"This... How strong is

it?" "It's terrible, it seems that we really seriously underestimate An Li's strength, how many are there?"

"Thirty-two!" "——!

" " still in the conference room of the Governor's Mansion, or those big people who can cause shocking waves by stomping their feet in Xia Guo, but at this moment, these big people, one by one, can hold an egg, all of them are stunned and gasping for air.

No way, it's too shocking.

Overnight, An Li did what he said, and actually eliminated all the cultivators of the Demon Capital.

Overnight, An Li defeated thirty-two extremely evil cultivators.

These people, without exception, were all sealed by An Li to the power of the Dantian Qi Sea, and then thrown aside at will like garbage, and then waited for the soldiers to bring them back, there were no leaks in the middle, and everyone was immediately detained in a separately reinforced cell.

It's unimaginable.

Who would have thought that An Li would really do what he said.

No one expected that the speed of Quercus would be so fast.

Clean and neat, without any mud and water, saying that to eliminate the demon capital is to eliminate the demon capital, such a decisiveness, such a sharp method, people have to marvel.

"How long has it been?"

a big man in a high position, looking at the report sent by his subordinates at this time, his eyes were a little moist, and his face had a complicated smile: "How long has it been, how long have I been waiting for this scene, even I don't remember myself, but I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I would really be able to see this scene appear."

"Yes..." the

others also sighed, and their thoughts were full of thoughts.

Judge the practitioner.

It's not that no one has said this before, but in fact it can't be done at all. In fact, it is not this time that cultivators have committed crimes, in fact, in the past few decades, there have been occasional cases of cultivators committing crimes, but they are relatively rare.

But without exception, every time a cultivator commits a crime, he turns big things into small things.

It's not that they want to shelter the cultivator, but there is really no way to take what the cultivator does, even if it is who did it, but still can't make any reaction.

Nothing more, the strength is not enough.

In this civilized society with the rule of law, everything has rules. But in the world of cultivators, all the rules disappeared, and there was only one rule.

This is a world that is truly like a beast, only truly powerful people have the right to speak, and if they do not have strength, even if they are officials, they still have no right to speak, because the other party can easily eliminate everything.

And they can't do it.

Therefore, the cultivators committed crimes, basically all helpless, even this time, the official specially organized a sniper special operation team, specifically targeting cultivators for a series of medium and long-range thermal weapons annihilation missions, but in fact, there was still little effect.

After all, it would be nice to be able to find a cultivator, let alone kill a cultivator.

Moreover, even if they are killed, they cannot make the news public and give the public an explanation.

But this time, when they watched all thirty-two cultivators being thrown into their cells overnight, they finally understood.

These cultivators can also be judged!

These people with extraordinary strength can also accept legal punishment!"

These cultivators are too arbitrary, they have been destroying the balance of this world with their extraordinary strength, and now it is indeed time for them to pay.

"Well done, although there are only thirty-two people, which is nothing compared to the cultivators who have committed crimes in the country, but this is indeed a good sign.

"Cultivator, we really need to counteract. "

In previous years, although we would communicate with the major sects every year and let them control them, if their own disciples really committed a crime, most sects would not pay attention to us, and this was the first time that we had the opportunity to use our own strength to deter cultivators.


everyone's faces were filled with excitement, although this was only thirty-two cultivators, the significance represented in it was enormous.

It was their official, manifesto of rebellion and dissatisfaction against the cultivators of the upper world.

"Since the people have been arrested, let's start the trial as soon as possible, I don't think An Li wants us to delay." "

But there is a question, many of these people have sect or family backgrounds behind them, if it is really a public trial, will it be..." Someone voiced such concerns, which made everyone present frown.

This is something that has to be considered.

It also calmed down many people.

It is indeed very cool to judge cultivators, but if this consequence is too great, they have to think about it, after all, cultivators exist in the form of sects or families, if the judgment is too serious, will the sect and family forces behind them rebound?

"Hasn't Xia Guo always ruled the country according to law?" Just when everyone was silent, An Li's voice sounded, and everyone looked up, and saw An Li, who had been busy all night, slowly walked into the room at this time, grabbed a chair and sat down directly.

After a busy night, he was also tired.

Seeing An Li, everyone's eyes suddenly appeared bright, this is the hope of Xia Guo's future.

"It is natural to rule the country according to law, but the background behind them, we also have to worry about it, if those sect families want to avenge their disciples, it will bring an even more terrible disaster.

"Yes, An Li, although your strength is strong, after all, you are alone, if you let other cultivators surround you, it will be too dangerous for you. "

We need to be cautious when it comes to the whole body."

Everyone spoke, speaking of concerns.

An Li listened to everyone's words without interrupting, and it was not until everyone finished saying all the worries in their hearts that An Li smiled and said: "You don't need to worry, the sect family has never been in my worries, you just need to send the news, and then prepare their incriminating evidence, and set the day of judgment."


The crowd hesitated, they were not at ease.

Those who can come to this position naturally cannot only think about the happy feud for a while, they need to focus on the overall situation, they need to focus on the situation and stability of Xia Guo, if they completely push the official to the opposite side of the cultivator, it is definitely not a good thing for Xia Guo.

"I know what your lords are worried about, and I can understand your concerns, but I hope you understand that this matter should be sooner rather than later, there will be more and more cultivators in the future, the situation will become more and more chaotic, and if you don't set rules now, it will be more difficult in the future.

"That being said, but the risks in this..."

An Li shook his head and smiled confidently:

"Since the cultivators are already respectful of the strong, then what they obey must be the words of the strong, since this is the case, as long as we bring the most powerful sects and forces together, will these problems be solved soon?"

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