The scene fell into death-like silence at this moment.

Everyone in Xia Country only felt a burst of happiness at this time, but in the same way, there were more or less people with concerns in their hearts:

"It is indeed very refreshing to say that everyone in the audience is autistic, but after all, we are in a foreign country, in other people's territory, so offending everyone, wouldn't it be good?"

"Hey, in fact, if I want to say, if I offend, I will be offended, so can such a group of sticks still want us to kneel and lick?"

"That's right, Mu Le's brother did a beautiful job!"

"Well, it's not that simple, even if the debate wins, but then we will be here as exchange students."


for the Goryeo side, they were all like eating a dead fly at this time, wanting to refute but not knowing how to refute it.

"Shameless, shameless speech!"

Finally, the old man with white hair couldn't help but scold angrily at this time, looking at An Li's eyes were about to spew fire, he had already lost in the defense, naturally he would not find himself bored, and said:

"I already knew that your Xia Guo life has a sharp tooth, and now when I see it, I won't tell you about those useless, just talk about Li Bai, this is originally our Goryeo, do you still want to reverse black and white here?"


An Li smiled disdainfully: "You said that Shixian Li Bai is your Gaoli, what is the basis?"

"Hmph, if there is no evidence, you and I will not be able to make it up?" The white-haired old man was obviously prepared, and when he heard this, he immediately took out a jade bracelet from his arms:

"This is my evidence!"

An Li raised his eyebrows slightly, did not speak, but saw the white-haired old man raise the jade bracelet in his hand, his gaze swept over the audience, especially looked at the place where the students of Xia Country were, and then continued: "Li

Bai is a Goryeo person, it is not a secret in itself, during the early years of the Xia Kingdom and Tang, the Tang King of the Xia Kingdom once invaded Goryeo, at that time Goryeo was heavy on culture and light on martial arts, and thought of the stability and peace of the domestic people, so he repeatedly retreated, but did not want to be shameless The Tang King was not only not satisfied with Goryeo's admission of defeat, He even kidnapped a large number of my Goryeo soldiers and wanted to return them to the imperial capital of the Tang Kingdom.

"In this regard, my King of Goryeo argued reasonably, and the King of Tang was pressured to finally release all these prisoners again, but at that time, many of our soldiers had already entered the territory of the Tang Kingdom, even if the King of Tang released them, but the road was far away, and no one dared to be sure whether the villain of the King of Tang would change his mind, and some of them did not return to Goryeo in the end, but walked all the way west to Broken Leaf City."

"Among the Goryeo soldiers who stayed in Broken Leaf City, there was Li Bai's father, who made his home in Broken Leaf City, married a local woman, and gave birth to Li Bai."

"And this bracelet is the token of love that Li Bai's father gave to that woman in Broken Leaf City!"

These words were reasonable, the breath was smooth and swore, and only the eyes of An Li and the students of the First Middle School Xia Kingdom were about to pop out.


Bragging is not tax, really awesome!

"So, Li Bai, it is us Goryeo people, but I can't blame you, after all, it is your ancestors who are shameless, and it is normal for you to be deceived by them." The white-haired old man looked confident.

"Sir, your last name?" An Li asked.

"Me?" Seeing this, the white-haired old man couldn't help but straighten his chest and raise his head: "My name is Kim Bingdeok!"


Li nodded, but added: "When it comes to not being faceless, no one in the world can be Mr. Jin!"


Jin Bingde suddenly became angry, but when he was about to speak, he saw that An Li had already felt a jade pendant from his arms, and the workmanship was ordinary, and he looked like a street stall: "Speaking of evidence, in fact, I also have it."

"Hmph!" Jin Bingde snorted coldly: "Ignorant child, Hugh wants sexual mouth!" "

Isn't it better to talk than Mr. Jin to listen to me?" An Li smiled, raised the jade pendant in his hand in a learned manner, looked around, and then said: "

Actually, what I want to say is not to argue whether Li Bai is a Goryeo person, but to say another thing."

"In my opinion, Goryeo has been an inseparable piece of land in the Xia Kingdom from the beginning!"


In a word, shocking!

People just want your historical celebrities, but you directly want people's countries?

"Nonsense, what the hell is this damn kid going to do?"

"What does he want to do, what does he want to do?"

"Oh my God, is this Xia Country man crazy, he actually said that our grand Goryeo is the territory of their Xia Kingdom, is he trying to instigate the relationship between our two countries?"


an instant, the audience was in an uproar, countless Goryeo people had already broken their mouths and cursed, while several Xia Guo people were looking at An Li with a dull face at this time, even Pei Hong, their faces were full of shock at this moment.

It's crazy!

But in the face of many denunciations, An Li did not seem to be flustered at all, but smiled slightly: "Look, I know that everyone will not believe it, so I think it is necessary for me to popularize science with you here."

"As early as the Western Han Dynasty, your country was actually a county of our Xia Kingdom. In the second year of Yuan Feng, that is, in 109 BC, Emperor Wudi of Han sent troops to occupy your land and established four counties, namely: Lelang Commandery, Xuanji Commandery, Zhenfan Commandery, and Lintun Commandery. The location of these four counties can still be seen on the ancient map, and you should be able to see that these four counties include the whole of Goryeo.

"You say, are you an inseparable piece of land in the Xia Kingdom?"

The audience naturally all denounced, but An Li did not stop talking, and continued: "After that, there are many historical records, and let me tell you one by one."

"During the Tang Dynasty, Goryeo was a capital governor of our Xia Kingdom."

"During the Song Liaojin period, you also submitted to Song Liaojin successively."

"During the Yuan Dynasty, you were a province of the Yuan Dynasty."

"During the Ming Dynasty, you were also a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty."

"During the Qing Dynasty, you were still a vassal state of the Qing Dynasty."

"It can be seen from this that in fact, you Goryeo have been our vassal country from the beginning, and you are an inseparable piece of our Xia Kingdom."

"As for the evidence, this jade pendant in my hand is actually evidence, this is your King of Goryeo back then... No, the governor of your Goryeo Province sent an envoy to supply the Tang king's pendant, which is evidence that your Goryeo was from the Xia Kingdom from the beginning.

"So, Li Bai, if you want it, then take it, after all..."

As soon as these words came out, the scene was silent.

That Jin Bingde even more angrily spat out a mouthful of old blood, pointing at An Li: "You... You...... You..." You

couldn't say a word for a long time.

Finally, he rolled his eyes and fainted directly.

Oak, victory!

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