"Friend, what's the problem?"

As if noticing An Li's gaze, the bearded man walked to An Li for the first time and asked.

An Li shook his head, glanced around, and asked casually: "There is no problem at that time, but I suddenly remembered, boss, you said that you have led the group several times before, I don't know if anything happened, or someone had an accident?"

This seemingly casual question made everyone present prick up their ears.

The beard suddenly became unnatural, but it was just a flash, and he saw the beard smile: "Don't worry, little brother, I know what you're worried about, although rest assured, the regiment I brought before doesn't mean that there has been no accident, but basically the people who have accidents are unwilling to follow my arrangement, and they mess around and finally have an accident."

Saying that, the beard looked at the people around him:

"You can rest assured, I have enough experience here, in fact, as long as you follow my arrangement, there will be absolutely no problems, so everyone can rest assured."

When everyone thinks about it, too.

Those who dare to come here will naturally not lack the spirit of adventurers, not to mention that the boss has led the team several times, and he himself has not done anything, even if there have been casualties when leading the team before, it is understandable.

Everyone is looking forward to their luck.

In the eyes of many people, even if someone has really had an accident, as long as it is not them who are unlucky.

But An Li was obviously uninteresting, and shook his head at this time: "Boss, you have to give us an accurate number, this also makes us feel at ease, in fact, everyone knows the danger level of this group, even if there are a few people who have an accident, it's nothing, but you always have to give us a thorough understanding, don't you?"

"This..." The beard hesitated: "It's about the same, two or three."

"Two or three?"

An Li nodded: "That's quite little, but I don't know how these two or three have accidents, boss, if you tell us in advance, so that we can have a bottom in our hearts, we won't make the same mistake twice, do you see this truth?"

"Yes, boss, tell us about it?" Cai Peng on the side suddenly asked, he himself is going to be fierce, now I heard that someone from the team led by the beard before had an accident, he was not afraid, but full of interest, I can't wait to say more about the beard, but also to make his news more eye-catching.

As for the foreigners who are with them, they are also interested at this moment.

"Tell me, we're so prepared."

"That's right, we can't make a mistake twice on one issue, and it's better for us to know in advance where there are dangers."

"Boss, talk about it."

"..." In

the face of everyone's questioning, the bearded face was a little ugly, and after thinking for a moment, he said:

"Actually, there is no problem with talking, but I want everyone to understand that this is the valley of death, the gate of hell, in this place, any place that seems to be not dangerous may hide a crisis, and even no one is sure whether the next thunder will slash over, so in fact, the death of the previous few people is not applicable to you."

"Many of you have experience in expeditions, you should know that no one can predict the changes in the environment, and many times accidents appear suddenly, especially the complex environment in Death Valley, what I can do is to take you to find a safe place with my own experience, but to say experience or something, there is actually nothing to say."

"I hope you understand this."

This is a seamless statement, that is, it answers everyone's questions, but avoids the key things, although everyone is a little dissatisfied in their hearts, they also know that the beard is telling the truth.

Seeing that everyone was moved by his own explanation, the beard said again:

"Still that sentence, I said it before, if you want to withdraw now, you can also go, if you are afraid, you can leave now, if you go inside, even if you want to quit, you can't quit, you can think clearly."

Everyone suddenly fell silent.

Go now?

It's not that they can't bear that little money, or that sentence, people have come here, but because they are afraid to leave directly, then it is a bit outrageous, not to mention that they don't even see the slightest danger now, so they have to face when they leave?

It turned out that none of the crowd wanted to quit early.

The bearded man was obviously very satisfied with this result, nodded and looked at An Li, and said with a smile: "Little brother, are there any problems now, do you want to wait for us outside?"

Although it was with a smile, it was hidden a little cold, although it was hidden, it did not escape An Li's eyes, but An Li did not expose the other party, but nodded and showed a smile:

"Haha, if everyone doesn't leave, then I won't go either, I believe in your professional ability boss!"

This answer finally made the bearded face look a little better.

Next, everyone continued to march towards the inside of Death Valley.

In fact, this place is dressed evilly, but it is not too outrageous, I don't know if it is luck, or because this Death Valley really has no danger, everyone did not encounter any danger after walking through the valley for more than half an hour.

Even if there were no black scorched land around, I am afraid that this group of explorers would have been dissatisfied a long time ago.

After coming to a relatively empty plain, the crowd began to rest.

Eat something, drink some water, sit and brag and let loose, it looks like he came on an outing, the beard seems to really do his duty, everyone rests, he walks around to check for danger, everything seems normal.

Only An Que, but sometimes frowned.

"What's wrong, I feel like you're a little worried when you come in." Cai Peng asked.

"A place that can be considered a forbidden zone for humans by local residents, and even the mighty expedition team of the year has broken its wings, this place I don't think can relax." An Que shook his head.

Cai Peng seemed to be infected by An Li's vigilance, and became a little nervous for a while: "Hasn't this boss been here many times and is full of experience?"

"It's true that the experience is, but it's hard to say where the experience is." An Li said coldly.

"Uh... What do you mean? Cai Peng's heart was also a little abrupt at this moment, I don't know why, looking at An Li in front of him, he could always see the feeling of Chengzhu in his chest, and for a while even ignored the fact that An Li was younger than him, but asked: "You mean, there is something wrong with this boss?"

In this regard, An Li shook his head.

Have a question?

It's not just that there is a problem, it's simply a big problem!

However, without waiting for An Li to speak, there was a sudden explosion of thunder not far away, and everyone hurriedly looked, and saw that where everyone had come before, a lightning bolt fell from the sky, the light was dazzling, and the sound was even more fiercely knocked in the hearts of everyone, which frightened everyone present and almost jumped.

What's going on?

Everyone didn't know why, but they saw the bearded man running quickly from a distance at this time, and after seeing everyone, he didn't wait for everyone to ask, and quickly waved his hand:

"Falling thunder, falling thunder, run, run to the north!"

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