
was a dead silence in the field, and everyone was stunned to see the scene in front of them.

The two sons of the Shu family were completely stunned at this time, they knew that An Li was very strong, so they specially brought a master of the refining period to come, originally to prepare for emergencies, but they never expected that powerful as refining gods, but at this moment, they were beaten by An Li and became fish meat under the knife.


this happened so quickly that the sneers on the faces of the two sons of the Shu family had not completely ended.

"Now, can you make up the money you owe me?" An

Li narrowed her eyes and hooked her finger towards Shu Tingyue, such an action made Shu Tingyue almost collapse to the ground, her legs were soft, and she didn't even know how to respond.

Looking at the bald head lying at An Li's feet and not daring to make the slightest move, Shu Tingyue was messy.

This is simply an ancient ferocious beast!"

"It seems that you seem to be planning to pay the bill?" Seeing that Shu Tingyue did not respond, An Li shook his head slightly, and seemed to have some regret: "I am a person, the least favorite thing is the person who pays the bill, since he didn't bring money, then..." Before An Li finished speaking, Shu Tingyue

felt a tingling in his scalp.

He miscalculated An Li's strength, he thought that he would be able to repay today's grudge now, but he didn't expect that it was three people who came to deliver a box lunch together, at this time, seeing that An Li's words were not finished, Shu Tingyue hurriedly said: "Mr. An, Senior An, I brought money, I have money, I can give it to you now." "

Oh?" An Li suddenly smiled, as if changing his face.

Shu Tingyue stiffened, he understood what An Li meant, there was no second word at this time, he began to transfer money on the spot, and in a short time, the remaining 220 billion funds instantly entered An Li's account, this money was no longer his private deposit, but the Shu family's account funds, and he did not hesitate to transfer it to An Li at this time.

"Senior, the money owed to you has been transferred to you, do you think we can leave?" asked Shu Tingyue swallowing her saliva.


Li smiled: "I said before that 300 billion can temporarily spare your life, but now this little money is not enough." "

You..." Shu Tingyue was stunned, and then furious, but thinking of An Li's strange strength, he could only grit his teeth at the moment: "So what do you say?"

He and An Li met for the second time today, but as the saying goes, once born and twice ripe, and they are quite familiar with An Li's routine, this person does not seem to pay special attention to spirit stones, but he is particularly interested in real wealth, although he feels aggrieved, but he can only grit his teeth and resist.

There is no way, if you don't resist, you have to carry it, although I don't know how An Li defeated the bald head, but what is certain is that it is not a problem to be able to defeat the bald head so easily and want to kill the two brothers.

But seeing An Li seemed to think for a while:

"220 billion, even if you made up for my previous prudent loss fee, according to the agreement, I can indeed temporarily spare your life, but that is only limited to last time, this time, don't you think you have to pay something?"

Shu Tingyue immediately noticed and prepared to transfer money as she spoke.

"No, no, no, last time it was three hundred billion, but this time there is one more second prince, and there is also a magical master of your Shu family, no matter what, three thousand one is obviously not enough. An Li shook his head to interrupt Shu Tingyue's movements, and at this time showed a philistine smile:

"This time, I don't want more, just one trillion." Rao

is that Shu Tingyue knew that An Li was greedy for money, but he didn't expect An Li to open his mouth so widely, as for Shu Wangyue, who had never interjected before, he couldn't help but frown at this time:"

Your Excellency doesn't think that you can defeat a master in the early stage of refining the god period, you can be unscrupulous, you must know that the background of my Hezhou Shu family, but not just a cultivator in the early stage of refining god, today this is planted by my Shu family, but I also advise you to stay on the line. An

Li snorted and laughed, and his eyes gradually became cold: "Coveting women, even not hesitating to hurt people, tracking all the way, and even seriously injuring all the guards, when doing this, have you ever thought about being a person and leaving a line?"

The two sons of the Shu family suddenly turned pale, and Shu Tingyue broke out in cold sweat.

An Li snorted coldly again:

"Now, in order to seek revenge, you two did not hesitate to bring a master of the refining period to come, wanting to kill me on the spot, bullying men and women like this, when you did this, have you ever thought about leaving a line as a person?"

"In this way, it will only backfire!" The

words fell, a killing intent suddenly burst out from An Li's body, the smile on his face had completely converged at this moment, and the whole person was cold and ruthless, as if as long as the two of them said a little nothing, he would mercilessly suppress the three on the spot.

An Li may have been like this before, but when he saw the slap print on Yu Lan's face, the so-called leaving a line of being a person was deleted from An Li's dictionary, in fact, if it weren't for some use value in these two people, An Li wouldn't even have talked with them so much.

"We are the Hezhou Shu family, if you are... Belch...... Ah!" Shu Wangyue seemed to want to say something, but before the words were finished, a scream came out of his mouth.

Because, An Li had already walked in front of him and stepped on one of his legs.


"If the Shu family is so noisy, then I don't think I need to let you have a way to live.

These words made the two sons of the Shu family finally sober up.

They are not qualified to negotiate.

After a long silence, Shu Wangyue spoke: "We don't have so much money, the 300 billion given to you today not only emptied all my deposits, but also the large amount of funds of the family that I brought with me have been passively used, and we are now... At most, 500 billion can be made up..."


Li's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect that this Shu family really had a lot of money.

However, such thoughts naturally did not show, An Li seemed to think for a while and then shook his head: "There are three of you, and only five hundred billion words are obviously not enough." "

So be it!" An

Li seemed to have thought of something, showed a smile, and looked at the two sons of the Shu family: "You choose to die alone, fifty million for the sake of the second dealing, I will accept it temporarily, what do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the three people present instantly changed.

Among the three people

, only one can be left! The bald head of the refining period who was sealed by An Li was even more vigilant in an instant, both of them here are the sister-in-law of the Shu family, and although he is the guard of the Shu family, he can only be regarded as a person of the same level as the guest secretary who is tempted by the spirit stone, how to choose the children of the Shu family, the answer is obvious.

Indeed, the two sons of the Shu family hardly had any hesitation, and they both chose to kill the bald head of the refining period.

"It seems that your choice has been decided.

An Li smiled slightly, kept his promise, and after receiving 500 billion, he directly let go of the two sons of the Shu family, and when the two left, An Li looked at the bald head:

"Just abandoned like this, what do you think?"

"The world is bustling, all for profit, today my skills are inferior, if I want to kill, I have to listen to the honor, if I want to humiliate, I don't have to go down." "The bald head looks like he can see through the red dust, and although his face is like dust, the words he says are all iron.

But An Li smiled: "Who said I want to kill you?" The bald

head was suddenly stunned, couldn't help frowning, and instantly thought clearly about An Li's thoughts: "You want to kill the two sons of the Shu family with my hand?"

The bald head frowned slightly:

"Although the decision of the two of them is understandable, but abandoning me like an ant..."

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