"Xia Guoan Oak, come to worship the mountain!"

"Xia Guoan Oak..." One

echo after another echoed throughout the Dongli Hongzong, this voice was not only full of qi, but also mixed with the power of spiritual qi, which instantly spread to all parts of the Dongli Hongzong.

All the disciples were stunned:

"What's going on?"

"Someone worships the mountain? Xia Guoan oak?

"What kind of person is so arrogant that Baishan still has such a big battle?"


the disciples could figure it out, they saw an old man with a goatee appear at this time, his face livid: "The outer disciples will go to the mountain gate with me and kill the invaders!"

"Yes, Elder!"

This is the deacon elder of the Dongli Hongzong, who has jurisdiction over all the outer disciples of the entire sect, and the report of the gatekeeper before was directly rejected by him when he reached his level, but he did not expect that the person outside the door was so rude, and this scene naturally made him unhappy.

Official people, what a big bold!

Although I don't understand why this official person has a cultivator, since the other party is so arrogant, then he must teach the other party a lesson, even if it is not wrong to kill the other party.

In an instant, a large number of outer disciples were grouped, most of them were Innate Realm cultivators who had just started, dense enough for fifty or sixty people, and rushed to the mountain gate at this moment.

But when everyone arrived, they were stunned again.

At the position of the mountain gate, there were one sect disciple after another, these were the cultivators responsible for guarding the mountain gate, but they didn't expect that they had all stopped, the only thing to be thankful for was that these people were still alive, but they all fell into a coma.

What's going on?

The deacon elder raised his eyebrows, looked towards the position in the center of the mountain gate square, and saw An Li waiting for it, and the whole person was standing there, without half a fluctuation of aura, but it gave people a dangerous feeling.

This person, not simple!

Coming to this conclusion, the deacon elder frowned slightly:

"Who are you?"

"Xia Guoan Oak." An Li replied flatly, also looking at the group of people in front of him with interest, but he couldn't help but shake his head a little in his heart.

This Dongli Hongzong is also the most powerful sect force around the Demon Capital, but now it seems that this group of people are actually clear innate realm cultivators, it seems that they are really not enough, even if they ask their own deacon elders, their cultivation is only in the middle of Qi training, and there is nothing special.

It seems that the Dongli Hongzong is still a little worse than a place like Taoyuan.

Fortunately, An Li's idea Xiao Qing didn't know, otherwise I was afraid that my face would be dark, their Taoyuan Holy Land can be regarded as a top holy place, in the entire Xia Kingdom cultivation world, they can be regarded as one of the top forces, the Dongli Hongzong in front of them is not bad in the magic capital and even in Jiangnan, but it is only a first-class sect, and there is still a big gap compared to the holy land, how can it be compared to the dignified Taoyuan?

Xia Guoan oak?

The deacon elder naturally didn't know An Li's thoughts, and at this time he frowned slightly and thought to himself, and then looked at the disciple who fell to the ground on the side, and said sharply: "Forcibly breaking into my Dongli Hongzong Mountain Gate, Your Excellency is really bold, don't you want to declare war with my Dongli Hongzong?"

"Of course not, I didn't declare war this time."

"Hmph, if it is not a declaration of war, it is a help-seeker, Your Excellency's actions are not like the posture of a helper, breaking into my sect and injuring my disciples, Your Excellency should be ready to die, right?" The deacon elder shouted angrily, and then did not wait for An Li to answer, and waved his hand directly:


He didn't even bother to listen to An Li's explanation, from the moment he broke into the mountain gate and injured his disciples, he was doomed to become an enemy of the Eastern Fence Hongzong, no matter what, he had to leave it behind today.

With an order, a group of outer disciples quickly used a formation that they had practiced countless times but basically did not use.

This formation obviously had some doorways, and at this time, a subset of thirty-eight outer disciples were formed, and a monstrous force suddenly appeared, sharp and unstoppable.

"This formation is somewhat interesting."

"But..." "

You guys are too weak!"

In the face of such a threat, An Li shook his head slightly, his face was flat, and the moment the word just came out, An Li's whole person went straight to the formation and killed, without dragging mud and water at all.

When the disciples saw this scene, they were all stunned.

This kid, isn't it Shi Lezhi?

Such a large array, such a strong charge?

How did they know that An Li came this time, itself to make a name for the official fame, at this time naturally did not want to be verbose, rushed into the formation, this group of Dongli Hongzong disciples immediately understood.

The person in front of him is not Shi Lezhi, but a real fierce.

Fierce enough to defy their formation!

But seeing An Li rushing into the formation, the whole person immediately opened up, punching a small friend, kicking an old cultivator, in this formation of thirty-six people, there was no enemy at all, as for the powerful prestige condensed by the formation, it seemed that there was no existence in front of An Li.

Just ignore it!

Three minutes later, there were fifty or sixty more unconscious people on the Shanmen Square.

The deacon elder was not unconscious, but at this time he was also frightened and colorless, and his face was full of fear: "What kind of person are you, such a strong intruder, do you really intend to become an enemy of my Dongli Hongzong?"

"I can't tell you anything, you better lie down with them!"

An Li shook his head and punched out, and the deacon elder wanted to block it, but before he could move, the whole person was directly knocked out on the spot.

After doing this, An Que did not go deeper, but shouted again:

"Xia Guo An Que, come to worship the mountain!"


"Who is this?"

"Didn't you say that the deacon elders of the outer groups went, why hasn't it been solved yet?"

"Did they lose?"

"How is it possible, although all the outer disciples are Innate Realm masters who have just entered the cultivation world, but there are fifty or sixty people, and the deacon elder is a master in the middle stage of Qi training, how can he lose so quickly?"


inner disciples inside were stunned one by one, and the entire sect of the Dongli Hongzong exploded at the first time.

At the same time, at this moment, in a secret room in the backyard of the Dongli Hongzong, Lu Dongyuan, who was planning to cultivate the impact realm, couldn't help but frown for a while, and pushed open the door: "What's going on?" "

Sect Master!"

The disciple outside the door immediately bowed and saluted, and then replied: "It seems that someone broke into the mountain gate, I heard that it was the official representative of the Xia Kingdom, and let people report it before, but according to your instructions, it has been rejected by the deacon elder, but I didn't expect that person to break into the mountain gate by force."

"Official people?" Lu Dongyuan raised his eyebrows slightly, wondering in his heart that this official had been weak for many years, and there had never been a cultivator, when did someone appear to be so arrogant.

But for a moment, he was no longer curious, now is a good time to impact the realm, he has been waiting for a long time, naturally he does not want to think about it at the moment, and waved his hand at the moment:

"The three elders led a team of inner disciples to kill it, and then I will finish it when I get out."


The disciple led the order, Lu Dongyuan shook his head, returned to the secret room again, carefully took out the pill in his arms, and licked his lips.

Success or failure is a matter of today.

If he succeeds, he will take that step and enter the Ruins Realm, and the Eastern Fence Hongzong will also completely step into the ranks of the Holy Land, and if he reaches the peak realm again, the future Dongli Hong Sect may even be able to rank alongside a transcendent existence like the Taoyuan Holy Land.

But just as he was watching the pill obsessed, a shout came again:

"Xia Guoan Oak, come to worship the mountain!"


Rao has been practicing for many years, and he already has a good temper, but at this time, Lu Dongyuan still couldn't help but get angry, and he didn't go out at the moment, and directly shouted outside: "Great Elder, lead his own disciples to kill the enemy, so as to set the record straight!" "

Now, it's always okay, right?

Lu Dongyuan hummed, the Great Elder is also a master of the God Refining Period, although it is only in the middle stage, it should not be a problem to suppress ordinary enemies.

Thinking of this, Lu Dongyuan took out the pill again, sat down cross-kneeled, and adjusted his state to the best.

Next, it's time to punch!

Picking up the elixir, Lu Dongyuan opened his mouth, this elixir can smash down a lot of spirit stones, it is very precious.

But just as the elixir was handed to his lips, a loud voice came again:

"Xia Guoan Que, come to worship the mountain!"


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