The Perfect Hidden Marriage

710, Unexpected Marriage 33 Will dad marry mom?

710, Unexpected Marriage 33 Will dad marry mom?

Before walking into the hall, there was a tall and beautiful woman with wavy golden hair. She walked in with elegant steps before Kuang Meiyun and the others. As she walked, she was talking on the phone in fluent English, and her whole body was full of energy. There is an aura that is both charming and capable.

This kind of charm and competence is different from Xiao Jinghuan's temperament: it has a deliberately crafted taste, but it is still very pleasing to the eye.

They were about ten paces away from her.

After arriving in the lobby, Kuang Meiyun saw Peng Boran sitting on the sofa waiting for them. Peng Boran also saw them and stood up. His tall and tall figure looked eye-catching there.

At this time, the woman walking in front suddenly put away her phone and shouted in surprise:


Peng Boran was startled, and then his eyes fell on the woman.

The next moment, the woman rushed over and gave him a big hug full of surprise:

"What a coincidence? I can actually meet you here?"

After saying that, he happily kissed Peng Boran on the lips, and his eyes with colored contact lenses bloomed with deep love.

"Sherry Ann? When did you come to China?"

Peng Boran frowned slightly and stared at the woman in front of him.

"I heard Azi say that you came to China again, so I came... I didn't expect to meet you so soon..."

The woman hugged him deeply again, her movements revealing an extremely natural sense of intimacy.

A few steps away, my aunt stood there with her brows furrowed, a sense of crisis arising spontaneously.

Kuang Meiyun stared calmly. Although she felt uncomfortable, she did not show it - this man was a free man and no one could control his private life.

But Kuang Yin was very unhappy. He stared at the woman who was hugging his father tightly, and wanted to rush up and pull them away. He hated it when someone clung to his father so much, but his hand was held. He turned around to look, and Kuang Meiyun shook her head at him:

"Let's go to the restaurant and find a seat!"

Kuang Yin's little face was twisted together, staring and refusing to leave.

Kuang Meiyun patted her son's face gently:


"All right!"

Kuang Yin was very reluctant, but still listened to her mother and agreed. She walked past the man and woman with different expressions and led her to the elevator.

Peng Boran naturally saw their reactions and frowned: This woman actually pretended not to recognize him?

"Edward, what's wrong with you?"

Sherry Ann noticed that this man seemed a little unhappy. They hadn't seen him for so long. He was not enthusiastic at all, and his expression suddenly became restless. It had been more than two months since the last time they met. That time they just had a Chinese meal together and agreed that he would look for her when he was free. As a result, he was always busy and never looked for her at all.

Of course, she knows that he has always been busy, but he has been too busy for the past six months!

"Sherry Ann, where do you live now?"

Peng Boran asked calmly.

“XX International Hotel.”

"Well, what are you doing here?"

"I took an order, and the assistant asked me to come here to have a meal with the partner... She is going to park the car now..."

"Then go and do your work! I will go to the hotel to find you later."

Peng Boran looked at his watch: "I made an appointment with someone for dinner! It's time. See you later."

He waved his hand lightly, turned around and left - but Sherry Ann was not surprised. This man had always done his own thing, but today he seemed to be more indifferent than usual, which made her a little depressed.


Kuang Yin is also depressed.

After sitting at the reserved seat, he put his chin in his hands and looked out the window unhappily. For a while, he pouted and turned to look at Kuang Meiyun: "Mom, why don't you allow me to go up and pull them apart?"

"That's rude!"

Kuang Meiyun poured her son a glass of water.

"But I don't like someone dominating my father like this."

The aunt took a look, sighed softly, and lowered her head to drink water.

Kuang Meiyun held the water glass: "That's your father's friend."

"Are you referring to your girlfriend? The kind of woman who might become my stepmother?"

Kuang Yin’s little eyebrows were all wrinkled, and he pouted and said:

"I don't want a stepmother. Isn't dad a celibate? Why does he have a girlfriend?"

How to explain this?

Adults have adult physiological needs, and not getting married does not mean that they no longer have those needs. There is essentially no conflict between having a girlfriend and not getting married. But children can't understand this kind of thing.

"Your father is here. You should ask your father this question..."

The aunt twisted Kuang Yin's little head, and she felt very unhappy - there was such a beautiful woman next to Peng Boran. The two of them were so good that they could kiss in public, which showed that the relationship was extraordinary - the man had never refused this behavior. It can be seen that they should be in a male-female relationship.


Kuang Yin saw Peng Boran coming towards her, stood up quickly, and went to meet her. After making sure that the woman was not following, she threw herself into his father's arms, and then smelled a faint fragrance. He scrunched up his nose.

"Dad, you smell weird...who is that woman...this smell is all left by that woman, it smells so bad."

After sitting down, Kuang Yin complained unhappily.

My aunt and Kuang Meiyun exchanged glances, but both remained silent.

After Peng Boran glanced at them, he lowered his head and smelled himself:

"Have it?"

"Yes, it smells very bad. How could that woman kiss you in front of so many people? Isn't she ashamed?"

Kuang Yin looked serious:

"Or, she is really dad's girlfriend, that's why dad let her hug her like this..."


Peng Boran touched his nose and couldn't answer for a while: Children nowadays are so precocious that they actually know that kissing between men and women is shameful.

"Dad, will you marry another woman?"

Kuang Yin suddenly asked such a question again.

Before he could answer, the little guy continued:

"Dad, I just suddenly thought: If you really marry someone else, maybe we won't be able to play happily in the future... I hate other women kissing you and hugging you like this. Dad, am I very bad... "

At the end of the sentence, he actually blamed himself in a very sensational and innocent way.

"not bad."

Peng Boran rubbed his son's short hair apologetically:

"Dad will not marry anyone else..."


As soon as he got the promise, the little guy's voice suddenly lit up.


"Then will daddy marry mommy?"

Kuang Yin suddenly said this again.

"Cough cough cough..."

Kuang Meiyun, who was drinking boiled water, finally choked on her son's sudden whim.

Auntie hurriedly handed over the napkin: "Drink slowly."


Kuang Meiyun responded vaguely and wiped it randomly. After wiping, she saw Peng Boran staring at her intensely. She felt a little uneasy and hurriedly picked up the menu and said:

"Come on, order something. I'm hungry... Xiaoyin, come here and see for yourself what you want to eat?"

She pulled her son over and the awkward conversation ended.


At the end of dinner, Kuang Meiyun went to the bathroom. When she came out, she saw a woman standing at the door, staring at her with a pair of deep and extremely puzzled eyes.

She recognized it at a glance. This woman was Peng Boran's "girlfriend".

At this moment, looking at her malicious look, she was obviously waiting for her.

She pretended not to notice and went straight to the sink to wash her hands.

Unexpectedly, the woman also walked forward and pretended to put on makeup in front of the mirror.

In the mirror, two women stood side by side. The lights were bright, and the gap between the two women was clearly compared:

One is beautiful, the other is ordinary; one is full of arrogance, the other is cold and ordinary; one is fashionable, noble and eye-catching, and the other is simple and full of low-level taste; one is heaven and the other is earth...

Kuang Meiyun knew that she couldn't stand comparison, and she didn't want to compete with such a person.

After washing her hands, she was about to leave, but the woman stopped her and smiled slightly:

"What's your relationship with Edward?"

Kuang Meiyun could only look up at her: "We don't seem to recognize him, let alone Edward."

"The person you are dining with is called Peng Boran, and his English name is Edward."

"Who are you?"

With everything so clearly stated, of course she couldn't be pretentious.

"Sherry Ann, Edward's girlfriend."

Dare to call herself your girlfriend, obviously their relationship is really unusual.

Kuang Meiyun was silent for a while: "Sorry, he didn't mention you."

She walked away, and the woman lowered her face and called from behind: "I advise you not to be a meddler in other people's world. When you have time, you should take a good look in the mirror and consider your own weight. Edward's previous girlfriends are all Big beauty, you can't even think of keeping him..."

Kuang Meiyun endured it, but finally turned around and said:

"If you are really his girlfriend, I think you should be able to control him. If you can't, it only proves that your relationship is dangerous. In this case, what you should do is to find your boyfriend and control him. Follow your boyfriend instead of coming here to warn others... If such an inconspicuous me can seduce him, you can imagine what it means..."

The woman's face changed drastically when she laughed at her.

She turned around and left, thinking in her heart: Men in this world really love beauty.

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