Half an hour later, deep in the bamboo forest in front of the North Qingtian Thunder Sect, a simple tomb sat in it. The small tomb is simple, with only a small earthen bag, and the tombstone is a simple wooden plaque with seven characters written on it.

The tomb of the sinner Wu Yi Yao.

Here is the grave of Wu Yiyao, who used to be Tianjiao, this is what Wuyiyao asked An Li before he died, he was a poor body, he was abandoned by his parents when he was a child, and finally he was picked up by the sect master and brought back, and then entered the cultivation path under the guidance, and then became a cultivator.

His whole life was intertwined with the Northern Qingtian Thunder Sect.

In the end, this place that he regarded as home was destroyed in his own hands, he could not accept it, he could only apologize with death, but he did not want his body to enter the Tianlei Sect cemetery, so he specially told An Li to bury him in the bamboo forest, and emphasize the word criminal.

In his words, he is a sinner, which is indisputable. As a sinner, he didn't want to defile the Heavenly Thunder Sect, but he didn't want to leave the Heavenly Thunder Sect, so he hoped to be able to become the gatekeeper of the Heavenly Thunder Sect, and hoped to become the patron of the Heavenly Thunder Sect in the next life.

An Li finally agreed to this wish.

At this time, looking at the cultivator he buried with his own hands, the atmosphere was a little dull for a while.

"Actually, you and I both know that this choice is the best choice for him." Xiao Qing sighed: "Kill your closest senior brothers and sisters, kill your favorite person, and even, destroy your most precious home, replace it with anyone, the final choice is only this one, this can also be regarded as his way of atonement." "

Enchanted, is it so terrible?" An Li asked, thinking of the terrifying power in his body.

Xiao Qing glanced at him and nodded hesitantly: "Going crazy, the lightest thing is death, this is also the most feared thing for all cultivators, because after going crazy, what will happen no one can predict, what happened to Senior Wu is actually good, he has been staying in the valley for so many years, if he goes out, it will be a great disaster."

An Li nodded.

With the strength shown by Wu Yiyao before, even if his original strength has been all imprisoned, his strength still surpasses himself, if Wu Yiyao kills out at that time, he can't think of anyone who can stop Wu Yiyao, maybe only a place like Taoyuan Holy Land has a way.

"Okay, let's go, cultivators have always looked down on life and death, because what we are walking is a road against the sky, if we can't look down on life and death, the future heart demons may be more serious."

Xiao Qing let out a sigh and proposed.

The two did not stay longer, left the bamboo forest, and came to the square in front of the True Martial Hall again, this place does have a strong prohibition, but An Li has the jade talisman given by Wu Yiyao, there is no barrier at this moment, just close to the ban, the jade talisman suddenly flashed a brilliance, shrouded An Li's whole body, forming a film similar to an egg shell, allowing him to freely enter and exit the prohibition.

An Li tried it, the aura was infused, and the membrane suddenly shrouded Xiao Qing's body, and the two walked towards the True Martial Hall together.

Even after decades have passed, you can still vaguely see the tragic situation of that year.

White bones and mottled blood.

Such a scene makes people shudder, and it makes An Li understand the terrifying nature of falling into the devil.

Entering the Zhenwu Hall, the first thing I saw was a huge statue, An Li glanced at it, it was the famous Taoist Zhenwu Emperor, wearing hair and feet, sitting on the top of the hall, next to the turtle, snake two generals, golden boys, jade girls and other gods, it looks so majestic, even if there is no incense offering for many years, but still with majesty, but also with a coercion.


Xiao Qing was the first to make a discovery, pointing directly to the position of the eyebrows of the True Martial Emperor.

Looking closely, An Li found that there was a small black ball there, extremely inconspicuous, but after careful observation, he would find that this black ball was actually condensed to the extreme aura, weighing thousands of catties, with a monstrous bloody aura, as if just by looking at it, it could suck a person's soul in.

"Be careful!" At this moment, Xiao Qing's light drink came, and then a blue light flashed out, allowing An Li to break away from his previous state, turning his head, and seeing Xiao Qing's face full of seriousness, while picking up the incense next to him and lighting it, he spoke: "Back then, Wu seniors have already reached the realm, and the demonic energy generated can even be gathered into magic pills now, and looking at them can even affect people's hearts, even if there is a real martial power to suppress, but there is no incense for many years, this demonic qi is becoming more and more powerful." Hearing

this, An Li was a little shocked, and also followed Xiao Qing to light three sticks of incense.

Strangely, the three incense sticks were lit, and that special evil aura disappeared.

"The Zhenwu Emperor, also known as the Zhenwu Demon Emperor, has a natural restraint against monsters, in fact, if the previous thirty years can ensure that the incense is continuous, this magic pill will definitely be strangled." Xiao Qing explained, and then bowed deeply towards the statue of the Zhenwu Emperor, then walked to the foot of the statue, touched it casually, and felt a piece of jade talisman full of dust, only to see her glance at it a little, and then directly handed it to An Li.

"This is ... Inheritance?

An Li realized that this thing must preach the jade butterfly, but he didn't expect it to be placed next to the statue so casually, and even let him ignore it.

But equally, it can also be seen how bad the situation of the Northern Qingtian Thunder Sect was at the beginning.

"This preaching jade butterfly will be kept by you, after all, you promised Senior Wu."

"Good." An Li didn't say anything, and directly loaded the jade butterfly.

Next, the two searched around the hall, but did not find anything useful, there were many broken weapons, but after so many years, they had basically become waste, and the hall was depressed.

Leaving the main hall, the two walked towards the back of the hall.

There are practice areas, sermon areas, and even alchemy areas, but like the main hall, they are basically dilapidated, and further inside, it is the accommodation area of each disciple, and unlike the living area similar to the outer disciples when An Li came in before, this place is obviously more elegant and quiet.

After some searching, An Li successfully found his target.

A simple jade talisman was placed in a very special room, this house, full of bones, full of blood stains that would not dissipate for many years, was obviously Wu Yiyao's room.

Picking up the jade talisman, An Li's heart moved.

This thing....

Xiao Qing on the side was strange: "What's wrong?" "

It's okay." An Li shook his head, and the hand holding the jade talisman became a little heavier.

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