"This eighth lot is a Spring and Autumn Jade Cicada, obtained from an ancient ruin, on which there are complex runes carved on it, hidden extraordinary, my elders of the Shentu family have carefully looked at it and determined that this jade cicada should have a big secret in it, but it cannot be cracked."

"Starting price, one thousand spirit stones."

The eighth lot appeared, and Shen Tuyue continued to start her not too professional introduction.

In the past, this kind of lot is most susceptible to the attention of leakage enthusiasts, after all, the cultivation world has thousands of years of history, there are always some things that people can't understand left, many people participate in the auction like these things, although the probability is useless waste, but the small probability can also hit the big luck, so usually as long as the price is not too high, people like to buy it back to study.

But this time, after Shen Tuyue's words fell, the gaze left on the Spring and Autumn Jade Cicada was rare, on the contrary, many people looked at the Tianzi No. 3 box.

Everyone's eyes were on the sky lantern at the window.

Since the beginning of the light, the sky lantern has not been extinguished.

They wondered if this box three really didn't care about anything.

Sure enough, as if in order to give everyone a response, I saw that on the side of box three, there was a shout from the small house: "Tianzi No. 3, light the sky lantern." Everyone

: "Sure enough, it is again!" "

By now, many people have begun to numb their hearts.

After all, from the first lot to the eighth now, Tianzi No. 3 is a mystery for everyone, and it has not been extinguished from the moment the sky lantern was lit, no matter what appears, in the end, Tianzi No. 3 has only one answer.

Light the sky lantern!

This is simply a sky lantern maniac, an outrageous sky lantern lover, a look of wealth and money that is not bad at all, and even makes the atmosphere of the entire auction dignified.

Above everyone's heads, there seemed to be a shadow hanging overhead.

Because, as long as the No. 3 box keeps lighting the sky lantern, tonight's auction has nothing to do with them, no matter what the auction is, as long as it is pushed out, it will be lit by the sky lantern for the first time by the No. 3 box, and everyone present seems to have become a foil at this moment.

"Do the math, the third box has spent more than two million so far, right?"

"Gee, this is two hundred top-grade spirit stones, even if they have mines at home, they don't dare to squander them like this, right?"

"What kind of immortal figure is this?"

Everyone, without exception, was full of curiosity about Box Three.

Throw a thousand dollars, and the skills are shocking.

This is what everyone yearns for, but the problem is that this thing is just a thought for many people, and even some great sect families dare not squander it so unrestrainedly. But Box No. 3 didn't seem to feel anything about this, as if it had endless spirit stones, and it didn't even bother to stop.

It's outrageous!

"Congratulations to Tianzi Box No. 3 for obtaining this auction with 10,000 spirit stones."

A moment later, Shen Tuyue opened his mouth a little mechanically, saying congratulations in his mouth, but there was no congratulatory look on his face at all, because of An Li's existence, he directly pulled the closing degree of this auction to purgatory mode, and there was no ornamentation at all.

After all, An Li's attitude is too clear.

You can bid as much as you want.

Anyway, in the end it's all mine.

The sky lantern hanging in the window of the No. 3 box of Tianzi was like a shadow shrouded in everyone's hearts, as if as long as he was there, with that sky lantern, it was impossible for everyone present to take half of the items from the auction today, and even those who were carrying it, even the people who asked for the price began to lack interest.

This is not a good thing for the Shen Tu family of the auction organizer.

After all, I originally thought that lighting the sky lantern would definitely be able to speculate the price to a new height in the end, but who would have thought that at the beginning, many things were indeed speculated to a sky-high price, but as An Li lit the sky lantern again and again, the price of the lot slowly flattened, even more than the usual auction price.

But on the other hand, although the Shen Tu family was not happy, they could only admit it, after all, the rules were laid out here, and they couldn't fault anything at all.

"Next, the ninth lot, which is also the last lot of this auction."

Retracting his gaze, Shen Tuyue shook his head and spoke directly.

At this moment, the people at the scene are not calm.

What's going on here?

How long has the auction been over since then?

Although the number of lots is not fixed every time the auction starts, but in general, there are less than twenty lots, who would have thought that today's auction would end so quickly, and unknowingly, everyone actually came to the thigh of box three as a pendant and foil.

But soon, everyone understood something.

Because, the children of the Shen Tu family have already pushed the announced lot to appear.

But after one appears, the other follows.

Not long after, there were more than ten objects on this auction table, and as the red cloth was lifted, I heard Shen Tuyue speak: "This last lot is all the things on the scene, after the decision of my Shen Tu family, everything is packaged and auctioned this time, the highest price will win, and the winning bidder will get all the lots on the field." "

All packaged for auction?"

An Li raised his eyebrows slightly, and then shook his head and smiled: "Interesting!" "

This is obvious, the people of the Shen Tu family can't hold their breath, instead of pushing up one by one to be An Li for a second, they can't accuse An Li, but they don't want to suffer losses just like that, so they simply made such a miscellaneous gift package out, it is estimated that they also want to make a big deal.

After all, in the general auction of objects, the average person thinks about whether they can use it themselves.

Once it is available, it will participate in the auction.

In this way, because of the sky lantern effect of An Que, the competition will basically not be too fierce, after all, even if it is a cultivation exercise, it must be combined with whether your cultivation mental method matches, and whether your body and cultivation habits can accept it, which leads to many lots that are basically asked by a few people.

With An Oak as a spoiler, many people are not even interested in asking for a price.

But such a big bag is obviously different.

If you want something in a big bag, okay, you can buy everything.

This was obviously unfair, and many people at the scene had resentment on their faces, but this resentment quickly disappeared.

No way, who calls people the organizers?

There are really a lot of things in this big bag, including a cultivation secret book, a piece of bamboo that I don't know where it came from, and some miscellaneous things, which contain many aspects, and even in this, An Li also saw a spirit weapon.

As soon as this thing appeared, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.


This is a horcrux!

Obviously, if it was just an appetizer before, then this last lot is a serious super bomb.

One carelessly, this small Tianyuan Town, I am afraid that it will have to explode without a trace.

In fact, it is.

When Shen Tuyue said that the auction began, a large number of cultivators immediately poured into the scene to participate in the auction, and the price was pushed up all the way.

The little man was terrified when he saw it.

It was so terrifying that even the Shentu family was forced by An Li to change its form.

To An Li, looking at the scene in front of him, the corners of his mouth hooked an arc:

"It's too slow to add a thousand spirit stones at a time, help me hang a price, five million spirit stones to start, save everyone to waste time."

The atmosphere has almost been mobilized by now.

Then, it's the blockbuster moment.

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