The Perfect Hidden Marriage

654, unrequited love 194, some people want to steal the picture, others are protecting the picture,

"Okay, now, let me tell you what I want to say next..."

Peng Boran opened his mouth to say something, but after glancing at Kuang Meiyun, he closed his mouth. The next second, he rolled his eyes and said to her:

"Xiao Kuang, you can't listen to what A Xiao and I said... In this case, you go out for a while... then come in to eat after you're done, or I'll order you another dinner... Don't stay here …”

He wants to kick people out.

If it had been anyone else, I'm afraid he would have become more knowledgeable. However, this Kuang Meiyun didn't even know how to write the word "knowledge".

"That won't work. My mission is that whenever Miss Xiao Xiao is with her family, I must stay by the side. If you think I'm an eyesore, I'll go to the side to listen to music..."

She took out her mobile phone and earphones, plugged one of the earbuds into her right ear, and was about to put the other one into Peng Boran's left ear, but was blocked:

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Let you listen to how loud this sound is... I guarantee that I can't hear what you are saying from here..."

She forced it in, and it was so loud that it almost deafened his ears.

Peng Boran quickly pulled off his earplugs and stared at her displeased.

As for her, she turned a blind eye, took the earplug and stuffed it into her own ear, then sat down on a sofa next to her, as if she wasn't going to leave. There was really nothing that could be done about her.

Peng Boran was a mature man, so of course he didn't bother to worry about these details. In fact, it wasn't a big deal to let her listen, so he just let her stay.

From time to time a waiter comes in to serve food.

After he finished, the door was closed, and Xiao Jinghuan signaled to him:

"Say it, I'll listen."

Peng Boran then continued:

"Everything revolves around those sheepskin maps."

Xiao Jinghuan's eyes flashed as she listened.

Why is it related to the map again?

That map is really harmful.

“Now I’ve figured out that so many families have sheepskin maps.

"The Jin family settled in Beijing; the Xue family and the Peng family moved to England; there are three families in Taiwan: the Yan family, the Lu family, and the Lan family; and the Ji family settled in the country...

"Besides this, there should be several others. Who exactly are they? At present, I don’t know...

"Here, I want to make a special statement: the Lan family refers to Lan Ning's family, the Yan family refers to the Yan Buhui family, the Lu family refers to the Lu family who had a marriage contract with Lan Ning's father, and the Ji family refers to the Refers to the Ji Beixun family..."

When Xiao Jinghuan heard this, she was naturally surprised: The ancestor of the Lanning family was really one of the eight guards?

"More than twenty years ago, your grandfather Jin Ming spent a huge amount of money to go to Taiwan to buy the maps owned by the Lu family, Yan family, and Lan family, so he had some contacts with them and also invested in some projects in Taiwan. Business.

"After that, your grandfather got the map of the Lu and Lan families, and also got into a grudge with the Yan family.

"I haven't fully understood what this grievance is exactly. However, I already know one thing, that is, the death of Lan Ning's father was because of your Jin family.

"Because your grandpa did something that led to Lan Hai's death...

"Also, Lan Ning's mother, Qiao Qiao, almost died because of your grandfather..."

These few words are really shocking!

Xiao Jinghuan suddenly showed a look of shock. When she heard the last sentence, she screamed again:

"Isn't Lan Ning's mother passed away? You mean, she is still alive?"

"Theoretically, she has passed away, but in fact, she is still alive. This is absolutely true."

This is just unbelievable.

"Are they really still alive? So why were they deemed dead back then?"

He has obviously been buried, so why are there two such strange things happening now?

The dead mother and daughter are actually still alive.

"Back then, someone made up the false story that Lan Ning's mother was dead. In fact, she was not dead and was rescued by Yan Guicheng.

"This Yan Guicheng has feelings for Lan Ning's mother. Not only did he help secretly raise Lan Yunjiao, but he also wanted to help Lan Ning's mother take revenge...

"I don't need to explain who it is... it's your Jin family.

"A Xiao, do you understand what happened this time?"

After he put down these few words forcefully, he stopped talking and stared straight at them.

"Our family?"

Xiao Jinghuan's heart suddenly became confused.


"Because my grandfather killed Chang Ning's father and caused his mother to almost die?"



She shook her head:

"What evidence do you have to prove that my grandpa harmed others? Don't talk nonsense about this..."

Seeing how nervous she looked, Peng Boran poured her half a glass of juice, softened his tone and said:

"The map of the Lan family and Yujue are all in your house. Your grandfather went to the Lan family to get them. I have found that person. That person can prove that it was indeed him who was ordered to go to the Lan family to get them. When something happens to Lan Hai.”

Map, and Yujue?

This made Xiao Jinghuan think of the piece of jade with the word "LAN" engraved on it, and her mind became more and more confused.

"But this doesn't mean that it was my grandfather who killed the person..."

Xiao Jinghuan blushed and argued vehemently:

"Lan Hai died in a car accident..."

Peng Boran shook his head:

"It wasn't a car accident, it was a fatal shooting. It was a sniper rifle. That killer was sent by your grandfather."

"Why did grandpa want to snipe him? He wanted a map, but he killed the owner of the map. How did he get the map?"

This makes no sense.

"It was just a warning at first. But it turned out that the bullet had no eye, and an accident happened, killing the person directly."

He spoke as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

"Still not right."

Xiao Jinghuan would not believe this was the truth until her death.

"Why does my grandpa want this map? How could he do such a thing for a map?"

"Because of your grandma!"

This is getting weirder.

"What does this have to do with my grandma?"

Peng Boran said:

“It’s a big relationship.

"Back then, your grandma was kidnapped. Your grandpa wanted a map because the gangsters wanted a map. Do you understand?

"Your grandpa doesn't care about money, but he cares about your grandma and their marriage.

"This is what I just said, everyone has a fatal weakness.

"Your grandma is your grandpa's weakness. Because he wanted to save people, your grandpa did something against his will. Do you think it's possible?"

Xiao Jinghuan was suddenly speechless because she thought of what her grandma had said before: Once upon a time, she and her grandpa were beaten together.

Did this really happen?

Moreover, it is now completely consistent with what Lao Peng said.

"But why does the kidnapper want a map?"

She still couldn't believe it.

"I don't know that."

This answer seems a bit irresponsible!

She frowned unconsciously.

He was helpless and explained:

"Currently, I haven't found this area. Now I don't even know who the other party is, so I can't explain their purpose of wanting the map for the time being.

"According to normal reasoning, it should be for wealth.

"But judging from the way the other party went to such great lengths to get the map by kidnapping your grandma, it seems that the other party may not just want to get wealth..."

This speculation is absolutely reasonable. In his opinion, the other party is not short of money.

"No, no, it still doesn't make sense!"

After Xiao Jinghuan thought deeply, she still shook her head.

"Why is it blocked?"

He wanted to hear what she was thinking.

"If my grandpa wanted to get the map because of the kidnapping, then why didn't my grandma do anything and didn't hand over those maps? Are they still in our house today?"

"Because someone helped grandpa escape from the kidnapper's control!"

Ha, this statement coincides with what grandma said.

She was inexplicably frightened:

"Really? Then who helped my grandpa?"

"have no idea."

Peng Boran shook his head:

"Only your grandpa knows what the process of this matter is...

"I can only say that there was a very powerful person who wanted to get the map, so twenty-six years ago, he coerced your grandfather to kill Lan Hai. Afterwards, another very powerful person helped your grandfather rescue him. Your grandma saved those maps.

"Similarly, twenty-six years ago, my father died because of a map. Then someone wanted to get the map. At this time, another person appeared and helped me through this difficulty without leaving any trace.

"In the same way, twenty-seven years ago, Ji Beixun was kidnapped because of the map. Later, someone helped rescue him and Ji Beixun kept the map...

"In this back-and-forth confrontation, some people want to grab the map, while others are protecting it... We are evenly matched, and we are evenly matched...

"But I haven't found out who is trying to rob and who is protecting them...

“That’s something I have to figure out in the future.

"Maybe once you figure it out, everything will be straightened out."

These words are so powerful.

Xiao Jinghuan was confused. She stared straight ahead and thought about it:

"So, did Chang Ning learn the real cause of his father's death when he went to Taiwan?"


"But he didn't tell me anything. Did he come back to Jin's house as if nothing happened to avenge his parents?"

She muttered to herself, her heart aching:

"So, what happened to the Jin family this time is that they are launching revenge? No...he can't do this..."

At the end of her speech, she hurriedly denied this conjecture and emphasized:

"Grandpa was killed by Uncle Pan."

Peng Boran said:

"Pan Dajiang has private contacts with the Yan family. I have evidence here to prove that they have an ulterior alliance..."

Xiao Jinghuan was stunned for a while before saying:

"But my mother was detained because she was exposed to tax evasion by the group..."

"That financial officer was highly recommended by Pan Dajiang... He leaked the internal accounts and took away so much money. Can't you understand?"

Alas, these words really hurt people's hearts.

"Impossible, Changning can't do this."

She was still screaming in disbelief.

Peng Boran saw a hint of pain in her eyes and couldn't bear to say anything more. He was silent for a while and only said:

"Actually, I'm not sure whether Jin Changning did anything. In this matter, the only thing I can be sure of is that he knew that the Yan family was going to deal with the Jin family, but he didn't tell him in advance...

"Now that he is missing, I think he may have been stopped by the Yan family. Because as long as Jin Changning does not help you take care of the Jin family in the past few days, the leaderless Jin family will become a scattered sand...

"As long as you let me go for a few days, the glorious era of the Jin family will be gone forever..."



Xiao Jinghuan was at a loss.

Will Changning really unite with the Yan family and force the Jin family to lose?

She doesn't know anymore!

At this moment, her head hurt as if it was going to explode.

Xiao Jinghuan couldn't help but pinch her temples, her whole body was deeply shocked by this incident.

There was silence in the room.

Peng Boran glanced at her and thought that she was pregnant. These things should not have been said, but now, they must be said. The Jin family is in chaos, and she needs to maintain a clear and comprehensive understanding of the current situation. Know.

This is the responsibility that a friend must fulfill.

He pushed the glass of juice over.

"Although this matter is so revealing and cruel to you, I still think I should talk to you."

Xiao Jinghuan stared at the juice and couldn't answer anything.

As he said, these things are so shocking.

But she still didn't believe it. This was true: her grandfather had harmed Lan Ning's family because of her grandma. Now, Lan Ning would avenge her parents, which led to her grandfather and mother becoming prisoners.

This is not true.

Certainly not.

At this time, she heard Peng Boran's deliberate coughing, which pulled her back from her chaotic thoughts:

"A Xiao, now, please take a break from what we just discussed. Next, I want to talk about what I found recently.

"These things are connected before and after. You need to listen carefully. Then, we will analyze it together and draw conclusions.

"Now, please calm down, because when we analyze the situation, we need to separate ourselves from the incident and analyze rationally as a bystander. This is very important to you."

Indeed, when thinking, after bringing in personal emotions, it is impossible to reason calmly.

She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, her expression was already silent:

"Okay, tell me, I'll listen..."

Peng Boran was very satisfied with her performance. After nodding, he continued:

“First of all, let’s talk about Xue Xiaoyu’s death.

"She and Chu Yilai fell in love, but they were plotted against and raped by someone drunk. I asked Chu Yilai about the process at that time in detail.

"That day, he and his cousin Chu Yibin attended a cocktail party together, and it was Chu Yibin who invited them there. After the accident, it was Chu Yibin who inadvertently leaked it to Mrs. Chu. After that, Chu Yilai was transferred back domestic.

"Later, Chu Yibin and Xue Xiaoyu had a contact. This was what Bai Congcong said. I had met her before.

"She also learned from Chu Yibin that Mrs. Chu had met Xue Xiaoyu in private and asked her to leave her son.

"Bai Congcong once thought that Mrs. Chu might have deliberately found someone to destroy Xue Xiaoyu in order to get her son to leave this woman.

"I asked someone to check on Mrs. Chu. Something happened to Xue Xiaoyu. She was in China and did not do anything unusual during the period. Therefore, this idea is not valid.

"Father Bai is the assistant of the Chu family, so Bai Congcong knows Chu Yibin since he was a child.

"But I heard that Bai Congcong doesn't like this rich young master. She likes his brother Chu Yichen.

"In other words: This Chu Yibin has been living in the shadow of Chu Yichen.

"Before Bai Congcong's accident, they met once and had dinner together. Later they broke up on bad terms.

"That night, Bai Congcong received a text message inviting her to the garden. The text message came from Chu Yichen's mobile phone.

"When Bai Congcong got there, she was first knocked unconscious with a wooden stick, so she had bruises on the back of her neck.

"Afterwards, he took the person into the abandoned building and injected her with sexual stimulants and hallucinogens...

"After the drug took effect, Bai Congcong was injured and killed during a dispute.

"I have found out about this matter. Chu Yibin has also confessed..."

Hearing this, Xiao Jinghuan interrupted and asked:

"Then why did he kill people? How does it relate to what you said before?

Peng Boran smiled lightly:

"Good question.

"Mainly because Bai Congcong took him a piece of jade, the one with the word 'Xue' engraved on it.

“This jade was originally in the drawer of Chu Yibin’s study.

"That day she went to Chu's house to play, and Chu Yibin injured his foot. She found it when she was looking for medicine. And she got it by the way.

"Just two days before Bai Congcong's accident, she had a phone call with me and told me that she had made an important discovery.

"It's a pity that I was outside at that time and couldn't see her right away.

"When we saw her again, she was dead."

"According to Chu Yibin, someone kidnapped Xue Xiaoyu's mother Geng Liwen. To save her mother, she took a map and met Yujue, but was eventually raped and killed. He followed him and saw a certain process. Yujue was He picked it up when he left."

I didn't expect the inside story to be so complicated.

"Then who kidnapped Geng Liwen?"

She suppressed her surprise and asked in a low voice.

"He didn't recognize who the man was. He was fully armed and only one eyeball was exposed."

Xiao Jinghuan frowned as she listened:

"In other words, this case has reached a dead end again?"

"Yes, that seems to be the case."

Peng Boran sighed, and after a moment of silence, he spoke again: "There's another thing you should know about: According to Chu Yilai, few outsiders know that the Xue family has a map, but he knows it, and he sees it Yes, and Chu Yilai has also seen the complete structural diagram of jade."

These words made her stunned:

"Do you still have a complete structural diagram of Jade?"


Peng Boran looked deeply:

"There's something even more unexpected for you: that combination picture has been passed down from generation to generation in the Chu family."

"Isn't it true that Chu Yilai's family is a descendant of Chu Chaoyang?"

Xiao Jinghuan screamed without realizing it.

"Rather than being a descendant, it is more accurate to say that he is a descendant of his mother's family. This is what Chu Yilai's father said: The Chu family has been looking for those jade for generations. This is absolutely true."

Oh, what Peng Boran found out is really surprising.

"You mean, the parents of the Chu family killed people and stole jade?"

"No! Someone wants to blame the Chu family."

"Who could that be? And why would you blame the Chu family?"

She was full of surprise.

Peng Boran's eyes flashed and he said another shocking sentence:

"It should be the person who is now trapping your brother and Ji Beixun deep in a mountain in England. I don't know why the blame was put on them."

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