The Perfect Hidden Marriage

706, unexpected marriage 29 The feeling of returning home

706, unexpected marriage 29 The feeling of returning home

At about 5:30 in the evening, Kuang Yin said he was hungry, and Peng Boran immediately said he would take his son to have a big meal.

Before leaving Bihai Jinsha, Kuang Meiyun went to the toilet, washed her hands, took a paper towel and dried them. When she was about to go find the father and son, someone stopped her:


The voice was so familiar that she couldn't help but stiffen. She looked up and saw that it was Guan Yijun.

We haven't seen him for a few days. Guan Yijun has lost a lot of weight and is wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt. When he called her, the man was standing in front of a green bamboo with shining eyes. After meeting her eyes, he hurriedly stepped over. When he got closer, he breathed a deep sigh of relief and said:

"Thank God, I finally found you! Meiyun, how long are you going to hide from me..."

He reached out his hand eagerly, wanting to get close to her.

Kuang Meiyun hurriedly stepped back and shouted in a low voice:

"Guan Yijun, I have made it clear to you before. Please don't come to me again in the future, okay..."

She didn't want to hurt this kind man, but after what happened, she knew very well that they could not go back.

Because of her words, the passionate eyes of the man who once made her heartbeat cooled down little by little, and a faint pain appeared in his eyes.

She couldn't bear it, but she had to do it. Because she knows that in emotional matters, the most taboo thing is to be sloppy. In the past few days, she had thought clearly enough that breaking up with Guan Yijun was a wise thing to do.

"Meiyun, does it have to be like this? Are these six months of getting along with you really not worth remembering?"

He asked softly in a dumb voice, his tone was so sad.

She turned her head away, feeling disappointed.

In the past six months, what had made her extremely nostalgic was the development of the situation, which was beyond her control.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Before I could express my feelings, a crisp and tender voice came in:

"Hey, Uncle Guan, why are you here too!"

Kuang Yin suddenly ran in from outside. When he saw Guan Yijun, he screamed for joy and ran towards him.

Guan Yijun's attention suddenly shifted from Kuang Meiyun to Kuang Yin who was running over, but soon, out of male instinct, his eyes finally fell on a masculine man who was slowly following behind the child.

He was a man who could not be ignored. He had a Chinese-character face, a masculine face, and high spirits. There was a burst of power all over his body, and the glances he directed at him were full of aggression.

When Kuang Yin hugged him, he had to lower his head to face the child's particularly happy smiling face. Before he could say anything, the child couldn't wait to point to the man and introduce:

"Uncle Guan, let me introduce you...this is my dad..."


These two words made Guan Yijun tremble all over, and then he raised his head and took another look at the man in front of him.

In the past six months, he has been listening to Kuang Yin talk about how powerful his father is, because Kuang Meiyun has never verified with him what kind of occupation that man is engaged in, and he does not think that man is a threat, so he does not deliberately go there. Understood, he always thought that the child's rejection of his father was partly due to his Electra complex, but he didn't expect this man to be so outstanding.

With just one glance, a sense of crisis hit him.


Peng Boran stretched out his hand calmly and generously:

"I am Peng Boran, Xiaoyin's father."

Guan Yijun had no choice but to extend his hand and uttered three words in a rather jerky tone:

"Guan Yijun."

"Nice to meet you."

Peng Boran looked at his watch. He exuded the power of a successful man, making it impossible to ignore his presence. This man could easily compare with other men:

"I have made a reservation at Shangri-La. If Mr. Guan has nothing to do, how about we go to dinner together?"

While speaking, he held Kuang Meiyun's waist without any trace, pretending to be intimate: "My dear, what do you think..."

This move was of course deliberate, and the word "dear" made Kuang Meiyun's skin crawl. She was not surprised to see Guan Yijun's expression, and couldn't help but stiffen.

She wanted to swat away the hand that was eating her tofu, but when she was close to him, the strong masculine aura forced from him made her feel a little breathless. But when she thought of Guan Yijun's entanglement, she bit her and leaned forward naturally, with a smile on her face:

"Okay! As long as Lao Guan agrees, we can have a dinner together..."

Guan Yijun was also a person who knew the color of eyes. He could see at a glance that there was a subtle feeling of intimacy between the man and woman, and his heart ached so much that his smile became extremely forced. Originally he still had a lot to say, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that he had said more to no avail:

"It just so happens that I have an appointment. Let's wait for another day...I won't disturb you anymore..."

He yawned, lowered his head and touched Kuang Yin, who was looking at them curiously: "Xiao Yin, goodbye."


Kuang Yin was a sensitive child, and he immediately felt a strange atmosphere flowing between the three adults. Although he really wanted to keep Uncle Guan, he thought about it and said goodbye obediently.

"Dear, let's go, don't starve our son...Son, come...on the road..."

Peng Boran smiled and picked up his son, holding Kuang Meiyun firmly with one hand.

This was the first time they held hands. It should not be said that this was the hand holding that made their hearts flutter:

Her palms were hot, and his were cool and sweatless. When they were held together, she tightened, and he glanced lightly. At the same time, he deliberately increased his strength. The family of three acted in such a loving manner. , and left in the sight of Guan Yijun who walked in another direction, walked and turned around.

Guan Yijun came from a good background and was well-informed. How could he not see that Kuang Yin's biological father was a man: clothes can show a person's financial strength, and the aura revealed by a person shows A person's overall ability - this is not an easy person, so it makes sense for Kuang Meiyun to abandon him and choose this man.

Look, how well they get along as a family of three.

He laughed to himself. This time, he could finally give up completely.


During the evening rush hour after get off work, Peng Boran's car was stuck on the road.

Kuang Yin was tired from playing and went to meet Duke Zhou in a drowsy state.

Holding her son in her arms, Kuang Meiyun looked out the window for a while, then whispered to the man sitting in the driver's seat: "Thank you..."

Peng Boran knew that she was thanking him for helping her defeat that man. He glanced through the rearview mirror and responded calmly:

"You're welcome."

A man and a woman stopped talking.

Outside the car, there is a lot of bustling and noisy, but inside the car, low light music flows, the rhythm is soothing, making people feel comfortable, and the temperature of the air conditioner is also turned on just right. Sitting in such an environment, all worries seem like Everything is silent, the tranquility reaches far away, and there are no distracting thoughts in the mind, and people become drowsy.

It feels like a small boat that has been fighting against the wind and waves for an unknown amount of time. After a violent storm, it enters a harbor where the breeze blows gently and the morning glow floats. Finally, it can find the longed-for peace and let go of all the exhaustion. , have a peaceful sleep.

At this moment, Kuang Meiyun actually felt a feeling of returning home - Guan Yijun before made her feel that she could rely on and was very stable; but now Peng Boran made her feel like a small boat entering the harbor and having no worries from now on.

Yes, her impatience had strangely calmed down because he was by her side, and her heart found an indescribable peace.

Later, Kuang Meiyun took a nap with a calm mood.

Dinner was served in a gorgeous private room next to the window, offering a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery of Shanghai throughout the night.

At this moment, with good wine and delicious food, children laughing in front of them, the whole atmosphere was as beautiful as a dream.

She looked and felt, and actually felt that it would be wonderful if the days continued like this.

When this idea flashed through her mind, she sighed helplessly, feeling that she was really a little crazy...

To long for a future that is unlikely to be yours is simply asking for trouble.


After dinner, they went home. A family of three sat in the back seat, and someone drove them away.

She was a little drunk and her thoughts were a little messy. All she knew was that she went back all the way, with her son nestled in her arms, and she leaned back comfortably, thinking about all the messy things in her mind, until the man lightly reminded her above her head:

"Got home."

She responded vaguely: "Oh!"

Very lazy and doesn't want to move.

"Can you still leave?"


She was a little dizzy, it was the alcohol that was causing it.


"If I can, I will take my son to sleep. You sit down, wake up, and go back to your room to have a good sleep. If you are really drunk and can't do it, please let me take your son back first. Then, I don't mind taking you back." house……"

What's the meaning?

Why did he want to carry her back to the room?

Why is this guy eating tofu from her when he has nothing to do?

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