The Perfect Hidden Marriage

688, Unexpected Marriage 11 Being alone is the best state

A strange light flashed in his eyes.

"Do you think my giving up is conditional?"

"Is not it?"

Kuang Meiyun looked at him.

What Peng Boran saw was an unruly face.

This is a very masculine face that looks extremely calm. It is difficult to find the delicate beauty of women on it: the eyebrows are sharp, the nose is strong, the lips without any lip gloss are hard, and the face line is It looks like a knife carving, and the short hair is capable...

If I really want to give this face an evaluation: the word "heroic" is quite appropriate.

As for femininity, there is really not a trace to be found.

Of course, if the wording is more vulgar: the three words "manly woman" should be regarded as a good summary.

In addition, if you look carefully, you can vaguely find the shadow of Xiaoyin in her-it is quite interesting.

Uh, what was he thinking?

Peng Boran withdrew his eyes and saw He Si serving tea.

"Go back to your room and rest. I will call you later if you need to send Miss Kuang away."

He Si responded and left.

This man and woman were the only ones left in the luxurious living room.

Peng Boran entered the topic very directly:

"You are wrong, I have no conditions and no qualifications to negotiate conditions.

"Although I am the child's biological father, I have never devoted any energy or material resources to this child in these years.

"What I have to admit is: you raised the child. It is natural that the child's heart will be towards you. Therefore, I cannot want him to come over just because you are getting married. Doing so is not loving him. , but a kind of harm.

"I think if I didn't show up this time, the little guy would happily accept Guan Yijun as an important male relative in his life.

“But, I’m here after all.

“Please forgive me for coming uninvited.

"After DNA told me the truth with data, I couldn't turn a blind eye: Xiaoyin is my son after all, and I, as a father, should always fulfill my responsibility.

"Today, I give up my custody rights and have nothing else to ask for. I only 'ask' you for these few things."

He emphasized the word "request".

Kuang Meiyun heard it and didn't think it was a request at all, but she didn't want to dwell on it and just said, "You say it."

"1. From now on, no matter who you marry, you have to pay close attention to the education of your child. This child is very smart and sensitive. If he studies hard, he will definitely shine in his unique glory in the future..."

The first "request" he made was very reasonable and reasonable.

Kwong Meiyun responded:

"Of course. I have spent so much effort on this child, no matter what happens in the future. I will definitely take good care of the child's studies. I will never delay him."

"this is the best."

Peng Boran nodded:

"Two, going forward, I will come over regularly to meet with my child. As long as I am not busy, during the winter and summer vacations, I hope you can give our father and son some space. I want to take him to travel around the world."

This second "request" is not excessive.

How could Kuang Meiyun disagree:

"No problem, you are the father of the child. It is necessary to take the child out to play regularly."

Peng Boran continued:

"Third, I said that I will not and have no right to prevent you from getting married. However, if I find that you have neglected the care and education of your children after marriage, I will sue you for custody anytime and anywhere. "

These words seemed to carry some threat.

Kuang Meiyun squinted her eyes:

"I won't let you have that chance."

"I hope so."

Peng Boran responded calmly, and then made a fourth request:

"Fourth, when your child reaches a certain age and the education here cannot satisfy his demand for knowledge, please let me go and let me take him to a wider world to get more of what he needs... ...Believe me, by then, the help I can provide him will be far better than you. Please also let me reflect the value of being a father in his life...

To put it bluntly, this request has only one starting point, which is to love the children.

Moreover, what he said was true. When his children grow up, studying abroad will be a good choice for his personal development, and Peng Boran should be able to play some role at this time.

"Don't worry, when the time comes, I will respect the child's own choice. The future will be planned by the child himself."

Kuang Meiyun's answer is relatively flexible.

How could Peng Boran not know this?

However, this is enough.

"Okay, so be it!"

He poured half a glass of red wine for her, half a glass for himself, and raised his glass:

"Everything is for the healthy development of our children, Kuang Meiyun, I hope we can have a happy cooperation."

"I'm sorry, I don't know how to drink. I won't drink wine."

She is the kind of person who regards wine as a snake and scorpion. It was because of a glass of wine that she lost her virginity and had Xiaoyin. Once she was bitten by a snake, she was afraid of well ropes for ten years. This is one of them.

The second is that parents' upbringing of their children is a process of division of labor and cooperation. However, when he said this sentence, Kuang Meiyun felt a little cold-blooded, so she was not interested in drinking with him.

"That's up to you."

Peng Boran doesn't force it.

Kuang Meiyun watched him drink it all in one gulp and expressed her dissatisfaction:

"It's just that Xiaoyin was very unhappy today. When he came back, he kept telling me not to marry Guan Yijun. Mr. Peng, you didn't do a very good job in this matter."

"Well, I'm sorry, I didn't think about it well. Please forgive me that I rarely deal with children and forgot that he is just a child after all. The topic of discussion was a bit too much. Don't worry, I will talk to him properly later. "

He is the kind of person who is not afraid to admit his mistakes.

Seeing that he had already said this, Kuang Meiyun naturally couldn't say anything else.

"By the way, the child will go to school on the first day tomorrow, right..."

Peng Boran suddenly asked this question.


"Is it okay to go and take him to school? That's right. As for me, I probably won't be able to stay in Suzhou for long. I will be commuting to and from school in the next few days. I want to pick him up personally. In about a week, I may go back to the UK. , I don’t know when I will come to China next time. Because I took on a big case there and will be busy for a long time, so I can’t go to China from time to time.”

He explained it in detail.

"no problem."

After that, Kuang Meiyun didn't stay in the hotel for long and went back quickly.

After sending her away, Peng Boran sat quietly alone.

Although he was reluctant to make such an arrangement, he felt that this was the best solution.

Although he can provide generous living conditions, he is also a very dangerous time bomb. He lives with danger all day long. Who can guarantee that his family will not be affected. If you want to protect them, being alone is always the best state.

An hour later, He Si came back, and he immediately called people over:

"Xiao He, please do something for me tomorrow."

"What's up?"

"Help me find a place to live. I have to buy a place to live here. It's best to be well-decorated. When I come back to play with my son in the future, I can't stay in a hotel all the time. It feels too homeless..."

He Si glanced at him: "Boss, a home without a person doesn't feel like home at all."

Peng Boran immediately frowned, knowing what he meant. However, their family was destined to be incomplete.

Kuang Meiyun doesn't like him, and he doesn't call her. They can't force themselves to get together for the sake of their children...

It is very important for a child to grow up happily, and if the parents who create a happy family for him cannot be happy in this marriage, the family will not exist at all.

In life, there are many things that you can't do anything about. When you can't have both, you can only look after yourself and do your best to minimize all harm.

Happiness is created by people. If the people who create happiness cannot feel happiness in the shared life, then they can only choose to end the creation reluctantly and start over again. It would be a good choice.

Barely able to achieve any happiness.

He is from the UK and received a Western education, so he cannot be abducted by the Chinese theory of "you should sacrifice yourself for the sake of your children".


The next day, Peng Boran went to Kuang's house on time.

Knocking on the door of Kuang's house, Kuang Meiyun appeared in front of him holding the hand of the little monster. The little man was carrying a small schoolbag. When he saw it was him, his eyes lit up and he rushed over:

"Dad, are you really here to take me to school?"

"Yes, of course you have to do what dad promised you."

Peng Boran lowered his head and kissed the only little monster in the world who was connected by blood with him, with a touch of tenderness on his face.

"Dad, can I ask you and mom to send me to school together?"

Kuang Yin's tone was so expectant.

"I have no problem! As long as your mother is willing."

Naturally, Peng Boran would not object to such a small request from his child.

Kuang Meiyun stepped forward and raised her son's head: "No problem."

"Okay, let's go to school. Goodbye, aunt..."

Kuang Yin was naturally happy, holding hands with his father and mother, and walked to school like that.

They have a campus room here, which is only about ten minutes away from the elementary school campus.

On the non-motorized driveway, he looked left and right. His mother smiled gently at him, and his father asked him in a low voice what he thought of the new semester. Those unpleasant things seemed to no longer exist. He smiled particularly joy.

This kind of experience was completely new to Peng Boran. This was the first time he sent his children to study. It reminded him of the days when he was a child, when his parents sent him to school together. It was extremely warm. Come to think of it, the little monster also had such a feeling. kind of idea.

At the school gate, he straightened his child's clothes and said, "It's evening. Dad will come to pick you up."

Kuang Yin nodded, waved his hand, said hello to the teacher, ran into the school quickly, and soon joined his classmates.

Peng Boran, who was standing there, heard someone asking the little monster: "Kuang Yin, who is that man?"

Kuang Yin proudly announced there: "That's my dad."

There was a strange emotion rushing through his heart: This child made him feel an unspeakable concern.

"In the evening, I want to have dinner with Xiaoyin. If you are willing, we can eat together..."

Peng Boran made such a suggestion to the woman beside him.

Kuang Meiyun shook her head: "No, you and your son can go eat...I have something to do in the evening. Besides, I don't want to create an illusion for my son that we are a family. Sooner or later, we will go our separate ways. The illusion is too good. Separation would be fatal to him."

This also makes sense.

Peng Boran no longer pressed: "Okay, after dinner, I will send him back before eight-thirty."

"I know." Kuang Meiyun nodded and pointed to the bus stop: "I have to go to work too... Goodbye."


At the gate of the campus where people come and go, there is a man and a woman, one east and one west, each with his own life to go. Although they have a child between them, they will not interact because of this. This is their future.


In the morning, Peng Boran went to see the house. It was a first-floor apartment with fine decoration. The area was not very large, 150 to 60 square meters. It had a master bedroom, a children's room, a kitchen and a study.

He took a look and found that he was not particularly satisfied. As for the soft furnishings, if you want to own a house that makes you feel comfortable, you have to buy rough parts and then find someone to design and decorate them according to your own ideas. But in this way If so, I wouldn't be able to live in it for a year or so.

He doesn't have much time to wait. Fortunately, this room is not particularly bad. For now, he can make do with it.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, he had a place in Suzhou.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Peng Boran went to pick up the little monster from school, and then arrived at this new home together.

"Is this our new home?"

"Yes! Do you like it?"

"So beautiful. I like it."

"If you have a holiday in the future, you can come here and stay with dad for a day or two."

"Can mom come?"

"I'm afraid mom can't."


"Because mom is not dad's wife and cannot live with dad. Xiaoyin, not all parents in this world live together. In fact, whether they live together or not is not particularly important. , the important thing is that mother loves Xiaoyin very much, and father also loves Xiaoyin very much. If one day, mother marries another person, if Xiaoyin likes that person very much, he can also call that person daddy. In this case, Xiaoyin will be married again. You have an extra father to love you..."

"Is dad talking about Uncle Guan?"

"Well, you can say that."

"I won't call Uncle Guan dad. Because I have a father. If one day my mother marries Uncle Guan, I will still call him uncle."

"That's up to you. What dad wants to say is: in the future, dad will go back to work, and Xiaoyin will continue to live with her mom and aunt. If she misses her dad, she can video chat with him. If you have any questions that you don’t understand, you can call and ask. Dad promises that he will come back to accompany Xiaoyin as soon as he finishes what he is doing..."

That night, Peng Boran invited someone to cook a sumptuous dinner. He sat face to face with his son. In the goblet in front of him, one contained red wine and the other contained juice. Two men, one big and one small, had a heated conversation. conversation.

Although the little monster was a little unhappy, he still accepted this situation rationally.

I would send him off to school in the morning and pick him up in the evening. These days lasted for a week.

A week later, he said goodbye to his son and flew to England.

However, since that day, he and his son have had an overseas phone call every day. The little guy will chat with him for a long time every day, happily telling him what happened today, or asking him for advice on key points. question.

He is very busy at work, but his personal life is a little more worrying. Every time he has a video chat with his son, it becomes the most heartwarming time in Peng Boran's ordinary life.

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