Old man Xiao's words were like Huang Lu's bell, shocking.

Xiao He Linyan and the two looked at each other and both lowered their heads.

Indeed, what the father said was also to wake up the two of them, the first rule of the Xiao family's ancestral training is not to interfere with the development of mortals, and even in the ancestral training, if there is a catastrophe, the Xiao family also needs to come forward to help mortals.

Cultivators should be in awe of everything, even mortals.

But after a long time, it seems that many cultivators are used to being high, and even become fluttering, they begin to forget their identity, and even privately feel that they are no longer human, and even they feel that they are the upper race.

At this moment, Old Master Xiao's words made them sober up.

"Father reminded."

The husband and wife bowed to Xiao Li together, and Xiao He couldn't help but say:

"This official practice, from here, is indeed very beneficial, allowing cultivators to be calm and calm, and at the same time, even if it curbs the cultivators' use of force to forbid things during this time."

"But..." "

The official to do this, after all, it is too risky, these people have backgrounds, just kill in public, almost in front of everyone, step on the faces of these sect families, this is a mortal feud, may make the situation more complicated, in this way, the official may be difficult to survive this calamity."

"Your analysis makes sense." Xiao Li nodded, but then looked at the TV and laughed: "But I always feel that the person called An Li is very interesting, since they do this, there must be a reason for doing this, I am also very curious." "

Quercus?" Xiao He was stunned and turned to look at the TV.

In the screen, An Li is still sitting in the corner of the trial hall, his face is without sorrow or joy, and the whole person seems to be in his chest, as if everything is under control, even if it is across the screen, it can make people confident.

This young man is special.

"People inside, give me death!"

At this moment, an angry shout spread to the trial hall, through the microphone broadcast inside, it was clearly transmitted from the TV, and it was obvious from the camera that the reporters inside were obviously startled, but strangely, the judges inside were still plain.

When it was An Li, he slowly got up at this time, smiled slightly at the presiding judge, and then turned around and left.

What is he going to do?

Must be going outside!

Everyone was very curious, but fortunately, the TV broadcasters also understood what everyone wanted to see, and as An Li left, the picture was immediately switched to outside the door of the Cultivators Association, and it could be clearly seen that a group of men covered in black were standing at the door at this time, although they could not feel the coercion, but they could still feel the urgency of the situation.

"This is ... People from the Demon Yuan Sect!

"They actually came, it seems that Mi Yuanliang before is probably really dead."

"There are so many people coming, the sect master is here, this old demon has the strength of the peak of the Transformation God, and all those who come with him are the elite of the Demon Yuan Sect."

"Now there's a good show."

In front of the TV, many cultivators recognized the people outside for the first time.

They turned out to be the sect behind the first cultivator judged by the Cultivator Association, although many people had long guessed that the Cultivator Association would inevitably be retaliated, but they did not expect this retaliation to come so quickly, and no one expected that the person who came was so strong.

This is a first-class sect!

"Who are you, name me." At this moment, An Li's voice came, he had already come to stand in front of the Cultivator Association, strangely, even in the face of the strong man of the Demon Yuan Sect, his face was still extremely calm, and he did not look half afraid at all.

"Our Demon Yuan Sect's elder Mi Yuanliang, the soul lamp has been extinguished, you killed it?" The Sect Master of the Demon Abyss Sect looked at An Li coldly and asked.

Really dead!

Everyone was keenly aware of it, and their hearts became more and more shocked.

"It turned out to be someone from the Demon Yuan Sect." An Li nodded: "Yes, Mi Yuanliang has just been sentenced to death, and executed on the spot, are you here to collect the corpse, you can go to the window next to it to register, just abide by the order." "


An Li's words made many people in front of the TV stunned.

Is this kid so crazy?

Even the sect master of the Demon Yuan Sect was stunned for a while at this time, and then laughed angrily: "Okay, good, the official dog, the courage is really big enough, even the people of my Demon Yuan Sect dare to kill, don't you know, the people of my Demon Yuan Sect, not everyone can move?"

"So, you're not here to collect the corpse, but to make trouble?" An Que raised his eyebrows.


the Sect Master of the Demon Yuan Sect sneered: "In that case, then you shit cultivator association can also disappear from today onwards, and those who dare to move my Demon Yuan Sect will let all of you be buried today!" After

speaking, the Sect Master of the Demon Yuan Sect made a casual move.

Suddenly, a person jumped out of the side, it was the five elders of the Demon Yuan Sect, whose cultivation had reached the realm of refining gods, and the moment he walked out at this moment, he directly rushed towards An Li's face gate.

They are no longer going to waste saliva, they plan to kill this kid An Li and sacrifice him to the flag.


"Although this person has only just stepped into the realm of refining gods, the exercises of the Demon Yuan Sect are extremely special and full of lethality, even if they are only a strong person in the early stage of refining gods, their actual combat power is comparable to the middle stage of refining gods."

In the Xiao family's old mansion, Lin Yan frowned for the first time.


But at the moment when the words fell, I saw a figure flash, a young man walked out, standing in front of An Li, with a bit of purple qi in his eyes, facing this fifth elder of the Demon Yuan Sect at this moment, the young man didn't say a word, and casually punched out.

In the TV, I can't feel any fluctuations in cultivation, and naturally I can't see this person's strength.

But the strange thing is that with a punch, the whole person of the five elders flew out in an instant, so fast that even the camera was a little unable to capture, but it was only for a split second, the five elders flew out and collapsed to the ground, the whole person had a little burned scars, collapsed on the ground and couldn't even move.

"This person is so strong!"

This is the feeling in everyone's hearts, but the strange thing is that no one knows such a strong person.

But fortunately, although everyone did not know this person, this person had already introduced himself:

"Cultivator Association Law Enforcement Team, Qin Feng."

This person, none other than the original Xia Kingdom's first war god, Qin Feng!

Some people recognized his identity, naturally exclaimed, but more people couldn't help but frown, this cultivator association, there are really cultivators, but I don't know where they went to recruit cultivators.

"Interesting!" The Sect Master of the Demon Yuan Sect frowned slightly, and after looking at Qin Feng for a long time, he narrowed his eyes with a bit of coldness: "A cultivator in the Qi Cultivation Period, it is really surprising that you can hurt the five elders of my sect, your cultivator association!" "


When these words came out, everyone gasped.

A cultivator in the refining period, can he defeat a cultivator of the Refining God Realm with one blow?

How is this possible?

"But unfortunately, ants are ants after all, although I don't know what means you used, but across a big realm, you may be able to win by chance, but this time, you can't win again."

The Sect Master of the Demon Abyss Sect spoke coldly.

At the same time, another figure beside him walked out, this time it was the second elder of the Demon Yuan Sect, a strong man in the middle stage of refining gods, although he had not made a move, no one doubted his strength, after all, his strength was even more terrifying than the previous Mi Yuanliang.

This is one of the top masters of the Demon Yuan Sect.

The second elder came out at this time, looked at An Li, and then at Qin Feng, licked his lips and smiled: "I smelled delicious breath on you, your flesh and blood, it must be delicious!" Saying

that, the second elder suddenly rushed forward, his body turned into an afterimage, and bombarded towards Qin Feng's face.

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows, and the whole person punched like before, and at this moment, he burst out blatantly.

"In front of me, the same move is used twice, young man, you are looking for death." The sneering voice of the second elder came, and in an instant, he appeared in front of Qin Feng, and suddenly pulled it out towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's heart jumped, and he dodged to the side at the first time, although he avoided the point, he was still injured.

A strong person in the middle stage of refining gods is not so easy to deal with.

"You're too slow!"

Just as Qin Feng had just gained his footing, the second elder had already appeared at Qin Feng's side again.

Qin Feng hurriedly dodged again.

"Slow down!"

"You're slow!"

Unexpectedly, these two elders seemed to have an extremely powerful body technique, no matter how Qin Feng dodged, but he could only dodge the point, the second elder was like a tarsal maggot, no matter how Qin Feng dodged, he could never dodge the slightest, and could only watch as the injuries on his body became more and more.

Three minutes later, Qin Feng's body was already covered with injuries, and his whole person was even more wet into a bloody person.

"Boring, since you don't have any other means."

"Then, please die!"

The second elder appeared again, shook his head and said, and then his figure disappeared again, and in the next second, he appeared directly in front of Qin Feng, with a palm with a monstrous black glow on it, and directly covered Qin Feng's Heavenly Spirit Cover position.

There was no doubt that with this blow, Qin Feng would definitely die.

But at this moment, Qin Feng suddenly sneered: "Old thing, really think that your grandfather and I will use this means?"

Qin Feng's words made the second elder's heart jump.

And at this moment, the second elder suddenly heard his sect master's exclamation: "Second elder, be careful above!" "


The second elder's heart tightened, looked up, and suddenly saw a scene that made him unforgettable for the rest of his life, only to see that I don't know when, a terrifying thunder power had condensed above his head, and at this moment, at the moment he looked, he slashed straight down!


The second elder was so frightened that the souls of the revenants appeared, and the insidious demon cultivation was the most feared was the power of thunder, which had its own suppression effect.

At the moment, facing this move, he only had one feeling.

Yourself, you can't escape!

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