"Up and up, the mob brushed!"

"Nanny pay attention to lift the blood strip, DPS face, face attention!"

"Is it okay to work professionally? You are working, not watching the excitement, let me see your DPS!

"Good stuff, good stuff!"


the arena, countless shouts came, and it turned out that no matter which country it was, it was equal in front of the game. An Li's gaze swept, in front of dozens of computers, there was no empty seat, all sitting players, and even a few were still lining up at the back, as for the games played, "World of Warcraft" was in the first place, and some players were playing "Lineage 3" and "StarCraft" and the like.

An Li stepped into it, most people did not care about the man who had just come in, but focused on the game process in their computer, which saved An Li a lot of trouble.

Walking around the arena room, An Li finally saw a corner that was completely different from the liveliness of the arena.

These are a few young people who are equally focused on the computer in front of them, but unlike the others, this group of young people is improving the game. However, the interest of this group of young people at this time did not seem to be high.

Seeing these people, An Li smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

"Tetsuhide, how are you doing over there, is the bug solved?"

"Still trying, a little patient!"

"It's actually just an innocuous little bug, what's the point of us working so hard to fix it, anyway, the game will be NEOPLE immediately, is it still meaningful to fix it now?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

Even the young man who was trying to fix the bug was frozen in his hand at this time, and the small team that was already not very interested, the atmosphere became more and more depressed at this time.

For a long time, the man called Tetsuhide pursed his lips:

"No matter what, this is our hard work, this is like our children, from the game mechanics, to the game backgrounds of each character, to the modeling of the characters, this is all created after our efforts, I think fixing bugs, it makes sense at any time."

"But it won't be long before we don't even have the power to fix bugs for this game." Doubts were raised.

"At least, she's still in our hands." Tetsuhide glared fiercely at his companion who spoke, and said in a stunned voice: "This is our three-year hard work, have you forgotten our original intention, just give the game out with both hands, but it is still so easy."

The partner was immediately unhappy: "Hey, Li Zhexiu, are you crazy, what are you doing with me?"


Li Zhexiu snorted angrily, still unable to relieve his anger, but at this time he was powerless to change anything, even though there were a thousand words, it finally turned into a long sigh: "I hope, NEOPLE can treat our hard work kindly!"

"Tetsuhide, in fact, you don't have to be so pessimistic."

Someone said with relief: "I don't deny that we originally wanted to make a game we liked, but in fact we can make money with this game, that's enough, now the global game is constantly evolving, both the graphics and game mechanics have improved by leaps and bounds, our game can be sold is actually a good thing, maybe it can bloom in the hands of NEOPLE."

Several other people also persuaded:

"Yes, NEOPLE is a professional game company after all, and it must have more vision than a few of us."

"We're just amateurs after all, and being able to sell money now means we can use that as a springboard to develop a more professional game."

"NEOPLE also said that they will use Ghost Swordsman as the main product, and they have even started to promote it, which proves that they will treat this game well."


comforted, Li Zhexiu sighed silently for a while: "Although I know that what you said is right, in my heart, I still feel reluctant..." Li Zhexiu

is the main producer of this game called "Ghost Swordsman".

Since he was a child, he has a different kind of attachment to games, but unlike the neighborhood children, others like to play games, but he likes to make games, and after coming to university, he has more time to study this area, and eventually he pulled up a small team to start the production of the game "Ghost Swordsman".

And they succeeded.

From the game plot script, to the standing drawing modeling, to the code writing and running tests, all of this is done independently, although this is not excellent for today's hot games, and even has many drawbacks, but when this game is announced on the forum, and more and more players download and play, and give a variety of suggestions, Li Zhexiu experienced an unprecedented sense of achievement.

And now, this game that brought him joy is about to be sold.

The price is actually very reasonable for a few young people, 170 million won, about 1 million yuan, after all, just using the spare time to create a game can sell for such a high price, it is indeed beyond everyone's expectations.

But Li Zhexiu still felt reluctant.

After all, they signed a carte-blanche sale, that is, from the moment they received the money, they no longer even had the right to authorship, and the later operation and maintenance and so on had nothing to do with them.

It's like a child who has worked hard to pull up with a handful of, and one day he sells it like this, although he has obtained financial satisfaction, but mentally it is still inevitable to be reluctant and unwilling.

Glancing at several people around him, Li Zhexiu wanted to speak several times, but in the end he could only close his mouth.

He understood that these partners would not agree not to sell.

"Perhaps, when the game is sold, the team should be disbanded, after all, their own philosophy is not the same as theirs." Li Zhexiu said bitterly in his heart, shook his head, stood up, he didn't want to stay in this boring place anymore, he wanted to go out to breathe.

Perhaps, selling the game is also a good thing, at least you can buy your own computer equipment, and even get yourself an independent studio.

His gaze subconsciously swept across the arena, and the appearance of World of Warcraft completely led the trend.

"I hope that in the future, I will also be able to create a game comparable to World of Warcraft!" Li Zhexiu muttered, but just as he was about to withdraw his gaze, his gaze couldn't help but stay on a computer monitor.

There, a classmate was playing a game he had built.

When the game first appeared, it was a sensation in Capital University for a while, but it was quickly thrown into the corner and no one cared about it, and no one played the game here for a long time.

Couldn't help it, Li Zhexiu leaned over.

But in the next second, Li Zhexiu was stunned.

I saw that the classmate who was playing the game, after playing for a while, suddenly switched a window interface, and when he looked ahead, he actually entered the background of the game and fixed some bugs of the game, so fast and professional that even the game maker was surprised.

At this moment, the classmate seemed to notice himself, turned around and smiled slightly:

"Your game is quite interesting, but there are many problems, don't you want to solve some problems?"

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