The Perfect Hidden Marriage

670, unrequited love 210, underneath happiness, crisis strikes (to watch)

On New Year's Eve, the Jin family was having a lively time, but on the other side, there was a person who could only spend it with his friends.

Turn the heating up to the maximum, Peng Boran drinks wine, Shao Feng drinks freshly squeezed juice, two people share a table, and moving light music is playing in the restaurant. The two gentlemen, just like that, talking about the past from far and wide, reminiscing about the most beautiful things. The passing years do not have much flavor.

As he spoke, Peng Boran changed the topic and knocked on the table to attract the attention of the buddy who was listening to the music carefully:

"I heard you booked a flight back to England?"

"Well. The things here are over, and there's not much point in keeping them. I want to see some scenery in my lifetime. If you are willing, come with me."

Shao Feng smiled.

In fact, that is Huanhuan's wish.

In the future, he wanted to use a short period of time to implement the agreement they had made - a promise that he could never fulfill.

"I really want to go with you. However, after the New Year, I still have some personal things to do. Well, let Ding Zhou accompany you, so that I can feel more at ease."

With his poor body, he would be really worried if he traveled alone.

"Don't bother me. I can take care of myself."

"Yes. You go out alone. If something happens, I won't be able to fly over in time. Just do it and don't make me regret it."

Okay, then he stopped pushing and asked instead:

"What personal errands are you going to do?"

This man, like him, is also a loner, what kind of private matters can he have to do?

Shao Feng couldn't help but become curious.

Peng Boran smiled mysteriously, and there was a strange light in his eyes:

"Tell you a secret, do you want to hear it?"

"What secret?"

Shao Feng is not a gossip person, but since people are asking this, he naturally has to give face.

"I'm going to see my son."

He said, with a little pride in his tone.


Shao Feng was surprised, and he was really surprised.

He knew that this guy had a regular female friend, who was, to put it bluntly, his bed partner. However, he had never gotten a woman pregnant.

Because he had a sterilization.

If any woman announced her pregnancy unilaterally, he would sneer and say: Okay, give birth and do a DNA test, which would always scare them away.

"What, can you make a woman pregnant again?"

Shao Feng glanced sideways, his words were not meant to be insulting, but just a request for confirmation from Chun Cui.


Peng Boran didn't care at all.

"So you are adopting?"


"My biological child? You've already been sterilized, how can you get a woman pregnant?"

Peng Boran's stern face showed a rare smile:

"Show you a picture."

He excitedly used his mobile phone to pull up a photo:

"Do the two kids above look alike?"

One looked to be a recent photo, a color photo; the other looked to be quite old, a black and white photo, with a 70-80% portrait in the outline, and the two photos were photoshopped together.

"Yes. One is you, and the other is your son?"

Shao Feng knew this person very well and knew what he meant by putting the two photos together, which was a kind of comparison.


"So big?"

He also became curious: This tiger-headed guy is really cute!


"Who gave birth to you?"

"You recognize it."

"Who is it?"

Shao Feng's curiosity is getting bigger and bigger.

"Kuang Meiyun."

"She! Did you guys have a good time before? Tsk, that's not right. Why have I never heard you mention it?"

What Shao Feng remembered was that she was a cold, manly, ordinary woman, standing behind Jing Huan, very, very inconspicuous, like a passerby. Peng Boran has never looked at her seriously!

"Well, it was just a one-night stand."

He touched his nose:

"At that time, I had not yet had a sterilization, and I had not taken any contraceptive measures. So..."

No wonder.

"But why didn't you recognize the person?"

"That day, she was wearing heavy makeup. When I woke up, she was not there. She drank too much, so I didn't remember much..."

I see.

"Oh, now, what do you want to do?"

"I want to visit during the Chinese New Year."

Peng Boran was looking forward to this, and his eyes lit up.

This kind of bright light is extremely rare. Shao Feng felt that this person seemed to be interested in someone, so he couldn't help but ask more:

"Do you want to recognize this son? Or do you want to recognize the son and his mother together?"

As far as he knew, Peng Boran had no plans to start a family.

"Recognize your son and his mother together?"

Peng Boran bit this sentence and repeated it:

"How can this be?"

He stated a fact very objectively:

"That woman doesn't like me."

"So? You are only interested in your son?"

Shao Feng looked at her, and what he wanted to ask in his heart was: She doesn't like you, but what about you?

Peng Boran took a sip of wine and pondered for a while before saying:

"I haven't thought about how to solve this problem... I don't know where to start..."

Oh, it's rare that he would be at a loss.

He smiled again unconsciously, and then asked again:

"Hey, I have a very personal question to ask you..."


"Why did you decide not to get married in this life?"



"I won't tell you. Haha, drink."

He smiled and clinked glasses with him.

Later, Peng Boran got drunk, leaving Shaofeng alone to watch the New Year's Eve.

Standing by the window, facing the night sky alone, he held a cup of tea in his hand, facing the east in the distance, showing deep longing, and muttered in his mouth:

"Huanhuan, happy New Year... Next year, you will have a brand new life... In the new year, I wish you everything goes well and you always smile..."

Thinking of her smiling face, he felt happy and dejected at the same time. The smell of tea in his mouth was tasteless. All that came to his mind were the years she had spent with him. Bit by bit, they accumulated into a strong love that was engraved in his heart. An eternal cinnabar mole...


New Year's Day.

Sleep in.

With a warm quilt, a warm man, and a warm heart, Xiao Jinghuan didn't even want to get up. Such comfortable days are hard-won...

"It's nine o'clock, is it time to get up?"

They slept very late last night and stayed up until twelve o'clock. They chatted for a while before falling asleep. They talked about things from their childhood, and fell asleep while chatting.

She smiled and hugged her:

"Sleep a little longer, just a little while."

He smiled, indulged, smelled the fragrance of her body, and enjoyed such a relationship. He always felt that the happiness he had now was stolen - he hid a big secret in his heart and refused to tell her, if , if this matter can be suppressed and never come to light forever in this life, it's okay. If one day, she finds out, will she still be so happy to cling to him?

Should I say it?

Shao Feng said: "I'm not here to argue with you or anything, I just came to see her for the last few times. Come quietly and she will go quietly. Don't worry, I am not a threat to you."

He said that he had never thought of announcing to the public that he was still alive.

But, is it really enough not to say anything?

As the saying goes, there is no airtight wall in the world.

He wasn't sure.

Really not sure.

They didn't get up until ten o'clock.


After eating breakfast, Jin Yuan talked to Xiao Jinghuan.

The mother and daughter went to the sunroom to bask in the sun together.

It snowed last night, but today it is clear and sunny, and the remaining snow has melted. It can be regarded as the warmest Spring Festival in so many years.

"Chang Ning came to see me and your dad and said, are you planning to go to Taiwan to celebrate the New Year on a certain date?"

Jin Yuan asked softly.

"Yes... that is Chang Ning's biological mother after all. It is not good to be raised by the Yan family all the time. Chang Ning means to bring her back. If his mother is willing. What does mom think?"

Xiao Jinghuan asked, holding her mother in her arms.

"Well, as a child, you cannot leave your mother alone. You should be filial to your parents. But this process may be a bit difficult. Huanhuan, getting along with your mother-in-law is a difficult thing. I am. I’m worried you won’t be able to adapt.”

Of course Jin Yuan knew how much her biological mother hated the Jin family. Although the misunderstanding was resolved, it would still be difficult to get close to her all at once.

Anyway, she was really worried - this precious daughter of her family was a arrogant little ancestor.

"Mom, running away can't solve any problems. Discovering problems and solving them is the most fundamental way. But for Changning, I have to give it a try. If I give up without even trying, that's not my nature. ."

Jin Yuan smiled unconsciously after hearing this and touched her daughter's hair:

"Oh, it's great. My wayward daughter finally knows a man who loves and protects her. Let's go then. In the afternoon, we will buy gifts. Neither the Xiao family nor the Jin family can do anything in front of the Yan family. Loss of dignity.”


She smiled and held her mother's hand, held the ring on her mother's finger, and said with a smile:

"Mom, the love token dad gave me is so beautiful."

The mother pinched her cheeks and smiled happily.

"We agreed that we will hold the wedding together when the time comes..."


The mother responded with all her heart.


In the afternoon, Xiao Jinghuan accompanied her mother to go shopping.

Jin Changning didn't go. He answered a phone call and went out. She didn't know exactly why he went out. At that time, she was talking to her sister-in-law. He only spoke to his mother because she forgot her phone. Later she called and found out that it was Peng Boran who invited him to meet. However, at that time, she was about to go out with her mother. Knowing this, she would never leave her mother to find them again.

After walking around for an afternoon, she found that Jin Changning hadn't come back yet. She couldn't help but call him again and asked:

"It's so late, why are you still out? Are you going to have dinner together? If so, can I join in?"

"I'm afraid not."

Jin Changning's tone was very solemn:

"We're not partying."

"Then what are you doing?"

she asked in confusion.

"We're just looking for someone."

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?"

"A friend of Lao Peng."


"Well, it's gone."

"How old?"

"Not even thirty!"

"Can such a big living person be lost?"

"It can't be thrown away, but he is sick, and Lao Peng is afraid that he will get sick outside."


She understood:

"Then how do you find it, in a place as big as Shanghai?"

"You don't have to worry about it. As for you, eat well and sleep well. I'll look for it for a while. If I still can't find it, I'll go back."


After hanging up the phone, she wondered, Peng Boran had many friends, but few of them interested him. Who was that?


On the other end of the phone, Jin Changning felt extremely heavy after hanging up. He turned to look at Peng Boran. Both of them had very bad expressions on their faces.

After lunch, he took a book from the study room and was reading it lazily when his cell phone rang. It was Peng Boran calling. He answered the call and said happily: "Happy New Year..."

Peng Boran said: "I'm afraid I will bring you some unhappy news."

His heart sank inexplicably, he closed the book and asked in a tight voice:

"What's wrong?"

"Shao Feng is missing."

This news is really unhappy!

"Why are you missing?"

Peng Boran said: "Early in the morning, Shao Feng said he wanted to go out for a walk and feel the atmosphere of the New Year. I asked Dingzhou to follow him. As for me, I also planned to leave Shanghai and go for a walk elsewhere. The car had not yet left. In the urban area, I received a call from Azhou, saying that he was ambushed, stabbed, and Shao Feng was forcibly taken away."

"Who took it away?"

Jin Changning was frightened when he heard this. A Zhou was also a very skilled man. He was ambushed and even injured, which showed how aggressive the person coming was.

"Currently, we don't have a clue. Come here quickly! We have to discuss it carefully. This matter cannot make a big deal, you know..."

Yes, this matter must not be made a big deal, and Xiao Jinghuan must not be allowed to know about it.

If Huanhuan knows, she won't be able to survive this year.

He agreed and went about his business.

According to Dingzhou, the opponent was fully armed and covered himself with only a pair of eyeballs. When he appeared, he rushed towards Shao Feng with a clear purpose, which shows that the opponent knew his identity. The important thing is that when they retreated, they left no trace at all, so that subsequent tracking was clueless, which was the most difficult thing.

They searched almost all day.

Until the moment before Xiao Jinghuan called, they had just received a call, and the other party used a falsetto:

"Shao Feng is in my hands. Now, I will give you one day to hand over all the maps and Yujue in your hands. Otherwise, after twenty-four hours, I will post a video of people being dismembered online. Video. Shao Feng will be the protagonist of this video."

After saying these words, the man died.

Jin Changning was horrified and turned to look at Peng Boran in shock:

"Isn't that matter over? Why is there now such a person who wants a map?"

"Obviously, what Ji Beixun and Jin Hengyuan got before was just a scapegoat. The real person behind the scenes is still at large."

Peng Boran took two steps, looked at his watch, and then looked at him: "We don't have much time. If we want to know the truth, we have to find Ji Beixun, Jin Hengyuan, and your mother-in-law... This matter, We must handle it well. And we must hide it from A Xiao."


Jin Changning called Jin Hengyuan:

"Brother Jin, are you busy?"

"You're not busy. Where are you? Why don't you come home?"

"I have to trouble you with something..."


"Do you know where Ji Beixun is?"

"It seems like she's still in Shanghai. Not sure. What's wrong?"

"I want to see you and Ji Beixun right now, can you? Besides, you have to eat out for dinner, so find a reason to come out! Just say that Ji Beixun insists on having a meal with you. He will leave Shanghai tomorrow or something. ...Don't let your family know that you are here to see me..."

Over there, Jin Hengyuan was curious: "What's wrong?"

"I'll tell you when you're here."

"All right!"

"And if possible, call mom out too."

"Mom is with Huanhuan. If you invite her, you will alert Huanhuan. You are so cautious. You probably don't want Huanhuan to know..."

Jin Hengyuan was Jin Hengyuan, and his thoughts were revealed in one word.

After hearing this, he had no choice but to give up:

"Then... forget it... let's talk about it later..."


On the other side, just as Jin Hengyuan hung up the phone, Su Jin walked into the room:

"Grandpa lost miserably and asked you to go down and play chess with Dad."

"I'm afraid I can't get off. I have to go out. Something happened."

Jin Hengyuan went up and listened close to his wife's belly: "Baby, daddy has to go out, see you later..."

"Where are you going?"

Su Jin touched his short hair: "It's so wet and cold outside!"

"I don't know. I won't tell you. I'll tell you in detail later. Let me keep it a secret for now..."

Jin Hengyuan winked at Su Jin mischievously: "I'll go talk to dad, Beixun is waiting for me..."

"Hey... drive carefully..."

"I know, wife."

Jin Hengyuan smiled and hugged her, then led her downstairs, talked to her father, and then drove out. When he was outside, he called Ji Beixun: "Where is he?"


"Looking for you to eat."

"Ask me to investigate the case..."

Jin Hengyuan raised his eyebrows unconsciously:

"Once the case is mentioned, how can it be explained?"

Ji Beixun said calmly: "You will know in a moment. Come and pick me up, I am now..."

He gave the address.

Jin Hengyuan drove over, picked him up at the intersection, and went to the XX Hotel together...


xx hotel.

Jin Changning was waiting quietly in the lobby.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, Jin Hengyuan and Ji Beixun arrived. The two men were both handsome, one cold and handsome, the other warm and handsome. Both of them were dressed upscale and tastefully, which made the hotel staff look at them frequently.

He walked up to him and said hello: "Brother Jin, Brother Ji Bei. Lao Peng has booked a private room for dinner. Come with me..."

After entering the box, Jin Hengyuan glanced at Peng Boran, who was leaning against the window and smoking, and asked:

"What happened? Now you can tell me..."

Peng Boran raised the cigarette in his hand and stared at Ji Beixun, who had always looked calm and silent: "Mr. Ji, I guess you already know what's going on here, right?"

Ji Beixun nodded: "I understand."

"What's going on?"

Jin Hengyuan felt that his curiosity was almost pushed to the limit by their arousal.

"Then it's up to you to talk to Mr. Jin!"

Peng Boran signaled.

Ji Beixun raised his eyebrows, glanced at Jin Changning, then turned to Jin Hengyuan, and briefly summarized:

"To put it bluntly, it's very simple. Shao Feng is still alive, and now he has fallen into the hands of A, whom we imagined. This person's purpose should be to get the map..."

The next moment, layers of surprise appeared on Jin Hengyuan's face:

"What? Shao Feng is not dead? Why is he not dead?"

Immediately, he swept his sharp eyes and quickly fixed on Jin Changning. Seeing his calm expression, his eyebrows furrowed unconsciously, and he became more and more surprised:

"Aning, you also know this..."

"Well, I met Shao Feng not long ago."

Jin Changning nodded.

"What the hell is going on?"

Jin Hengyuan didn't understand. It was because the news came so suddenly. He was really confused for a moment. After asking, he glared at Ji Beixun a little unhappy, and was a little annoyed at him: Why didn't you tell him beforehand? It's really not enough. friend.

Ji Beixun felt that he was quite innocent and responded calmly: "This is what I want to know too. Changning, please explain..."

When Jin Changning heard this, he unconsciously remembered the conversation between him and Shao Feng that day.

Immediately, he reviewed what Shao Feng had said in detail, and then briefly explained the key points:

"Shao Feng said that what he was injected with was some kind of germ left over from World War II. After several years of treatment with no effect, death was the only result.

"But the British military is very interested in this germ. They made a private agreement with his father to donate him to the military for detoxification experiments when he was about to die.

"Shao Feng himself didn't know about this, so before he died, he wanted to donate his cornea to me.

"In order not to damage his body structure, the military found me an additional pair of corneas.

"When the doctor pronounced him 'dead' and sent him for cremation, he was replaced by another ownerless body, and then sent to the military's experimental base.

"Peng Boran discovered this secret accidentally.

"Later, because he cooperated with the British military to solve a case, he discovered that Shao Feng had been rescued. In order to save him from the fate of a guinea pig, he helped the military solve two cases in a row. No reward was required, as long as Shao Feng returned A free body.

"It's just that Shao Feng took too many drugs and was in very bad health. He was destined to die. Before he died, he wanted to know whether Huanhuan was living well, so he moved from the UK to the mainland... This is roughly the situation …”

After explaining the cause and effect, Jin Hengyuan could not help but sigh deeply.

This pair of children is so pitiful. They obviously love each other, but they have to separate because of such a reason.

He knew that Shao Feng was sincere towards Huanhuan. It was precisely because of his deep love that he had to make such self-sacrifice, so it made people feel even more heartbroken.

Changning's feelings for Huanhuan naturally deepened, so when this kid saw that Shao Feng was still alive and still loved Huanhuan so much, the pain in his heart probably became more and more difficult to express...

Alas, the love between these three people really hurts the hearts of onlookers.

"What now? Shao Feng has been arrested. What will happen if we don't hand over the map?"

He let out a breath, wondering what the worst possible outcome was.

"He will be quartered alive and the person will post the video online..."

Jin Changning replied in a hoarse voice.

If this thing really happens, the entire network will explode, and Huanhuan is afraid that she will go crazy - she is so crazy about a ring used by Shao Feng, not to mention a video of a living person being dismembered, it will definitely He would kill her, and she would hate him even more for it.

Therefore, Shao Feng must be rescued properly...

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