The Perfect Hidden Marriage

647, unrequited love 187, using craftsmanship as a metaphor for human nature: a difference in though

As luck would have it, grandma gave the gadget she finally carved out a negative review:

"What kind of crooked carrot did you carve?"


I’m so depressed. It’s obviously a jade rabbit, so why does it turn into a crooked carrot?

As soon as she thought about it, she simply threw away the carving knife and said:

"No more playing. It takes talent. As it turns out, I have no talent at all."

"You just didn't put your mind on this matter. Our Huanhuan is very smart. As long as she wants to do it, she will be able to do it well. Of course, she can't do good things if she is not focused. Mentally, Susu is much better than you."

The old lady praised her grandson-in-law without any secret.

Xiao Jinghuan immediately smiled and was not jealous at all. Instead, she hugged her sister-in-law and said:

"Of course. My sister-in-law is an art student and has a very stable temperament. As for me, I tend to be wild when I'm careful. I learn everything but am not good at anything. In terms of temperament, my sister-in-law is of course better than me..."

"You, you, you are self-aware!"

The old lady smiled and shook her finger, tapping her forehead.

Su Jin pursed her lips and just smiled, knowing in her heart:

This sister-in-law is just worried about things outside. No, she couldn't contact anyone for a few days. Although a bodyguard ran out on foot to find a place with signal to report that he was safe, she was the most attached to her husband at the moment. After not seeing him for a few days, she naturally missed him extremely.

As for the old lady, she picked up the "crooked carrot", made some repairs with her own knife, and then said:

"Huanhuan, things have already happened at home. It's useless to be anxious, so just relax. You have to believe in your brother and Chang Ning. They will definitely be able to handle the matter well..."

The words were so broken that Xiao Jinghuan and Su Jin looked at each other in shock.

What, what's going on?

"Grandma? When...when did you...know about this?"

Xiao Jinghuan was so shocked that she stuttered.

The old lady's healthy face was actually full of joy. Compared with her previous worries, she was much calmer at this moment:

"I knew it when I first came here...

"It's what Ming Hui said.

"Although Hengyuan has told Ming~hui, he can't help me investigate this matter, and he can't let me know.

"But what is my relationship with Minghui? She wants to hide it from me, but that is really difficult...

"And she doesn't know how to lie. When she lies, she looks wrong. I just cover it up with a few words, and she takes care of everything..."

Oh my god, Xiao Jinghuan gasped.

She thought this old lady was always easy to coax, but she didn't expect to be so sinister.

Well, it seems that most of my characteristics are inherited from this old lady. Grandpa is not so smart and careful, he is just a big man.

"Now that you know, why are you... so quiet?"

It was quiet as if nothing had happened.

The old lady smiled warmly:

"Didn't I just say that?

"It's useless to be anxious. Instead of staying at home and worrying, it's better to follow Heng Yuan's wishes and stay here to relax, be gentle, carve a piece of jade with your heart, and calm down...

"It's a pity that you kid has been distracted all this time... you haven't taken in the scenery at all..."

The old lady pointed to the jade on her hand and said:

"Look, you've wasted such a good piece of jade. Huanhuan, do anything with a calm mind and don't be irritable. If your mind is irritable, you won't be able to do things well. Whether it's the craft of carving or the craft of anatomy, it's all important. You have to be quiet. Only when you are quiet can you have ideas and find the way..."

What you say makes sense.

Su Jin smiled lightly, said nothing, and just cared quietly.

Xiao Jinghuan rushed forward, hugged the old lady, put her head on her shoulder, sighed and said:

"Grandma, I understand everything you said. It's just that my grandfather's situation is not very good, and my mother may also face imprisonment. How can I calm down in this situation..."

The old lady was silent, staring at the broken jade, saying nothing, and started carving. Soon, a vivid jade rabbit appeared:

"Does it look good?"

"It's beautiful! Grandma, you have a pair of golden fingers and can turn anything into treasure."

She took the jade rabbit to play with and admired from the bottom of her heart.

The old lady laughed, took off her reading glasses, pinched her eyebrows, and said:

"Whether it looks good or not is secondary. I just want to explain one thing."


Xiao Jinghuan sincerely asked for advice.

"For a piece of jade, some people can carve it into a defective product, and some people can carve it into a beautiful and exquisite product. The same is true with things in the world. Some people can use all their efforts to frame it, and similarly, some people can set things right. This is each of them. It’s a matter of ability. Whether that ability is a disaster for others or a benefit to society depends on how you use it. A single thought can mean two worlds..."

These words make so much sense.

The old lady looked out the window and gathered the beautiful shawl on her shoulders:

"Your grandpa must have been framed and wrongfully accused; it is impossible to say that your mother evaded taxes. Reasonable tax avoidance is allowed by national law. Ayuan will never pay a penny less to the country; the money that was taken away is also okay. Recovered... However, each of these matters is quite big, and neither I nor you can handle it. Let your brother investigate it... It will definitely be found out... It will definitely be done, your brother I can trust that ability. We just need to wait know...don't be anxious, it's useless to be anxious..."

After saying the last sentence, she smiled and patted Huanhuan on the shoulder, which comforted her.

"Grandma... you have such a good attitude..."

Xiao Jinghuan sighed softly and rested her head on her grandma's neck.

Originally it was her juniors who should have stabilized her and persuaded her, but in the end, it was the old lady who was comforting her.

Even so, she was still worried and uneasy. It was really uncomfortable not to hear Chang Ning's voice.


Later, when the old lady took a nap, Xiao Jinghuan stared at the snow outside the window in a daze.

She originally liked snow, but now, it rained endlessly, which made her feel annoyed and her eyebrows drooped.

"Why, are you still worried?"

Su Jin came to her side, looked at her and asked.

"Well, I feel very uneasy. I want to go to Shanghai... It's better than sitting around like this... I still know a little bit about the company's affairs... The important thing is that sitting there, I can know the first thing The progress of things is not like staying here. My eyes are all black and I don’t know anything. It really makes me anxious to death..."

There was a bit of urgency in her voice.

"It will stop snowing in the afternoon. The snow on the road will be plowed away by snow plows tomorrow. If you want to go then, you can go... Take two people with you on the road. Grandma, I am watching... "

Su Jin said with a smile, reaching out to touch this sister-in-law. Now her mind is entirely on Jin Changning.

She was really happy for her when she saw her getting out of the shadow of her first love.


Hearing this, Xiao Jinghuan's gloomy expression immediately disappeared, and her eyebrows suddenly rose.

"Really, but you have to be careful along the way. You must not get bumped or bumped into it. Protect yourself. This is a must."

Su Jin warned carefully.

"Of course...I will definitely protect myself. But will grandma let me go?"

Xiao Jinghuan suddenly became worried again.

Su Jin smiled and poked her forehead: "Silly girl, this is exactly what grandma meant. Grandma has seen through you a long time ago. Your heart has flown away since the first day you came here and stayed here. , will only affect grandma’s mood. Go, go, go with your sweetheart..."

Xiao Jinghuan, who was stunned and laughing, hugged Su Jin tightly and sighed: "Grandma can see clearly."

"Yes! So, if you are upset, it will also upset her, so it is better to send you away."

"What about you? Sister-in-law, how do you achieve peace of mind?"

Xiao Jinghuan asked, blinking her big eyes.

"I am the one who married into the family. Compared to those of you who grew up together in this home, my attachment to my grandpa and mother is far less strong than yours. Therefore, I can accompany my grandma more quietly... ...Don't worry, now, the only thing I can do for Hengyuan is to accompany grandma and relieve her boredom..."

Su Jin looked out the window, with a light of conviction on his face: "Besides, I believe that your brother and Chang Ning, once they join forces, will be able to reduce big things to small things..."

Hope is wonderful.

Hopefully, everything will turn out to be safe in the end.

For some reason, a kind of extreme uneasiness was raging crazily in her veins, making her feel that things might become more and more complicated instead of becoming clearer...

Alas, I hope she is overthinking...

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