The Perfect Hidden Marriage

628, unrequited love 168, pregnancy

One month later.

Jiangnan is not a place that the Snow God likes to stay, so every winter, there are few snowflakes flying in Shanghai. If you want to see the fruit of silver makeup and heavy snowfall, you can only go to the north.

However, today, it is snowing, not very big, floating in pieces, giving this soft Jiangnan a more poetic artistic conception.

Listen, people passing by are all talking about the snow and admiring this rare work of nature.

Xiao Jinghuan was afraid of the cold, so she wore a thick scarf around her neck. As she walked on the road, she looked happily at the snowflakes falling from the sky. Her eyes were bright and the corners of her lips were curved very beautifully. Her whole body seemed to be floating.

"You walk slower, walk slower."

Behind her, Kuang Meiyun couldn't help but screamed softly when she saw her walking very fast and reaching out to catch snowflakes.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm wearing flat heels. I can walk very steadily..."

Xiao Jinghuan turned her head, her lips were red, her smile was cute, and she was dressed fashionably and beautifully. Standing there, she added a bit of beauty to the snowy scene:

"Don't think of me as a giant panda, okay? I'm in good health. Didn't you listen to the doctor?"

"You are so beautiful..."

These days, they have been together for a long time, and their relationship has become increasingly close, and they have become best friends.

"Yes, yes, I was still thinking, what if I can't get pregnant? I was so anxious in the past two months, I didn't expect to get pregnant so soon..."

Not even taking much of those medicines.

too bitter.

She vomited every time she took it. Chang Ning felt sorry for her, so he threw away all the medicine she took and forbade her to take it again. As a result, he didn't make any more medicine.

My mother was very troubled by this and said that the two brothers and sisters were all the same thing and did not like to take medicine.

He didn't take the medicine, so he was more diligent at night.

No, it finally worked.

Xiao Jinghuan's face showed some shame and pride when she thought of the romantic and joyful days in those days - there was really nothing wrong with her body.

Before thinking about it, she never thought that one day she would be so eager to have a child.

At that time, she really hated children. What was the result?

Oh, as expected, it is not as good as God.

Today, originally, she wanted Jin Changning to accompany her to the hospital, but her condition was delayed for ten days. She originally thought that she had taken medicine before, so her usually accurate menstrual period was disrupted.

Unexpectedly, early in the morning, he answered a phone call and hurried out, but did not come back.

After that, she contacted him and he said that he had something to do outside. Something happened to a classmate and he was helping. So, in the afternoon, she had to ask Kuang Meiyun to accompany her to the hospital. The doctor asked her to do an early pregnancy test. Pregnant.

This is a great joy.

Originally, she wanted to call Jin Changning to tell him. He must be happy, but after thinking about it, he had something going on there, and it would not be good to announce the good news like this, so she endured the call and told Meiyun not to say anything, because she wanted to Say it yourself.

"I'm pregnant now, and I might be pregnant in April."

"It's okay, it's okay. The big deal is that the wedding will be brought forward."

Xiao Jing laughed happily and didn't care at all that she might be said to be married to her son.

She was just thinking: If her mother knew this news, she would be very happy. Two babies would be added to the family all at once, how lively it would be - there was also good news from her brother, no, they would be back in a hurry Having a baby.

After leaving the hospital gate, they went to pick up the car. Turning around inadvertently, she saw Jin Changning helping a girl get into his Audi car. After taking a closer look, she suddenly discovered that the girl was Huo Sisi.

what happened?

Why is Changning and Huo Sisi together?

She was stunned for a while, almost thinking that she had seen it wrong, but it turned out that she was not wrong. The license plate number was definitely wrong.

"I'm not blind, am I? that our car?"

Xiao Jinghuan asked the people around her with full of surprise. Her heart, which had been joyful just now, suddenly tightened.

Kuang Meiyun looked at it and nodded. Although she didn't believe what she saw with her own eyes, the fact was indeed:

"It's Mr. Jin's car."

As she spoke, the cars were quickly submerged in the passing lanes, but that intimate figure from behind was like a needle, piercing into her eyes and into her heart.

One moment, she found out that she was pregnant, and the next moment, she saw her close lover supporting another woman in an ambiguous relationship in the hospital?

Even though she was usually calm and steady, at this moment, her mood changed somewhat.

Without saying anything, she grabbed her cell phone and called.

Over there, it took a while to pick up.


The voice was so pleasant, nothing strange at all.

She took a deep breath, and instead of asking the question, she asked softly:

"Are you done with your work? When will you come back?"

"It'll be a while. What's the matter?"

What kind of show is he singing?

She thought about it secretly, and finally said this:

"Oh, there is a document that needs your signature. It needs to be delivered before get off work. Where are you, or I will drive over here..."

"No. You can leave it alone. I will definitely be back before get off work. I am sending a friend back to the hotel now. She is not feeling well. I just took her to see a doctor... I will go back in another hour..."

"Oh! Then get busy!"

She hung up and frowned.

It seemed that the person who called her early in the morning was Huo Sisi.

Strange, why did this guy want to hide it from her? Are you afraid that she will be angry if she finds out?

But she was angry because he didn't explain clearly. He knew that the girl was interested in him and committed suicide for him, but he didn't avoid it. It was really a shame.

"Xiao Xiao, there is no need to doubt Mr. Jin's character. When he comes back home, you can ask him carefully... There must be a reason."

Kuang Meiyun saw a hint of jealousy emerging on Xiao Jinghuan's face, so she gently persuaded her.

In the past few months, Kuang Meiyun has definitely seen how loving this couple is.

"I know, I won't get angry easily."

Xiao Jinghuan smiled softly, of course she believed him in her heart. She knew the character of a person who had known him for so many years, but she was extremely puzzled by his behavior.

"Let's go! We're back."

Hide your doubts and go home to interrogate him.

Sitting in the car, she gently placed her hand on her lower abdomen, thinking that across the two tissue layers, there was a brand new life growing inside full of fighting spirit, fissuring day by day, and working hard to become a little baby, and her heart felt. I got excited inexplicably, and I kept imagining the baby's pink and tender appearance in my mind...

Will it be a boy or a girl?

Who does it look more like?

She hoped it would be a little girl. A female doll would be nice and caring. If a boy is born in the future, the older sister can learn how to take care of her younger brother?

Oh, no, no, how hard is it for a girl to take care of her younger brother at home, take care of her husband when she is married, and worry about her future children?

It's better to give birth to a son for the first time. The older brother should pamper his younger sister, just like in their family, the elder brother always loves her.

Girls are born to be loved: in the first twenty years, they have to be the apple of their parents' eyes and be carefully cared for. In the second half of their lives, once they get married, they have to take on the responsibility of being a wife. They can no longer act willfully and have to help. The man supports the family.

With his thoughts wandering around so randomly, the unhappiness finally dissipated, and he laughed softly.

In fact, whether he is a boy or a girl has been determined now, and it is not up to her to do whatever she wants.

As long as it's healthy, it doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl.

all good.

A bell rang, coming from her bag. She took it out and saw that it was Peng Boran.

"Lao Peng..."

"Wherever you are, come to me."

This tone was exactly the same as when she worked for him before.

"Where are you?"

"I've sent you the address. Come here after you take a look. Right away."

"What's going on?"

It's been a long time since they've cooperated together. Logically speaking, he shouldn't have looked for her, but now that he has, it can prove that this matter is very serious.

"A person died here, come here and take a look. It's related to Xue Xiaoyu's death."


After investigating for so long, there is still not much progress regarding Xue Xiaoyu's death, which shows how confusing this matter is.

After hanging up the phone, she looked at the Baidu address he sent:

"Sister Kuang, go to this place."

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