The Perfect Hidden Marriage

677, post-marriage episode, a man’s secret: Brother Lone Xing, let’s meet! (over)

After the explosion in January, Xiao Jinghuan's favorite things to do when she was free at home were reading, playing the piano, knitting sweaters, or playing online games and chatting with her brother Lonely.

"Brother Du Xing, I'm getting married, and the wedding date is scheduled for April 12th. All those troublesome things have finally come to an end... The Spring Festival is coming in a blink of an eye, and everything has become joyful. It's so good..."

One day, Chang Ning went to work. After browsing around on the Internet, she opened an online game out of boredom. She saw that Brother Du Xing's profile picture was black. She was a little disappointed, but she still sent a text message.

Naturally, there are no messages to reply to. This solo brother is less and less involved in online games now.

What she didn't expect was that the next day she found that he actually replied:

"Congratulations. In this world, there are no knots that cannot be overcome, and there are no ups and downs that cannot be overcome. At the end of the dark clouds, there is sunshine. As long as you don't give up hope, there will be spring everywhere in your life."

Haha, could this lonely brother be still an artistic man?

These few words are very meaningful.

From that day on, she sent a few messages to Chuncui from time to time, and Chuncui just chatted.

Usually he is not here, but if you go up every other day or two and check again, you can always see his reply or his greetings.

On the morning of the wedding day, she specifically logged into the online game and sent a message:

"Brother Lone Xing, I got married today. I'm very happy..."

Also clicked a series of smiley faces.

On the second day of their wedding, she received a reply from him:

"You should be happy when you get married to be happy."

"I would like to express my deepest blessings."

"Marriage is the greatest joyful event in life. Congratulations to you for finally achieving success on the long track of love."

"No, I should say congratulations to your husband for finally realizing his wish since he was a child. From now on, the husband and wife will follow each other, and the love will never give up..."

She smiled slightly and replied: "Thank you, Brother Lone Xing, for your blessings. I also hope that Brother Lone Xing will have a happy life and always smile."

Another day, Jin Changning went on a business trip to the UK.

She felt longing for him inexplicably, and the deep longing drove her to call him. But after she finished expressing her love for him, she hung up, facing the empty room, her longing once again became overwhelming, and it was hard to call him again, as that would affect her. He works and rests normally.

I can only endure it.

The day passed.

Late at night, she couldn't sleep. Without him in the room, it was so deserted. Thinking back to the past, she used to work to numb herself. The bed at home was just a place to sleep for her.

Now, she was raising a baby, and she originally wanted to go to work with her. Who would have thought that she caught a cold just a few days after going to work, so she was advised to stay home.

During the days when I was raising my baby, I liked to sleep in when I had nothing to do. I fell asleep during the day, and in the dead of night, facing the empty bed, my lovesickness rolled in like a tidal wave.

In order to relieve her loneliness, she clicked on an online game and wandered around. When she was about to play, she suddenly sent a text message to someone with a black avatar:

"Brother Lone Xing, tell me, what does missing feel like? Have you ever tasted it?"

Unexpectedly, Brother Du Xing's profile picture suddenly lit up, and he immediately replied:

"I've tasted it. The taste of longing is both sour and sweet. If you feel lost in time, a small surprise will suddenly appear..."

"Brother Du Xing, are you there?"

She raised her head in joy, and her eyes lit up.

These days, they have almost never had real-time conversations. What a coincidence today...

"Well, come up and see if you have any message."

he answered.

She couldn't help but laugh:

"Who have you missed?"

Brother Du Xing said: "My wife!"

So of course.

She smiled again unconsciously. Such a straightforward and dedicated character was exactly what she liked.

She sighed softly, thought for a while, and then sent:

"Ha, it seems that you had a crush on your wife!"

Brother Du Xing replied with a smile:

"Yes, I have been suffering from unrequited love for several years...fortunately, I finally caught up with me. What about you, who are you missing? It's so late and you haven't slept yet? Didn't you say you're pregnant? ? If you don’t rest so late, your husband won’t care about you? You’re a little willful..."

She snickered, a little smugly:

"My husband is on a business trip and I miss him terribly... He is far away in the UK, how can he care about me?"

Brother Du Xing gave him a smile: "The love between husband and wife is so deep that others envy them."

She smiled: "How affectionate are the Duxing brother and his wife?"

Brother Du Xing replied: "The sun and the moon can tell me how I treat her."

She saw it and laughed unconsciously, feeling warm in her heart: "It seems that Brother Lone Xing is very fond of his wife..."

Brother Du Xing nodded with a smiley white-toothed emoji: "Of course. Doesn't your husband love you?"

She suddenly thought of Chang Ning's kindness to her, and the sweet taste made the corners of her lips curve into a beautiful smile:

"He treats me very well... There is no one who treats me better than him... After going through such a big circle, I am very lucky to be able to marry him..."

"If your husband sees this, he will definitely smile with joy..."

That night, they chatted for a long time, and finally Lone Xing brother told her to go to bed early, so she had to withdraw and go to sleep obediently.

At that moment, she sighed in her heart: She was lucky to have such a netizen.

The so-called netizens are known by the Internet, but they don’t know their name, their appearance, or their age. They interact online because of their words and interests, and for many other reasons. They distance themselves when they say they are estranged, and disappear when they say they disappear...

Xiao Jinghuan has made many so-called netizens, but until now, there is only one left who she can occasionally meet and talk to online.

It's been so many years, and to be able to maintain such a virtual relationship that's neither salty nor cold can be regarded as fate.

Later, Xiao Jinghuan was very busy after giving birth. She had to take care of the child and get back in shape. From time to time, she would get together with her sister-in-law to exchange experiences as a new mother. Her life was extremely fulfilling.

One day, after the child had eaten and went to bed, she had no desire to sleep, and Chang Ning was on a business trip again. She suddenly felt a little bored, so she reopened the online game, only to realize that she had not chatted with Brother Du Xing for a month. .

The inexplicable emotion gave her a strong impulse, and she really wanted to recognize Brother Lonely in real life, not for anything else, but because this friendship would not eventually disappear into the vast Internet.

"Brother Du Xing, let's meet! The network is too far away... so far away that one day we will lose our news."

Black avatar, no response.

She went offline, held the baby in her arms, and went for a walk downstairs. She pushed the stroller and stayed by the side, talking babblingly to the little baby Yiyi. Although she can't understand what the little baby is saying now, and the little baby can't understand what she is saying, this kind of life is definitely very warm.

It was also at midnight that day, Xiao Jinghuan was sleeping deeply. In her hazy state, she dreamed that Changning had returned from a business trip. He pressed her down with passion like fire, and kissed her one by one, from light to deep, seducing her. The desire in the body that has been suppressed for a long time.

She responded to him enthusiastically. When the feeling became more and more real, the bedside lamp was turned on. She was surprised to find that this was not a dream, but that he was really back. He was kissing her with a smile and inviting her tenderly. Share the joy of fish and water...

They lingered all night until dawn. When she woke up, it was already afternoon. She washed up and came out. No one was seen upstairs. The window was open, and there were waves of wind blowing in from the window.

She held the window and looked into the garden, only to see her man holding his little lover and walking on the grass, with her confinement nanny waiting nearby.

She smiled slightly and wanted to go downstairs to have some snacks. Then she suddenly thought about the online appointment. She didn't know if Brother Duxing had replied, so she went back to the study and opened her own laptop on the coffee table. However, she found it depressingly. The laptop was unresponsive and seemed to be burned. It seemed that Jin Changning would have to take a look at it later.

She only recently learned that this guy is very proficient in computers.

She wanted to use the desktop computer to log in, but she saw Changning's notebook sitting on the desk, with countless bubbles bouncing on the screen saver. Look at this scene, he should have been working just now, maybe because he heard his daughter crying. I just put down my work and ran to comfort my children.

She remembered that she had downloaded that game on his laptop before, so let’s borrow his to play it!

Sitting at the desk, she clicked the mouse, and she was surprised to find that the game was actually open in the taskbar.

She couldn't help but wonder, Chang Ning actually played games, or was he just being careless?

The next second, she clicked on the page and was stunned when she saw the ID name logged in and the sentence in the message bar:

"Have fun, you can meet each other online, you can also forget each other online, let everything go as it comes... You don't have to meet in person, I think it's good to keep such a distance..."


Jin Changning held his daughter for a walk and kept kissing her little pink face. At this time, she opened her big round eyes and looked at him curiously.

He gently teased her little mouth with his fingers, and she would smile at him - of course, her so-called smile at this time was all unconscious. But when he looked at the way she curved her lips, he naturally thought of the time when Huanhuan was born many years ago, and he felt a sense of tenderness in his heart for no reason.

The phone rang at the right time. He held the apple of his eye in one hand and took out the phone with the other. When he saw it was Huanhuan, he answered it with a smile:

"Have you had enough sleep?"

"Well, I've had enough sleep."

"I'm downstairs, come down and have something to eat quickly! Don't be hungry!"

"We just had breakfast. Leave the baby to the confinement sister-in-law and go to the study upstairs. Hurry..."

"What's wrong?"

"I'll tell you when I get here."

Jin Changning had no choice but to hand the little princess over to her confinement sister-in-law. He went upstairs and entered the study room, only to see two chairs placed in front of the desk. She was using the desktop computer, and another notebook belonging to him was also open. , the room echoes with the game’s soundtrack.

Looking at this scene, his eyelids twitched involuntarily, and he suddenly thought of what he was doing before carrying his daughter downstairs.

"What's up?"

He walked over.

"Get married. Hurry."


Standing in front of his laptop and seeing his ID clearly displayed in front of him, Jin Changning understood that after hiding it for so many years, he was finally exposed.

"Hurry up..."

She looked up and stared at him:

"After all this time, you don't want to marry me, do you?"

The look in a certain little woman's eyes suddenly became extremely dangerous.

Can he say no?

Of course not.

"No comment."

"Then why don't you sit down quickly..."

He had no choice but to sit down and glance at the excited little wife next to him with a complicated expression, only to hear her yelling:

"Hey, hey, look what I'm doing, hurry up and agree!"

On the screen, Deyi Xujinhuan sent such a request to Haikuowuwoduxing: "Your close friend Deyi Xujinhuan requests to be promoted to Qin and Jin with you. Agree, or reject..."

As soon as the mouse moved, he smiled and clicked in agreement. Looking at the fairy-like image on the screen, there was a round of applause from around him:

"Okay, now, let's go to the Sansheng Stone to get married..."


A few minutes later, the news about Deyi Xu Jinhuan and Hai Kuo Wo Lingxing, two close friends who had become sworn brothers, getting married exploded in the world.

Seeing the constantly flashing comments in the world, she couldn't help but giggle, and her whole face was shining like the moon.

He turned to look at her:

"So happy?"

There was no attack on the enemy.

He felt a little incredible.

She also turned her head, holding her chin up and smiling until her eyes sparkled. Then, she stretched out her other hand and pinched his face, and finally started to get angry:

"Now I want to see how you can forget me on the Internet. Humph, you villain, you have hidden it from me for so many years... You are really a super villain... If I didn't find out today, you want to stay forever Do you want to hide it from me like this? Do you find it particularly interesting to play with me in such a way? "

He smiled and grabbed her hand, rolled his eyes, and explained:

"Actually, this is what I think. If one day we have a quarrel and you complain to Brother Duxing, I can at least know what you are thinking, right? Then, I can also prescribe the right medicine. This will be beneficial to your health." Husband and wife get along together, right?”

This reminded her of the times she had gone to Brother Du Xing to talk to her about her feelings over and over again, and she couldn't help but feel depressed.

Humph, this bad guy must have been very proud and beautiful at that moment...

"Lanning, I have known you for so many years, but I didn't know until today that you are so bad..."

She couldn't bear it anymore and pounced on him. This time, she used both hands to pinch his face hard:

"Did you put on the image of an honest and humble person before?"

He chuckled and dragged her into his arms: "I'm not pretending, it's just that you have never understood me deeply and thoroughly..."

Xiao Jinghuan glared sideways: "Now that we are all sleeping on the same bed, isn't it enough?"

He smiled lowly, caressed her back and said: "Obviously, it's not deep enough or thorough enough. Mrs. Lan, it seems you have to work harder..."

"Hey, what secrets are you hiding..."

Why didn't she notice it before?

"Well, there are many, many... so many that it would take you a lifetime to dig them all..."

Jin Changning smiled and kissed the back of her hand.

"Okay, I'll leave those secrets that I haven't discovered yet to be discovered later. Now... come on, let's go fight the BOSS together..."

She pushed him away and sat in front of the computer.


Jin Changning looked at her funny, this girl's face was full of excitement.

"Yes... please move faster..."

She urged.

"No, Huanhuan, our little princess will probably need your granary..."

He glanced sideways at her breasts, which were much larger than before.

"So, we have to fight quickly! Come on, come on, you have never played with me before... and you always made me think that you are a game idiot. This time, if I don't have a good time, it will be too much. What a have to compensate me for not playing games with me when I was young..."

He laughed as he listened, looking forward to his future life more and more: in the future, the two of them would have another couple sport.

Not bad, not bad: Chang Ning and Jing Huan became a couple in real life, and Jin Huan and Ling Xing also became a couple in the virtual world...

Life, although there is always helplessness, surprises are also everywhere.

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