The Perfect Hidden Marriage

75. That Jin Hengyuan really has a problem...

In the afternoon, she also received a photo from him.

It was taken by him at the check-in counter of Hong Kong International Airport.

The standing posture is cool, the smile is big, and the face is photographed so handsomely that there is no dead angle in 360 degrees. I don't know who took the photo, but it is very beautiful anyway.

He also added a sentence in a yuppie way:

"One day is like three autumns, and two days is not seeing you with a gray head. Xiao Su, do you miss me today? I'm boarding the plane! Try to come back before dinner and give you a hug..."

At that time, the chaotic emotions were slightly smoothed out because of his smile and his warm words.

I even stared stupidly at this face for a while.

Calculate the time, it's almost time to arrive, why did it shut down?

Could it be that something happened to him too!

Oops, my thoughts are really getting more and more chaotic.

The helplessness that hit the sky was like an invisible giant net, spreading from all directions, and she had no way to escape, so she could only lean against the wall to prevent herself from slumping to the ground.

"Miss Su, don't worry, don't worry, calm down, if you fall down, it will be terrible..."

The nurse was on the sidelines persuading.

She knew she had to calm down.

However, the more I want to calm down, the more confused my head becomes.

She is anxious!

"Let's inform the rest of your family..."

The nurse's voice reminded her.

The next moment, she called Yang Jiahui, her voice trembling almost beyond human voice:

"Jiahui, are you free? Come to the hospital, okay? My mother had an accident. Mu Sheng also had an accident. I have no one to discuss with. I... I don't know what to do?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, speak slowly, you speak too fast. It made me nervous too."

Su Jin said it all.

Although messy, his articulation is fairly clear, and he still knows what to say.

Yang Jiahui was startled.

"How could this be... You wait, you wait, I'll come right over, let's find a way together."


Su Jin agreed and hung up the phone, and called Han Tong again.

Then she sat dryly, thinking.

You must find a lawyer, and you cannot get bail pending trial, so you can only find out about the situation through a lawyer.

Who can I turn to?

She doesn't know any lawyers, all she knows are decorations, and her social circle is very small.

Except for the unavoidable entertainment, she loves to stay at home with her mother during the holidays, making tea, cooking soup, and living a small life at home.

My mother often said that she is not suitable to go out to work, but to be a virtuous and virtuous housewife, listening to music and painting in her spare time, and teaching mathematics, physics and chemistry to the children in her busy time.

such a pity……

Life is not controlled by others.

And she is indeed not good at socializing, she is more of an acquaintance, otherwise she should have accumulated some contacts after working in the past few years.

The so-called network of contacts means friendship only when there are frequent contacts. Nodding acquaintances, it's like not having one, so what else can you take care of?

So much so that today, there is nowhere to ask for help.

She thought and thought, and there was only one person who could help her——Jin Hui's legal counsel, Lao Xia.

That person doesn't come to the company very often, but he is responsible for all the company's legal disputes.

But she didn't have that person's contact method.

I have no choice but to ask the boss for help.

The boss is a good person. After learning about the situation, he immediately comforted her: "Don't mess around, take it easy, Lao Xia and I will come right away."

She said thanks.

Probably because she knew that a lawyer would come, Su Jin seemed to have some confidence in her heart, and the chaotic emotions were gradually recovering.

When she regained her senses completely, she realized that the nurse had quietly left at some point, and the sky had already darkened. In the huge emergency waiting hall, she was sitting alone, with no one around, and the pale light shone on her back. , a dense forest surrounded her, making her look extraordinarily lonely.


Han Tong was the first to arrive at the hospital.

On the phone, Su Jin only asked her to come over, but did not elaborate on the situation.

When he arrived, after hearing the whole story, Han Tong immediately scolded:

"Does Su Musheng have any brains? Why does he only know how to cause trouble all day long? The previous incident stopped, and then a bigger incident happened. Does he have to make his aunt mad to feel comfortable? ..."

Su Jin closed her eyes, she still had fantasies about Mu Sheng.

"Don't be in a hurry to scold Mu Sheng. None of us know what happened. It stands to reason that he is responsible for fighting and making trouble. I don't think it's surprising, but killing people..."

She shook her head, her tone was firm:

"Impossible. It's impossible for him to kill someone. He doesn't have the guts, and he doesn't have the motivation. We can only know the whole story of the incident when the lawyer goes there to understand the specific situation..."

"Yes yes yes, look at my mouth, I really can't speak. How could Mu Sheng kill someone? The police must have made a mistake."

Han Tong nodded repeatedly and followed her tone.

In Han Tong's eyes, Mu Sheng was originally a pretty good boy.

At first, outsiders didn't even know that Mu Sheng was not a descendant of the Su family. Afterwards, everyone knew about it.

When Mu Sheng was in her teens, after learning that she was not the biological child of the Su family, she became difficult, and her academic performance began to decline.

Later, for some unknown reason, his uncle and aunt divorced, which greatly stimulated him, and all his bad habits of smoking and drinking came up. Not to mention that the grades have turned into a deficit, and the circle of gangsters has also become complicated.

That child, when he is good, he is really good, and when he is bad, he is really bad.

Because of Mu Sheng, my aunt has been annoyed and cried countless times, but he keeps admonishing and offending again and again, which is a headache.

Now, you want to say that he murdered.

That child is very murderous, and he is a repeat student. He is in his twenties, full of vigor, drinks a little wine, and dares to do anything. Who can guarantee that there will be no such event.

Of course, as a cousin, she naturally hoped that Mu Sheng would follow the right path, otherwise it would not only be Mama Su who would be pissed off, but she would also be pissed to death by her.


The second person to arrive at the hospital was Yang Jiahui.

As soon as she came in, she looked around, her face was covered with dark clouds, her eyes were even more sullen, and she immediately asked, "Did Jin Hengyuan come? Did you not tell him, or did he not?" Come here?"

Su Jin was flustered and didn't notice that Yang Jiahui was in a different mood, but Han Tong noticed.

Today Yang Jiahui seemed to be filled with unspeakable anger towards Jin Hengyuan.

She couldn't help but glance a few more times.

"The phone doesn't work."

Su Jin felt unspeakably aggrieved.

When this happened, she really, really wanted him by her side.

But, I can't find him!

Alas, if you can't find it, you can't find it. Whoever forgets to bring his mobile phone, or when the battery is out.

What surprised Su Jin was: her words were like pouring a pot of oil on the fire, and it ignited the anger on Yang Jiahui's face, but she could only stare at the fire in a daze Her face was getting hotter and hotter.

"Why can't I get through?"

"Shut down!"

"Can you get through first?"

Su Jin frowned, wondering why she pursued this matter today?

It seems that this is not the focus now!

But she answered anyway:

"I was on the phone yesterday. I was in the hospital just now. When I called this number, it was always turned off. Maybe it's out of battery..."

"It's also possible that he deliberately turned off the phone to avoid you!"

Su Jin was startled, not sure what he meant by that.

"Su Jin, there is something I have to tell you. I can't help it, I really can't help it."

With an angry face, Yang Jiahui suddenly yelled in a low voice excitedly.

"What happened? What happened to you?"

Han Tong looked surprised.

As for Su Jin, he could only stare blankly, his mind was too confused to make any guesses.

Yang Jiahui took several breaths to make sure her mood was stable, and then she came to Su Jin, supported her shoulders with both hands, and sparkled in her eyes: "This matter should not be said at this time. But it must be Let you know. You too must make a decisive decision."

"What? What... are you trying to say?"

"Jin Hengyuan has a woman outside, he is not trustworthy at all."

Su Jin's heart skipped a beat.

Another person ran up to her and said: Jin Hengyuan has a woman outside.

Oops, what's wrong?

What exactly happened here?

Han Tong was stunned, and hurriedly grabbed Yang Jiahui, showing a look of more shock than the person involved, glanced at Su Jin, who was motionless, and asked anxiously: "Jiahui, what do you think of this kind of words?" You can't talk nonsense. There is no evidence...I know you think my sister and this man are too poor...then you can't..."

"It's not that I think he's poor. I was with a poor man, and he slept for nothing for a few years... It's that Jin Hengyuan who really has a problem..."

Yang Jiahui pointed to her big eyes with her finger painted red:

"Also, if there is no proof, I wouldn't bring up this matter at this time to add to Su Jin's embarrassment... I saw it with my own eyes."

Han Tong was finally choked by these decisive words.

It also made Su Jin's heart sink and sink.

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