The Perfect Hidden Marriage

712, Unexpected Marriage 35 Is this woman also indispensable?

712, Unexpected Marriage 35 Is this woman also indispensable?

In the early morning, Kuang Meiyun went for a morning run and did not ask her child to run with him. The little guy slept a little late last night and school was about to start again today, so let him sleep a little longer!

As she was running, there was a sound of footsteps behind her, and she passed by like the wind, and dropped a sentence:

"Why are you running so slowly? Run quickly and see who is faster..."

It was Peng Boran, incredibly fast.

She slowed down her steps and watched him flash by, then shoot out like an arrow in the blink of an eye.

Kuang Meiyun raised her eyebrows, her dissatisfaction suddenly emerged, and the wind immediately stirred under her feet, and she took long strides to catch up.

Thanks to her training since childhood, she has developed great abilities in track and field. Especially in long-distance running, not only is the speed sufficient, but the endurance is also strong enough. In school, no one could outrun her, and later, in the army, she was also the absolute number one.

As a result, today, she competed with Peng Boran, and was surprised to find that this guy was not inferior to her in running.

No tie, this is the result of their game.

This result made Peng Boran look at her differently, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes:

"Not bad."

It's absolutely amazing to be able to achieve such a result with him.

"You're good too."

She also gave a rare compliment:

"There are very few people who can run even with me."

They had never competed like this before, so she had no idea he could run so well.

At this moment, both of them were panting, but after the baptism of sweat, what they felt was not exhaustion, but refreshment: meeting an opponent who is equally matched is definitely a pleasure. thing.

"Let's go back, wash up, and then send my son to class. It's the first day at the new school. You can't be late."

Peng Boran smiled and felt that the closer he got to this woman, the more he was attracted to the pure things about her.


The two of them walked home side by side. Occasionally they would meet a few neighbors who were jogging in the morning, but they didn't recognize them. They walked their own way, and those who ran the other's did not disturb each other.

At this moment, the winding path leads to a secluded place, birds are chirping in the clear sky, and the environment is extremely pleasant. Walking quietly, you will see clusters of flowers or lush greenery. The beautiful scenery makes you feel happy.

However, Kuang Meiyun's heart was not completely attracted by the scenery in front of her. Seeing this man, she would inevitably think of Shirley Ann she met last night - it would be most appropriate for such a woman to stand side by side with him. , and I am just a passer-by passing through his world.

When she was almost home, Kuang Meiyun finally stopped and gently called the man: "Lao Peng, Shirley Ann is your girlfriend!"

He who was walking in front paused, turned his head, raised his eyebrows, and showed a vague look of confusion:

"How do you know this name?"

"You don't have to worry about how I know..."

She didn't want to tell him that the woman had approached her. She didn't bother to do anything like complaining:

"What I want to say is, since you have a girlfriend, is it appropriate for my aunt and I to live here with you? Otherwise, my aunt, Xiaoyin, I, and I will find another house to live in..."

As soon as he said these words, his face, which had been so bright just now, immediately darkened:

"You want to make room for her?"

It was obvious that he was unhappy.

It's really weird. What's there to be unhappy about?

Despite the pressure, she bravely spoke out:

"I think if we live like this, it will be misunderstood... If your girlfriend comes to the door, Xiaoyin will also be emotional. The child is still young and may not understand some of our adults' practices. I will give it to the child It leaves a bad impression. You should understand that this kind of bad impression may affect his future choices of marriage and love... Lao Peng, I hope that the child's outlook on life, values, and world view can be well shaped."

Children who grow up in a good family model will have relatively correct and optimistic expectations for marriage and love when they grow up. On the contrary, their expectations for marriage and love may have relatively negative thoughts.

Of course Peng Boran understood what she meant. Excellent parents should set an example for their children and become a model for their children to follow. This should not only be reflected in study and work, but also in marriage.

"Don't worry, I will never bring a woman from outside back to my private property. You are an exception..."

He dropped these words and stepped into the door of the villa without looking back.

Kuang Meiyun frowned: she had been thinking about the excuses for leaving this man's life all night, but they didn't work at all and were rejected immediately.

The point is, what did he say?

Is she an exception?

She doesn't want to be the exception at all.

This man possesses some bad qualities that are unique to rich men: he has promiscuous girlfriends outside the home, has no intention of being responsible to the end, and is only willing to play games with his female companions - to put it bluntly, he is a playboy.

And she is actually slowly becoming attracted to a playboy. This is really inappropriate!

Therefore, she wanted to keep a distance from this man, but unfortunately, she had to live under his eyes every day. Alas, how should she live her life from now on?

She was depressed for no reason.


In fact, Peng Boran is also depressed: his son wants him to marry his mother, but that woman has been avoiding him like a snake and a scorpion. Under such circumstances, it is strange that he can get married.

There was something in his mind that he couldn't figure out.

He felt that their family of three sometimes interacted well with each other, and she seemed to enjoy this atmosphere. However, as soon as he was alone with her, the feeling changed, and she always seemed to want to avoid him.

Regarding this matter, he really didn't understand: Is she just so dismissive of him?

Back in the room, he went to take a shower in a dull mood, thinking:

What should I do if I want to get married?


Under the lotus canopy, he froze suddenly, and his facial expression froze as well. He let the water rush to his hair, and he was completely confused:

God, why did he think of getting married?

He rubbed his face harshly and pulled his hair. His son's influence on him seemed to be getting worse and worse.

Well, actually he had to admit that the impression that woman left on him seemed to be getting better and better.

Quiet, with a gentle smile, just like pure water, it looks clear and unremarkable. When it is not needed, it is insignificant. When your mouth is dry and you are thirsty, no drink can be as refreshing as pure water to quench your thirst. Drink It will finally give people an idea: this is the taste they want.

Oh, Peng Boran, Peng Boran, is it appropriate for you to compare her to pure water?

Water is indispensable in human life. Is this woman also indispensable?

Are you stupid?

Under the fluttering lotus canopy, he gently patted his face. At the same time, another voice whispered in the depths of his soul:

But she did give him such a comfortable feeling, didn't she?

Appearance has never been the most important thing. He has gotten every woman no matter how beautiful it is, so it doesn't seem to mean much - you might not be able to remember that person for months if you don't meet her. Such a person is definitely not the woman he wants.

As for Kuang Meiyun, since her son's incident broke out half a year ago, as her son gradually occupied his heart, the image of this woman became more and more profound in her heart day by day - during those days in England, every time she talked to her son, After making the overseas phone call, the image of that woman would run through his mind.

And during this month of getting along day and night, she followed him and his son, and their companionship was silent, but the gentleness quietly penetrated his heart. From time to time, he saw her talking to his son with a gentle smile, Playing has become a comfortable scenery that cannot be erased from sight.

Although they don't talk or communicate much, she can be said to be an invisible existence, but she has become an inseparable part of his family life, right?

Although I don't want to admit it, this is indeed a naked fact.

So, since he feels comfortable, should he take action and try to win her down step by step?

While taking a shower, he kept wrestling with this issue.

When he came out, he still couldn't make up his mind.

When he was young, he also liked people, and he knew clearly what it felt like to like someone:

He will be very excited; when the girl laughs, he will laugh too; when the girl is sad, he will also be irritable; the girl's emotions can easily stir up his heartstrings.

At that time, he had thought that she would definitely be the only one he would marry in this life. However, as it turned out, first love was just a kind of sadness that people grow up quickly when they are young.

Later, he had many women, but he no longer talked about relationships. Relationships between men and women have become a luxury.

Moreover, that feeling of pounding heart gradually becomes heavier with age, and it is difficult to get back...

Of course, he rarely bothers with this kind of thing anymore.

In his philosophy, if the woman he is having a good relationship with really can't survive, then they should go their separate ways. The compensation he can give is material. As for emotional, he can't give any response. This is the rule set from the beginning of the relationship.

Now, he is actually thinking about getting married.

Do you really want to break the non-marriage principle for so many years for her?

He actually couldn't answer this question.

During a bath, he thought a lot, but to no avail. Later, without thinking further, he got dressed, checked that the time was almost up, and walked to his son's room. From a distance, he could hear his son asking his mother:

"Mom, don't I look handsome dressed like this?"

The little guy is a bit narcissistic.

"Handsome, handsome, Xiaoyin is the most handsome little handsome guy."

The mother's tone was so indulgent.

"Mom, are you praising yourself?"

"Why am I praising myself?"

Being a mom is weird.

"I was born to you. If you praise me for being handsome so immodestly, aren't you praising yourself for my good looks?"

Is the little guy trying to flatter his mother in a roundabout way?

He felt happy listening to it and thought about Kuang Meiyun's pure face.

Over there, the mother smiled and asked, "What's so good about my mother?"

"Mom looks good everywhere, that's why I don't look crooked!"

So eloquent.

The corners of his lips curled up.

The mother over there laughed and cursed:


The little guy let out a chuckle and immediately retorted:

"No way. What I said is the truth. First of all, I have observed the mothers of my classmates. Some of them are very beautiful, like dolls; some are very ordinary and can be forgotten at a glance; some are wearing She must be good-looking, but her facial features are not that great. Only my mother is the most handsome and handsome, and her facial features are well arranged..."

The observation is really meticulous...

He smiled.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, shameless, praising mom like that..."

"Anyway, in my eyes, mom is much prettier than that seductive woman last night!"

Having said so much, there is such a big comparison at the end.

Peng Boran, who smiled and curled his lips, understood that this was the key point. His son said this just to bring up this topic!

"No way, I think that woman is very beautiful."

The mother calmly made a pertinent evaluation.

"No. It's all because of the clothes and cosmetics, okay? In my opinion, mom and dad are the most attractive couple..."

Ha, isn’t this too humane to say?

The mother chuckled again:

"Kid, do you know what husband and wife look like?..."

"I understand, it means that both faces and habits are very similar...Mom, haven't you noticed? In front of others, Dad likes to have a straight face, and you also like to keep a straight face; at home, Dad likes to smile. So do you; when it comes to work, you have more in common...Mom, otherwise, you should marry dad!"

Yesterday, the little guy lobbied his mother to marry him; today, the little guy lobbied his mother to marry him again...

Alas, this child, how much he longs to have this family...

Peng Boran sighed softly in his heart and stood there quietly, curious about how this woman would answer next.

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