Advertising is very brainwashing, if you want to rank a position, it can almost be compared with the old platinum that is not accepted every spring, this kind of advertising that has almost no artistic cells, but is particularly brainwashed, directly occupies an extremely important position in everyone's minds at the first time it appears.

Moreover, this ad is still very long.

It was played back and forth for a full three minutes.

Wait for the three-minute advertisement to end, and then watch TV, but see that the camera has cut back to the trial hall, An Li is still sitting in the previous position, just looking at the changed clothes on him, many people understand what happened just now.

While understanding, everyone was shocked.

"This person is so strong!"

"A strong person who refines the Great Consummation of God can defeat it with just one punch?"

"Who the hell is this person and how can he be so strong?"

At this moment, everyone could no longer ignore An Li's existence, originally when An Li introduced himself before, he said that his identity was the president of the Cultivator Association, and more people at that time just regarded An Li as a joke.

But who would have thought that this small character that they did not put in their eyes would have such terrifying strength.

This...... Who is it exactly?

"Grandpa, if it were you, would you be able to defeat that person with one punch?"

Jinling Xiao's family, Xiao Dong looked at his grandfather with doubts.

His parents, Xiao He, did not speak, because they were already shocked and speechless, but they also looked at the old man of the Xiao family.

"It's not a problem to beat that little guy with one punch." What relieved the two was that Xiao Lichou gave an answer after thinking seriously for a while, but this tone was not completely relaxed, but he heard Xiao Lichou say again: "However, I need to use my aura, and if I don't use reiki like this President An, I can't do it." "


"Dad, you mean that An Que just now didn't use Reiki?" Xiao He's face was full of shock, he hadn't even noticed this before.

Lin Yan was also frightened at the moment: "Think about it carefully, although I am watching the live broadcast on TV, there really does not seem to be any sign of passive use of aura, that President An just now is completely using the power of the flesh, what kind of monster is he?"

"There is a sky outside the sky, there are people outside the people, the world of cultivators, this sentence could not be more appropriate."

Xiao Li shook his head:

"When you feel that you are really invincible, it means that your vision is narrow, and you are just a frog at the bottom of the well after all."

"If I'm not mistaken, this Chairman An should be a physical cultivator."

"Physical cultivation, isn't this already gone, only in legends?" Xiao He asked.

"It's gone, but maybe it's just that we haven't seen it." Xiao Li shook his head and sighed.

"That... To what extent would he be able to defeat the cultivator of the Great Consummation of God with one punch?

"I don't know."

"You don't even know your father?"

"The vein of refining the body has disappeared for many years, since the pre-Qin refining qi warriors, the physical cultivation has begun to weaken, but in the rumors, the physical cultivation is actually more powerful in many cases, they only need to rely on the power of the physical body, they can reach the same realm invincible, and many physical cultivation, and even able to cultivate the spiritual qi method."

"This... Physical cultivation is so powerful?

"Of course not, if the physical cultivation wants to become stronger, the effort required is also several times that of ordinary people, the difficulty is greater, and the slightest mistake will kill the body, more importantly, the powerful physical cultivation, if you want to achieve this level, you must need extremely powerful body refining methods, ordinary people even if they find the door to physical cultivation, they cannot have such a terrifying prestige."

Speaking of this, Xiao Li paused slightly:

"This young man, I can't see through."


"The Immortal Body is really powerful."

To what extent the discussion about himself in the outside world had reached, An Li did not know, at the moment he was looking at the system interface in front of him in a daze.

Cooperating with the official and becoming the president of the Cultivator Association brought An Li an extremely intuitive benefit.

That's money!

After all, in this world, if you want to say that the richest person is not a capitalist, but a state. An Li became the president of the Cultivator Association, and it was just a matter of saying that he wanted any resources, and the official did not have any restrictions at all in this regard, and it could even be said that he was fully supportive.

Under such circumstances, An Que naturally would not be polite, and a large amount of funds was directly withdrawn and handed over to An Li.

In this regard, the official is not stingy.

Of course, there is also a layer of reasons, which are related to the system of Quercus.

Because all the value of this life wealth spent by An Que on the system is ultimately used in the form of donations, and even most of them are involved in various undertakings in Xia Guo, such a huge donation directly reduces a lot of pressure on the country, and even when many disasters occur, An Que donates even more money than the official support.

In this way, the official pressure is less, and there is naturally more spare money.

An Li said hello, and the official directly spared no effort to help.

In this way, it has also created the strength of Anque today, showing explosive growth. The most obvious of these is An Li's physical refining strength.

The Immortal Body is divided into three realms.




The first realm of immortality can allow An Que to truly become immortal in the flesh, invulnerable to swords and guns, almost no one in the same level can harm An Que in the slightest, even if it is several levels higher, it can not cause any fatal damage to An Que, and similarly, An Que's attack power also increases with the increase of defense power.

An Li had invested a lot of money in this realm before, but it was still not enough.

But with the help of the official, An Li directly raised the immortal realm to great consummation, and even directly broke through to the immortal realm.

Even, directly rose to the middle of the immortal realm.

This is the power of the state apparatus, and in terms of wealth, as long as the official is willing to help, Anque can easily obtain a level that many capitalists cannot even touch in their lifetimes.

From the moment he stepped into the immortal realm, An Li's life form had already undergone a transformation.

The most intuitive thing is that his aging rate has slowed down.

If immortality is just the immortality of the physical body, then the immortal realm is really immortal, which is no longer just a strengthening of the defense level, but directly reaches the improvement of the life level, although it has not reached the specific numerical quantification, but An Li can feel it.

The level of his current mid-immortal realm can basically live for at least a thousand years!

A thousand-year-old youkai?

An Li doesn't know, but in addition to the aging rate is constantly slowing down, An Li's injury healing speed is also accelerating, many injuries, he will even recover quickly in a very short time, normal people need to lie in bed for a month of injuries, but for An Li, it only takes a few hours and a few minutes.

As for some injuries that are not serious, they are directly healed in the blink of an eye.

Such a change will transform into an attack that is naturally unimaginable.

An Li speculated that just with the power of the flesh, An Li had already reached the realm of returning to the ruins.

Facing a great consummation of refining gods?

That's not a one-punch thing?

Even if one punch is not enough, what about two?

Today's An Que has really reached the level of being invincible with the power of his physical body.

If it weren't for the fear that the domestic economy would be pulled down by himself, An Li even planned to directly rely on the power of the official to directly impact the undefeated realm in one breath.

However, after thinking about it, An Li still didn't do it.

This matter is not in a hurry.

After all, the further he got, the more wealth he needed, and in this case, he could even drag down the entire Xia Kingdom alone.

This situation is not what An Li wants.

But the good thing.

In the middle of the Immortal Realm, that's enough!

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