After the college entrance examination

, it is a time of leisure and relaxation for many people who participate in the college entrance examination.

But for An Li, the busy days have officially begun.

He first went to register an investment company, and since he traveled back and knew the future direction, of course, it was impossible to waste this opportunity. For those commercial giants that will grow up in the future, An Li has always been based on the idea that if he can be his own boss, he can be his own boss, and if he can't be his boss, then at least he should invest in shares.

Opening an investment company is not so simple, the procedure is actually very cumbersome, but fortunately, with Xie Lin's help, it also saves An Li a lot of things.

After getting the investment company, An Li began to set his sights on Koryo.

To be precise, it's aiming for the future of the super game - Dungeon & Fighter!

Dungeons & Warriors!

The establishment of the investment company is to get a piece of the huge market in the future, and he wants to include some excellent enterprises in the future into his own sector. But in terms of games, An Li has never thought of buying shares, and this super profiteering must be firmly grasped in his own hands.

"NEOPLE, a well-known game company in Korea, officially announced that they are stepping up to create a new game, and President Park of NEOPLE's leader said that this will become a game of the century."

"According to the grapevine, NEOPLE will target the well-known game Ghost Swordsman."

"At present, NEOPLE has sent a special person to negotiate, it is reported that before that, NEOPLE has begun to improve "Ghost Swordsman", he will appear with a new look, tentatively named Dungeon & Fighter."


at the dazzling reports in front of him, An Li understood that the trip to Goryeo was inevitable, and the sooner the better!

Dungeons and Warriors This game, which was first made up by a few Goryeo youths themselves, has continuously added some new things on the basis of the original, and it is also a little famous in the game industry of Koryo. After that, the game was valued by NEOPLE, and it was acquired, and after rectification, it was completely turned into an online game.

But in fact, the popularity of this game in Korea can only be regarded as niche, even after the acquisition of NEOPLE, the popularity is not too high.

What really makes "Dungeons and Warriors" hot is next year's DNF agency battle.

That agency dispute, which was initially raging, mainly involved in two objects, one is the grand game that is now the leading boss of the game industry, and the other is the Tencent game that will dominate the wallets of countless elementary school students in the future.

Shanda took the lead in bidding, 50 million RMB, which was actually a sky-high price at that time.

But no one expected that Tencent, which has deep pockets, directly offered 100 million yuan and won the agency right of DNF in one fell swoop, which became the focus of countless game people at that time.

Not to be outdone, Shanda gave up fighting a price war and instead launched Plan B, which is Tencent's favorite route.

That's high imitation!

Unfortunately, the leading boss of Shanda was already doomed to failure when he went to the road of high imitation, with the base of QQ200 million users and a series of means of some planning ghosts, DNF rode the dust and completely left the ghost blowing lamp of Shanda imitation far behind.

In the end, it was also with this game that Goose Factory completely moved towards the throne of the first game throne kingdom.

Tencent has proved with facts that the games that cannot be bought, I will imitate them, and if the games that cannot be imitated, I will scrap you, as for you want to imitate me?

You will die without a place to die!

Of course, these are all afterwords.

Today's Dungeons and Warriors, and even the name of "Dungeon & Fighter" has not yet been officially determined, although some people in the Korean media have begun to report it, but the exposure is not too high, and I am afraid that it has not even won the original authorization.

This is Quercus's chance!

He wants to quickly win the game before Goose Factory and Shanda have reacted, and even what he values is not just the agency, but the ownership of the entire game!

He, to rob with NEOPLE!

Quzhou does not have an international direct flight to Seoul, so An Li can't leave on the same day, so he can only go to Modu first, and then transfer from Modu to Seoul.

However, before that, An Li has one more important thing.


One is a game that can make a lot of money in the future, a character who can create countless wealth, which is more important than the other, but for An Li, Huangshan is obviously ranked ahead of dungeons and warriors.

If nothing else, even if you get the dungeon and the warrior yourself, someone will always be responsible, right?

The latter is a good choice, although he is not from a professional background, but his enthusiasm for the game industry has always been high, and during this time, he has always looked at the various versions of the Haiyan legend An Li, this is a passionate technical talent, and it is very reassuring to hand over DNF to him An Li.

But advantages, naturally there will be disadvantages.

Hou Ze is too addicted to making the game more perfect, he is an indispensable technical talent, but after all, opening a game company is not opening a good hall, An Li aims at this piece to make money, in this regard, Hou Ze really has no potential.

Therefore, a fierce person like Huangshan is in the target column of An Que.

This is the person who can do everything to empty your wallet, and crucially, he is still the kind of person who makes you empty your wallet and cheer it out!

With the cooperation of these two people, An Li is confident that he can create this game.

As for Pinduoduo, which will win the second place in online shopping in the future, it is not in Anque's plan for the time being, the success of many things is inseparable from talent and funds, and the same is inseparable from the times, now even if An Li makes a Pinduoduo, whether it can reach the level of later generations, to be honest, An Li is not sure.

In that case, why not take advantage of the wild growth of the online game market?

Anyway, the person is in his own hands, can Pinduoduo still run away?

After getting the ticket, An Li went to the hospital first, Qi Wei's state was better, and the people were a lot more cheerful, and this girl had a good relationship with several small nurses in the hospital, it seemed that she didn't need to worry about anything in a short time.

It is worth saying that Qi Wei's attitude towards An Li is also obviously much better, which can be regarded as a small stage victory.

Leaving the hospital, An Li went straight to the office.

As soon as I arrived at the door of the office, I heard two people arguing inside:

"I said it all, your game should not be so high, you think you are doing an official genuine game, so much about the player's experience, sooner or later you will enter the game, identity recognition is the most important." This is the voice of Huangshan.

Not to be outdone, Hou Ze: "If there is no player experience, who wants to play our games."

"Yes, you are right, the player's game experience is very important, but you look at what you do, you are already almost better than the official, you can't see you, don't you?"

Hou Ze said coldly: "The boss said, I don't have to worry about this, just use all my ideas on the game." "

Hey, I said..." Huangshan was not happy.

"You have nothing to say." Hou Ze said a word:

"What does our game have to do with you?"

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