The moment he felt the aura, An Li's figure moved quickly, rushing quickly in the direction where the aura came from, and soon came to another bustling street.

As soon as he arrived here, An Li's brows furrowed for a while.

On this street, there is a huge pothole, next to many overturned cars lying on the road, many people are screaming and desperately running away, this is the human instinct to survive. An Li swept around, and his gaze quickly fell on the two figures not far from the pit.

Those were two cultivators.

A man and a woman, the man has a hooked nose, narrow eyes, extremely cold, and the woman is as beautiful as a flower, but with fierceness in his eyes, at this time both sides are on guard against the person on the other side:

"Tian Jiafei, the father killer back then, let me count

it today, today you will definitely die!" "Hmph, who should I be, it turns out to be you this little grasshopper, I could kill your master at the beginning, today I can still kill you, don't you think that the old man is afraid of you?"

"After your deed, I worked hard to cultivate, passed several life and death entrances, and today I will kill you here and solve my long-cherished wish for many years!"

But at this moment, a voice with fear, but particularly firm, came:

"Stop, don't move, police!" Looking

sideways, he saw Lu Chao, who had just eaten raw fried buns with An Li, at this moment he was raising his pistol and shouting at the two cultivators, his face was not half bloody, but those eyes, but at the moment, he was a police officer, even if he was an intern, but after putting on his uniform, he still had to unswervingly adhere to his duties.

But it's a pity that an ordinary person, even a police officer with a gun, is just an ordinary person after all.

The two cultivators both frowned slightly, but did not pay attention to Lu Chao's meaning, the woman turned to look at Lu Chao, especially after seeing the pistol in Lu Chao's hand, her eyes were full of gloom: "Today is my personal vendetta, I don't want to kill, idle people and others don't interfere, otherwise the sword will be eyeless, but I can't blame me."

The man didn't speak, but he glanced at Lu Chao, and his eyes were shining.

"If you have any problems, you can negotiate in private to solve them, this is the jurisdiction under my jurisdiction, and I am here, so I will not allow you to do anything evil!" Lu Chao swallowed, his tone still firm.

"Now, you put down your weapons and stop attacking immediately!" In

the eyes of normal people, there is naturally no problem, but in the eyes of these two cultivators, it is as if they have heard a big joke, and disdain flashed in their eyes, and the man among them was even more coldly playful: "Little fellow, I don't like people pointing guns at me, I advise you to put the gun away now, and then go home and hide, otherwise, you will die."

Lu Chao was obviously a little nervous, but the uniform on his body at this time made him still firm: "Two, I know that you are very people, but I must know that even if you have the power that I can't understand, but if you want to make trouble in this busy neighborhood, I still don't want to let the slightest, I have already informed the bureau, the two of you still have a chance to leave now, otherwise when my companion comes, you won't have a chance to leave!"

"It's really noisy

!" the woman snorted coldly: "I want revenge today, the immortals are coming, and they can't do it, since you want to find death, then I will give you a ride!" After

the words, the woman flicked her sleeves, and the not so strong aura instantly rushed straight towards Lu Chao's face.

For cultivators, this trick is nothing.

But for ordinary people, it is already fatal.

Lu Chao obviously felt the danger, his face turned pale, and the index finger that had already been placed on the trigger did not hesitate to choose to pull it, and the gun suddenly sounded.

But obviously, the power of an ordinary pistol is actually not too much of a threat to cultivators.

The woman didn't even move, just a little side, and accurately dodged Lu Chao's attack, but Lu Chao's shooting had obviously angered the woman, and she finally no longer hesitated, and the spiritual energy in her hand rushed out, with the threat of destroying the world and the earth, towards Lu Chao.

Facing this blow, Lu Chao turned pale, but he couldn't do anything.

For Lu Chao's fear, the woman didn't even look at it, and after the blow was thrown, she didn't even look at Lu Chao more, because in her opinion, this ordinary person like an ant was already a dead person at the moment and did not deserve any attention from her.

But at this moment, the imaginary sound of Lu Chao being killed did not appear.


woman sensed that something was wrong, turned her head to look, and saw that in front of Lu Chao, I don't know when there was still a young man standing, handsome in appearance, with a dusty breath on his body, and even more with aura fluctuations that he couldn't understand.

In the face of his own blow, the young man did not even move, but took the blow generously, but he was still unharmed.


woman's eyes tightened, although this move she just hit casually, but with the strength of her refining period, it was easy to kill an ordinary person with one blow, even if it was a cultivator, it was impossible to completely ignore his own attack, but he never expected that he would be so accepted by this young man.

"An Li?" Lu

Chao was also shocked, looking at the person in front of him, his heart was full of horror.

His old classmate is so strong?

"Is it okay?" An Li turned his head to look at Lu Chao and asked, and when he was sure that Lu Chao was indeed okay, An Li finally looked at the woman: "Your Excellency is so blind and hurts people indiscriminately, do you know that there is a circular truth in the way of heaven

?"Before the woman spoke, the eagle hook nose had already laughed, looking at An Li like a fool: "This little brother is still alive in ancient times, this day has changed, where is there any royal law, my generation of cultivators, originally arbitrary, let it be, could it be that the elders of your division didn't even teach you this?" Although

the woman had a big feud with the eagle hook nose, she even nodded at this moment, obviously agreeing with his words.

Seeing this scene, An Li sighed in his heart.

This is what the monks really think in the face of ordinary people, they will not care about the life and death of ordinary people, because in their eyes, these ordinary people themselves are ants that can be pinched to death with a finger.

Even they themselves don't know they're doing it wrong.

This is probably not just an isolated case, but a consensus in the minds of many practitioners.

"There may really be no royal law before.

An Li shook his head, a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and looked at the two:

"But now, there is!"

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