, I would like to hear what classmate Shao has to say about love, marriage, and future life plans.

"I need to see your attitude towards life and your attitude towards Huanhuan."

Shao Feng could tell that Jin Changning was testing him for Xiao Jinghuan.

If they can't pass this test, their family may object to their relationship.

Perhaps, their love will be strangled.

At least, there will be such a crisis from the woman’s family.

He thought for a while and gave a more rigorous answer very carefully:

"First of all, whether you fall in love in college or not depends mainly on yourself. Your personal carrier controls the final outcome of the event.

“Here, I don’t know and am not sure whether the 10% probability of success mentioned by Mr. Jin is accurate.

"The data obtained from so-called expert surveys are often relatively false. We are all adults and we all know this.

“But no matter what, at least there is a few percent data that can prove that a good ending also exists.

"Then, I think I should talk about my views on college students falling in love...

"Well, I can only say this: I didn't fall in love impulsively to relieve loneliness and isolation.

“I know exactly what I want from this relationship.

“What I want is: a like-minded partner, a lover who supports me when I need help and encourages me when she needs motivation.

“I can see her professional strengths, I appreciate them and I’m proud of them.

“I can tolerate her shortcomings and picky behaviors in life, and I may even participate in them.

“Some of the influence is mutual.

"For example, I am gradually correcting her bad habit of being a picky eclipse...

“For another example, she is changing my taste in life and letting me experience some things that my social class cannot.

“When it comes to social class, it comes down to our family backgrounds.

“I have to say that this is a relatively realistic and extremely sensitive topic.

"The background information Huanhuan filled in at school was very ordinary. However, judging from her conversation and the high importance of life in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation,

Tang begging, I can still feel the difference.

“This difference used to scare me away.

"But what I like is Huanhuan, her person, not the other things about her.

"Perhaps your family has a very good family background, and I may not be able to match it now, but give me ten years to grow up. She and I can use our strengths in the fields we both like and achieve our unique lives and careers. , and family.

"Perhaps, I can't give Huanhuan a particularly wealthy life, but together we can create the most valuable and practical life.

"Jing Huan is a stubborn person, and so am I.

“I chose her because her temperament suited me, and she chose me because we had similar interests.

"In the future, we can complement each other in life; we can communicate with each other at work; we can accompany each other in our spare time...

“I think that’s important, maybe even the most important thing.

"In this world, there are too many couples who never enter each other's hearts throughout their married life. They just make do with each other for the rest of their lives and regret for the rest of their lives.

"But we are different. We are already in each other's souls. In the future, we can go even better..."

That day, he talked a lot and deeply expressed how much he valued and cherished this relationship.

Jin Changning's hostility towards him gradually disappeared, and his expression softened slightly.

Although he still didn't like him, he didn't object.

Later, Jing Huan came back, and the man affirmed him in front of Jing Huan without hesitation, saying:

"Good taste. Come on!"

These seven simple words showed his willingness to give in, and also demonstrated his good demeanor as a mature man.

From then on, he rarely appeared in front of Jing Huan.

This can be seen from the fact that Jing Huan seldom talked about her third brother again.

Because there was little contact, there was no basis for conversation.

He just faded out of her life, not even letting her know that he had loved her.

However, that man has never talked about a girlfriend, and there have been no scandals, which proves that he has not given up completely.

Shao Feng felt that he was very lucky to win Xiao Jinghuan's heart one step ahead of Jin Changning and also have her.

Yes, she stayed at his house once because of a heavy downpour.

That day, I didn't want to go beyond that step, but Xiao Jinghuan was so excited when she kissed him goodnight.

If she could stop him, he would definitely give up.

But she didn't, and instead added fuel to the flames, so they ate the forbidden fruit. So, she rented a house outside, and the two of them naturally lived together.

By the way, he also met her father, a particularly majestic and successful man.

It wasn't until he met that he knew that she was actually the daughter of the Xiao family, the apple of a wealthy family's eye.

But he has fallen deeply into it and no longer wants to pay attention to these family differences...

He just wants to read the book well, take every step well, plan the future well, and advance steadily...

He thought that the future waiting for them would be extremely brilliant, but who would have thought that a huge change would completely change their lives, and death would threaten him.

What hurts the most is the time they spent in England, the rest of their lives, staying together in despair.

When she was in front of him, her smile was as bright as a flower. When she left him, she was crying, and her pretense of strength was shattered in her tears.

Facing the god of death, he was helpless. In this situation, any words of comfort were pale and powerless.

He could only watch it devour him bit by bit. He could only entrust her to others while he was still alive. He could only hope that that person could give her another life. This was all he could do...

At that time, his biggest wish was that he could leave with regret, while she would continue to live a good and happy life.

At this moment, looking at her photos and hearing the news of her upcoming wedding, he was both heartbroken and relieved.

Jin Changning, you won't hurt the woman you love most, right? Is it right?

Putting down his mobile phone, he poured tea gracefully and looked to the north:

"I wish you happiness... and you must be happy..."

Because of your happiness, I must also live out my share...

I have to - aside from the topic - there is one more update, maybe in the evening, afternoon, or morning, I have to learn to drive...

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